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Rebuilding (open)

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Rebuilding (open) Empty Rebuilding (open)

Post by Bachi Hyuokin Sun Apr 26, 2009 4:46 pm

Bachi walked through the streets, looking at all the empty faces from the recent tradgedy. He could'nt help a tear from sliping down his cheek as he looked at widowed wives and orphaned children. He watched as many people were trying to rebuild homes and shops and other buildings. He walked around and asked if anyone needed help. He began to pick up the debris from many homes. While digging through some rubble he founds a stuffed small bear. he picked it up and looked at it all the while wondering if the child who once held it had died. More tears he thought to himself. Tears won't help rebuild this village. A young girl was crying near by so Bachi went to check on her. He inspected her to see if she was injured. "Here why don't you have this?" he said smiling to make the girl feel at least a small amount of comfort. He handed her the bear he had found and she smiled. He stood up and began to walk away once more. "I should have done something....but...I wasnt time it will be different." He hung his head as he patroled the streets once more.
Bachi Hyuokin
Bachi Hyuokin

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Rebuilding (open) Empty Re: Rebuilding (open)

Post by Lee Sun Apr 26, 2009 5:43 pm

"I should have done something....but...I wasnt time it will be different."

Sanosuke had been out for a light check around the village, seeing faces of fear and discomfort. Even before the attack, he would find a lot of happy faces as he walked past. This was different. There were none. He gave smiles of encouragement to those he saw as he patroled the village streets, and most would gave him back a fake smile. Some would just remain scowling. There were few houses that were still intact, and even then, some of the people who lived in those houses were dead. He had failed, not even killing off one of the Akatsuki members.

Sanosuke already had something in mind to solve this problem, though. He was forming an anti-Akatsuki, the sole purpose of the organization being to destroy the Akatsuki. It was growing, but at a slow rate. He had to bring as many high-level ninja as he could to this organization, or else it would fail.

As he turned a corner on his village streets, he saw a familiar young face from a distance. "Bachi..?" Sanosuke whispered. The young chuunin seemed to have been patroling the village streets, just as he was. This man really was concerned for his village. He liked that in a shinobi. Sanosuke walked quickly over to the figure with his head down, to make sure it was the same man he had met in the bar. As he got closer, it revealed to be Bachi, the same ninja he met in the bar.

"Hey Bachi, what are you doing strolling around right now? You should go to your family.. Are they okay?


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Rebuilding (open) Empty Re: Rebuilding (open)

Post by Bachi Hyuokin Sun Apr 26, 2009 5:57 pm

He lifted his head a slight ways as he heard footsteps coming towards him. He heard the Kazekage speaking to him. He was asking why Bachi was patrolling and not with his family. Oh yes he thought, he doesnt know much about me. "Lord Kazekage," he said with a bow "I have no family to see too at this time. My mother and father have both passed and I have no children or a wife." He looked at his feet and smiled. "I guess you could say that the villagers are the only family I have right now." He wiped a stray tear from his cheek. "I failed them...I failed my family and I won't ever fail them again." He looked at the Kazekage and smiled "When next I see the akatsuki, I will have become strong enough to kill them with my own power." He stoped himself and suddenly became puzzled. "Wait my lord, why are you out here with no personel protection? And is your family alright sir? I have not checked on the Mansion quite yet. Should I call you a few jounin to stand gaurd near by? I would feel much better if you were with some sort of protection."
Bachi Hyuokin
Bachi Hyuokin

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Rebuilding (open) Empty Re: Rebuilding (open)

Post by Lee Sun Apr 26, 2009 7:32 pm

Sanosuke laughed a bit. It was a laugh that he hated to use, because everytime he laughed that way, he could feel himself getting older and older. It was one of those.. wise, all-knowing, silent laughs.

"We have more in commen then you think, boy," Sanosuke said, trying to sound young again. His parents were both killed at a young age, but Sanosuke couldn't blame anyone else. It was his fault. His fault meaning, he had literally killed them. He couldn't control the demon inside of him, his 'rage'. "But anyways, I don't need protection. There's only one person in this village who I think could put up a fight against me, and I think we're on clean terms. My office is being watched, you have no need to worry about it." Sanosuke said. He could view his office from here, through some beat up homes. He glanced at it, seeing that it was okay, then looked back at Bachi.

"I think our village is safe for now. The only thing we need to worry about is rebuilding our village." Sanosuke then put his hand on Bachi's shoulder. "And, about that Akatsuki thing. I want to help you become strong, so we can do that, together. Whenever you feel like training, come by my office. I see lot's of potential in you, boy." Sanosuke gave a reassuring smile to Bachi, then walked passed him, checking on the villagers as he walked by.


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Rebuilding (open) Empty Re: Rebuilding (open)

Post by Hikari Sun Apr 26, 2009 7:42 pm

Kari walked along the streets, making sure nobody was seriously injured when she noticed Bachi and Kazekage. She took a deep breath, cause she really wanted to punch him for making her leave. She walked over, and made a punching movement towards the Kazekage.
Meanwhile, Ishikawa tried to think. So, these Akastuki have hit 3 villages, Kumogakure, Sunagakure, and I think they may have already hit, either Kirigakure or Iwagakure, so the only place they wouldn't have hit, would be Konohagakure. He got up, and looked for the Kazekage. He jumped down, and seen Kari going to punch him.

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Post by Chitona Sun Apr 26, 2009 7:45 pm

Naijunai walked into Sunagakure. He was amazed at what had happened. "Wow, a party without me.", he said. He was looking around on a building, when he noticed his sister, going to hit Sanosuke, the Kazekage. He pulled out his fan, ran up to Kari, and put the fan in front of her. "Hey, Kari, guess who, little sister." he wouldn't let her punch the Kazekage.

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Rebuilding (open) Empty Re: Rebuilding (open)

Post by Lee Sun Apr 26, 2009 7:49 pm

(OOC: I'll pretend like I didn't notice that . ^^)


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Rebuilding (open) Empty Re: Rebuilding (open)

Post by Hikari Sun Apr 26, 2009 7:50 pm

occ~ That's her adittude, she doesn't like to be pulled out of battle......

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Rebuilding (open) Empty Re: Rebuilding (open)

Post by Lee Sun Apr 26, 2009 7:55 pm

(OOC: I know, you have good reason for being mad. I just didn't want you to die, and I was just letting you know that I'm out of this topic now.)


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Rebuilding (open) Empty Re: Rebuilding (open)

Post by Hikari Sun Apr 26, 2009 7:56 pm

occ you don't need to leave, I''ll make her leave.

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Rebuilding (open) Empty Re: Rebuilding (open)

Post by Bachi Hyuokin Sun Apr 26, 2009 9:10 pm

He smiled widley at the Kazekage "Sir anytime you are available I am ready to train!" He was shocked that the Kazekage was showing interest in his ability. His smile quickly faded as he rubed the tattoo on his right arm "I need to train so I can control this power. by the time I am jounin I will have mastered it to where I wont be crippled when I use it." He then thought back to who may be a match for the Kazekage and he could only think of the jinchuriki.

"My lord I will be at your office soon I just...need to continue my patrol for a while then I will meet you there." He smiled once again and bowed. He then turned and began to walk along the stree and saw an old man trying to lift a few heavy things. He ran over to him to help. once the old man was ok he lept on top of the buildings that were still sturdy and began looking around.
Bachi Hyuokin
Bachi Hyuokin

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