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Sasori's Puppets (Human and Otherwise)

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Sasori's Puppets (Human and Otherwise) Empty Sasori's Puppets (Human and Otherwise)

Post by Uchiha Kumori Sat Mar 28, 2009 1:43 pm

Name of Weapon or Item: Sasori

This puppet was once a young man who lived in the River Country, and was killed and turned into a human puppet by Sasori. Sasori now uses this body as his own, like he once did with the human puppets. Through many, many years of modification and customization, Sasori has finally managed to make it almost identical to the body he once had, though he has made a good amount of extra additions that allow him to function as a powerful Shinobi using this puppet alone. It has been outfitted with a large amount of weapons, and on his back, the same scroll holder was constructed, but it is now shaped like a capital T, with two extra scrolls on it as well. The amount of weapons this puppet holds and uses is incredible. There are many, many weapons on him, allowing his puppet to be classed as a Jounin level human puppet. The top two parts of the scroll container on his back contain the ammunition for the water and fire launchers, with the third having the poison gas ready. The fourth one is used to store puppets. The fifth is used to store many Poison Senbon. The sixth is used to store general items, like recipes, douments, intelligence, etc.

Launchers on his palms: Like in the anime, pipes can be extended from Sasori's hands in order to shoot out three different types of ranged weapons. The first is the deadly flamethrower, which has heat so intense that it can burn through rocks, melting them and reducing them to lava. The second is a water cannon, which is much more lethal than it sounds. The cannon's hole can be made smaller, and the amount of water squirted out suddenly becomes much, much more powerful, able to shoot extremely far, far enough to destroy clouds in the sky, and able to cut through rocks. The third is the ability to shoot poison gas out of the cannons. There is enough fire ammunition for two and a half minutes of flaming, with 1 and a half minutes worth of water ammunition, and enough poison for three large gas clouds.

Stinger: There is a large, metal “stinger” put into his stomach, and packed in and wrapped around, it is completely stored. It is able to stab and cut, and has Sasori's poison all over it, meaning that any, even the smallest cut, is lethal. The stinger can also be used to restrain and pull or throw people, or bring Sasori places. It has a maximum range of 30 meters.

Helicopter Blades: On Sasori's back hips are two, multiple bladed contraptions that can be spun and manipulated to slash and break through obstacles, and also easily kill people. They are able to saw through many things, even some metal, making them very dangerous weapons.

Chakra String Box: On the right side of Sasori's upper body is a flap that allows Sasori to spin and send out over 100 different Kugtusu no Jutsu chakra strings, allowing him to manipulate more than 100 puppets at one time to use against an enemy. Also, the less puppets he controls, the quicker the puppets are, as more chakra strings are there to allow the puppet to dodge and attack enemys.

Hidden Poison blades: Hidden inside of Sasori's arms are poisoned swords, which are inside of the lower and upper sections of the arms, which means if one of the arms is taken off, a sword stays in it's place and can still function as a deadly weapon. Also, the blades can be removed, and even extended to a total length of three feet long, and can also be removed from Sasori's arms at will to give Sasori another usable weapon.

This puppet was once, at a time, the body of a young boy who lived in the River Country with his elderly grandmother, who he took care of. He himself was not at all a ninja, but was in peak physical condition, and was considered to be the perfect, new vessel for Sasori to overtake. Sasori killed him in the middle of the night, and dragged his body from his home into his hideout, and began the Hitokugutsu process with him as well, changing into a human puppet, and hopping into that puppet as his new body. Over the years, Sasori modified the puppet greatly, eventually producing the puppet that is used today.


Name of Weapon or Item: Onitama

The Onitama is one of the biggest puppets ever to have existed. It's defenses are top notch, and it's weapon arsenal is even more rich, serving it's purpose fully, and even functioning better than the old, Hiruko puppet. The Onitama defenses include a very sturdy framework, as well as layered surfaces, and metal plates, all held together to present the perfect puppet. The puppet itself is largely made out of stainless steel, Though some parts do not appear this way, as much of the metal is under the wooden “skin”. Some areas do not even have metal, but it is still an effective defensive unit. It has many hidden weapons, and because of it's appearance, many people who see the puppet are convinced it is a demon, rather than a controlled puppet. It is one of the strongest puppets in Sasori's arsenal, and with this puppet, Sasori has managed to create a new image.

The structure of the puppet is very strange. Inside of the puppet, there is a “core”. It is a hollow, with a seat, and Sasori sits in it, and controls the puppet with his strings. This is where most of the weapons are directly controlled. There is one view point in the puppet, and that is at the front. The eyes on the puppet are just decorative. Sasori actually looks out of the mouth, though it is not very obvious. The puppet is shaped like a large sphere, with six, stumpy legs, and a monstrous appearance, markings, paintings, and weapon points all over the puppet. There is a large mouth where multiple weapons can be fired out of, and multiple kinds of weapon systems. It is considered one of, if not the most advanced puppet built in a long time. The viewpoint is from the mouth, which means he still gets a front viewpoint, and there are several view ports where Sasori can look at his surroundings from, including the back, and two on the left and right flanks. Also, there is an opening at the top, like a submarine, that lets Sasori get inside, along with the opening at the mouth.

The puppet is constructed like a sphere, with three main parts. The under part, the middle, and the upper part. The lower part consists of the stumpy legs, and supports the rest of the weighty puppet. It is not really much of a part. The middle and upper parts are the biggest, and have the most weapons. The weapon systems are mostly in the middle.

The puppet's stumpy legs can be shot out from bungy like attachments, allowing the puppet to shoot it and try to hit enemies, or in the more common manner, roll to the side to avoid an attack. The entire middle and upper parts can be detached by the same bungy attachment, only it is a lot more long, able to fling the top part of the sphere puppet almost instantly, and bring it back, and reattach like a children's toy. It also has several blades along a “prime meridian” line along the puppet, and the blades can vibrate, and create a wheel motion, and the puppet will tuck in it's legs, and act like a death wheel, allowing it to either run over enemies, or move extremely fast. There are several more weapon systems in the puppet, making it extremely dangerous.

Mobile Senbon Launcher: There is an “equator” on the puppet, held together by the framework, it presents enough of an opening for this mobile senbon gun. Inside of the core room, a movable senbon launcher, locked to the floor by a rotating, roller coaster like design, all around the puppet, Senbons can be fired out of it en masse, with ammunition scrolls held in various parts of the puppet. It can be fired from the mouth, and around the equator line, and can therefore fire on any enemy on the ground form anywhere, and because of it's leg's structure, it can change the course of fire up or down to hit enemies. There is poison on this weapon.

Hexagonal Sickle Tongues: Inside of the large mouth, there are three tongue like attachments. They are like the springs, again, but are still like tentacles, and can reach about 25 meters. On the ends of them are six sided polygon plates, with poisoned, movable blades on them, acting like fingers. It can shoot out very fast, but can only aim at the front. It is very dangerous, as they can work their way around many defenses, and can be controlled, and are very ballistic and with three of them, the chances of poisoning a foe are very high. Also, they can wrap around an enemy, and drag them into the mouth, either to have Sasori talk to them, or have them killed, or both. The tongues are stored inside of the lower part, so when the shredder goes on, they are not destroyed. They act like lids when they are called back. There is poison on this weapon.

Mouth Shredder: Inside of the mouth, which can close, there is a shredder like mechanism, which can drag any enemy inside, and turn on, completely shredding them to pieces. No defensive jutsu will work this time, as the blades will just cut through the defense, and cut them into pieces, shredding those as well. There is poison present on this weapon.

Spring Legs: The stumpy legs can be used like a spring board, and can be launched, as well as launch the puppet, or more common, roll the puppet gracefully our of a jutsu's way. The puppet's jumping spring legs can be used to initiate the spiked wheel ability.

Spike Wheel: This puppet has an uncanny addition, in that on the “prime meridian” of the puppet, blades can be extended, and vibrated and moved in a way that would move the puppet in a wheeling motion. When airborne, the puppet, can tuck in it's legs, and initiate the blades out of nowhere, and use their motion to wheel around, and go through anything. Using the spike defense, it can stab enemies as well.

Spike Defense: All over the puppet, there are small caps, which can pop open, and extend long, meter long spikes, more like blades, which can either be used as a defense against a physical defense, or while the wheel attack is being used, which can be used to stab enemies. Like all weapons on the puppet, this is poisoned.

Detaching Top: The top part of the puppet, nearly half of the puppet, on the top, can be detached like a children's toy, and extended relatively far. It will usually go and smash the ground with it's top, and can be called up. In addition, if the puppet is knocked over, it can use this to get airborne, and flip over and save itself.

Scorpion Tail: Like on Hiruko, the puppet once used by Sasori, this puppet also has a uppet similar to it, only this tail is a lot bigger, and a lot wider and stronger. It extends from the bottom of the back, and can extend about 25 meters.

This puppet was constructed by Akasuna no Sasori once he had finished perfecting his own puppet body, and now uses it like he once used Hiruko, hiding inside of it and acting like the puppet was himself. Most, smart people could tell that the monster is actually something used by a Shinobi, though they would be unsure of who the puppeteer is. Sasori uses this puppet as armor, and as an incredibly powerful defensive puppet.

Appearance: It is a large sphere shaped puppet, about 25 feet across, and 28 feet in height. It is six, stumpy legs coming out of it, with the legs getting bigger as they leave the puppet. The front of the puppet has a very large mouth, which is obviously puppet, with spikes like a monster like mouth and interlocking teeth, which could bite through anything that comes in. It also has eyes that seem like bead eyes, though they usually flop around in their area. The puppet appears to be made out of word, but really, it has a framework made out of stainless steel, and metal protection underneath the wood. Inside of it's mouth, there is a gate that opens when Sasori needs to get out of the puppet. It also has the same scorpion tail that Hiruko had. Also, the puppet has been painted, and has been painted to look like a deity-like monster.

Last edited by Keiteki Drakun on Sat Mar 28, 2009 7:56 pm; edited 1 time in total
Uchiha Kumori
Uchiha Kumori

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Sasori's Puppets (Human and Otherwise) Empty Re: Sasori's Puppets (Human and Otherwise)

Post by Shin Uchiha Sat Mar 28, 2009 3:18 pm

Approved. Dont overdo your roleplays with these!
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Sasori's Puppets (Human and Otherwise) Empty Re: Sasori's Puppets (Human and Otherwise)

Post by Uchiha Kumori Sat Mar 28, 2009 3:19 pm

Shin Uchiha wrote:Approved. Dont overdo your roleplays with these!

Uchiha Kumori
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Sasori's Puppets (Human and Otherwise) Empty Re: Sasori's Puppets (Human and Otherwise)

Post by Kyouken Uchiha Sat Mar 28, 2009 11:51 pm

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