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Sasori/Human Puppet Jutsu

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Sasori/Human Puppet Jutsu Empty Sasori/Human Puppet Jutsu

Post by Uchiha Kumori Sat Mar 28, 2009 1:41 pm

Name of jutsu: Kugutsu – Puppetry
Rank E-S: C
Range: None
Type of jutsu: Ninjutsu
Clan(Optional): N/A
Element Affinity: N/A

The Kugtusu is a kind of art that began in the Wind Country some time ago. The jutsu involves the ninja sending strings made out of chakra to the desire puppet, and uses the puppet's weapons, and sometimes poison to fight enemies from afar and defeat them using the puppets. The Kugutsu, for less experienced ninja, can usually only control one puppet at a time, but as the ninja gets more skilled at the usage of puppets, they can control more puppets at a time, and use more advanced techniques with them, and in time, can be used in the most unorthodox and effective ways.

Weakness: Obviously, while controlling puppets from afar, the user leaves a weak spot for close combat.

Name of jutsu: Hitokugutsu – Human Puppet
Rank E-S: S
Range: None
Type of jutsu: Ninjutsu
Clan(Optional): N/A
Element Affinity: N/A

The Hitokugutsu method is a kind of puppetry developed exclusively by Akasuna no Sasori, meaning no other ninja can use the technique. Sasori will create a human puppet first by taking the organs out of a defeated enemy, and then they will drain the blood of the body. After it has been cleaned, and the body is preserved, Sasori will then put in the required wooden parts in order to create a puppet out of a still living human being, though they are not in the true sense alive. The body has been mostly preserved, though with weapon modifications, the body may be identified as a human puppet and attacked. However, the puppet acts like a human, and can also use any ability the puppet once used in life, even Kekkei Genkai abilities. The Hitokugutsu allows Sasori to create puppets out of human beings, and because of this ability, he is regarded as the ultimate puppet master, and one of the strongest Shinobi to have existed, and still existing.

Weakness: Even though Sasori can use these human puppets, he must use his own chakra to use the human puppet's abilities, through the human puppet. In addition, like a puppet, they are easier to smash and destroy then a human being.

Fuuinjutsu: Sealing Arts

Name of jutsu: Sennou Sosa – Brainwashing Investigation
Rank E-S: A
Range: None
Type of jutsu: Fuuinjutsu
Clan(Optional): N/A
Element Affinity: N/A

Sennou Sosa is a jutsu that is used by Akasuna no Sasori to place spies in different areas. This jutsu will place a seal on the target's mind, taking away their memories of Sasori, and their allegiance to him, creating the perfect spy to live, and gather information for a pre-determined amount of time. When time is up, the seal will de-activate, and Sasori will immediately get all of the information that the spy had gathered during that time period. After the seal was released, the target will once again regain their memories of Sasori and their alignment to him, and will, usually, be once again loyal to him, unless their allegiance had changed.

Weakness: N/A

Name of jutsu: Tomokensei Natsuin (All Power Seal)
Rank E-S: B
Range: None
Type of jutsu: Fuuinjutsu
Clan(Optional): N/A
Element Affinity: N/A

This is a strange sealing technique that seemed to have been developed by Sasori once he heard of the power of the Eight Inner Gates, and how dangerous it is to a puppet master. Sasori will place his target against a tree, and then use the sealing technique, completely sealing and preventing the afflicted ninja from opening any of the eight inner gates. In addition, it can also severely damage the chakra of the enemy, disallowing them from controlling chakra properly, meaning jutsu above B Rank can no longer be used, as it would require more chakra to use it.

Weakness: The enemy usually has to be restrained or immobile to use this, otherwise they can just move out of the way easily

Name of jutsu: Gogyou Fuuin (Five Elements Seal)
Rank E-S: A
Range: Contact
Type of jutsu: Fuuinjutsu
Clan(Optional): N/A
Element Affinity: N/A

The Gogyou Fuuin is a kind of Sealing Technique used by Orochimaru. While Sasori and Orochimaru were partners in the past, and worked well together, Sasori was able to learn this jutsu. Any seal that is used to seal a Bijuu within a human being to produce a Jinchuuriki is vulnerable to this jutsu. This seal will prevent the chakra of the Tailed Beast from mixing into the Jinchuuriki's own, or allowing the Jinchuuriki to go into any tailed stages. The seal can only be broken by the unsealing jutsu that was developed by Jiraiya to defeat this jutsu, used by Orochimaru. Because of this, only a highly skilled user of Fuuinjutsu can actually defeat this jutsu.

Weakness: Needs to be placed on the seal itself

Name of jutsu: Tadamune Fuuin (Free Will Seal)
Rank E-S: S
Range: Contact
Type of jutsu: Fuuinjutsu
Clan(Optional): N/A
Element Affinity: N/A

This is a jutsu that is used by Akasuna no Sasori to bend somebody to his will. This jutsu will completely seal away the target's free will, making them nothing but a mindless slave to Sasori, until the seal is broken somehow. As long as the seal is active, the afflicted enemy will be completely under Sasori's will, and is forced to do anything he says, without any thought of themselves or others around them, and is completely loyal to Sasori. This means they will attack anybody that Sasori directs them to attack, or follow any order or undertake any mission that is assigned to the target, no matter how suicidal it may be.

A strong enough impact to the head will break the seal.

Name of jutsu: Soshi Fuuin (Element Seal)
Rank E-S: C
Range: Contact
Type of jutsu: Fuuinjutsu
Clan(Optional): N/A
Element Affinity: N/A

This is a simple Fuuinjutsu ability. Using Sealing, the ninja will hold out there palm, and write the seal in ink, and then slam the palm onto their enemy. The seal will prevent the enemy from using nature manipulation, meaning that they cannot form their chakra into a kind of substance, like elements. This seal is not easily broken, and only skilled Seal users are usually able to break this seal.

They are still able to use Shape Manipulation, and it does not negate the ability to use all jutsu, like the basic Rasengan, which only needs the use of Shape Manipulation.

Name of jutsu: Gosacchi Fuuin (Five Senses Seal)
Rank E-S: B
Range: Contact
Type of jutsu: Fuuinjutsu
Clan(Optional): N/A
Element Affinity: N/A

A very useful kind of Fuuinjutsu, this kind of sealing ability allows Sasori to actually seal away the ability for the enemy to use one of the five senses. This can mean that Sasori can severely hamper the enemy's ability to fight, especially making them blind or deaf. However, the sense that is negated is decided once the seal is placed, and only one Gosacchi Fuuin can be present on the enemy at any one time, meaning only one sense can be negated at a time.

As in real life, because one sense is negated, the other senses are hightened in terms of perception and skill, meaning if Sight was taken away, then their hearing would be hightened, and vice versa.

Name of jutsu: Enka Natsuin (Beacon Seal)
Rank E-S: C
Range: Contact
Type of jutsu: Fuuinjutsu
Clan(Optional): N/A
Element Affinity: N/A

This is another simple Sealing Technique that is used by Akasuna no Sasori. The seal can be placed anywhere on the enemy's body, and once it is placed, it will activate. Sasori, as long as the seal is active, will know the location of the ninja that was hit with this sealing technique. Bunshins will not create a diversion, as the seal cannot be copied.

If the seal is found, it is relatively easily removed, though the ninja will need some amount of knowledge about seals.
Uchiha Kumori
Uchiha Kumori

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Sasori/Human Puppet Jutsu Empty Re: Sasori/Human Puppet Jutsu

Post by Shin Uchiha Sat Mar 28, 2009 3:16 pm

Approved unless said otherwise
Shin Uchiha
Shin Uchiha

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Sasori/Human Puppet Jutsu Empty Re: Sasori/Human Puppet Jutsu

Post by Uchiha Kumori Fri Apr 03, 2009 6:38 pm

Name of jutsu: Tekishutsu (Extraction)
Rank E-S: S
Range: None
Type of jutsu: Ninjutsu/Fuuinjutsu
Clan(Optional): N/A
Element Affinity: N/A

This is a jutsu that was developed for Sasori's project. It allows for Sasori to remove a tailed beast from it's host, without killing the host. However, the jutsu requires the sacrifice of a human life, and once a willing sacrifice is brought, when the jutsu is performed, the sacrifice will die. This jutsu will bring out the tailed beast in a weakened state, strained by the unsealing of it. The Tailed Beast is realitvely vulnerable during the time between it's release, and a week. This means that the beast can be attacked, killed, or captured by an enemy force, and taken away. It is a jutsu that is very strong, but it is also risky for those reasons.

Weakness: In description.
Uchiha Kumori
Uchiha Kumori

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Sasori/Human Puppet Jutsu Empty Re: Sasori/Human Puppet Jutsu

Post by Kyo Sat Apr 04, 2009 1:37 pm

I think it needs a weakness for the user. Cause there needs to be some sort of negative effect on Sasori for being able to remove a bijuu.

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Sasori/Human Puppet Jutsu Empty Re: Sasori/Human Puppet Jutsu

Post by Uchiha Kumori Sat Apr 04, 2009 1:38 pm

Ahh I don't need it anymore. There's no reason to have it now, now that I can't turn Bijuu into puppets ;_;
Uchiha Kumori
Uchiha Kumori

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