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Dian's puppets

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Dian's puppets Empty Dian's puppets

Post by aries Wed May 27, 2009 8:41 pm

Picture: (A picture of the puppet. Optional)

Name: Mars

Description: This puppet ia a replica, the body of a young boy who lived in the Lightning Country with his elderly grandmother, who he took care of. He himself was not at all a ninja, he was a medic, and was considered to be the perfect, new vessel for Dian to copy. Over the years, Dian modified the puppet greatly, eventually producing the puppet that is used today. It has the ability to explode and recconnect at given will. It is made up of pure metal and can withstand heat up to 5000 degrees.

Abilities: Fighting, Defense

Left Hand: Fires out Kunai like a machine gun. (50)

Right Hand: A 3m blade that extends from his and that has poison on the tip This poison doesnt react until (2) post has passed. After that the poison start to eat away at the flesh and opponent becomes sluggish after (5) post the opponent will pass out due to the overexposure of damaged cells.

Mouth: Small Sharp Metal for teeth, strong enough to bite off an arm. Also contains a flamethrower that spews out 10 meters.

Finger Tips:Fires out poison dipped senbon through it's finger tip through his right hand.It first enters the blood stream . It is not felt until two post later and it last 5 post(Poison causes fatigue)(25)

Forearms:With both hands together Kaze can form a sheild with his forearms to block kunai and D-Rank Taijutsu and E-Rank ninjutsu

Name: Venus

Description: This puppet, was modeled after his mother. After his mother died, he never did create a puppet of her. She is completly fire proof and has the ability to explode and recconect at given will. He found spar time, as he traveled. This puppet is basically a ninja, but made of wood metal and a human spine. Wears a Black dress, under it's black cloak with a hood. He ceated this puppet special so that all joints were connected by his chakra.

Abbilities: trapping, fighting

Left Elbow: Blows out a dark black cloud of smoke use for attempts to escape or catch an enemy off guard with an supprise attack.

Right Elbow: Shoots out a thin fishnet rope to capture an oppoonent (10)

Mouth: Shoots out senbon with poison tips.(20)(causes the opponent to become sluggish and more likely to be hit by other attacks) This poison heads straight for the ammune system. It last 3 post and start as soon as opponent is hit

Full Body: Can extract small spikes from within her body. (3in Can beprojectile)

Limbs: Can extend all limbs out 10 extra meters. Reason-(This puppet joints are all connected by chakra. this enables her to extand bady parts.)

Name: Sumi

Description: Sumi has red hair and resembles that of a women. She has a long face and a sharp pointy nose. Her ears are also pointy and he has three eyes. Being 6ft tall she wears a white robe similar that of the five genin set, with a long hood reaching all the way down her back. She is naked underneath and wears wrappings on his feet.


The core: Magnets mixed with chakra that circulate in her system that retracts and attracts metal

The Outer Body: Can release an invisible and sensceless gaseous fume from her body that is highly flammable

Back: A windmill shuriken on her back which she can throw

Mouth: A vacuum that can suck particles from the air and absorb into her body

Hands: Flash grenades (10)

Chest: contains 6 poisonus bombs wrapped in explosive notes which can be tossed at the enemy

Posts : 21
Points : 42
Reputation : 0
Join date : 2009-05-03

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