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Akasuna no Sasori (Deceased)

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Akasuna no Sasori (Deceased) Empty Akasuna no Sasori (Deceased)

Post by Uchiha Kumori Thu Mar 26, 2009 3:33 pm

Name: Akasuna no Sasori (Sasori of the Red Sands)

Age: 61 Years old

Bloodline: ---

Rank: S Rank Missing Ninja (Without his puppets, he is only Chuunin/Jounin)
Classification: ---
Village: Sunagakure (Former)
Alignment: Evil

Nowadays, Sasori no longer a part of the infamous Akatsuki Organization, has adopted a different wardrobe. Believe it or not, the only real, organic part of Sasori is a capsule containing Sasori's heart, and his brain, in order to work. This makes actually killing Sasori extremely difficult, as he is capable of jumping from puppet to puppet. This means his appearance could always be changing. Sasori's puppet self takes on the form of a young boy, only in his teenage years, with an organic-looking head, but with the rest of his body clearly being human puppet. His heart canteen is in the same place where his heart would normally be. He has a kind of cap-like attachment on the other side of his chest, where he can expel huge amounts of chakra strings to control impossibly giant amounts of puppets. Also, inside of his lower torso area, he has a large, hollow compartment, where a metal “rope” is kept, and is dipped with poison, and has a pointed end. It can be controlled using the Kugutsu technique.

Also, Sasori's puppet body has two, strange attachments where his back hips would normally be. There are two metal rods, with blades attached to it, which can be spun around like a helicopter wing, and cut through people. Also, despite Sasori's elderly age, because of his immortality, he still retains his unmistakable, young appearance. He has a bushy, attractive red hair, that makes him seem even younger. His facial expression is usually calm and inexpressive, but when he reveals himself, he will usually abandon all emotion, and take on a never ending stare, and an intimidating smile. Sasori has changed his clothing choice as well. Because he was believed to have been killed a long, long time ago by Konoha Shinobi, his presence is unknown, and he attempts to keep it that way. Because most people who knew what really looked like are now dead, he does not hide in any puppets, and simply walks around. Sasori still has the Akatsuki manicure on his hands, and it is what serves as a reminder of what Sasori once was.

On his upper body, Sasori wears a maroon cloak. The cloak has a top, more baggy, and lighter part, which is shaped like an X, and appears to be on top of the cloak. It covers his shoulders, and his chest, and goes above his hips, and that's where it ends. The cloak has a “split” on the bottom, which allows for greater movement and agility in his legs, like how the akatsuki cloak was worn. Below the Akatsuki cloak is the typical pants that the members of the akatsuki would wear under their Akatsuki cloaks. The cloak's X part is an orange color, unlike the rest of the maroon cloak, leaving some kind of individuality in the cloak. Also, the cloak has a large hood, allowing Sasori to hide much of his appearance. Below is an image of the puppet Sasori without his cloak on.



Sasori has a complete lack of empathy for others around him, stemming from his tragic past, and to add to his lack of empathy, he also has a sickening disregard for human life, killing and turning others into puppets with no remorse often sickens the faint hearted. Even no Sasori appears to be a maniac, he has a collected part of him, not overreacting to any situation, and rarely ever expresses extreme emotion, though some can argue this may be due to his puppet body, and when he does show extreme emotion, they usually do not last long. Sasori does not hold any more love for anything at all, focusing on life and killing above all else, not caring of his own grandmother, who once raised Sasori as a child when he had nothing.

Sasori and Deidara have conflicting views on art, which seem to reflect the other's personality. Sasori believes art is something that is everlasting, like his puppets, and himself, unlike his kamikaze partner. Sasori also has a famous personality perk in that he does not like to have to wait for something, and does not like to make others wait as well, even though he has all the time in the world. Sasori seems to also disregard quite a bit, and usually does not respect the living or dead. All in all, Sasori can be considered an evil person, who, despite his young looks, his been in this world for a very long time, and is considered to be immortal, and with his powers, he looks to the future, and is determined to regain his power.


Akasuna no Sasori has had a tragic childhood, which is believed to have stimulated the darkness that engulfed him in his adulthood, and his much later years. Sasori was born to two parents in the Sand Village around the time the Shinobi War with the Hidden sand and Leaf Villages were held. Sasori seemed to have a fine childhood, and had been a nice young boy in his earlier years. He enjoyed playing with toys, and also loved to spend time with his grandmother, Chiyo, who would eventually teach Sasori in the arts of Puppetry. Sasori at first seemed to be nothing more than a normal little boy, with no special abilities or Kekkei Genkai abilities, he seemed like he would grow up an average life. And it did not turn out so.

Chiyo was informed by the Hidden Sand council that her son was killed in battle by the Legendary White Fang of Konoha, Hatake Sakumo, with both her son and his wife being killed. It was a hard time for Chiyo, learning of her own child's death, and knowing full well that the two of them had a child themselves, who was now left with nobody. The sadness was unbearable for Chiyo, and when Sasori had learned of his parent's end, he too was wrapped in sadness and grief for his mother and father, and rather than cry it out and live with it in a healthy way, as many people have done, he took the wrong turn in life because of the incident, and began to become stranger and stranger. He had nobody, and it could've been over for the little boy.

However, Chiyo had chosen to to take Sasori under her wing, and take care of him and raise the boy herself, trying to take on a paren'ts duties once again, and fill the void left by Sasori's parents. Even though he loved his grandmother very much, he could not help but notice that so many other people had two parents, and many of them were alive to be there for their child, and Sasori envied them, and began to fall into the darkness himself. Sasori did seem quite depressed, even at his age, it was just sad for somebody to give up on life so fast. Sasori, however, was caught in a whirlwind, unsure of what to do with his life, and confused. Sasori decided to put himself on a straight, beeline path.

Then, one day, Chiyo came along earlier in the day, and brought Sasori into an unfamiliar building, where he was told that it was the place where many puppets were constructed, and the particular room Sasori was directed to contained all of the incomplete or forgotten puppets. Chiyo had decided to introduce Sasori to the world of puppetry. Sasori was put into the room himself, with puppet parts, and the unfinished puppets as well, and he began to try and construct puppets himself, proving to be a natural at the art. However, his talent for puppetry did not fully blossom until later in his life, where his overall skill increased, but for now, the crucial stages in his Shinobi development were at hand. Speaking of Shinobi Development...

Sasori had decided that he should be signed up in the Ninja Academy. Since Puppetry is a ninja art, he decided that he would gain some skill in all of the ninja arts, and joined the academy at the age of seven years old, and he was again, just beginning to give life to his potential skill, and despite his so far tragic life, he has shown himself to be skilled as a Shinobi. He spent quite a few years in the academy, and showed himself to not really be anything special. His grades were average, and his abilities were also average in Academy terms. He was overall an average student, nothing worth making a note about, but that would change in his later years. But for now, he was stuck in the academy.

Then, at the age of thirteen, he was able to graduate from the Ninja Academy, and go on, moving up to Genin. Sasori was still just another Sand Ninja, but now, he was able to use puppets much more effectively than he once did, and now he can use them to fight, just like a future ninja, Kankuro, only Sasori proved himself to be much more deadly at it, already able to use two puppets at the time he graduated from the academy, and his skill with puppetry was only growing as he trained with his grandmother, who was the one that originally taught Sasori in the art of puppetry would see Sasori into his late teenage years, training him to use puppets at such a young age, to an old age as well.

The Chuunin Exams were something of a difficulty for Sasori. The first test required Sasori to use his puppets in different ways. Sasori had brought a puppet into the testing room, and disguised it as a human being, and it was able to send parts of the puppet to find the answers and work a series of mirrors that were being used to reflect the answers. The second exam went the same way, with Sasori's team being able to break through into the third exam. Sasori and his team graduated to Chuunin earlier on, and Sasori would only go on to do even more before his eventual defection from his village.

For a huge slice of Sasori's life, he seemed like a fine ninja, impressive Puppetry skills, already able to use three puppets at once, was gaining more and more power. However, on the inside, Sasori's shattered mind was recollecting itself fro mthe tragic happening when he was a child, and it was coming back to bite Sasori. Sasori began to experiment with human beings, kidnapping people in the middle of the night, and bringing them to secret sites, hidden in the desert, where Sasori spent several years developing a new, extremely frightening jutsu. Like his future partner, he began to experiment with his villagers in the effort to create a new power, and become a god of Shinobi. For years, it was a secret, and nobody knew of the secret life of Sasori.

Sasori continued to train, and began to construct his own custom puppets, creating many renowned designs, including the puppets that the ninja, Kankuro, would eventually go on to use himself. He made many designs that puppet masters from the Sand Village would often use, and he was still able to keep his project a secret, in the shadows of the renowned puppet master. Eventually, Saosri was promoted to the Jounin Rank, at a young age of 18. Sasori was still getting closer to his revelation, and he kept on working on the Hitokugutsu, already having killed many, many people in his experimentations. He not only took ninja from the Sand Village, but also took ninja from other villages, and even people who did not know of the Shinobi arts, and were defenseless against Sasori.

It was during this time that a ninja, Hiruko, lost his life as well to Sasori. It was also at that exact same time where Sasori would be found out. One night, Chiyo had found Sasori sneaking out of the village to a secret place, and Chiyo watched as he got into it, and followed him, finding the laboratory that he was using to experiment, and work on his jutsu. However, by the time Chiyo had came, it was already too late. Much too late. Sasori had already completed the Hitokugutsu ability, and had already created several Human Puppets, including Hiruko, who was now a human puppet. Even though Sasori was an expert puppet master, he was still a poison user, and when he was found out, he and Chiyo had a long talk.

Realizing he needed to get away soon, Sasori chose to activated the poisonous smokescreens in his layer to use as an escape distraction, and took all of the Human Puppets with him, and fled the area, leaving the Sand Village behind, and leaving Chiyo filled with guilt and grief, knowing she was the one who taught Sasori how to use puppets, and filled his mind with the puppetry skills, which ultimately led to him doing this, taking away so many people for his twisted experiments. Sasori did not stop at making other people human puppets, however, as there was a second intention of creating puppets out of human beings. And that was the ability of immortality.

Sasori, a few weeks after leaving the Sand Village and going into hiding, had begun works on his own, shocking experiment. One by one, Sasori began to convert his body parts into puppet, using the Hitokugutsu ability on himself, and turning himself into a monster. In a few months, Sasori had completely wiped out his human self, save for a few organs that were placed into a canteen, which is the only organic part of Sasori now. Sasori entered hiding as a human, and left it as a monster. He would always be making modifications to himself, increasing his own lethality, and becoming an extremely skilled ninja in his own right. In this time, also, he improved his sealing ability, and began to create spy networks, having a large amount of spies in villages and countries all over. It was then that he decided that he would do the unthinkable.

Sasori decided that he wanted to test his abilities on the Third Kazkeage, regarded as the strongest Kazekage in history. He was thought to be so powerful, and Sasori engaged him in battle, and actually defeated him, taking his body, and turning him into a human puppet as well. The loss of their extremely powerful Kazekage was enough to send the Sand Village into disarray, and it plunged the Sand Village into a war, once that seriously damaged the Sand Village, and yet, all of that time it was the doing of Sasori that damaged the once powerful Sand Village back then. Then, he met the Akatsuki Organization.

Sasori decided that he would join the Akatsuki Organization, as he did not have anywhere else to go, and was partnered with a similar man, Orochimaru. Like Sasori, Orochimaru had sought incredible abilities, and immortality, and also created a way of staying on this earth for all time. They were not a troublesome pair, unlike the Hidan and Kakuzu pair. The two of them seemed to like one another as partners, and they accomplished a lot together. However, when Orochimaru went after the Sharingan, or Uchiha Itachi, he was beaten by him, and cast off, destroyed. Sasori, to this day, has held a grudge against Orochimaru. However, his next partner would turn out to be different.

Last edited by Keiteki Drakun on Thu Apr 09, 2009 9:47 am; edited 2 times in total
Uchiha Kumori
Uchiha Kumori

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Akasuna no Sasori (Deceased) Empty Re: Akasuna no Sasori (Deceased)

Post by Uchiha Kumori Thu Mar 26, 2009 3:34 pm

Deidara, a fellow artist, was recruited by Sasori, Kisame, and Itachi into Akatsuki, and was paired with Sasori. The two of them seemed to have had conflicting views on art, but for the most part, they were not really a quarrelsome group. However, their next assignment would turn out to be Sasori's greatest fall in his entire life, but as history tells, not his last. Deidara and Sasori were sent to go and capture the One Tailed Jinchuuriki, Shukaku, who was currently imbued in the Kazekage, Gaara. Deidara had chosen to battle the Shukaku himself, while an agent of Sasori's got rid of the border guard, Sasori sat back and watched the battle himself. When Gaara was defeated and brought out of the village to be sealed, Sasori was forced to face Kankuro, who he did away with quickly.

Kankuro was nearly killed by Sasori, but was saved by Haruno Sakura. The two Ninja went to the Akatsuki hideout, and began to seal the Ichibi. Due to the combined efforts of the Akatsuki, the Shukaku had successfully been sealed by Akatsuki, and succeeding in their mission, Deidara took away the corpse of Gaara to try and capture Naruto, while Sakura and Chiyo were left behind to deal with Sasori himself. Sasori was inside of Hiruko at the time, and attempted to beat the two ninja with Hiruko at first, and with poinsoned senbon, but Sakura and Chiyo's evasive skills were too good for Sasori's senbon, and Hiruko was smashed by Sakura, revealing Sasori's body. It was then that the battle got interesting.

It turned out that all this time, Sasori had the Third Kazekage all of this time, which shocked Chiyo, and meant that the Third Kazekage's abilities would be pit against an old lady, and a Chuunin Medical Ninja. Sakura's powers, however, were significantly strong, and she was able to trick Sasori, and destroy the Human Puppet. Sasori was getting impatient with this battle, and was forced to reveal that he had made himself into a puppet, and he was going to fight them himself. He used a multitude of weapons against his enemys, including fire, water, his “stinger” and his helicopter blades in battle, and he nearly killed Chiyo, but thanks to Sakura, she was saved, and Sasori was smashed into pieces.

However, Sasori simply had the ability to reassemble himsself if he was broken, and he brought himself back together, only to realize he needed to use his trump card. He used his performance of a hundred puppets against Chiyo's own 10 puppet trump card, and the battle was very close, but Sasori's performance was stopped when the body he was using was sealed. However, Sasori had when into another puppet as he was going to be killed, and attempted to kill Chiyo, but Sakura took the attack herself, shielding Chiyo, and nearly killing Sakura, but being saved by Chiyo, Sasori had seemingly died. However, he did not. He was very much alive.

Sasori knew the battle was over, so he took the next best option, and attempted to kill Chiyo. Sasori had jumped to another puppet, and using chakra threads that were reduced to invisible levels, by using a Suna Bunshin of his true self, Sasori used that Clone to hop into the other puppet, and took the hit. The Real Sasori had been hiding, and when the coast was clear, he made his way out, just barely. Sasori was just barely able to get out, using a human puppet. But it was a gamble, yet it was the only option to Sasori, and he took it, surviving the struggle. However, he did not walk out unharmed. Far from unharmed. It was the greatest hit that was ever dealt to him in his life, but he survived.

Sasori not only did not have any of his human puppets, but his real body had been sealed away by Chiyo's jutsu. There was no way to get to it. Sasori was stuck. However, because he was in a human puppet, he knew he could not die, and took that chance. He spent his 25 years wisely, but just barely clinging on to life. Sasori spent many years searching, but finally found a new body, one with just the right physical condition, to be used, and Sasori was able to kill him, and use the Hitokugutsu ability on him, now living inside of a puppet once again. However, Sasori, now in a completely fresh body, next decided that it was time to return to his former greatness, and started with himself.

Sasori spent a good amount of time doing it, but in the end, he was finally able to create something reminiscent of the body that he once used himself, only it was better. Next, Sasori took it upon himself to get a new wardrobe, and also outfitted himself with that, becoming a new Sasori. Sasori spent a good amount of time improving his puppet self, becoming a powerful weapon, but still without a real puppet on his hands, Sasori begins life a new. Despite his ultimately young looks, Sasori has been alive longer than Chiyo has been, making his skills in battle incredible, and now with a new, stronger puppet body, and a newly revived killing intent, Sasori has been raised from the dead, and with war clouds gathering, it was the perfect time to take advantage of the shadows cast by the clouds, and mobilize.

Speciality: Kugutsu (Puppetry), Chakra Attuned
Learned jutsus: Puppetry, limited Ninjutsu and Fuuinjutsu
Elements: None
Weapons/items: Puppets, Poison
Goals: To create a new collection of human puppets, and to perfect his existence, and find the ultimate step to true invincibility.
Uchiha Kumori
Uchiha Kumori

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Akasuna no Sasori (Deceased) Empty Re: Akasuna no Sasori (Deceased)

Post by Kenshi Sat Mar 28, 2009 1:34 pm



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