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(has started over) SASORI~!

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(has started over) SASORI~! Empty (has started over) SASORI~!

Post by Puppetdanna Wed Mar 18, 2009 2:33 pm

Okay, this time, I am trying to be as clear as possible. This time, I hope it isn't that bad >< (has just read 20 sites for this info) Some of the stuff may be the same but I tried okay? So, I added more history, included an rp sample and even explained how Sasori was ressurected. x_x

Name: Sasori Akasuna (Sasori of the Red Sand)

Age: 16 (if you don't include life before ressurection. 40 if you do)

Bloodline: The Human Puppet Technique and the ability to be able to control puppets with the mind and not the hands.

Rank: S-Rank
Village: From Sunagakure
Alignment: After ressurection is Neutral and not really evil.

Appearance: (has started over) SASORI~! Sasori
Although Sasori is in at least his thirties, he maintains theappearance of a teenage boy. Sasori's unnaturally young appearance is a product of his design: most of his body is actually a puppet. In place of his stomach is a thick cable coiled around a pole, allowing Sasori to use it as a stinger and retract it as necessary.
Attached to hisback is a scroll holder, which Sasori uses to store his human puppets.Sasori also added a pair of arms to his back, each equipped with five large claws, as well as flamethrowers to each of his hands. Installed in his right chest is a mechanism that can spin numerous chakra strings, allowing Sasori to control hundreds of puppets at once and giving him a drastic advantage over all other puppeteers. Sasori's left chest holds the only part of him still human and thus capable of controlling chakra, a cylinder-shaped device containing his heart.
Because Sasori's heart was the only living part of himself, his puppet body is virtually indestructible. When smashed apart, he can simply draw the pieces back together. Additionally, he can transfer his heart to other puppets, allowing him to abandon a body should it be damaged beyond repair or otherwise incapacitated. How he transfers his facial features, is not explained. Since he only does so once, one can assume that he had a spare version of his puppet body prepared in advance.

Personality:Smart and serious (being basic).


Sasori, known as Sasori of the Red Sand (Akasuna no Sasori), is a S-class missing-nin from Sunagakure. Sasori left Sunagakure twenty years before his introduction, but the background to his crimes is unknown. Flashbacks seem to indicate that his descent into darkness started when his parents died, and he attempted to simulate being with them by turning their corpses into puppets (the first human puppets he ever created). Sometime after leaving the village, Sasori joined Akatsuki and was eventually paired with Orochimaru. After Orochimaru left Akatsuki, Sasori was teamed up with Deidara.

Sasori and Deidara both portray conflicting views of art, and argue frequently to that effect. Deidara holds that art is something transient that departs quickly, whereas Sasori believes that fine art is something wonderful that is left long into the future. This reflects their individual natures (Deidara makes clay sculptures that explode, Sasori makes long-lasting puppets out of humans). Deidara outwardly seems to respect Sasori's beliefs, but Sasori doesn't respect Deidara's.

Sasori returns to Sunagakure with Deidara to capture Gaara. After Gaara's capture, Kankuro attempts to stop the Akatsuki duo, and Sasori confronts him so that Deidara can go on ahead unopposed. Sasori makes quick work of Kankuro, nearly killing him and easily destroying Kankuro's puppets, due to his preexisting knowledge of their secrets. After the one-tailed Shukaku is extracted from Gaara at the Akatsuki hideout, Sasori and Deidara are left in charge of defeating the
pursuing Team Kakashi. As Deidara leads half of Team Kakashi away, Sasori is left to face Sakura Haruno and Chiyo, his grandmother.

Soon after the battle begins, Sakura is able to destroy Sasori's Hiruko puppet with Chiyo's help (Chiyo controls Sakura like a puppet, having more experience in such matters). After Sasori emerges from Hiruko's remains and reveals his true self, he brings out his Third Kazekage puppet. In doing so, Chiyo realizes that Sasori was responsible for the Kazekage's disappearance years earlier, the fate of whom had remained a mystery until now. Since the Third Kazekage is a human puppet, Sasori is able use its various Iron Sand abilities to attack and overwhelm Chiyo and Sakura. To try and combat the Kazekage, Chiyo brings out
Sasori's parents, converted into puppets years earlier by Sasori. Although Chiyo has since equipped them with extra weapons, the Kazekage's abilities
quickly disable the two puppets. Sakura demolishes this puppet by pretending to pass out and smashing it to pieces when it goes in for the kill.

Using the seal as a distraction, Sasori makes it appear as if she succeeded and attempts a sneak attack on Chiyo. Sakura takes the attack for Chiyo, giving Chiyo the chance to use Sasori's parent puppets to stab him through the heart in the form of a hug. As a reward to Sakura for defeating him, Sasori informs her of a spy that he has within Orochimaru's ranks (later revealed to be Kabuto Yakush), and tells her of when and where she can meet this spy. As Sasori dies, Chiyo implies that she and Sakura did not defeat Sasori, but that he allowed himself to be defeated, choosing to die in the loving embrace of his parents.

Sasori inside his favorite normal puppet, Hiruko During regular combat, Sasori usually wears his puppets like armor and controls them from the inside, thus eliminating the puppeteer's weakness of being a separate and exposed target. Sasori's favorite puppet to use in this manner is Hiruko, which he adorned with the regular Akatsuki outfit and wore so often that others came to recognize him only while he was wearing it. Hiruko has a mechanical tail extending from the
mouth of what appears to be a mask on his back, a recent addition to add extra defense to a weak point. The left arm is rigged with a projectile launcher capable of firing shrapnel, and the mouth serves as a similar projectile-firing device.

In addition to being a master puppeteer, Sasori's regular puppets are unique in that they are made from the still-living bodies of humans. These human puppets are more versatile than regular puppets because, in addition to having many dangerous devices installed within them as is common with regular puppets, they are also able to use chakra and perform jutsu. Any kekkei genkai abilities possessed by the converted human are also passed on to the puppet. Sasori claims to have a collection of 298 human puppets, 102 of which he actually displayed. His favorite human puppet is the Third Kazekage, which retained its unique Iron Sand ability mixed with Sasori's poison, making it particularly lethal.

Sasori was ressurected by an unknown person, possibly a follower ninja, who had gone crazy and believed that Sasori would save her from hell. She used the forbidden art of ressurection and sacrificed her soul for Sasori to live again. When alive, Sasori was knocked unconcious by somebody who had followed the girl who ressurected him. He was dragged to a hotel and woke up remembering nothing of the night before. Sasori realized he was alive once again, and after hearing the akatsuki was gone, he decided to be more of a rogue ninja instead.


Speciality:Sasori is a master of puppetry. His grandmother, Chiyo, taught him from a very early age, and he created many puppets over his lifetime. Prior to his leaving the village, Sasori created the puppets Kankuro uses throughout the series. Sasori is also a master of poisons; his poisons take effect instantly and kill the target after three days of suffering. Additionally, his poisons are practically incurable, even by Chiyo, who is herself a master of poisons. Sasori added this poison to virtually every weapon in his arsenal, making each blow potentially lethal for his opponents.

Learned jutsus:
Kugutsu no Jutsu
Just like a marionette, the user controls a puppet using strings of chakra from his fingers. This skill is often prepared in coordination with Kawarimi no Jutsu (Change of Body Technique), so the user can quickly replace their body with the puppet when they feel the need to activate it. Another useful quality of this skill is the fact that the puppet can take the form of another person, object, or, more commonly, the form of the user. Puppets are fitted with various hidden devices, most commonly extendable blades, various projectile launchers, and poison, both in gaseous form and liquid coating their weapons. This technique can also be adapted to control humans as if they were puppets, or another puppeteer's puppets.

Aka Higi: Hyakki no Soen (Red Secret Technique: Performance of a Hundred Puppets)
This jutsu summons exactly 100 puppets. Sasori had once used it to defeat an entire country. He can only control this many puppets with the hundreds of Chakra threads he casts out from a hatch in his own chest. It is unknown what country he defeated with this Jutsu.

Satetsu Shigure (Iron Sand Drizzle)
This jutsu is similar to Garra's Sand Drizzle . The Kazekage uses his Satetsu to create a rain of Satetsu bullets, which pours down on the enemy.After the Sandaime Kazekage was turned into a puppet by Sasori
the latter was able to use Satetsu and its related jutsu as well.
Sasori used Satetsu to, among other things, clot the joints of Chiyo's Puppet Barrier, further disabling them. The effect was cancelled after Sakura destroyed the Sandaime Kazekage puppet. (he fixes it later)

Satetsu Kaiho (Iron Sand World Order
This jutsu uses satusu to create an expanding sphere of spikes. Sasori used poison to make this technique even more dangerous.

Elements: Earth (maybe wind or fire =_=)
Weapons/items: PUPPETS! (also carries basic ninja weapons)
Goals: To find the ultimate puppet ><

Rp Sample:

Sasori was walking down the forest going to another village. His eyes were tired as he hadn't been able to rest at all. He knew couldn't anyways, he could sense the chakra presences of jounin following him. He knew it was only a matter of time before they attacked. He sighed and stopped, looking over his shoulder with a typical look on his face.

''You know if you kids are not going to stop following I will kill you all.'' He muttered as three figures landed behind him. The figures looked up, jounin vests glowing green in the sunlight.

''Heh heh. We've been waiting for you to live again. Now we can kill you ourselves.'' The leader smirked. Suddenly a man came from in front of Sasori, slashing with two katanas. Sasori sighed as suddenly a shape came from the bushes and blocked the attack effortlessly. The man halted, too afraid to move. The other jounins gasped as they stepped back a little.

The third kazakage puppet stared back at the man, kunai in it's hand, grasping the man's arm with the other. Sasori smirked. ''idiots.'' The kazekage puppet's eyes narrowed. It was too late now. Sasori had this all planned out. The man struggled in the puppet's grasp, but couldn't free hiself. The puppet suddenly moved the man's arm itself, and broke it easily. The man cried out in horror as the puppet then took a blade from it's hilt and swung it fast.

Before any could stop him the man was decapitated on the spot. Sasori moved one hand towards the other jounin and the kazekage puppet swerved it's head in unison. The jounin narrowed their eyes. ''DIE!'' They all cried as they ran at Sasori stupidly. Sasori flexed his index finger. The puppet moved forwards.

There was a clash, then dead jounin falling to the ground. Sasori remained calm as he sealed the kazekage back into the scroll where it came. ''Let's get moving now....'' He muttered before turning and walking away.


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Join date : 2009-03-16

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(has started over) SASORI~! Empty Re: (has started over) SASORI~!

Post by Uchiha Kumori Wed Mar 18, 2009 3:18 pm

No offense, again, but this isn't going to be accepted either.

1.) It's Akasuna no Sasori, not Sasori Akasuna. Akasuna is NOT his last name. It's a title, alias, nickname, etc. for him, just like Gaara has the name "Sabaku no Gaara".
2.) Neither onrmal puppetry nor human puppets are bloodline. Human Puppets, in theory, could be learned by anybody, or re-invented by anybody.
3.) Sorry, but the history still is not long enough. AT LEAST 15 paragraphs, and you only have 7. Granted they're slightly larger than a 5 line paragraph, but you still need more juice than that.

Like I said before, it'd really be easier for you to just make a Genin. If you're unsure of your RPing skills, a lower ranked character is your best bet. Chuunin or Genin is best for you, as this history is long enough for Chuunin.
Uchiha Kumori
Uchiha Kumori

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