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Me and My Stupid Life [Open to Team 71]

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Me and My Stupid Life [Open to Team 71] Empty Me and My Stupid Life [Open to Team 71]

Post by Aki Wed May 27, 2009 5:21 pm

Kiyoko yawned as the morning sunlight hit her. The sun's rays were warm to Kiyoko's cold, dew-covered body. Kiyoko slowly got up and let herself get bathed in the warm sunlight. Her dark clothes absorbed the sunlight easily and soon she was dry. With a small sigh she jumped down from one of the rock formations in the desert and dusted off the sand and dirt from her thin, dark, semi revealing, black tank top and short shorts.

Guess it's time to meet the Kazekage about that team of mine thought Kiyoko as she half ran, half walked to the village. Surprisingly, the Kazekage's attendant was the village gates. "Kiyoko, I'm busy. So, here's everything you'll need to know. You understand right?" said the attendant shoving some things into Kiyoko's hands and then running off. "Good luck!"

Kiyoko just looked down at the things. I hate this. Still, she looked at it. It was a map of Sunagakure and where she was supposed to go to meet her team. Forget this. I'll just walk around. Maybe catch some more sleep? And after making sure no one was around, she lit up the parchment and burned it to a crisp, letting the winds carry it away.

Now Kiyoko was just content with walking around the village...

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Me and My Stupid Life [Open to Team 71] Empty Re: Me and My Stupid Life [Open to Team 71]

Post by Hanashi Uchiha Wed May 27, 2009 5:57 pm

Hanashi was coming out of a store that looked like it sells weapons,she twirled the Kunai with a smile on her face as the wind picked up a bit in the street making her mid-length black hair move a little.Her outfit was the usual that she could always wear every day it was a dark blue shirt that had the sleeves as if folded and has it cut,her knee length red skirt with dark blue lines was also moving a bit as the wind began to pick up a bit then die down.

She looked around and felt as if she forgot something,she smacked her head Oh crap!aren't we supposed to meet our team and Sensei? with the thought in mind Hanashi quickly put the Kunai knife in her pouch that was behind her lower back and ran to the direction she thought she was supposed to go.As she was running she didn't notice that she had bumped into someone Ohh i'm so sorry,are you allright? she asked with worry in her tone,she really should watch out where she was going.

As she looked at the girl she tilted her head,she was thinking but it didn't mean a thing to what she was thinking It looked like you were in a hurry? she sometimes confused herself if she wasn't careful of what she was thinking,she had to look a little bit down cause she was a little bit little.
Hanashi Uchiha
Hanashi Uchiha

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Me and My Stupid Life [Open to Team 71] Empty Re: Me and My Stupid Life [Open to Team 71]

Post by Aki Wed May 27, 2009 6:06 pm

Kiyoko had been walking around and out of nowhere a woman just ran into her. This pretty much knocked back Kiyoko a couple of steps. "Ohh I'm so sorry,are you alright?" said the woman, looking down at her.

She sighed. "Mhmm..." she mumbled. Geez... even the ninjas here are annoying. And she's what, twenty or something? She acts like a damn kid. Oh well not like it matters anyway. Nothing ever matters. Guess I should go meet that sensei or whatever.

And with that, Kiyoko went off in the general direction where she was supposed to meet her sensei and team, leaving the woman and not caring what happened.

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Me and My Stupid Life [Open to Team 71] Empty Re: Me and My Stupid Life [Open to Team 71]

Post by Hanashi Uchiha Wed May 27, 2009 6:21 pm

The girl just ignored her and went of into the same direction she's planning on going Hn,never knew girls like her were that rude...ok well im one of them but still!! with that she went off to follow the girl,it seemed they could be going to the same place but that was Hanashi.

As she caught up with the girl and walked by her side she felt curiosity to ask her a question So...we seem to be going to the same place or maybe that's just me.. she wondered if there would be awkward silence she hated that but it's better to suck it up then have someone giving an idiotic remark to tell me your name,missy? she spoked in a monotone voice as she looked at the girl from the corner of her left eye.

Her hands were behind her back as they walked silently,Hanashi biting her lip while the girl,who seemingly doesn't have a care in the world was just being quiet Ugh how long till i'm where i'm supposed to meet our Sensei? she whined in her mind as usual as they kept walking.
Hanashi Uchiha
Hanashi Uchiha

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Me and My Stupid Life [Open to Team 71] Empty Re: Me and My Stupid Life [Open to Team 71]

Post by Aki Wed May 27, 2009 6:32 pm

To her slight surprise, the woman followed her and walked along with her. "So... we seem to be going to the same place, or maybe that's just me," said the woman. "So... care to tell me your name, missy?"

Kiyoko mentally sighed. So annoying! thought Kiyoko. After a few minutes of silence the woman was still following her. "You're annoying," said Kiyoko at long last. "... It's customary for the speaker to introduce themselves first..." mumbled Kiyoko, glancing at the woman.

With a yawn, Kiyoko stopped and leaned against a shop wall with her arms crossed, even though there was sign there saying "Do not lean against wall". Like Kiyoko ever cared. She waited for the woman to answer. It seems I will be forced to talk to her... And it seems as if she may be my teammate as well. We are going in the same direction thought Kiyoko irritably. This was getting really annoying, she didn't like to talk... ever.

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Me and My Stupid Life [Open to Team 71] Empty Re: Me and My Stupid Life [Open to Team 71]

Post by Hanashi Uchiha Wed May 27, 2009 6:53 pm

Well your a little...oh what's the name...Midget! she smirked to herself as they kept walking to their destination.

Oh by the way,Name's Hanashi Uchiha,pleasure to meet you..midget she chuckled to herself as they were walking,people giving them glances but then turned back to what they were doing.

I'll admit,this girl is...ugh a pain I maybe annoying so what? quiet is not my style unless on a mission,do you prefer the quiet? Hanashi reached behind her pouch to get a kunai knife she had recently bought and began to play with it by twirling it in her pinky.
Hanashi Uchiha
Hanashi Uchiha

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Me and My Stupid Life [Open to Team 71] Empty Re: Me and My Stupid Life [Open to Team 71]

Post by Aki Wed May 27, 2009 7:08 pm

... This woman is... annoying... and a show off... thought Kiyoko, hating her new "nickname". Kiyoko really didn't care though.

"... Fine, since you insist on following me, I'm Uchiha Kiyoko," said Kiyoko very, very, very, very quietly. I'm so glad we aren't related. All Uchihas are just like this aren't they? Arrogant. Very arrogant... and disrespectful. Well... not Sennyo-san, but he was different thought Kiyoko half glaring at the woman.

The village was starting to wake up now and a group of teenage boys appeared. Most of them eyed Hanashi and Kiyoko with a glint to their eyes, even though Hanashi held a kunai in her hands and was obviously good with it. Kiyoko just glanced at them with dark eyes. If they come over here and... Too late, the guys were already coming over.

"Hey there..." said the lead member. He had dark blue hair and on his left arm was a headband... Suna's headband. It was apparent that he was their leader. "So... what are two beautiful girls like you doin out here, huh? You know... Suna can be a little dangerous sometimes," he said, in what was apparently his way of trying to seduce them.

She noticed right away that the guy was experienced from the way he walked, along with his four friends. More than likely he was Jounin. A Jounin very capable of overpowering them... His friends looked like Jounin or Chunin as well. And the way he and his friends moved, she knew that they had to be either Chunin or Advanced Chunin at the least.

Kiyoko mentally sighed. So far, this day was just getting more and more annoying. She stepped behind Hanashi. "Well Idiot, quiet's not your style, so maybe this is your style," said Kiyoko before jumping up onto the roof tops and moving along at a good pace. It would have appeared that she had left Hanashi, but in fact, she was just in sight, using a minor concealing jutsu learned from the Academy to hide herself. Time to see if this idiot is really an idiot.

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Me and My Stupid Life [Open to Team 71] Empty Re: Me and My Stupid Life [Open to Team 71]

Post by Hanashi Uchiha Wed May 27, 2009 7:30 pm

An Uchiha...interesting... she noticed some men coming towards their direction and she scoffed Tch..Jounin pisqueaks if only i could kill them easily but got to keep myself on just being 'Genin'... she just raised her eyebrow at the man while just noticing that Kiyoko had jumped to one of the rooftop ...The hell? she sighed as she quickly looked at the Jounin idiot that dared to cross her path.

Listen...boys i suggest you take your leave unless you really want me to hurt you... her voice was dead serious but she knew she couldn't do anything knowing it's in public or even kill them and one was a Jounin while the others are Chuunin,it would bring a chaos to the Kazekage she rubbed her head This is a troublesome situation....

While she figured what to do it was best to just leave them eating smoke bombs Allright boys... she smiled seductively at them as she got out three smoke bombs without them noticing EAT SMOKE!!! with that she jumped into the air and threw the three smokes bombs at them,making a loud 'boom',she now ran towards Kiyoko was but something told her they would follow or at least thats what she thought Can't believe the midget's my teammate...what a troublesome day this has turned out to be...
Hanashi Uchiha
Hanashi Uchiha

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Me and My Stupid Life [Open to Team 71] Empty Re: Me and My Stupid Life [Open to Team 71]

Post by Aki Wed May 27, 2009 7:44 pm

... Idiot... Well least she was smart enough not to hurt anyone. Kiyoko groaned as she saw that Hanashi was coming towards her. Kiyoko couldn't help but notice that this Uchiha was different... Normally most Uchihas would have fought back or played around or something other than run. Maybe this Uchiha wasn't so bad... Not like it matters... thought Kiyoko.

Never one to care, Kiyoko allowed herself to fall from the rooftop and faced the guys. Slightly bored, and just because she needed something to wake her up a little more as she was falling asleep, she attacked them. Their build was for strength, typical for those kinds of guys, so it was rather easy to attack them with just weapons. These so called attacks were just simple thin cuts, but her light form and speed made it hard for them to catch her.

With the sight and scent of blood in the air, Kiyoko's senses awakened and she was no longer half asleep. As quickly as she had cut them, she disappeared again, off into an alley. Kiyoko laughed to herself, enjoying this slightly. It was fun to make a fool out of people, especially those arrogant, cocky ones. The guys had simply stood there in shock. She supposed it would be awhile before they came after her.

Taking a side path, she resumed her trip to the meeting place, wondering if she were late... But as she walked, she noticed that the scent of blood still followed her even though she had wiped her blades clean. Kiyoko glanced down. There was a gash across the front of her stomach, very thin, but slightly deep. Her top in ruins, she ripped off the torn fabric and used it as a bandage for the moment, not wanting to waste chakra, well... more like she felt too lazy to use any of her jutsus yet.

Damn it! Why couldn't that guy have just killed me?! Argh!

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Me and My Stupid Life [Open to Team 71] Empty Re: Me and My Stupid Life [Open to Team 71]

Post by Hanashi Uchiha Thu May 28, 2009 8:35 am

Hanashi raised an eyebrow on Kiyoko and chuckled silently to herself This interesting.. she decided to go and try finding her,she didn't want to go out alone knowing those cocky bastards were around and also..she thought she smelled blood on her Or maybe that's my imagination?

She ran on the roofs of Sunagakure trying to sense Kiyoko's chakra I am going to kill her soon not true she was just worried but she wasn't going to admit it to that midget I might have taken a liking to that idiot..that's new! as she searched through shops,some tight corners that the idiot would fit in through and even menacing a few Jounins with something she said she wouldn't say out in public,she found her..sort of with blood on her.

Kiyoko... she got closer to her,seeing if she wanted to be that close,her face showed concern for the young shinobi as she got closer That's not a good wound...let me try to put some medicine on it... her voice barely a whisper as she walked closer she reached out her had to her but then retracted back a bit,thinking she won't let her but continued until her hand was on her right shoulder.

...If you want me to look at it that's ok but if you don't,i understand..just want you to know it's your decision...i don't want to force you... she smiled weakly at Kiyoko Well this is new,i'm acting Motherly...heh if only Father saw me now she shook that thought out of her heard and awaited Kiyoko's answer.
Hanashi Uchiha
Hanashi Uchiha

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Me and My Stupid Life [Open to Team 71] Empty Re: Me and My Stupid Life [Open to Team 71]

Post by Aki Thu May 28, 2009 5:46 pm

Kiyoko tensed as the woman touched her. She hated being touched. Hated it. She did find it odd that the woman was... caring of her? Kiyoko shrugged it off though. That didn't matter. It wasn't like she was going to trust the woman anyway. As far as Kiyoko was concerned, no one ever truly cared about anyone. She'd seen it all... And the Byakugan had let her see more things too.

Hanashi backed off but then touched her again, saying other things that Kiyoko didn't care about. She ended up jerking away slightly. Her back still facing Hanashi, Kiyoko quietly and coldly said, "Don't touch me. And I don't need any healing."

When the woman didn't respond, Kiyoko took out the kunai she had previously used to attack the Jounin from before and looked at it for a few seconds. She quickly made the wound she had received deeper. And even though she was striving to end her life then and hit a vital organ, she just couldn't do it. Something kept stopping her. The blade, though having cut through her skin several times, wasn't covered in a lot of blood. She brought the blade up to her lips and licked off the rest of the blood on there.

The taste of her own blood awakened her more, but not completely. Now she could feel the pain from her stomach. Grinding her teeth together she glanced down at the wounds. Why can't I ever do it?! What the hell is wrong with me?! Argh... Shit that freakin hurts, shouldn't have tasted the blood...

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Me and My Stupid Life [Open to Team 71] Empty Re: Me and My Stupid Life [Open to Team 71]

Post by Hanashi Uchiha Thu May 28, 2009 7:19 pm

She rolled her eyes at her and gritted her teeth,this girl was too annoying for her standards Why can't she just accept help when she needs it?god such a troublesome girl... she just sucked it up and did something she know she can't do to someone who's injured but hey Hanashi is different from the Sand Shinobi.She smacked Kiyoko's head and gave her a glare Listen Girl! she started with a cold voice I really don't give a damn on what's wrong with you.. Wrong I also don't give a damn on why your acting depressed!/color] Again,Wrong

[color=red]But what the hell is wrong with you trying to kill yourself?!
she instinctively grabbed the Kunai Knife from her hand and threw it off somewhere where something told her it landed on a roof.she looked at Kiyoko with serious eyes but softened Why am i so nice to people? she mentally kicked herself for being too nice for her own good.

If she didn't respond it was her own problem cause now Hanashi was trying to figure out how to make the bleeding stop,she knew that Kiyoko wouldn't let her touch her,she backed up a bit while still looking at Kiyoko then she whispered softly Shadow... she calls outcome and abide meUnderneath her feet, her shadow began darker, it began to spread across the ground and towards Kiyoko then appear behind her and the shadow extended towards Kiyoko's hands and it gripped them hard as if it was being holded by a human hand.

Sorry Kiyoko...but it's for your own good.. she looked at the shadow as it started to take form of a humanoid and was now holding her hands tightly and looked like it wasn't going to let go anytime soon.In the meantime Hanashi took out some medicine and more bandages from her pouch and walked towards her,she took out the bloody bandages away and started applying some ointment on the wound to not get it infected It may hurt.. she said softly as she stopped applying the ointment on the wound,getting her hands bloody in the process.She started now bandaging her wound softly making sure it wasnt too tight but not loose either.

She looked at the shadow that was holding her and the shadow went back into her shadow as if nothing happened.she was done bandaging Kiyoko and looked away from her with a grin on her face So shall we get going? she was acting as if nothing happened at all Don't say anything Kiyoko...ok? she sounded serious but her face was till showing a smile that wasn't fake at all Tch can't believe she makes me worry..we've only just met!
Hanashi Uchiha
Hanashi Uchiha

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Me and My Stupid Life [Open to Team 71] Empty Re: Me and My Stupid Life [Open to Team 71]

Post by Aki Thu May 28, 2009 8:45 pm

Kiyoko glared at the young woman as she gave her a half lecture about being suicidal. ... I hate this woman. She should just leave me alone. It's nothing serious! As she even knows the half of it, telling people not to be suicidal.

Kiyoko closed her eyes for a few seconds, but in those few seconds something latched onto her and held her still. Kiyoko tensed even more. What the hell?! Is this some kind of jutsu?! ... Damn it, she's healing me. Life couldn't be nice just once could it?! Just once life couldn't just let me die or get an infection and die! Just once! There always has to be something or someone in the way! And she even threw away my kunai... I was gonna get some more blood... Oh well, shuriken work too. thought Kiyoko as Hanashi began to heal her of her wound.

"It may hurt..." said Hanashi softly. Kiyoko rolled her eyes. As if she could pain. The blood had already worn off. She was too tired to feel much pain. Again, another curse from life. Life wouldn't let her die or let her feel enough pain. It was like life was telling her to die but would change its mind and tell her not to die.

The woman finally let go of her and Kiyoko glared at Hanashi. "That was a waste, said Kiyoko coldly, drawing a shuriken and letting it slice open the bandages. She let the cold metal create a new wound just above the old one. This time she didn't take in the blood. She didn't need to wake up yet, and began walking again.

Kiyoko could sense the slight uneasiness coming from Hanashi and sighed. "Fine! I'll stop!" yelled Kiyoko, controlling her anger and putting away the shuriken, licking it clean in the process. "Fuckin bitch is annoying... Can't mind her own business... Acts like a mom... Crazy..." mumbled Kiyoko extremely quietly so that Hanashi wouldn't hear, along with other tidbits of her opinion about Hanashi.

This was rather rare as Kiyoko tended to keep her thoughts to herself, even when she was about to burst out in anger, but this woman was just driving her crazy! Normally most people stopped and stared and didn't do anything, which was perfectly fine by Kiyoko. Some even offered to help her kill herself... Most just ignored her and acted like she didn't exist. But this woman was so... different. And she was an Uchiha too!

Or maybe she's like me... she's not really an Uchiha? She has that weird shadow-jutsu thing too... That's definitely not Uchiha.

((OOC: By the way, I don't actually hate you... I'm just going with what my character would say/think. No offense intended.))

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Me and My Stupid Life [Open to Team 71] Empty Re: Me and My Stupid Life [Open to Team 71]

Post by Hanashi Uchiha Fri May 29, 2009 8:21 am

She waved her hand looking like she didn't have a care in the world at the moment Yeah,Yeah.. Hanashi started walking a little bit ahead of Kiyoko looking at some shops along the way while waiting for her.

C'mon i swear soon were gonna find our other teammate she was sometimes,sometimes right about these things.she decided to put her hair in a loose ponytail since she was sweating a little Man,using my Tengu Shadow on her made me a little sweaty..maybe i should only use it how i see the situation...

She mentally made a note to go and talk to her Father about this...when she was free that is Damn Suna ninjas are all over.. she made a slight pout but then it dissapeared as she waited for Kiyoko to move Midget!i don't have all day!now,Move!! her face was now more of an annoyed face,she started to fight in her own mind for god knows whatever reasons Lazy ass,lucky she's on the team... she also made some mumbling noises but that soon died down.

((OOC:It's fine and no offense taken.))
Hanashi Uchiha
Hanashi Uchiha

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Me and My Stupid Life [Open to Team 71] Empty Re: Me and My Stupid Life [Open to Team 71]

Post by Yousei Fri May 29, 2009 2:55 pm

His sight suddenly cought two girls and he mentally smiled. They're both so strange... Razz
One looks like an adult person, yet her emotions and behaviour is just like childs; second is younger, but her emotions are like mirror to first ones, lazy hatred should be.
Still, their action against those idiotic Jounin was impressive. And, since they are walking the same direction as I...
Wind carried a sound... words... information: ...soon were gonna find our other teammate...
Oh, I see, they must be my teammates. Well, that will make a pretty funny team: Me (genius, but still a kid), adult child, suicidal loner. Maybe, if we get a cool leader, it wouldnt be so bad...
Well, should I join them in their walk, or should I take another path and make it there first? Hmmm, maybe I'll just get some distance and watch if they will sense me... that shall be a little test for them.

Yousei silently increased his distance up to three building and slowly followed two girls.

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Me and My Stupid Life [Open to Team 71] Empty Re: Me and My Stupid Life [Open to Team 71]

Post by Aki Fri May 29, 2009 4:45 pm

Kiyoko just adopted a blank face, controlling her anger. Years of being under harsh punishment by her mother had made her learn how to control emotions quite well. They continued walking in silence. How the hell did I lose control back there? ... Just breathe Kiyoko. Breathe. ... There's someone watching us. I can feel it...

Kiyoko closed her eyes and continued walking. The scent of blood was strong, but she ignored that for the moment. Instead she searched. When she had been practicing with the Byakugan she had learned how to find people's chakra without actually activating the Byakugan. She sensed several ninjas nearby, but none of them were right. At long last she pinpointed it. A... young boy? She briefly wondered if Hanashi had noticed.

Kiyoko let out a yawn and opened her eyes. So... someone's watching us, the last member of our team? thought Kiyoko. She soon realized they were in the area they were supposed to be meeting their sensei. It was a clearing... of sand, with the sun directly overhead. Why anyone would want a place here that was without shade, Kiyoko didn't know of. Hey, maybe I'll have a heat stroke or something and die! But knowing life... I probably won't.

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Me and My Stupid Life [Open to Team 71] Empty Re: Me and My Stupid Life [Open to Team 71]

Post by Hanashi Uchiha Sun May 31, 2009 5:16 pm

As Hanashi was walking she did sense someone watching them ...a boy? well this is new.. she ignored her own thoughts about why was he looking at them and began to be a little serious instead of her 5-year old hyper energy.

I wonder if Kiyoko has noticed the boy...maybe,i may never know.. as she heard or she thought she heard Kiyoko yawn she yawned too weird...i don't feel tired.. she was wondering if the boy that was watching them was the last member but she wasn't sure.

She looked around,her green eyes scanning anyone that looked into her eyes Must be hiding somewhere?Nah... she continued walking hoping Kiyoko was right behind her or somethin or she would threayen to use her Shadow yet again.
Hanashi Uchiha
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Me and My Stupid Life [Open to Team 71] Empty Re: Me and My Stupid Life [Open to Team 71]

Post by Yousei Mon Jun 01, 2009 8:34 am

Changed... both. Hatred and childishness were pushed away by curious coution.
That's ok... fast enough. I'd even say right on time...
Because they were in place where they should meet their sensei. A clearing of sand.
Well, since there aren't anymore buildings to proceed with hiding, I guess, I should make my "effective" appearance!
Yousei formed one-hand seal and whispered: "Fuusochi". Next moment he was few steps behind his teammates.
Congratulations, Im Fuusoku Yousei, your teammate, and you've just passed my test by noticing me! Kind smile.
Damn it, its hot in here...

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Me and My Stupid Life [Open to Team 71] Empty Re: Me and My Stupid Life [Open to Team 71]

Post by Aki Fri Jun 05, 2009 10:55 am

Kiyoko could care less about any stupid test the kid had come up with. She just wanted to get this over with, pass the damn Chunin Exams and then never have to worry about doing any more work. That or at least die some time before in between becoming a Chunin.

Despite the fact that Kiyoko was dressed in all black, the sun was directly overhead, there was no shade, and it was extremely hot, she felt fine. Instead of actually greeting the guy or anything, she promptly adopted a sleeping mode. She cleared her mind and let it wander while her eyes remained closed and her breathing became slow and steady. She was a master of fake sleeping.

As far as Kiyoko was concerned, this was all very annoying. So her little bit of hope of having a heat stroke and dying or getting severely injured with it that she'd end up dead was far, far away right now. Still, you couldn't help but hope a little, could you?

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Me and My Stupid Life [Open to Team 71] Empty Re: Me and My Stupid Life [Open to Team 71]

Post by Hanashi Uchiha Fri Jun 05, 2009 7:46 pm

She just blinked at her other teammate,Yousei then laughed a little Well Hello Yousei-san! she grinned in his way as he appeared saying noticiing him was a 'test' Funny man...

She looked at Kiyoko,who was now sleeping,she raised an can someone be sleeping outside in a hot sunny day?she thought about this as she looked nowhere in particular and stood quite for at least 10 minutes or more.

So...wonder when our sensei will be here...
Hanashi Uchiha
Hanashi Uchiha

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Me and My Stupid Life [Open to Team 71] Empty Re: Me and My Stupid Life [Open to Team 71]

Post by Yousei Sat Jun 06, 2009 4:01 am

They waited. Woman's reaction was quite normal, she should've thought Im funny. But the other one... well, she stood sleeping, that's first time I have seen such a thing.
Nobody said anything, they just waited. Are you all sleeping? No, but one of us surely is. Then say something. This is such dull atmosphere... maybe you know what we could speak about?...
"So...wonder when our sensei will be here..." Yousei looked at his oldest teammate. Names.
I hope soon, but before that, may I learn you names, since you already know my? Yousei sat on the sand and with simple seal created nice breeze to cool this heat down.

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Me and My Stupid Life [Open to Team 71] Empty Re: Me and My Stupid Life [Open to Team 71]

Post by Aki Sat Jun 06, 2009 7:14 pm

Kiyoko was sitting where she had been, apparently fast asleep, but she was still conscious in a sense and heard Yousei's question. She didn't bother "waking up" and only continued to dream and think. Maybe something had happened to their sensei and they were going to get a replacement and that replacement sensei would be so horribly lame that they'd get killed on their first mission, or at least she would.

Kiyoko just remained as she was and simply hoped her teammates wouldn't start talking on and on and on forever. She preferred the silence of the desert rather than the voices of people, but knowing her teammates, they were going to get along just fabulously. She would be the odd one, the one that was a complete loner and was antisocial. At least the guy wouldn't know her name, right? It wasn't as if that idiotic woman Hanashi was going to tell him her name. That would just be plain... rude?

It was up to her to tell people who she was, not other people. Still... knowing Hanashi, she probably would tell Yousei her name. It really annoyed her that sometimes people just didn't know when to shut up or stay out of other people's business. And then once Hanashi started talking, Yousei would talk too. Judging on what she had just learned, the boy would probably be one of those "let's get to know each other first" kids. Boring.

Everything about yourself was a secret. You had to be careful about what you let other people know. Even having other people know your name could be a threat. I mean really, someday you could become some famous ninja that everyone's after and then they'd go after the people who knew you and what happens? You feel so guilty about leaving them to fend for themselves that you end up showing yourself to your enemies and get killed. Or, you become so attached to someone that you'd give up your life to save them...

The inner workings of Kiyoko's mind were complex and contradicting. She just simply thought too much at times. And at other times, she didn't think enough. That or she was still sleepy and couldn't process information quite that easily... Ah well, what did it matter? Nothing interesting would happen until their sensei showed up anyway.

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Me and My Stupid Life [Open to Team 71] Empty Re: Me and My Stupid Life [Open to Team 71]

Post by Hanashi Uchiha Mon Jun 08, 2009 7:57 pm

Something told Hanashi that her teammate thought her and Kiyoko were a little...weird?yeah maybe that's what he thought of them Or maybe that were just crazy phychotic devils that want to eat his flesh...that too.. she giggled at her own thought then her eyes wandered over to Yousei as if analyzing him,her eyes became a dark green as she looked at him from head to toe then her eyes went to Kiyoko.

Is she really sleeping..? she sat down on the ground no matter if it was hot or not.she was to busy thinking about the events that happened today.
Hanashi Uchiha
Hanashi Uchiha

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Me and My Stupid Life [Open to Team 71] Empty Re: Me and My Stupid Life [Open to Team 71]

Post by Yousei Tue Jun 09, 2009 2:30 am

After Yousei's question, there was some silence. Nobody willed to answer it. The woman sat infront of Yousei and stared at him for awhile, thinking 'bout something.
And the other girl simply continued sleeping. I see... ok, maybe I'll hear it when our sensei comes, until then, I guess, I shall sleep some too. I'll be out, watch the situatuon and wake me if something. Got it!
Yousei did few hand seals and a little cloud of pressured air formed above their team. Also, keep that cloud in shape, so I could sleep in its shade. He wraped himself into his cloak, laid down on sand and fell asleep.

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Me and My Stupid Life [Open to Team 71] Empty Re: Me and My Stupid Life [Open to Team 71]

Post by Aki Tue Jun 09, 2009 1:53 pm

This was so... lame. They were all going to sleep too. Well... Hanashi wasn't but it was basically the same thing. Ah well. And then that idiotic boy had to create some cover from the shade. He was so annoying, this little kid. With a small sigh Kiyoko got up and abruptly moved out of the shade and promptly fell "asleep" again.

She was utterly annoyed with them, though she had to admit, Hanashi was like an older sister almost... or younger, whichever you preferred. She wondered if their sensei was going to be anything like them, and if he or she was, then hopefully at the most they'd be like Hanashi in a sense. Kiyoko inwardly sighed. It was so annoying being a Genin... and the Chunin Exams were coming up too. Great, just great. A lot of work for her to do, how fun.

Time was going by fast, despite the heat of the day. Just where was their sensei?

((Lolz I kind of want to wrap this up since the Chunin Exams have already started... and this is supposed to be before the Chunin Exams.))

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