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Akuma's blades and warhammer

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Akuma's blades and warhammer Empty Akuma's blades and warhammer

Post by stone hearted shedemon Tue Nov 25, 2008 6:33 pm

Name of Weapon or Item: Wrist blades

Description: Gauntlets of hard demon metal with retractable blades that come out of the sides of the gauntlet. The blades are detachable and can be used like swords.

History: Akuma crafted these items herself when on her travels. She found the metal and crafted the wepons over a few days as the metal took so long to melt and shape. After completion she put them on her arms and found she could not remove them at all, she figured it wouldn't matter and so left them there, she trained with them for four years and perfected her technique.

Appearance: Rounded smooth gauntlets that cover most of Akuma's forarm, a matt silver colour metal that only shines when the blades are drawn. The blades are curved at such an angle it can hook and slice an enemy but not dig back into her arms. the blades look like pure silver but are much stronger.

Name of Weapon or Item: Warhammer

Description: A plain warhammer with a large head and long handle.

History: Akuma came across this item in a museum and took it, managing to get far enough away without getting caught by the museum curator or gaurds. At first Akuma could not use it as it was too heavy even for her, after a while of trying she built up the streangth to use it but still had to develope her skills with it, successfully weilding it after a few years of training by herself.

Appearance: A long hilt about a metre and a half long, dull steal with an amathyst stone cut into an orb at the end. The head is quite large compared to the handle and to the user, it could easily crush a person's head i one blow. On top of that is another amathyst but cut to look like a dagger.
stone hearted shedemon
stone hearted shedemon

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Akuma's blades and warhammer Empty Re: Akuma's blades and warhammer

Post by Shin Uchiha Tue Nov 25, 2008 7:20 pm

Shin Uchiha
Shin Uchiha

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