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Keano read this

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Keano read this Empty Keano read this

Post by Guest Tue Mar 10, 2009 9:20 pm

Ok so here is the deal Keano. I have tried playing nice with you. Ive tried being the bigger person, to end our feud. You flatly refused. It was still a personal matter, untll it began affecting the site. You have gone to far. First off, lieing to an admin about how you wanted to try and be less OP. You have proven that this is not the case. Secondly, out right refusing to comply with a request of a mod. Not to brag, but a respected one at that. Granted, I will give you that you backed up your claim for not doing what was asked, but then I destroyed your logic and proved you in the wrong, and you know how you responded. Very disrespectfuly. I tried ending our fued, and once again, disrespect. You have done nothing but show disrespect since you came back. And all I have stated was only the things involoving me. Ohters are not happy with your actions, I am just going to take the bulk of the responsibility on this. Hell Yosh suggested I move to ban you, but I refused that, and came up with a soloution that was much more fitting. A soloution that was agreed upon amongst the majority of the mods, and two admins. Here it is. And you have no choice but to comply or lead. This is law.

Your character, Le'Keano, will be removed. You will no longer be aloud to rp with him. Nor will you be making another character. One will be provided for you constructed by Kaji. He will be genin, a normal genin. No short cuts or loopholes. You work your way up from the bottom the hard way. No acceptions. No bloodline will be given to you. You will be just like a normal shinobi, and will have to rely soley on skill rather than special powers not avaliable to others in order to succeed at whatever you do on here. You will have no say on the character. You will not be permited to create items or jutsu. These will be awarded to you at the discretion of Kaji and Yoshimo. If you have an idea, you can present it to Kaji, and he will deem whether or not it will be acceptable. This will be a punishment and reward system. You will have to prove to us you want to stay on this site. You will follow the rules. You have forced this upon yourself. We have tried being reasonable with you, or at least I have, and you have proven that reason has no bearing in your mind. Yes you ARE being made an example of. We are proving as the staff that this sort of behavior is not acceptable, nor will it be tolerated coming from ANYONE, not even the original creator of Ninja Nation.

You have three options: comply, leave, or get banned. The choice is yours. Be greatful that it wasnt a ban, for a few people wanted it, but I refused to allow it.


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Keano read this Empty Re: Keano read this

Post by Keano Fri Mar 20, 2009 10:13 am

Wo wo wo. Hold up. Two weeks of being locked up and now I get this s***?!?!?!?!

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Keano read this Empty Re: Keano read this

Post by Guest Fri Mar 20, 2009 3:39 pm

You did this to yourself so I realy dont want to hear it. As i said, it wasnt just me and it was not just Drac, a lot of people were involved, I am just takin the responsibility for it. Get over it. You pushed to far and we had enough.

I told you over and over not to fuck with me. You didnt listen did you. Well guess what Keano, checkmate, I win.


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Keano read this Empty Re: Keano read this

Post by Keano Mon Mar 23, 2009 10:54 am

Nah, you didnt win Taku. You just used this as a escape from fighting me. This was real cowardly of you and EVERYONE who was also involved.

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Keano read this Empty Re: Keano read this

Post by tradebuzzing2 Mon Mar 23, 2009 12:49 pm

So, you really just said that?!?!

Keano, you just called A LOT of people cowards. This was not an to escape. This was because you suck!


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Keano read this Empty Re: Keano read this

Post by Uchiha Kumori Mon Mar 23, 2009 12:55 pm


Says the person who ran from our fight.
Uchiha Kumori
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Keano read this Empty Re: Keano read this

Post by Keano Mon Mar 23, 2009 1:28 pm

Drac if I sucked, then why didnt you ever fight me? You always made excuses to con your way out of it. And as for you Keiteki, the only reason you got the better of me was because you used metal in your arsonal and I just didnt happen to have a element to counter it. That is why I got those elemental combinations approved because I was going to come back and beat you then.

I am not a coward. I may just be unliked and I truely dont care. At some point of time, most of you respected me or feared me because then you knew what I was capable of doing. But I guess you all bucked up or something since Yosh took charge. Yall better realize who you are dealing with. I am the same one that you feared Drac and Taku so just because you happened to get on Yoshimo's good side and get a little rank doesnt mean you can compare to me. I challenged you both multiple times and everytime you BOTH made excuses.

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Keano read this Empty Re: Keano read this

Post by Uchiha Kumori Mon Mar 23, 2009 3:24 pm

Keano, you're such a comedian.

Okay? You fled from our battle because I had the advantage over you. You were afraid that you were going to lose your precious, overpowered character, and you left, and then you decide to make an "ability" to try and beat just me. You are definately a coward. There is no doubt in my mind that you are a shameful and cowardly person. I would've accepted defeat, but you however, did not. You chose to flee like a baby and try and get better to beat me, but that will never happen as long as you keep up with your current attitude.

And some of what you said may be true. You were once the ruler of Ninja Nation 1. You were once the adminstrator who made all the decisions. That was then. This is now. Things change, my friend. Now, as Kakashi once said, the younger generation is taking over. Things are different now. I was never on the first or second Ninja Nations, but I can tell you that the third, and hopefully the final Ninja Nation. Things are a lot more high quality, and everybody's RPing skills have improved. You, however, refuse to improve, and retain your stubborn and cowardly disposition.

We no longer have to "fear" you, because you no longer have any control.

So, you can either deal with the fact you were OP, and face the consequences, deal with it, and try to improve. Or leave. The choice is yours, Keano.
Uchiha Kumori
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Keano read this Empty Re: Keano read this

Post by tradebuzzing2 Mon Mar 23, 2009 3:36 pm

Keano, I fought you, remember?! You godmodded and yosh called you out and you left. So, I did not con myself out of shit! Keano, think before you post, ok?

And Keano, you may be the same, but see the thing is, Taku and I've changed. We aren't afraid of someone that God mods and makes OP characters. And whines like a little bitch!

And Again, we both fight you, but you gave the excuses, you are acting like a little kid. And Keano, for the love of GOD! Think before you post.


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Keano read this Empty Re: Keano read this

Post by Guest Mon Mar 23, 2009 3:42 pm

Keitieki and Drac quit fuckin postin in here. This is my deal not yours so but out. Keano you are a fucking moron. You no why I dont want to fight you? because it is over a pointless feud. It would take preciouss time and energy that can be better spent trying to better the site. I realized that and quit trying to have a problem with you. I even offered an end to our feud and you flatly refused. And your right Keano, but reread your own words. WE USED, USED, to fear you. No more, I just dont want to deal with you anymore. And you think I cant take you now, how about reading my fight with Yoshimo, and tell me I havent improved ten fold. So suck it bitch. You are an over powering, god modded mother fucker who has to rely on nothing more than supped up abilities to cary you through. You have no true rp skill. You have no creativeness. You have proven this over and over. I have tried to be civil to you, but no more. If you continue to push me I will have your ass fucking banned.


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Keano read this Empty Re: Keano read this

Post by Keano Mon Mar 23, 2009 5:16 pm

Banned? So thats your excuse to end this problem huh? I have not done anything worth getting banned for. All of these so called OP abilities I had were all approved so what do you have to say about that? When you feel like this, a REAL person would accept the challenge and fight. However you try to continue to argue and avoid fighting. And with your new rank, you unfairly make decisions for your own good. Stop wanting to fight you or get my character deleted........this is helping how? You try to stay on peoples good side so you kiss their ass all the time. As well as Drac. And please tell me, how am I a coward? huh?

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Keano read this Empty Re: Keano read this

Post by Guest Mon Mar 23, 2009 5:59 pm

No I have done no kissing ass. Ask yosh yourself, when i have a problem, even with him, I am very abrupt and upfront about it. And you bein OP, just cuz they were approved doesnt mean they werent op Keano. They were approved by mirage. Not me, so i still view them as OP and I am not the only one. Various others do as well. Kakazu was powerful as it was, and you took his power and like maximized it by like a factor of 12. If that is not OP i dont know what is. It took a hell of a lot to bring down who you based that character off of. And you wanted EVEN MORE. That is just plain wrong. And no Keano I realy dont want to fight you, your a waste of my time. Fighting you would get me no where. It would not benefit me in anyway. And this act, was to get you under control. You are very rude and disrespectful, you do not listen when authority tells you to do something you do not like to hear, and you are an OP mofo. You need to be controled, like a little kid, because you have proven that you do not have it you to monitor yourself. And hey we had a whole meeting on this, just about everyone worked on the creation or this idea. And I have recieved nothing but good feedback on the way I have handled this situation, because I have been the bigger person, willing to end out feud. To stop our pointless arguing. You refused and so force a hand. Maybe you should just agree to work together instead of fighting me so hard all the time. You have been an ass to me since you got back so I realy dont want to hear it. Why would you expect me to act any other way in response Keano. And you can argue all you want, but the ruling still stands, take it or leave nn. The choice is yours.

Last edited by Taku on Mon Mar 23, 2009 6:09 pm; edited 1 time in total


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Keano read this Empty Re: Keano read this

Post by Guest Mon Mar 23, 2009 6:09 pm

And tell me Keano, how do you figure I am scared of YOU, when I am dukin it out with Yoshimo right now. Yoshimo wouldnt hesitate to kill me, and I dont care. He is a great fight. I just dont think it would be any fun to fight you. YOu realy think Id be scared of you but not Yoshimo? Wow. Do you think I view you as a more powerful opponet than him? NO. After I am done wtih Yosh I am seekin out Gn. Do you think i am under the imprestion that Gn would not kill me. I plan for that to be a fight for my life. Do you think I view Gn as less of a threat than you? Is you serious? Why would I be going after all of them if I was afraid to fight YOU???? Oh also, one who has proven himself better than you, Keitieki, him and I are planing on fighting in the near future. He anhilated you before. So why would I be scared of fighting you, but not of Keitieki? Your logic makes no sense.


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Keano read this Empty Re: Keano read this

Post by Uchiha Kumori Mon Mar 23, 2009 6:40 pm

Sorry Taku, I know you didn't want me to post, but it's too tempting. Thanks for including me!! ^^

Alright, Keano, enough. You have already been presented two choices. Most people have agreed that your abilities were in fact, over powered, and you did not deserve to have them. And like Taku said, you have little to no skills in Role playing. You must rely on the absurd powers of your poorly thought out character. You were basically just playing a canon character, only you worked up on his already sizable abilities, but no, you had to keep on going, and make the most overpowered character ever to be approved on NN3. I should've killed you, but Yoshi stopped the battle. You ran away form the battle like a coward, yet you call everyone else a coward. Very smart. You didn't deserve to have that character, and because of your arrogance and rudeness, you're where you are now.

Another thing, don't call this bullshit. Kaji and Yoshi are both putting time into making YOUR CHARACTER. FOR YOU. So that you can RP here, and get better. The staff here are reasonable, and you're taking all this for granted. You've already disregarded and ignored every attempt made to help you, and you've attempted to puff up your chest and seem frightening and in control. Well you're not. Whatever you were on NN1, you're no longer what you once were. Now you're just like every other, normal member on this site. No staff position, right where you belong.

If I was in your position, I would accept that everybody is trying to help me, and cooperate. But you are different than me. You're defiant and you have no respect. Now get everything that has been said in this thread through your head.
Uchiha Kumori
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Keano read this Empty Re: Keano read this

Post by Koga Mon Mar 23, 2009 11:09 pm

Before I say anything, I apologize to Yoshimo for any foul language in this post, I feel when I loosen myself on that, I can make my points rather quickly, thats what I plan on doing here and now. I also want to apologize to Taku, who has been nothing but nice to me since I got here, but I feel saying this would be for his own good in the long run.

Everyone shut the fuck up. This is just another pointless fight circle, "You god mod", "Youre a coward", "That was before", "Then fight me", "You god mod", "Youre a coward". Enough of it, I really have to say that. Enough.

Firstly, if there is any way of handling something like this, itd be through messages. In private, so at least the rest of the site doesnt have to look onto this garbage. Not only does it make you guys look like pissy children, it gives the site a bad reputation for people who see THESE as the first topics in the chat room.

Second, I think that both of you need to turn off your computers the second youre done reading this post, and cool off for a few hours before coming back, seeing as how you guys are emptying clip after clip in each other as quickly as you can. Im not in this fight, dont aim bullets at me. Im just tired of watching this go on, and its nearly going into units of pages now. PAGES. Pages of this nonsensical rambling and bitching about the same things over and over again.

Keano, since you seem to be the heart of the problem, pun intended, I guess Ill tell you something first. Something Ive had the pleasure of personally dealing with very recently. Kakuzu. You're a Kakuzu rip-off. Kakuzu was a god modding beast that took, what, six people to kill? Most of them above Chuunin rank? And you ADDED to that? I have nothing left to say, other than shame on the people who approved anything for you, perhaps thinking "Well, maybe he'll use it wisely". Wrong.

Taku, you really dont have much leg to stand on from what I saw here either. You threatening to get him banned because he wants to fight you is abuse of power, though I do see why you'd want him banned. Ive never talked to the guy before, and, yet, already I feel like Id dropkick him in the throat if I ever met him personally. However, that doesnt give you the right to ban people just because you dont like them, or because theyre dickheaded assholes. Thats when you make their lives miserable, not end them.

As for Drac and Keiteki.. I really dont know.

Though I will give one last word to the wise. My topic, that I believe has slipped far back into the depths of the chat room by now, warned of this exact bullshit happening eventually. Keano was one of the very reasons I felt the way I did in my "Something Hard To Swallow" thread, and this topic you're all in proves my point to the letter. I urge you all to reconsider what I wrote of that before, lest the entire site turn into the sea of bickering that this puddle promises to grow into.

Like I said, both of you, shut up. Fighting over a problem where neither of you plan on doing anything about it is making more problems due to a problem, and if you havent guessed, thats not really bettering anything. Not your relations on the site, not the site itself, nothing. All it does is get other people who arent involved, like myself, Drac and Keiteki, pissed off for no reason when the entire thing couldve been avoided by using messages or asking Yoshimo "73h b4n h4m|\/|urZ??".

You know what though, if either of you actually plans on resolving this, Ill make myself the referee. Okay, kids? Wrap up all your awesome points and shove them into a single message, then send them right to me. Eeeeeverything you have to say about the topic. Every last single detail about how he broke your cookie and how he scuffed your shoe, the whole nine yards, if its really THIS important to you guys. If you two really feel like this problem is worth hours of debating and bitching, then at least be considerate enough to leave everyone else out of it. They dont need this eyesore, and personally, neither do I. However, like many of you know, I was known for bringing hell upon things like this, people feuding over the most insignificant little things. Making mountains out of molehills for no reason. Id be happy to have a temporary flashback for both of you if its really necessary.

I want a single message from each of you containing every point and problem you have against the other person. Thats it. No more, no less. One message. Get everything out in one message. Either that, or end it. As far as I read, neither of you proved anything. Continuing this is pointless and a waste of time at this point. Im sure, even you two, can agree on that at this point.

Talk is cheap, take action or walk away.

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Keano read this Empty Re: Keano read this

Post by Kaji-Kanto Mon Mar 23, 2009 11:27 pm

*hugs koga* Very Happy You seriously are to good for this site man. I shouldnt be saying this but Id love to talk to you some time and well picking your brain lol. ^^ If you take me up on this offer im usally on the Chatbox. Id love to see you there. (link given)

-Kaji Kanto
Crazy moron
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P.S. Im sorry for the interuption and the kinda girlyness of this post im on pills at the moment.

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Keano read this Empty Re: Keano read this

Post by Guest Tue Mar 24, 2009 9:17 am

*Sigh* Koga you ruin all my fun dont you. Smile. I realy didnt care about getting a leg, I just like watching his answers. They entertain me. Make me chuckle to myself. But I suppose you are right. And since it bothers you so, I shall stop. O and he would only be getting banned for blatanlty ignoring authorivie acts, not of personal vendeta, otherwise he would have been banned long ago. Ill end this with this statement. Keano, reguardless of what you say or do, you have to go by this ruling. You dont have a choice. It is law, and you must follow, or you arent going to be alloud to rp, plain and simple. Good day.


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