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Hatkae Obito/Shitake Shikama Techniques [DONE]

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Hatkae Obito/Shitake Shikama Techniques [DONE] Empty Hatkae Obito/Shitake Shikama Techniques [DONE]

Post by Aki Sun Mar 08, 2009 6:03 pm

Along with the basic Academy jutsus, Obito also knows... Note that he learns some of these jutsus from scrolls his father left behind for him.

Name: Raikiri Nagashi - Lightning Edge Current
Rank: A
Range: Close
Type: Attack/Defense
Element: Raiton
Instead of merely focusing the electrical force to his body, Obito is able to extend it outside of his body and through objects which he is holding. This allows him to create a protective zone around his person. This zone of electricity can shock and immobilize his foes, by attacking their nervous system.
The chakra can enter the ground and end up shocking his teammates.

Name: Raikiri Senbon - Lightning Edge Needles
Rank: A
Range: Close - Mid
Type: Attack
Element: Raiton
Obito is able to shape the Lightning Element to form senbon. These needles take on Raikiri's characteristics, including it's ability to cut through most anything which stands in its path.
Takes up a lot of chakra. Obito is unable to fully control where senbon goes, senbon can on occasion injure other team mates.

Name: Daitoppa - Great Breakthrough
Rank: C
Range: Close - Mid
Type: Attack
Element: Fuuton
After bringing his hand to his mouth, Obito will blow a large blast of wind capable of leveling almost anything in its way.

Name: Dochuu Eigyo - Underground Fish Projection
Rank: C
Range: Close
Type: Supplementary
Element: Doton
Using the Oboro Bunshin, the Rain Genin use the clones to confuse their enemies and then hide within the earth. From the shadows of the clones, the actual ninja can then attack their target.
Can cause the user himself to go insane if used over long periods of time.

Name: Doro Gaeshi - Mud Overturn
Rank: C
Range: Close
Type: Defense
Element: Doton
After striking the ground with their hands, a large wall of earth will rise into place as defense. The defense is not perfect though, a hard or drilling impact can puncture the wall.

Name: Doryuu Katsu - Earth Style Split
Rank: B
Range: Close - Far
Type: Attack/Supplementary
Element: Doton
The ninja will do the necessary hand seals, then place their hand to the ground. This will cause the earth to rise up and split apart.
Obito must stay extremely still. Once the ninja removes their hand from the ground, the earth parting will end.

Name: Iwa Yado Kuzushi - Stone Lodging Destruction
Rank: B
Range: Close - Far
Type: Attack
Element: Doton
This technique allows the ninja to control nearby stone and rock. This can be especially useful if in a cave or a stone lodging. The technique can loosen the rocks and cause them to come raining down on whomever is trapped inside.
Must be used while outside of cave or the cave will collapse on the user himself. Further away cave is, the more chakra is needed.

Name: Kage Bunshin no Jutsu - Shadow Clone Technique
Rank: B
Range: Close - Mid
Type: Supplementary
Element: N/A
The Kage Bunshin distributes the ninja's chakra evenly among the clones and creates a real copy with form and substance. The clone itself can also utilize any jutsu the original ninja knows. When the clone finally disperses, any new knowledge it has gained is passed back to the original ninja and any additional clones.
Weakness: N/A?

Name: Kakashi's Lightning Wolf Technique (Unnamed) [May name later]
Rank: A
Range: Close - Mid
Type: Attack
Element: Raiton
After creating Raiton in his hand, Obito will send out a wolf made of lightning to attack his target. Lightning will run from Obito's hand to the wolf itself, limiting its range.
Though it attacks the target, the target itself is within range to attack Obito. This jutsu is sort of like a more stable version of Raikiri. No need for Sharnigan or extreme speed. But puts user in position to be injured.

Name: Kirigakure no Jutsu - Hidden Mist Technique
Rank: D
Range: Close - Mid
Type: Supplementary
Element: N/A
The ninja causes the area surrounding their target to be covered in fog. The low visibility allows the ninja to silently and secretly assassinate their target.

Name: Kuchiyose no Jutsu - Summoning Technique
Rank: C
Range: N/A
Type: Attack, Defense, Supplementary
Element: N/A
A powerful jutsu, Ninpo Kuchiyose allows a ninja to summon animals, objects and the dead to fight on their behalf. The ninja normally signs a blood contract with the animal species, which allows him to summon different size and skill levels of creature.

For Obito, this is with dogs and foxes. Will post in Summoning thread.

Name: Meisai Gakure no Jutsu - Camouflage Concealment Technique
Rank: A
Range: N/A
Type: Supplementary
Element: N/A
After forming the needed handseals, the ninja can grant themself near invisibility. So far only the Sharingan eye and its revelation abilities has been shown to pierce the veil and see the hidden ninja. It is unknown if the Byakugan can penetrate the jutsu and see the user's chakra circulatory system.
Though they are concealed, the noises they make are not.

Name: Mizu Bunshin no Jutsu - Water Clone Technique
Rank: C
Range: Close - Mid
Type: Supplementary
Element: Sution
Unlike a normal Bunshin, the Mizu Bunshin has the ability to interact more with the environment due to it having physical substance. This allows the clone to carry out limited attacks on its target. The range of the clone is limited however, it can not travel very far from the original body. If the Mizu Bunshin is injured, the clone will usually revert back into its natural water state.

Name: Mizurappa - Violent Water Wave
Rank: C
Range: Close - Mid
Type: Attack
Element: Suiton
After forming the needed handseals, Obito will expel a strong jet of water at his opponent.

Name: Oboro Bunshin no Jutsu - Haze Clone Technique
Rank: D
Range: Close - Mid
Type: Supplementary
Element: Doton
Oboro Bunshin is a normal Bunshin technique that created approximately a hundred clones of himself. Due to the number of clones created, Obito can take the opportunity to hide from his target. To attack his target he will hide in the shadows of the clones and attack from underground.

Name: Raikiri - Lightning Edge
Rank: S
Range: Close
Type: Attack
Element: Raiton
Chidori (a.k.a. Raikiri) is a Ninjutsu technique developed by Hatake Kakashi utilizing the Lightning Element. Chidori allows him to cut through any foe. It was given the nickname Raikiri after it was said Kakashi used the technique to cut a lightning bolt in two. Chidori is used for assassination purposes. Activating the body to focus chakra to the hand, Kakashi's hand becomes enveloped by an electrical force. This force is his chakra altered in nature to an electrical current. By altering the shape of the force, similar to an electrical discharge, he can decide the power and range of the attack.

After concentrating all the chakra into the arm, Kakashi uses his quickness and the power of the thrust from the chakra to pierce any object with the extended forearm.
Because their opponent can easily counter the attack, it requires a Sharingan user to make the technique worthwhile. The Sharingan will allow them to predict any moves their opponent decides to make and send their strike home into the target. Due to the high speed, the force emits a sound like a thousand birds chirping which gave the technique its name. Because of the great amount of chakra needed to utilize the technique, the technique can only be used so many times during the day.

Name: Raiton Kage Bunshin no Jutsu - Lightning Element Shadow Clone Technique
Rank: B
Range: Close - Mid
Type: Supplementary
Element: Raito
Raiton Kage Bunshin no Jutsu is a Ninjutsu technique that utilizes lightning to create a Kage Bunshin clone. Because it is a Kage Bunshin, the Raiton version shares the ability to interact with the environment due to it having physical substance. This allows the clone to carry out limited attacks on its target. If the Raiton Kage Bunshin is injured, the clone will revert into its natural lightning state. Like in other Lightning Element attacks, should the target come into contact with the electricity, they will be momentarily stunned.
If clone is set off too near the user, the user shall suffer as well.

Name: Reppushou - Gale Wind Palm
Rank: C
Range: Close - Mid
Type: Attack
Element: Fuuton
After forming the needed hand seals, Obito will send a strong gust of wind towards his target. When acting in conjunction with another thrown weapon, the wind can increase its power and deadliness.

Name: Shinjuu Zanshu no Jutsu - Double Suicide Decapitation Technique
Rank: D
Range: Close
Type: Supplementary
Element: Doton
The ninja will travel through the ground to appear below their target. They will then surprise their target by then pulling them into the ground. Once in the ground their target is thus immobilized.

Name: Suirou no Jutsu - Water Prison Technique
Rank: C
Range: Close
Type: Supplementary
Element: Sution
The ninja forms the necessary hand seals which causes the water to form around the target into a spherical prison which only allows for limited movement. The ninja must keep their body touching the water prison to maintain its existence. If the contact is broken, the water falls away and their target is released. When combined with a bunshin technique, the ninja can imprison their target but still allow for a clone to attack others nearby.

Name: Kuchiyose • Tsuiga no Jutsu - Tracking Fang Technique
Rank: B
Range: Close - Far
Type: Attack
Element: Doton
Ninpou: Kuchiyose • Doton • Tsuiga no Jutsu is a Ninjutsu technique used by Hatake Kakashi utilizing the Earth element. Kakashi will withdraw the tracking scroll from the pouch on his vest and wipe the blood of the one he wants tracked on it. After forming the needed handseals, he will slam the scroll onto the ground. This will release his nin dogs into the earth to follow their excellent sense of smell to track the targets blood. This allows Kakashi to track his short range target, even when he can not see them. This technique can also be used to set up his Raikiri. After finding their target the dogs will emerge from the ground to bite and pin down their target. This can allow Kakashi to execute the Raikiri without fear of a counter attack.
Weakness: None really? You know asides from chakra loss... I can't think of a good weakness for this.

Last edited by Aki on Mon Mar 09, 2009 6:44 pm; edited 3 times in total

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Hatkae Obito/Shitake Shikama Techniques [DONE] Empty Re: Hatkae Obito/Shitake Shikama Techniques [DONE]

Post by Aki Sun Mar 08, 2009 6:03 pm

Name: Geki - Strike
Rank: C
Range: Close - Far
Type: Attack
Element: Raiton
Engulfs a target in red light, completely paralyzing them. Light is in one circular, single beam. Easy to dodge from long distances, harder to dodge at close distances

Name: Rikujokoro - Six Rods Prison of Light
Rank: B
Range: Close - Mid
Type: Defense ?
Element: Raiton
Six thin, but wide beams of lightning chakra slam into a target’s midsection, holding them in place. As rods are made of lightning chakra, the target is usually paralyzed as well. Once you have been caught in place, it is extremely hard to get out. Any movement made will also bring about pain. If left in here too long, say an hour, you could die. The beams only disappear at Obito’s words.
Drains at least a quarter of Obito’s chakra. Note that this jutsu is best used against a high level ninja whom Obito would not like to kill just yet, but would to talk to them, question them, or simply use them as a hostage later.

Name: Hyapporankun - Hundred Stepped Rails
Rank: B
Range: Close - Mid
Type: Defense/Attack ?
Element: Raiton
A rod formed of lightning chakra is thrown towards the target before it disintegrates into numerous short rods which can be used to pin the target to the surroundings and render them immobile, or to enter the target’s body and inflict multiple damage on them. And as the rods are made from lightning chakra, it will paralyze or shock those who come in contact with it. Good for a group of several ninja.
As the rods do not have Raikiri’s properties, a strong defensible wall or shield can block out most of the damage. Obito will also be vulnerable to attacks coming at his back at this time. He can only send out one rod at a time, and in only one direction. It will take some time to condense the right amount of chakra for rod. Too much chakra and the rod will explode shortly after it launched, hurting anyone within that range. Not enough chakra and the rod will simply fall to the ground and electricity the field.

Name: Byakurai - White Lightning
Rank: C
Range: Close - Mid
Type: Attack
Element: Raiton
Fires a concentrated bolt of lightning from the user’s forefinger. The user may move the forefinger about, but that will weaken the jutsu’s strength. If caught directly by it, there is a good chance you will be severely injured.
Too much chakra applied and the shot instead shocks the whole hand, paralyzing that whole side of the body. Not enough chakra and the shot will end up injuring the caster. Jutsu if fairly easy to dodge from long distances.

Name: Hiryugekizokushintenraiho - Flying Dragon-Striking, Heaven-Shaking, Lightning Cannon
Rank: A
Range: Close - Mid
Type: Attack
Element: Raiton
Fires a massive blast of lightning chakra from all around the user’s body. Actual damage done and range depends on amount of chakra used. Quarter chakra used-5 yard radius. Half chakra used-10 yard radius. 3/4 chakra used-20 yard radius. All of chakra used-40 yard. The noise from this can also deafen others to the point where it is permanent.
Those not caught in the blast will then have a chance to attack the user, as the user will feel extremely tired and exhausted. In the case where the user uses up all of their chakra, they will begin to feel dizzy, their vision will be blurred, and sounds will be distorted. Sometimes they may be able to stay up and fight for awhile, but for the most part, they will fall unconscious or be unable to move for several days.

Name: Hakufuku - White Crawl
Rank: C
Range: Close
Type: Attack
Element: Raiton
Within a small radius, of two to three feet, the user can paralyze everyone or knock them out. Useful for escape after being captured by enemy ninja. Ninja will remain paralyzed for a good hour or so. Lower leveled ninja may find that it lasts much longer.

Name: Kyomon - Mirror Door
Rank: C
Range: N/A
Type: Defense
Element: N/A
Creates a glass like barrier that is difficult to break from the outside, but relatively easy from the inside. The size of the area you want “barricaded” will determine how chakra is needed. Once created, walls will remain until user chooses to stop it, or until it is destroyed; however, if the user applies more chakra before the walls break, then the walls are healed halfway back to their original state so forth (the second time you heal it will be to halfway of the 2nd time you healed it, or a fourth of the original).

Name: Seki - Repulse
Rank: C
Range: Close
Type: Defense
Element: Raiton
Round shield of lightning chakra temporarily paralyzes and repels whatever strikes it. This allows the user to rest for a short period of time without fear. The shield will disperse in an hour, and the user must stay still inside the shield or they risk getting shocked by the walls of the shield themselves. User may get up or sit down without fear though.

Name: Tsuriboshi - Suspending Star
Rank: S
Range: Close - Mid
Type: Defense
Element: Doton & Raiton
First creates a star shaped net with lightning chakra that is anchored to nearby objects. Then applies earth chakra to the structure, filling in the gaps with a soft earthen substance. Stops falling objects like a safety net. Lightning chakra will cause some discomfort to those on the net, but it’s strength diluted by the earth on top of it, if those on the net do not move too much, they will be fine. Lightning will also act as a small barrier to prevent others from entering the net, shocking those who try to climb onto the net, and it will also prevent anyone from getting off. In this case, the jutsu’s range is extremely limited, only able to cover the size of a bedroom. This scenario rarely happens (I mean seriously, how often do you see citizens falling from the sky?), so it is rarely used, and when used it is generally along an A-rank jutsu.

The jutsu can also be applied in reverse. A mound of semi hardened earth can cover a group of people, with small holes at varying intervals to allow one to breathe, and the net of lightning will applied around the structure, covering the holes. Those who try to approach the structure will be shocked by the lightning if they get too close, and will find that it the earth may be too hard to attack through. In this case, the jutsu’s range is almost unlimited. This scenario would be used more often (especially in a war...) as it can effectively cover the majority of a ninja village (like 5/8 of Kirigakure maybe?) and this is where the jutsu would be ranked “S”.

The earth and lightning chakra having other uses as well. Should the earth be “eliminated”, perhaps washed away, the lighting chakra still remains and can protect the inhabitants. (This of course is applied to the second scenario, not the first as those on the net will just be well... shocked to death unless they get out.)

This jutsu is used more or less in urban places where civilians may be injured. It may also be used as a way to keep others from entering an area, or “catching” someone as they are thrown back, as the net does not need to be placed horizontally, but can also be done vertically. Depending on how much chakra the user inserted for either the earth or lightning chakra, will determine how much damage they can take or absorb. Generally, earth jutsus used on the structure will only “sink” into the already present earth there and increase the dome’s defense. Lightning chakra doing much the same.

Also, the jutsu is usually applied in a large scale, intended to catch several people at once, but if needed, it can be adjusted for just a couple of people, but the only main difference is that it will not consume a lot of chakra and it will not be as effective.
This jutsu will, for the most part, consume all of the user’s chakra, and for it to be fully effective, all of the chakra must be used. Naturally, this will leave the user completely defenseless and open to any attack. The user must also be out of the range of the jutsu as they can save themselves. This is a last resort jutsu as it will take many months to fully recover from the use of the jutsu, even more so if they are injured while or after using the jutsu. Should the caster die... the earth and lightning will slowly recede, but if any earth/lightning jutsus were used on the structure, those will remain. (i.e. Ninja 1 attacks the dome with a lightning jutsu. Obito gets killed. All of the original lightning and earth will disperse, but the lighting from Ninja 1 will remain.)

Name: Ippanseikatsu - Everyday Life
Rank: S
Range: N/A
Type: Supplement?
Element: N/A
This is effectively, a stronger version of the Henge no Jutsu (I believe). The caster will create a completely new identity for themselves. The user will still retain all abilities their old body had, meaning if they had been born blind, they would be blind; if they had heart attacks, they had heart attacks; doujutsus will remain, anything internal will basically stay the same. Scars, burns, and pretty much anything external can be changed. The jutsu does not alter one’s previous knowledge of life, personality, or habits. But it does alter your voice. The jutsu also locks away any kekkei genkai or unique traits you originally had, they are still there, but just out of your reach.

For the user to begin this jutsu, they will need to be alone in a very quiet and secluded place, as even the slightest noise can disrupt the jutsu. It would be best if the user cast a sound barrier around themselves first. The user will fix a mental image of how they wish to look inside their mind and must focus on that. This would include hair color, hair style, eye color, facial structure, height, etc. They may also choose to add on burns, scars, etc. Once done, the caster will have to perform a long string of hand signs and input a large amount of chakra, that will surround them, giving them a hazy blue outline.

After doing this successfully, the user will fall into a semi-unconscious state. They will awaken a few days later changed and unrobed. Once changed they can not return to their former self, unless it is through the second part of this jutsu. The user will have hopefully already have a set of clothes ready to change into.

Also note that once you have done this, it is impossible to reapply this jutsu to change yourself again. It is a one time only jutsu. Though you may remember how to do all of your jutsus, you will need to “relearn” them in a sense as you are in a new body and your jutsus may come out differently. Your jutsus may have also increased or decreased in strength. Any new jutsus learned with this body will also have to be “relearned” by your old body if you wish to use them.

The second part of this jutsu is known as rResurekushion, meaning “returning blade”. The first step being Shikai, initial release. To begin changing back, the user will have to begin gathering the same amount of chakra they had used to change themselves. But instead of letting this chakra out and forming a blue haze around them, they will need to keep the chakra within themselves, separate from their chakra supply. (I don’t know if this is actually possible... but let’s just say it is.) Once this is done, you will perform the needed hand signs. After a week’s rest you will have gained access to your original abilities and kekkei genkai. After unlocking Shikai, the user will find it easier and easier to perform shikai. Most do not get further than this.

The next step is Bankai, final release. The user must gather the same amount of chakra they originally used, then they must keep it within themselves, and have the same amount of chakra surround them outside. Within their mind, they must picture themselves as they once were and then perform the hand signs, slowly letting the same amount of chakra from both inside and out to be released. If completed successfully, one will turn back into their original selves. The time needed to fully change back varies. After completing Bankai, they may activate it more easily and quicker.

Usually you would need to activate Shikai first before performing Bankai, but if you have practiced long and hard enough, you may bypass Shikai and go directly to Bankai.
None really... But if you can’t figure out Shikai, then stuck forever, no one else can change you back. When you are first starting out the jutsu, if you do not do it correctly, you may find that parts of your body have been altered or distorted. While performing Bankai, if you mess up, you may lose your mind. Also... if you were to try to change your gender it would end... badly.

(Should there really be anymore weaknesses? You sort of get it... And yeah, I know this is from Bleach, but just bear with me. And NOTE: Shikama unconsciously changes back to Obito. It is unknown why, but they do. Should Shikama actually try it himself, he will struggle with it, only able to perform Shikai.)

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Hatkae Obito/Shitake Shikama Techniques [DONE] Empty Re: Hatkae Obito/Shitake Shikama Techniques [DONE]

Post by Aki Sun Mar 08, 2009 6:04 pm

Okay... that is a lot of Ninjutsu techniques, now about Taijutsu. He has learned the basics and some advanced moves from Gai. Taijutsu is the hand to hand stuff, Obito has a good enough of a physical strength, but he doesn't have any actual "techniques" they are just punches, kicks, scratches, etc. With the occasion of one Taijutsu technique:
Name of jutsu: Royal Saber
Rank: C
Range: Close
Type: Attack
Element: Raiton/Fuuton
A simple enough jutsu where Obito courses wind chakra into one of his punches or kicks. Along with the normal physical damage, a small wave of lightning (or wind) will also "fly" out from his foot or hand. (I don't know how to explain this anymore, but think along the lines of Avatar, where Aang can send out waves of air, it's similar to that, only he actually punches the target and a wave of wind attacks them.) Wind=cuts. Lightning=paralyzed/shocked.
Also note that he can use one hand/foot for wind and the other for lightning, but that requires a lot concentration and will fail for 50% of the time.

Now about Genjutsu, Obito knows the basic workings of Genjutsu from Kurenai, and knows a few Genjutsu moves himself. But he doesn't specialize in Genjutsu or tend to use it very often.

Name: Kasumi Juusha no Jutsu - Mist Servant Technique
Rank: D
Range: Close
Type: Supplementary
Element: N/A
Kasumi Juusha no Jutsu is a Genjutsu technique that creates false attackers to delay and confuse the enemy. Though these servants are not real, the actual ninja is able to remain hidden and throw kunai and shuriken matching the movements of the servants. This makes it appear the false servants are capable of attacking. When the enemy attempts to attack the servant, they will merely disrupt the servants illusion body but not destroy it.

And that's all I believe. I think the only questions will be about Ninjutsu, yes? Well, I tried as hard as I could to come up with weaknesses, but for some I just couldn't think of any. If you can think of any, I'll gladly take them into consideration and apply them to the said jutsu. And if you have noticed, the first post is all Ninjutsu that actually exists in the world of Naruto, the seconds post are pretty much original. (Yeah I know they're names are from Bleach and they're abilities are basically the same, but I altered them somewhat.)

I also plan on this being all the jutsus Obito will ever know... That might change, but I highly doubt it. At most I may only ever had two or three more Ninjutsus, maybe a lot more Tai and Gen, but asides from that, this is it.

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Hatkae Obito/Shitake Shikama Techniques [DONE] Empty Re: Hatkae Obito/Shitake Shikama Techniques [DONE]

Post by tradebuzzing2 Tue Mar 10, 2009 5:55 pm



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