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Ookami Vs Klano

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Ookami Vs Klano Empty Ookami Vs Klano

Post by Kaji-Kanto Sat Mar 07, 2009 11:14 am

(speeding it along)

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Ookami Vs Klano Empty Re: Ookami Vs Klano

Post by Lee Sat Mar 07, 2009 12:04 pm

Klano awoke from his sleepy state when he heard his name called. He awoke with a start, throwing the book he had been reading somewhere across the room. He ran quickly into the arena, shaking his head and rubbing his eyes to wake himself up. As he enetered the arena, he did not see his opponent, but saw many people in the crowd above, watching down on him. He waved up to the stands then looked around the arena. He wasn't here yet. Klano put one hand in his pocket and one hand on his blade, awaiting the arival of his opponent patiently.

He had heard the name "Ookami Tenma" being called before his also. He had seen Ookami before, but had never talked to him, nor found out anything about him. Klano looked around the arena again."Well, it seems like I have some extra time. Mine as well get set up now so it won't be taking up my time during battle." said Klano, remembering the Moku Seed that he planted before the battle, rendering him the use of his Mokuton techniques.

Klano got into a stance in which he crouched down slightly, with his legs apart. His head crouched, he started to perform a couple of hand-seals. "Wooden Pillars Jutsu," Klano said quietly under his own breath. The ground in which he stood started to shake. 5 pillars then arose from the ground. One large pillar stood at 9 feet in the center of the arena. There were four other pillars that rose up also. One in each corner of the room. Klano then put his right hand in his pocket, and his left back on to his sword hilt. Klano felt relaxed now. There were a couple things that Klano could do with the pillars of wood that now stood at 9 feet tall around the arena. He looked towards the other door, awaiting the arival of his opponent.


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Ookami Vs Klano Empty Re: Ookami Vs Klano

Post by Ookami Tenma Sat Mar 07, 2009 10:01 pm

Ookami jumped down from his prerch on the side of the arena. He looked at his opponent.
Hmm so wood stlye this may prove interesting. He thought with a smile.

"So your to be my oppenent then?" He said to the other Gennin facing him. He placed his hand on his blade and drew it slowly. Then quickly started the handseals for his Ocean harbor fog jutsu. That might just give him enough cover to get through this in one piece.

The plan had been formed in his head before the match had begun fully. He knew he had no chance in a straight fight so he'd fight dirty.
You will win this match for better or worse and the only thing stopping you is that shinobi. He thought to himself

Handseals completed he claped his hands together and expeled a thick fog from his mouth.

"Cant see me now. Oh and good luck." He shouted into the mist

Ookami Tenma

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Ookami Vs Klano Empty Re: Ookami Vs Klano

Post by Lee Sun Mar 08, 2009 1:47 am

Klano now had thoughts racing through his mind, for he had not expected something like this. Klano needed clear vision for his attacks, or else they would be useless. He pondered his options. He thought of his jutsu's, and realized that most of them were useless for an attack like this. He then took a look down towards his blade.


Klano unsheathed his sword quickly, trying to imagine a large fan through the smoke. The swords shape then began to form into a closed fan, around 5 feet tall. Klano had not had too much experience when it came to fighting with fans, but he did not need his combat skills here. He unfolded the fan, quickly getting into a crouched stance, bringing the fan down with him.

As he stood up quickly, he waved the fan, then span around quickly in 360 degree turn. The strength of the fan wave created a strong wind, which blew away the mist surrounding him. It was still a bit misty, but thanks to his transforming blade, he was able to see for the most part.

Klano folded his fan in a swift flick of his wrist, then changed it back to it's original state.He spotted Ookami, who had changed positions since he had last made the attack. Klano turned to Ookami and spoke. "Nice try, Ookami. Unfortunately, I can't let you win. Klano ran towards Ookami with his sword in hand, lowered beneath his waste. As he got in three foots distance, he made an upwards slash towards Ookami's upper torso.


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Ookami Vs Klano Empty Re: Ookami Vs Klano

Post by Ookami Tenma Sun Mar 08, 2009 8:20 pm

Ookami swiftly blocked the oncoming attck with his sword. Then pushed himself off the ground jumping out of the way of any further attacks.

When he landed he drew a kunai knife placed it in between his hands.
He then preformed the handseals for his water weapon replication jutsu Then threw the kunai at Klano as it flew through the air it seemed to split into five seprate Kunai.

"Thats gonna hurts when it hits" shouted Ookami "And dont epect me to make it easy for you". Then again he used his Ocean harbor fog jutsu this was it he'd made his plan now and he was gonna stick to it.

Well this is move one i hope this works He thought to himself

Ookami Tenma

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Ookami Vs Klano Empty Re: Ookami Vs Klano

Post by Lee Sun Mar 08, 2009 9:15 pm

Had he forgotten my previous attack? thought Klano.

As Ookami took out his kunai, Klano started to prepare for the attack. He had secretly changed his sword back into a large fan, the same as before. It was closed, so Ookami could barely tell.

As Ookami threw the kunai and blew the mist out of his mouth, Klano quickly unfolded the fan with only a flick of his wrist. Then as the kunai broke into 5 seperate kunai, Klano waved his fan. His plan had worked... but it also had a backfire. The positive thing was this: He had managed to redirect the kunai towards Ookami, in turn blowing the mist away from the front of him. The five kunai were now flying towards the front of Ookami. The negative side was this: As Klano had thrust upward with his fan at Ookami's kunai, his fan was cut by the kunai.

Klano performed a string of hand-seals, getting ready for a jutsu. He used Mokujeki, a move which is usually used for defence, but in this case, was not. Klano created a large wall of wood behind Ookami, but shaping the walls to make it so he could not jump to the sides, jump up, or jump backwards. Ookami would have to defend against the attack somehow.

Klano retreated into the mist as his kunai flew towards Ookami. "Ill use you for one last thing before I put you to rest for this battle. Then After this, I will repair you back to your normal state." After he said this, he blew away all the smoke with his injured fan, waving it around in circles. It was hard, but his task was accomplished. The fan then returned to it's sword state. You could see the holes in the sword. Klano then sheathed his sword again, putting it on his waist.

Klano then looked towards Ookami. "Ookami.. How can you dodge this?"


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Ookami Vs Klano Empty Re: Ookami Vs Klano

Post by Ookami Tenma Sun Mar 08, 2009 10:39 pm

Again Klano had made his mist reced. And now he was in a true bind.
"This is gonna hurt" He sprited froward towards the flying kunai. As he ran fowrward he turned to his side and colided with three off the kunai the forth and fith narrowly missing him. There was cold feeling down his arm he knew it was his own blood, there were two knives in his upper arm and one in his lower arm. as he had collided with the kunai he had fallen to his knees at least he was out of the bind a little worse for wear but had enough steam to continue.

"Ok that got me but i'm still fit enough to continue" he shouted so the procters could hear. Oh well gonna have to speed things up a bit with a loud grunt Ookami pulled the kunai out his arm and held them tight in his hand. he only just manged to prefom the handseals for his water cutter jutsu, but he did it with all the moisture of the mist in the air it made it easier. He focused as the blade of water appered in front of him.

The blade of water shot towards Klano as the water moved away from Ookami he thew the three Kunai into it they entered the back of the blade and were now travling forwards with it.

"Doge this" shouted Ookami could atill pull this off he thought as he moved into one of the mistier parts of the room more of the mist had dissapated now some of it had been used for the water cutter jutsu. Plan B he thought to himself

Ookami Tenma

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Ookami Vs Klano Empty Re: Ookami Vs Klano

Post by Lee Sun Mar 08, 2009 11:24 pm

[ooc-nice post Ookami. you're improving.]

As Klano witnessed the oncoming attack, he realized he had two options.

Option A: Use the move Moku Joheki, a defensive move in which he brings a wall of wood from the ground. This move would allow him to nullify the water aspect of this attack, but risk the kunai still flying through at him.

Option B: Attempt to dodge the oncoming attack, and be completely clear of it. The attack was going quite fast though, and it would most likely graze him if he tried to jump out of the way. But then again, it is utilizing a lot less chakra, moving to the side.

Klano decided tha option B was the best, because he needed to save his chakra for when the fight got ugly. Klano jumped to the side, and just as he suspected, the water cutter grazed his leg slightly, giving him much pain. As he stood up, he took a step forward and instantly felt the pain. Klano was no longer willing to go hand to hand combat, for there was a bigger chance of him having a disadvantage. Then again, he had managed to deal some damage to Ookami's arm.

Klano decided to play it safe, and look for a nice opening for an attack. Ookami was hidden in the mist, Klano knew that. But he also knew which corner he was hidden in. he focused in on the mist surrounding the corner of the room. "Tree Senses"

Klano's vision was now of the wooden pillar that he had created in the corner of the room before the match. He could now view everything the tree could view in a 360 degree view. He looked around and saw Ookami in the very corner of the room. "Water Torpedo" Klano said after exiting the vision of the wooden pillar, returning to the view of his own eye.

Klano stuck his hand out, bringing strength to his upper arm. Slowly, a torpedo of water flew from his hand, and towards the mist in which he knew Ookami was in. It flew towards him at high speeds. Klano had faith in this attack, for even if Ookami tried to dodge it, the explosion would still reach him. Klano took off his arm wraps and wrapped his leg, still looking up at the mist in which Ookami stood.


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Ookami Vs Klano Empty Re: Ookami Vs Klano

Post by Ookami Tenma Mon Mar 09, 2009 11:44 am

He knew it was coming he could hear it speeding towatds him. Whatever jutsu Klano had just used was fliying straight toward him. Ookami jumped to the side and as the water hit where he was standing seconds before. There was very little left where the jutsu had hit. As he stood he realized he leg was wounded. Well i just knew that was gonna hurt he thought to himself.

He knew that he'd only caguht the edge of that jutsu but it still hurt like hell .Nothings broken but after the exam he'd have to have it seen to. Now his left leg and arm were wounded Oh well i've got one more trick up my sleeve. thought Ookami as he moved quickly into anther misty part of the arena. It hurt like hell to move but he was throwing everything he had into the match. The pain could wait this match had to be finshed.

"Right three moves left and then the match will be over for one of us". He prefomed the handseals for the ocean harbor fog for the last time. and used it, using the mists a cover he preformed the handseals for his only Genjutsu, Shadowy evening mist jutsu.

He thought of the genjutsu in his mind a mist this guy couldent sweep away because it was all in his mind. And to make it worse there was movment everywhere, like shadowy figures runinnig around within the mist. He finshed the handseal and it was done, but did it work?

His chakra was running out quickly this needed to work. Two more moves now and it was definatly going to be over for one of them.

Ookami Tenma

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Ookami Vs Klano Empty Re: Ookami Vs Klano

Post by Lee Mon Mar 09, 2009 9:09 pm

"Shit..." thought Klano as the mist poured from the mouth of Ookami yet again. For the third time he had used this move, but this time it was a different situation. This time, Klano had no way to get rid of the mist. First of all because his sword (fan), was broken, and secondly because most of the mist was all in his head.. and he couldn't seem to get it away. He had to fight inside of it, his senses dropped, and his leg wounded. His sword broken and his confidence lowered. Then again, Ookami was very injured. Klano was sure that if he could land another physical move, it would be K.O for Ookami.

Right as the mist filled the air yet again, and while Ookami's eyes were still visible, Klano used his only genjutsu. The tree attacker illusion. This would make Ookami see multiple tree's coming towards him. The tree's would have evil faces and life like features.

This was an odd situation that the two were now in: Ookami and Klano. They were both hidden in the mist, eluding whatever what they were doing. All they were doing though was fighting eachothers genjutsu's. It would be an odd few seconds indeed.


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Ookami Vs Klano Empty Re: Ookami Vs Klano

Post by Ookami Tenma Mon Mar 09, 2009 9:44 pm

Ookami saw somthing coming at him out of the mist. It was a tree with a knarled and twisted face protruding from it, and it was coming right at him. He doged the oncoming attack, what type of jutsu is this? He thought to himself as he doged yet anther oncoming tree. Is this another wood jutsu? He asked himself, or was it all in his mind he looked around, the mist seemed thicker than he rembered it.

"Bloody Genjutsu!" it had to be there was know way anther Gennin could summon an attack this powerful. Summoning multiple large objects took enormus amounts of chakra. And juging by the way Klano fought that type of move was probably saved as a last resort. Klano had got him with the same thing that he'd just done a Genjutsu.

He knew now this was all just a genjutsu. The words of his ageing academy sensei rang in his ears.

"Reduce the flow of your chakra as low as you can. Then relase it again, the resulting flood of chakra should should disrupt the enemy genjutsu"

As his sensei had said he strated reducing the chakra flow in his body. When it had receded just enough he pushed chakra into every inch of his chakra circulatory system.

He awoke in the same place he was stood before the attack. He shook the thought of the trees to the back of his mind and preformed the handseals for his summoning jutsu.

"Rat swarm jutsu!" where his hand had been there was now about a hundred rats. With a flick of his finger the rats moved as one towards Klano. Ookami drew his sword and moved to flank him. hope this works he said to himself. His chakra reserves were running dangerously low now this had to end now. Or he would have to go toe to toe and he hated that.

Ookami Tenma

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Ookami Vs Klano Empty Re: Ookami Vs Klano

Post by Lee Tue Mar 10, 2009 9:17 am

Klano's mind was racing with furiosity as he swatted his hands through the mist. "S**t! What the hell is this?! Unearasable mist substance? And even when I walk forward.. the mist looks all the same. This is too creepy. Maybe it's a... HAHA!! It is a genjutsu!! You pulled dirty one over on me Ookami, making me think this was real mist for the longest time!" Klano yelled into the mist with a sense of humor.

Klano did exactly as Ookami had with his chakra. He reduced his chakra flow greatly, then started quickly back up again. He awoke with a start, into the REAl mist that Ookami had created. But what he awoke too was not a pretty site. A swarm of rats headed directly his way. They looked vicous.

"Suiryuuben!" Klano yelled, putting his hand straight up into the air.Suiryuuben is a Ninjutsu technique utilizing the Water Element. First, he will use water to generate a huge whirling sphere of water. This sphere can then emit whips of water, which can seek out and impale his target.

Hundred of whips were coming out of this huge ball of water that Klano had created. They flew at the rats, and if the whips of water had landed, each and every rat would be dead. In Klano's view, there was no way a mere rat could dodge this attack.

As the huge ball of water lay above one of his hands, Klano still had a little something in store for Ookami behind his back. Behind his back he used a hand-sign with only one hand. He planned to sneak this attack up on Ookami. With the sound of all the rats, and Klano's suiryuuben attack, you could now barely hear the sound of the ground rumbling behind Ookami. "Im running low on chakra.. this has to work," Klano had quietly said to himself. A lare wooden pillar flew out of the ground at high speeds, directly towards Ookami's head.

"This is it..." thought Klano.


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Ookami Vs Klano Empty Re: Ookami Vs Klano

Post by Ookami Tenma Wed Mar 11, 2009 2:32 pm

He saw the disturbances in the mist something again was coming straight for him. It didn't matter he pushed his body to its abolute limit he jumped the oncoming wooden pillar he couldent see Klano but he knew where he was

"Follow the jutsu to the source" he said as he landed and now shot towards Klano at high speed. Sword drawn he went to slit Klanos throat but just as he was about to put metal to skin he stoped. "Were both low on chakra, and i could kill you but I wont. just raise that hand and submit and we both leave this arena alive." he said in a hushed voice.

The mist is still abundant i could just hide in it, and deal with this in a sneaky way. But i wont, i'll do this honorrable way he thought to himself.

"Just submit please Klano end this with honor and not brutality" he said.

"Or we could take option 2 were you have your throat slit and the medical nins put the shattered remains back together"

He could see Klano's sword was damaged and he was low on chakra just like himself.

"Just see sense Klano you put up a good fight but, you dont wanna die for this theres always next year". he hoped Klano would see his point, Klano was a good shinobi and this fight could have gone ethier way. He waited for klano's reply.

Ookami Tenma

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Ookami Vs Klano Empty Re: Ookami Vs Klano

Post by Lee Wed Mar 11, 2009 8:20 pm

[ooc:Ookami..that was a little cheap]

Klano stared at Ookami as a kunai was held to his neck. After he had said what he said, Klano just stared for a full minute. "There's no way in hell I'll lose here. Not to him, not to anybody." Klano said to himself in his head. He thought this with the upmost intensity. His hand still behind his back, a kunai still to the right side of his neck, Klano had an idea. It would cost him the rest of his chakra, but he knew Ookami couldn't dodge it.

First of all, Ookami didn't know this attack was coming. The attack would be coming from behind Klano, and hitting Ookami dead on in the chest, with a strong force behind it. A strong enough force to seriosly injure Ookami, or even knock him out. Also, Ookami's arm and legs were both very injured. Klano found it hard to believe that Ookami had dodged his last attack, but he did... somehow. But he had to be out of energy now, with all that he had done.

As Klano finished the hand-signs behind his back, he whispered the jutsu name under his breath. "Wooden Pillars Jutsu." He said it quietly enough to elude Ookami. The wooden pillar fired out of the ground at such a high speed, from behind Klano, angled to hit Ookami. Ookami couldn't have dodged this in the state he was in. He would have to use a strategic defensive move. Either that, or this was his end.

"I have you now Ookami..."


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Ookami Vs Klano Empty Re: Ookami Vs Klano

Post by Ookami Tenma Fri Mar 13, 2009 12:15 pm

He heard the sound of somthing firing out the ground from behind Klano. This was it he was out of chakra, and there was no way he could dodge it this. He smiled just before the pillar hit him his reflexs kicked in and he balled his body up and rode the impact. He flew across the arena and hit the wall there was a loud crack that was three of my ribs breaking along with his left arm and leg.

All he could manage to say when eventuly managed to get up was "owwww" and then he blacked out. In his head all he could hear was his own words to Klano "There's always next year" he now regreted saying those words. How could i have been so blind i knew there was no way i could pass these exams. He didnt want to hear the winner annouced, he just wanted to get fixed up and get some more training done.

"Hey Klano, good fight see you anther time" he whispered and then when down for the count the medical nins better be here soon, or he wouldn't get back up ever.

Ookami Tenma

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Ookami Vs Klano Empty Re: Ookami Vs Klano

Post by Lee Fri Mar 13, 2009 12:33 pm


When Klano saw his opponent fall, he sat down in relief. Ookami had put up a good fight. He looked down at his sword, and then at his leg, seeing they were both injured. Klano thought he would go through this match quite unharmed, but apperently he was wrong. He got up, and began to walk towards Ookami. It was more of a limp now that the pain of his leg had finally set in, but he limped all the way to the other side of the arena, and looked down at Ookami.

"Great job Ookami. You have a great strategy, maybe even greater then mine. I think I learned a lot during this fight. I hope we can meet again Ookami, but for now.." Klano shook his hand before leaving. "I must continue on my rode to chuunin level." he said as he left the arena.


Lee had been watching the two genin up in the stands. He didn't think Ookami had that sort of skill in him. He had definetely fought a great battle, and used a great strategy. Lee himself never would have thought of using such great strategy with only a couple jutsus.

Lee hopped down from the stands and on to the arena floors. His student lay in a crumpled heap on the side of the arena. "Ookami, I'm going to be training you until the next chuunin exams. You'll have more techniques, and you will definetely be able to win if you apply the techniques I teach you the same way you apply the ones you just used." After Lee said this, he gently picked Ookami off of the ground and on to his back. He then walked over to the medical hospital.


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