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Klano enters Konaha

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Klano enters Konaha Empty Klano enters Konaha

Post by Lee Sat Apr 04, 2009 6:24 pm

It was a cold day in Konaha, almost to the point of freezing. It was snowing, which made Klano's journey all that much more difficult. Klano had said good-bye to Kumogakure, and took his leave to Konaha. It was tough to say goodbye to his parents, but he was sixteen, and thought he was getting to that age where he could live on his own. His mother and father scolded him for wanting to live so far away, but it was something he had to do. He had a feeling about Konaha, about starting a new.

However, he wouldn't have ever left if Koga hadn't joined the Akatsuki. He had been trained under Koga, learning various mokuton techniques. It was a hard year and a half, but a well spent one at that. When Koga went to join the Akatsuki, he had been given an offer to come along. But Klano had heard of the Akatsuki, and didn't want anything to do with them. So he had to let Koga go to Akatsuki, for reasons uknown to him, and find some other way to improve his skills.

Klano's journey was a hard one, fending off beasts and walking through the snow. He had arrived in Konaha after a few days. Konaha was a beautiful place, but Klano didn't have time to look around. he was hungry and tired. He found a nearby ramen shop and went inside. He waited for the shop keep to finish what he was doing in the distance. It looked like he was cooking something, and he was very concentrated on it. Then, we he was finished, he turned and walked to the counter, seeing Klano there with his head down.

"Anything I can do for you sir?" the comforting man said.

"Yeah, can I have something to eat?" he said, not realizing that he wasn't being specific in any way. The shop keep laughed. "Of course, I was just trying out a new recipe, i'll serve you up."

As the man went back to set up a meal for Klano, another man walked into the counter. Klano didn't pay much attention to him at first. His food came on to the counter, and Klano was brought up to his usual confident state after just the smell. Then, he turned into a pig. He brought the bowl to his face, completely disregaurding the chopsticks, and slurping all the noodles into his mouth. He was done within a mere eight seconds, and he slammed the bowl on the counter when he was done.

"More please!" He said, a sparkiling look in his eye.

As the man laughed and went back into the kitchen to cook more, Klano looked to the right of him. The man had long, bright red hair. He sat there with a calm expression on his face. Klano thought back to a fight he had with his freind Mizo, and how a man had saved him in his time of need. This looked an awful lot like...

The bowl of soup was brought back to the counter. Klano, less savegely this time, took the chopsticks into his hand, and began eating the soup. He looked over at the man beside him.

"Do I... Know you?"


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Klano enters Konaha Empty Re: Klano enters Konaha

Post by Shin Uchiha Sat Apr 04, 2009 6:37 pm

Kratos had been thinking deeply about the Akatsuki after delivering the message to the Hokage a few days back. Surprisingly, Konoha was getting cold fronts and odd snow storms. It wasnt like such a hot place to get so cold. It was an odd sign, which he took into consideration of what Yoshimo and his people had been planning up. Things were stressing Kratos out to an extent; thinking, causion, the village, other villages, conflicts, Akatsuki. All of this was just getting too much for him, but he would have to do his best to do what he could. He was already thinking about starting a team of three students, two if he wanted.

Sitting down quitely at the Ramen shop, he was feeling hungry and cold at the time. Spirits never slept, so he was up all night thinking and watching. Hot air blew out of Kratos's nose and mouth, being visible from the chilling air. "One ramen please, beef."He said and smiled up at Ichiraku Jr. The man was getting older by the days. It was years since he was ever back at the ramen shop. Being on missions wore out old Kratos, but he was greatfully enjoying each one of them.

The man nodded and served Kratos his ramen, as he began to eat. In a matter of seconds, he was finished. He sighed in relief, becoming warm again from the delicious treat. He heared someone walk into the shop, as he paid no attention. The boy sounded familiar, as if he knew him, then turning his head to see it was the same boy that he rescued. He took a double-take, as he noticed him about to look at him back, then looking forward again. He heared the boy speak, knowing who it was now. It was Klano Kangai.

"I believe you do."He said and chuckled softly, looking towards him. His red eyes looking into his green ones. "You've changed alot, boy. You might know me as the 'creature' who saved you from Mizo's attack a few years back."He said with a smile.
Shin Uchiha
Shin Uchiha

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Klano enters Konaha Empty Re: Klano enters Konaha

Post by Lee Sat Apr 04, 2009 6:48 pm

Klano put down his bowl of ramen. It was him. "I never got to thank you properly for saving my life. Hey, ramen's on me!" Klano descided, thinking it was the least he could do for the man who had saved his life. Klano again began eating his soup. It was so good, maybe just because he hadn't eaten in a while. Klano then looked at the man again, a bit curious at some things.

"How did you know to save my life? Were you just,you know, taking a stroll, and then suddenly saw me in danger?" Klano asked, quite curious to know. Klano set his bowl down, after draining all of the soup from it. He wasn't hungry anymore, the ramen was quite filling.


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Klano enters Konaha Empty Re: Klano enters Konaha

Post by Shin Uchiha Sat Apr 04, 2009 6:54 pm

Kratos chuckled softly and shook his head, "Its fine, I'll pay for my ramen, you dont need to."he said and then heared his question after a few minutes after silence. He took a sip of his Sake and put it down, thinking back a few years to the time. He didnt remember much about how he saught to save the kid. "Hmmm.... Let's just say that I have been watching over you, Klano."He said and stuck his tongue out in a playful manner. "No, im not a stalker."He laughed, showing his sense of humor. "Keep this between me and you, kiddo-"He stopped and leaned over to Klano's ear, whispering softly, "I am the spirit of your uncle."He sat back up straight and took another sip of his drink. Running his hand back and down his hair, he added to his statement, "There are many secrets that are waiting to be answered. Go ahead and ask."He chuckled.
Shin Uchiha
Shin Uchiha

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Klano enters Konaha Empty Re: Klano enters Konaha

Post by Lee Sat Apr 04, 2009 7:07 pm

Klano laughed after hearing the stalker comment. Klano was secrelty beginning to think that. Of all the people he would have run into at this ramen shop, would it really be this guy? Then, Klano heard what else he had to say. Klano would have gasped if he weren't so tired, but his eyes widened. He couldn't believe this man, but he didn't seem to be a liar. Plus, he had seen his uncle nearly a couple of years ago in a ghost like form. Klano didn't know much about the world of spirits and ghosts, but he didn't think it was possible for a spirit, ghost, thingy, to be in two places at once.

"So, was that you, who talked to me in Kumogakure? How did you do that?" Klano said, questioning the truth behind this man's statement.


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Klano enters Konaha Empty Re: Klano enters Konaha

Post by Shin Uchiha Sat Apr 04, 2009 7:16 pm

Kratos smiled from the boy's reaction, knowing he would do something like that. But, hearing his question, he couldnt exactly find the words for it, but he nodded his head and tried his best to explain. "Hmm.. Lets see... That was Yoshimaru himself. You see, I was sealed inside of Yoshimaru, like the Kyuubi was sealed inside of Naruto. Im just apart of him, as he was apart of me. He could tap into me anytime he wanted, but he often would do it for advice on a battle. We are two different beings, Klano. That was all him."He told the boy. He chuckled and sighed softly, checking the time from the clock in the restraunt. It wasnt late at all, but he did have something to attend to in a few hours. He wanted to sit here and spend time with the boy anyways, so he sat and waited for more questions. "But for some reason, we both developed the same type of feelings and thoughts."He added, meaning he was just like the man.
Shin Uchiha
Shin Uchiha

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Klano enters Konaha Empty Re: Klano enters Konaha

Post by Lee Sat Apr 04, 2009 7:22 pm

Klano was ecstatic now. Sleep could wait, Klano had to many questions, and a most interesting man stood in front of him. He had dozens of questions, but he didn't want to overwhelm him too much. Although, when he began to speak, he could tell that he was. "Really? So.. what's your name? Do you live here in Konaha? Do you know everything that my uncle knew? He told me something about a.. a bloodline, and this seal! A seal that could regrow my body parts! Isn't that amazing?!" Klano said loudly and obnoxiously. Klano had been trying to watch that aspect of himself, but there was just so much amazing stuff happening in his life. He tried to regain his composure, to seem like a more reasonable Shinobi.


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Klano enters Konaha Empty Re: Klano enters Konaha

Post by Shin Uchiha Sat Apr 04, 2009 7:28 pm

As the questions began to fly at him, he laughed as he was done. Kratos seemed to have a very good sense of humor toward everything. But, as he began to think about putting the answers in order, he then spoke out. "Yes really, and my name is Kratos Aurion, I was born in Kumogakure, and I was sealed inside your uncle since he was a baby; so yes I know everything he does."He then listened to the boy tell him about the Kangai bloodline and seal. He remembered that one time, Yoshimaru almost got his leg cut off from a severe battle against a large animal as a child, but the seal's tenticle stretched down to his leg, and wood regrew the wound. It was quite fascinating and interesting to watch and learn about. "I do come from the Aurion clan, but we have no doujutsu like the Koudogan. Spirits do have clans' too, ya know!"He excalimed and laughed, "Although, if you have noticed, my right eye is somehow different from the left."He pointed to his eye, showing how it was a darker red, "That is a story to be told later on."
Shin Uchiha
Shin Uchiha

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Klano enters Konaha Empty Re: Klano enters Konaha

Post by Lee Sat Apr 04, 2009 7:45 pm

Klano was in awe again. A lot of things left him awe struck. But hey, seeing your infamous dead uncle Yoshimaru in a ghost form, and spirit form can leave you that way. Klano wanted to ask about the man's eye, but then realized he was asking to many questions. Klano payed for his ramen, setting his money down on the counter for the man.

"Well, that's interesting,"
Klano said, trying to sound very grown up. Kratos seemed to be taking this all very calmly, so I guess it was something that most ninjas witnessed often. Klano was done asking questions. Not really, but for now he was.


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Klano enters Konaha Empty Re: Klano enters Konaha

Post by Shin Uchiha Sat Apr 04, 2009 7:50 pm

Kratos smiled and put his hand in his pocket, taking out his wallet and paying for his own ramen, setting it beside Klano's money. He put his wallet back and noticed that Klano was done asking questions, as he stretched his arms and yawned. The ramen might have made him warmer, but also tired just slightly. He finally had suggested something that he had been thinking over for quite a while now, "Well, lets see... I have been thinking for a while now, its time for me to start my own team of students. Would you like to be the first one?"He asked the boy and turned around in his stool, facing directly at him. He wanted to teach this boy, and become closer to him as his uncle would want him to be.
Shin Uchiha
Shin Uchiha

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Klano enters Konaha Empty Re: Klano enters Konaha

Post by Lee Sat Apr 04, 2009 8:11 pm

Klano didn't bother pondering on the offer. Of course he would join the team, anything to make himself stronger. Plus, he wanted to spend as much time as he could with his... half way uncle. "Yeah, sure. I'd be honored to join your team Kratos." Klano said, then yawned. "I need to get some sleep though, so i'll see you tommorow." he said, then extended his hand out in a friendly gesture. "Nice to meet you uncle Kratos," Klano said, waiting for the man to shake his hand.


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Klano enters Konaha Empty Re: Klano enters Konaha

Post by Shin Uchiha Sat Apr 04, 2009 8:23 pm

Kratos grinned and shook Klano's offering and friendly hand. He looked at the time, for it was getting late now. Time flies by alot faster here in Konoha for some reason. Standing up, Kratos patted the child on the head. He was almost as tall as Kratos himself, but he guessed it was because of the age. "Its a deal then. We can start looking for a new member of our team tomorrow morning. Get some rest."He said and winked at him playfully, "It was nice meeting you too, Oi."He chuckled softly and walked out of the ramen shop, making his way to his house to rest up. He really wanted to atleast have 3 members in their new team, but decided to wait.
Shin Uchiha
Shin Uchiha

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Klano enters Konaha Empty Re: Klano enters Konaha

Post by Lee Sun Apr 05, 2009 1:30 pm

Klano had put a big smile on his face after Kratos left. Once again, things were looking up. It's almost as if, everytime he moved to a new village, something great happened, that he wouldn't expect. Now he was accepted into a team with his new uncle, and that's what he would train for. Klano got up from his seat, then pushed it in. Klano didn't have an apartment, so today he would sleep... Where would he sleep? "Ummm, excuse me sir," he said to the shop keep. Klano felt like a horrible person doing this. "Do you think that, perhaps, I could stay here with you tonight? Klano asked reluctantly. The shop keep laughed, and accepted his request. Klano went into the back of the kitchen, where there was a spare bed. His first nights sleep in Konaha was a good one.


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