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Baki Ookami

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Baki Ookami Empty Baki Ookami

Post by Baki Tue May 05, 2009 9:48 pm

Name: Baki Ookami

Age: 14

Gender: Male


Rank: Gennin

Personality: Baki's personality is mostly loud and very self concoius. Baki loves being the center of attention and hates being by himself. when he is surronded by people he knows and/or cares about.he is deeply responsible and more grown up than people his age and has alot of respect for athority figures. well, when he's not seeking attention anyways.


Baki Ookami Ninja

Baki Ookami Jacob_Black-1

History/Background: Baki was born under the star sighn of the wolf. His mother died frm childbirth leaving only his father to take care of him. it was when he was in a academy student one day when he came home findng his father hasn't come home from a mission. months later his father finally returned home paralzyed from the shoulders down, and unable to speak because his father's vocal cords have been removed. this made baki become more resposible than other boys his age by takeing good care of his father and comeing home everyday to feed him and take care of him. he knows alot of good tai and ninjutsu tequines but is very eak in genjutsu. he is physically stronger than alot of gennin and can run a remendouse speeds that are only beaten by the tai jutsu master " Rock Lee".

Specilaty: extreme taijutsu specialist but can use some strong ninjutsu and horribley weak in genjutsu.

element: fire but witrh some small earth jutsu's

alighment: good

Bloodline: ookami

Learned jutsus:

Name:Burning pain
Description: the user focuses a immense amount of chakurain the palm of their hands through their finger tips while dong the handsighns. when the user is done he puches out a large amount of chakuras into a fast ball of energy that can burn through 5 inch thick steel alloy.

wolf howl: locator
description: the user collects chakura in their throat and howls simular to deafening wolf screach. However, instead of offence this is used to find a opponet's heart beat frequencey and can locate a opponet and everyone around tham up to a raduis of 700 feet.

description: useing part of his demonic chakura Baki goes on a rampage useing enchanceing his Tai tequines by 500% ( does 5 times the amount of damage). However, baki is more reckless and more prone to makeing mistakes also, he has a healing facctor that can instanly mend small wounds and cuts and scrapps. it is very rare if baki uses jutsus in this state.

name: drunken fist
Description: by drinking any amount of acholo baki may be able to use the drunken fist tequine which is a great achivement in tai mastery.

Name: Duality pierceing fang
Effect: like the periceing fang tequinque but faster than the origanal that it is hard to see where it's heading and kicks up so much wind it blinds the opponet also even if it misses the wind is so strong it can cut through light armor in a instant
rank: C
element: tai

Name: Wild Wolf's Mane
Effect: This technique uses chakra to temporarily enhance the head's metabolism and manipulate the hair that grew longer as a result of this. There is also chakra flowing through the lengthened hair, making its hardness comparable to that of steel wire. By thickly bundling the hair, its strength is further increased, also increasing its destructive power. It's name may also come from the fact that (as seen just before striking Pain,) it takes a wolf-like shape
element: tai/ninjutsu

name: wolf's rain
effect: a mixture of genjutsu tequinique and taijutsu form that lets the user appear to be a wolf attacking but actually is strikeing with fists and kicks this move can be used in a strong one hit strike or a series of weaker yet faster strikes
element: Tai/genjustu

Name: pierceing fang
Effect: a jutsu where the user spins themselves at the opponet rapidley attempting to harm them with fangs,claws, ect.
rank: C
element: tai

Name: Deafening Wolf Howl
Effect: the user can produce a loud howl that is strong enough to wound enemies the user collects chakra in their throat before emitting the howl causeing soundwaves to attck their opponets.
element: sound

Name: Phoienx flame jutsu
Effect: the user shoots flame at his opponet
Element: Fire

wolf's shadow tequine
effect: the user creates a solid clone of themselves ( like shadow clone but uses more chakura).
rank: C
element: Genjutsu

Weapons/items: twin katana, giant axe, and armbandages and he wears leg weights

Last edited by Baki on Wed May 06, 2009 7:16 am; edited 2 times in total

Posts : 3
Points : 5
Reputation : 0
Join date : 2009-05-05

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Baki Ookami Empty Re: Baki Ookami

Post by Kyouken Uchiha Tue May 05, 2009 9:51 pm

I like it...I really do....but I just need you to follow the template

Please? ^_^
Kyouken Uchiha
Kyouken Uchiha
S-Ranked Missing-Nin
S-Ranked Missing-Nin

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Age : 33
Location : Akron, Ohio

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Baki Ookami Empty Re: Baki Ookami

Post by Baki Tue May 05, 2009 9:53 pm

okay i had to rush so i just got my bio from another site okay i'll edit it

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Baki Ookami Empty Re: Baki Ookami

Post by Kyouken Uchiha Tue May 05, 2009 9:54 pm

Thank you so kindly
Kyouken Uchiha
Kyouken Uchiha
S-Ranked Missing-Nin
S-Ranked Missing-Nin

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Join date : 2008-11-20
Age : 33
Location : Akron, Ohio

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Baki Ookami Empty Re: Baki Ookami

Post by Baki Tue May 05, 2009 10:01 pm

im not done with the RP sample yet i have to do it later because i have to log off now but i will log back on later and finish Very Happy

Posts : 3
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Join date : 2009-05-05

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