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The rest of the exam.

Munashii Hissori
Shin Uchiha
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The rest of the exam. Empty The rest of the exam.

Post by tradebuzzing2 Sat Feb 21, 2009 5:36 pm

Sannam appeared in the middle of the shinboi. "Well, I'm sorry about that, I really am, but as Hokage, I do not think I can let you pass an exam so easily." He shook his head in disappointment at Yoshimo. "But seeing as I'm not hosting this exam, I guess you pass. But by the time I'm done with you, the number of shinboi here, will be cut in half." He smiled and looked around at the shinobi. "Alright so everyone is here. I will be taking you to the leaf village, for the rest of the exam. I will teleport you there by teams." Sannam made a few clones, just enough for each team, he walked infront of everyone and turned towards the leaf village. "Alright here we go." The clones wrapped himselves around all the genin and Sannam made handsigns. "Oh, before we go, Gen, you are not invited." Sannam through a Kunai at Gen, knocking her to the ground. "Yottsu and Roku, you aren't very well at hiding." Sannam finsihed the hand signs and teleported to the leaf village. "Alright, you have three hours before the fights start. Do what you want, but don't get in any trouble. I will meet you when the fights start, goodbye." Sannam teleported away leaving the Genin by themsevles.


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The rest of the exam. Empty Re: The rest of the exam.

Post by Guest Sun Feb 22, 2009 1:55 pm

Dageki smiled as his kage brought them all back to the leaf village. He was home agian, finally. He felt even more comfortable here and did not have that mental strain that always came from being away from home. It wasnt anything serious or anything, but Dageki wanted to keep every small advantage he could. It was always easier to battle on ones home turf. It was just a more comfortable setting. He looked around at the massive amounts of genin that filled the area. He walked over to his other "team mates." Itami shin and the other one. Dagki couldnt remember the name for some reason. "I see you all passed nicely." He was glad. He had been declared the team leader which was why he was the one out of the four who were going it alone. He was happy to see they had all made it in one piece. Shin looked a little shaken up. But other than that they all seemed to be in a good state.


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The rest of the exam. Empty Re: The rest of the exam.

Post by Mirage Sun Feb 22, 2009 3:29 pm

Kirin was a tad bit suprised that they were back in Konoha so quickly. She turned to Dageki and smiled brightly at him. "Yup we are all here. I cannot wait to see what is gonna be happening next. Finaly some action." She felt better being at home with it's osft soil instead of the rocky dirt of Kumogakure. The sweet smell of the surrounding forest was heaven to her. She was a bit confused as to what had just taken place though but knew that she would still be ready for what ever came next.

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The rest of the exam. Empty Re: The rest of the exam.

Post by Zen Sun Feb 22, 2009 5:05 pm

Vash laid on the ground,staring up into the sky with his right eye his arms crossed as he did so"well...I need to think of somemore jutsu I could use..."Vash thought as he then sighed. He then saw a shadow loom over him,he looked back and smiled wildly as he got up and turned around facing his big brother. "Hey bro I passed the first two exams,though im not sure I can pass the fighting since I don't have really any jutsu to use.."Vash explained his ears dropping slightly. Zen looked at Vash with his right eye and smiled slightly,he was dressed in his ANBU uniform his sword strapped onto his back like always as his tail wagged lightly and his fur glimmered abit. "I wouldn't worry too much Vash I mean its not like your facing an S rank ninja,all I can say is try your best and even if you lose you may become a chuunin anyway just due to your skills"Zen explained. Vash nodded slightly and Zen smiled"alright then,I better get going have to get with a squad and lead them on a mission"Zen said as he then disappeared in a flash of light.
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The rest of the exam. Empty Re: The rest of the exam.

Post by Shin Uchiha Sun Feb 22, 2009 6:56 pm

Shin had been walking with Itami, Dageki, and Kirin back to Konohagakure. He looked up a bit at the team leader, knowing that Dageki wouldnt have thought that Shin missed him. He looked over at them, smiling a bit behind his high collar, which was mostly used for hiding his emotions, but sometimes he couldnt hide expressing his feelings. He wasnt like most Uchiha - Miserable and depressed, he was more of a 'Go lucky' person, but hid that from people from judging him.

He ruffled the dirt with his black ninja tabi boots, seeing the soil move with his feet in one motion. He was relieved to stand on softer soil than rough, riggid dirt. He yawned and put his hands behind his head, stretching and then looking at Kirin. He admired her beautiful and gentle smile silently, as he shook his head to get out of the daze. He looked down with his eyes and put his arms back down. "Its good to be back home."He announced to his team and put his hands in his pockets, "I guess we have some time to train a bit, before the Preliminaries start."He added, as he then looked at Kirin, then Itami. "Who's up for some ramen to celebrate a job well done? Im paying."He smiled brightly, knowing that his mates would have been shocked to hear him say that.
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Post by Lee Mon Feb 23, 2009 12:05 am

Klano made sure he was early this time, for to all his other chuunin exam portions, he was the last one there. He was a bit shaky, but kept a strong front. He felt confident in his one on one fighting abilities, and he was not ill-prepared. He had all his items with him. Klano sighed: "I wonder where the others are.." he thought as he planted his moku seed in the ground. It would allow him to use mokuton based moves no matter the terrain.

Just then he saw Taichi and Shiko coming in. He was glad to see that Shiko wasn't coughing up blood any longer. He really wanted him to be ready for the preliminaries. "Hey! Over here!" he waved his hand to Shiko and Taichi so they could find him in the crowd of genin.


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The rest of the exam. Empty Re: The rest of the exam.

Post by Kaxi Mon Feb 23, 2009 12:42 am


It had all happened so quickly. One second, she was in this sort of field just outside some sort of cave. The next second, she was enveloped in some soft of mist created by these clones. One of the clones had actually touched her, and she squeeked slightly as she felt herself being sucked into something. Everything seemed so unreal. Was it a Genjutsu? Was it just a normal part of the exam? Did she have to kill one of the clones to break such a thing...? Just as she was ready to do something, she felt herself hit ground abruptly. It was a very solid, yet very soft hit. It was as though she had been sucked into an alternate world, just to be spat back out somewhere else. Either way, she sighed in relief that it was over. The clone holding her disappeared. And, once again, Shimpai Hoshi was completely lost.

Hoshi looked around. It did not looked like Kumogakure no Sato at all. It looked more like the village within the Fire Nation, but she couldn't remember the name. She knocked on her head slightly, though, as she quickly called herself stupid and remembered. The village was Konohagakure no Sato. She then heard the leader of the group speak. The man said that there was three hours until the next portion of the exam. That was a while.... She was unsure about what to do, none-the-less how the rest of the Exams was going to work out. So, she gave a last look at the area before walking away slowly and timidly, almost looking lost and confused in the face. She was fourteen, but she looked as though she were ten. It was a little embarrassing for her, but she had learned to live with it. She made her way to the main part of the village very cautiously, hoping that she would have time to eat. She was famished and needed some food.


They say that there's no place like home. Well, I'd have to agree. Nothing can beat the peace of the trees of my home village of Konohagakure no Sato....

Oh, how I missed you.... Oni Kuro was not actually born in Konohagakure no Sato. She was actually born in Kusagakure no Sato just before the banishment. But, the Leaf was her home. Home wasn't necessarily where one was born; it was where one grew up and learned to love. For Kuro, that love was Konohagakure no Sato. The whole teleportation process was kind'a weird for her, anyway. She was suddenly grabbed by a clone and felt sucked into an oblivion. It was very uncomfortable. However, it was off-set by the peace she felt by being home, back in Konohagakure no Sato. Just one looked at the trees made her heart feel full again. She sighed as the clone disappeared and left her alone. But, the peace was momentarily interrupted by none other than the Hokage, who told them that they all had three hours until the next portion of the exam. Kuro was very happy that they had skipped over the Survival Exam. She wasn't very confident in herself in that area. But, she knew that she could handle a one-on-one battle on her own accord. It was a relief because she only needed to think about herself. There was no one to hold her back. There was only someone else going to be her opponent. But, that would come in a few hours. She was older than quite a few people there. She was sixteen, and she was still clothed in her black outfit, her black sachel at her side. The sagging clothes were very flattering when they were loose, but they complimented her immensely when the wind would blow. And, a small breeze had picked up. Kuro knew that training would only hurt her. So, she decided that she would rest up. She went to a nearby tree and sat down. Resting against the tree, she took a black notebook and pink pencil out of her black sachel. She opened up to a fresh page and began to write, losing herself in her thoughts becoming tangible words. The soft wind felt great on her cheeks, and she felt at complete peace when looking at the leaves for a second. She continued to write.

Things aren't going exactly as they were scheduled in the Chuunin Exams, but at least I didn't have to take the Survival Exam.... I'm that much closer....

Her pencil continued to dance across the blank page.


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The rest of the exam. Empty Re: The rest of the exam.

Post by Zen Mon Feb 23, 2009 9:21 am

Vash continued to lay on the grass for abit before getting up and walking into the village,going to the ramen stand and ordering a bowl of ramen so he would have some enegry to fight his one on one battle. When he finished he went back out to where the groups were,taking a look around abit with his right eye as his tail wagged slowly behind him and his arms were crossed. He then looked over to some trees and smiled seeing Kuro,his ears perking up before twitching some. He then disappeared and reappeared silently on a tree branch over her,he then got a firm hold of the tree and swung down as his legs were holding him from the branch.

"Well hey there Kuro whats up?,can ya belive that we passed the second exam without going through it?"Vash asked her as he hung upside down,his ears twitching some while his tail hung the opposite direction as he looked at her with his right eye smiling.
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The rest of the exam. Empty Re: The rest of the exam.

Post by Kaxi Mon Feb 23, 2009 4:13 pm

...Even though my thoughts are incomplete, I still write.

Kuro stopped her writing and sighed as she could hear the rustling of the branch above her. The noises were slightly annoying, and she seemed slightly irritated by it. She twirled the pink pencil in her fingers for a moment before sliding it behind her ear. She looked up to see a shinobi above her, hanging by his legs as he dangled over her. He addressed her by her name. This surprised her since she didn't know anyone cared to know her name. She grinned anyway. She pushed aside the natural uncomfortable feeling of not knowing the other person and lifted a hand in recognition. The man was part dog or wolf... which she didn't know; she didn't care, but she bet that he cared. So, she made no comment on the small detail. The ears were a little intriguing, paired with the tail that dangled from his body as himself latched on the branch. She remained sitting, leaning back against the tree. "Hey... and, I do not really believe it, myself.... I guess we just have too few numbers to dwindle it down anymore. That, which is more likely, or it's because of the laziness of the system. I'll give them the benefit of the doubt." She shrugged as she giggled slightly. The system was either completely right or completely wrong. There was nothing in between. She loved to smite the system mentally and criticize its lack of ability to overcome what little obstacles that were set before it. "So, what's with you? Do you suddenly have the urge to talk with a female or something...?" She smiled as put her hands behind her head, resting against the tree's trunk.


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The rest of the exam. Empty Re: The rest of the exam.

Post by Munashii Hissori Mon Feb 23, 2009 4:44 pm

Munashii looked around, grabbing the hilt of his sword. He must admit, he was a little taken aback. The sudden cancellation of the Second Exam, the genin who was not really a genin and this transportation to Konohagakure all worked quickly to catch him off guard. Regardless, he doubted that this was an enemy ploy to capture the genin of different villages. It would be a foolish thing to do, even for a village of such power as Konohagakure.

Nevertheless, he was still weary, and did not drop his guard, although he did take his hand off the hilt of his sword. All in all, he was looking forward to the next part of the Exams. Single combat. One-on-one. Ninja verses ninja. It would prove to be very interesting indeed. Looking around, he saw his team-mates and headed towards them. In a strange land, those who knew one another needed to stick together. Nodding to both Lelia and Rain, he awaited the orders for the advancement of the next test.
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The rest of the exam. Empty Re: The rest of the exam.

Post by Darkjagwar Mon Feb 23, 2009 5:32 pm

"Whoa! Kuro and Vash! Flirting! Haha!!!" Hoshimaru had been in the tree Kuro was leaning against. He had run home to get some supplies and returned to the rest of his exam team. He had renewed spirit being back in Konoha that made him more relaxed and able to be his natural silly self. He jumped down from the tree in front of Vash and Kuro with a large, playful, toothy, closed-eyes, grin and snickered a little. All he heard was what Kuro said about Vash talking to a female. Hoshimaru immediately regretted his decision for two reasons: a) Kuro was much older than him and thus probably much stronger, and b) he already knew that Vash could probably beat him in close combat at the moment. However, he decided not to show any fear or regret because he then thought showing regret would queue the other two to attack him, so he stood his ground with the silly grin on his face.

"Um, so yeah," he began to speak. "So, like, what exactly do we do now?" He had stopped smiling and looked at Vash and Kuro more seriously. His annoying remark had simply been to get their attention, he really just wanted to be part of the group; part of the team. Ever since Hoshimaru's previous team had fallen apart due to one of them being promoted, and the other leaving to train exclusively with the sensei, he had been on his own doing what he could to improve on his own. Apparently, his father had come out of retirement and had a few missions so he couldn't train with him. All Hoshimaru wanted was to be part of a team again and this exam was his chance to join one. He awaited an answer from either Vash or Kuro.

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The rest of the exam. Empty Re: The rest of the exam.

Post by Zen Mon Feb 23, 2009 6:25 pm

(Ok people Vash is FULL wolf not part wolf,he has fur and everything)

Vash's ears perked up and his fur shinned abit from the sun as he smiled at Kuro"well I mean theres nothing else for me to do,so I'd thought I should talk with someone.....but im sorry if I was messing anything up that you were doing,if I was i'll leave"Vash explained as he then got down from the tree. As he was about to take a seat next to Kuro he growled when Hoshimaru appeared and made his comment glaring at him with his right eye as he crossed his arms. "Alright first off Hoshimaru were not flirting were just talking and second I really don't know..."Vash said as he then passed Hoshimaru and sat down next to Kuro.

His ears perked up as he turned his head to her,ignoring any comments from Hoshimaru"so Kuro,what are ya writing there? story?,your thoughts? its ok if ya don't wanna tell me but im just wondering"Vash said as his ears twitched abit.
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The rest of the exam. Empty Re: The rest of the exam.

Post by Kaxi Mon Feb 23, 2009 8:11 pm

Kuro giggled at the developing scene. Vash was in the tree, acting all cool. He had begun to talk to her, but then Hoshimaru had chimed in, commenting about them flirting. It was funny to see and hear others while they're flustered or annoyed. She liked seeing the human reaction. It was very insightful to her, though most would take it as commonplace and simply walk away. Kuro was a little older. She was sixteen, fairly old for a Gennin. She had been travelling the continent and islands for the past few years. She learned many things while she was away, and she hoped to use them in the Exam. Hoshimaru seemed bored, and Kuro could tell that Vash had some things to say. Vash's fur was brilliant, though. It shimmered in the shaded sunlight, and his features seemed all the more prominent as she looked at him more. She smiled to Hoshimaru, giving a simple answer. "Well, if you don't mind... Hoshimaru... I thought that we'd rest up and talk. Energy conservation is key right before an Exam... especially one-on-one matches. I just hope that we can all get through our own matches.... I don't want anything bad to happen to fellow shinobi." She smiled as she looked to them both. They each had some elements about them that made each of them shine in their own lights. Vash sat down next to her, and she felt his tail brush against her. She involuntarily giggled and playfully pushed it away. "Look, we just need to focus on both the exam and on each other. We could learn a thing or two right now if we really talked about it." She smiled once more as she looked to them. But, Vash talked about her writing. Kuro began to flip through the pages, seeing all of the filled pieces of white within her black notebook. It made her happy to know that she had all of that to recollect on later. She decided to answer Vash, finally. "Well... these are my entries into my notebook. It's a sort of journal - I guess. Due to my history..." She looked down for a moment. It was the only dark spot in her life, but it was big enough to put an indelible stain on her soul.... "...I've begun to want to keep track of what I remember. So, I write everything down in the notebook, relevant or not...." Her fingers gently touched her notebook. Her notebook was the only thing she could rely on for factual information. She gazed at its black cover with a sort of peace. She knew that the notebook would never lie to her... ever. It was hers, and she loved having the free will to keep such a log....


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The rest of the exam. Empty Re: The rest of the exam.

Post by Zen Mon Feb 23, 2009 8:23 pm

Vash smiled abit and then laughed slightly as his tail was pushed away by Kuro,but she would beable to feel how soft his tail was. His ears then perked up as he listened to her and he smiled"Well having something like that I guess would help you and I suppose if later on you wanted to look back and see what you have and then remember all the things you did would work"Vash said as he smiled at Kuro showing his sharp teeth. "Well I don't want anything to happen to any of you,so we gotta make sure we don't get killed in the last round seeing as we are allowed to kill our opponent....which in my opinon don't make sense,I mean we go through three exams and at the final exam we could end up dying"Vash explained. He then crossed his arms as his ears twitched some before looking around abit before back to Kuro"so..what you thinking about?"Vash asked,his tail starting to wag lightly as he smiled showing his fangs.
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The rest of the exam. Empty Re: The rest of the exam.

Post by Ookami Tenma Mon Feb 23, 2009 9:30 pm

Ookami looked around the effects of the teleportation jutsu were stil there he was very very dizzy. He shook it off and walked over to his teammates

"Well that was intresting. wonder what this next part of the exams holds in store for us"

So his first time in Konohagakure what was there to do here? He wondered a drink and some food wouldent go amiss. He wandrered of to go find somwhere he could eat. he looked at every ninja on the way towards what smelt like a ramen shop. I wonder who im goning fight he thought

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The rest of the exam. Empty Re: The rest of the exam.

Post by Kaji-Kanto Tue Feb 24, 2009 12:30 am

Shiko smirked as he stood looking at the other genin. He shifted off Taichi's glove and threw it to him as he slowly began to put his eguipment back on that had appeared next to him. He sighed as the weight of roughly 650 pounds returned to his body. He shrugged and walked forward this time laughing as he walked through the genin. His breath smelt like blood and his face looked as if it was drenched with sweat.

As he passed the genin teams that he had some intrest in he stopped in front of a Kid. This was the Kid from team Kumo named Munashii. "I Really only want to fight you remeber that Munashii" He winked then walked away.

Shiko made his way back to Klano and sighed as he fell back againts a tree. He dreaded the next part he knew if he fought Taichi it would be hel*. If he fought Klano it would be tough. He hoped the Hokage was smart enough to give him somewhat of a challenge though.

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The rest of the exam. Empty Re: The rest of the exam.

Post by Tarak Tue Feb 24, 2009 10:53 am

Taichi woke up, kind of embarrassed, he had fallen asleep a while back and was right next to another team and when he woke up to a new area he kinda freaked. He looked around, spotting his team he rushed over to join them. "Hey, sorry 'bout that." He looked around to see some of the teams talking among themselves. "Well they all seem pretty friendly right now..." He just wanted the next part of the exams to start already, he was getting annoyed at all this extra stuff.

"So... what did I miss? Where are we?"


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The rest of the exam. Empty Re: The rest of the exam.

Post by Darkjagwar Tue Feb 24, 2009 6:35 pm

Right! Hoshimaru thought. Which means I might have to use that technique... He withdrew for a moment and remembered when he had first used the technique he was thinking of. He then quickly snapped out of it and rejoined the conversation by sitting down next to Vash. "If you ask me," he said to the others, "it would be a good idea to maybe try and find out a little bit about the others. I have no idea what anyone else is capable of and I'd rather not wait to find out when they're holding a kunai to my throat. Do either of you have anything because I have no clue."

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The rest of the exam. Empty Re: The rest of the exam.

Post by tradebuzzing2 Tue Feb 24, 2009 10:24 pm

Sannam teleported into the middle of the areana, after the three hour time limit was set. He looked around as the people of Konoha gathered to watch the fights. He was glad that once again, Genins would get the chance to become chunnin. He rasied his right hand up and all the noise stopped. "Today is a grand day, you, villagers of Konoha will see Genin fight against one another to get to the rank of Chunnin. This exam marks the ninja's future. They may all become great shinobi one day, or they may stay at the same rank forever." Sannam laughed as did many of the other villagers around him. Sannam smiled as something was crawling around in his shirt. He held up a two month old baby boy. "Village hidden in the leaves, meet my son! Tenpi!" The villagers cheered as Sannam had found his son and would know have someone to live out his legacy. Sannam put his baby back down into his arms and rasied his hand once again.

"Let the battles get underway! The first fight! Shin Uchiha Vs. Dageki Hyuuga." Sannam teleported to his sit as the Genin came out. "You may start whenever you both are ready!"


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The rest of the exam. Empty Re: The rest of the exam.

Post by Aki Sun Mar 01, 2009 9:50 pm

Aki winced with pain as she roughly landed in the arena somewhere. You'd think people would care about the injured... But no, they just assumed they'd be alright. At least she was secluded from everyone else and in the shadows.

Aki reached out for Akihime again, but she still couldn't feel anything. Aki could feel her arm healing up though, her skin slowly re-healing itself. The bandage the Uchiha had given her was more than what it had appeared. Maybe I'll thank him later... thought Aki. Aki unconsciously licked her lips, Akihime hadn't finished feeding, which was bad.

Then the Raikage appeared again. What the hell does he want now?! Is he gonna just kill me now? thought Aki irritably. To her surprise the Raikage bent down and examined her arm. He wasn't exactly careful about it either... poking her injured arm.

"OW!" hissed Aki. The Raikage just ignored her and placed a hand over the wound. Within seconds it had healed over. Aki gingerly touched it, thinking it was most likely a trick of some sort. He actually healed me... Maybe he's not so bad after all.

"Anything else injured?" asked the Raikage in a bored voice.

"Can I have your blood?" asked Aki, might as well point it out. The Raikage probably thought she was crazy now...

The Raikage just stared at Aki for a minute and then slashed his wrist open with a kunai. "Sure, go ahead. Strangest request I ever heard, but whatever."

... Is he really the Raikage? thought Aki as she unconsciously grabbed his wrist and started sucking away his blood. With each gulp of blood she felt stronger, though the taste of blood was unappealing, and when she reached out for Akihime she could feel her mind, just faintly. After about two hours Aki let go of his wrist, wiping away the blood with the back of her hand. When she looked back up the Raikage was gone. Weird... But whatever, I get his blood so what do I care?

Aki reached out for Akihime again and could actually speak with her now. After filling in Akhime about what had happened, Aki closed her eyes, taking a short nap until it was time for her match.

[[OOC: Eh, sorry. I kinda forgot.]]

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