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Ureito Sugoi (Approval Upturned; no body controllers)

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Ureito Sugoi (Approval Upturned; no body controllers) Empty Ureito Sugoi (Approval Upturned; no body controllers)

Post by Uchiha Kumori Fri Feb 20, 2009 12:09 am

Sugoi Ureito



Rank: Kage's Secret Police
Classification: Jounin
Village: Takigakure no Sato
Alignment: Mostly good, sometimes evil, but his demon is completely evil.

Ureito Sugoi (Approval Upturned; no body controllers) Xn7reo

Ureito can be accurately described as confused. Because of his ruthless upbringing, and his intense exposure to violence since he was born has made something of his experience, and is strong willed, but he is also relatively confused, and desires to seek out his true purpose in life. He can be a bit hasty, and even rash, and he can act childish, but some people think he is falling apart because of the demon that inhabits him, and seems to have some kind of control over him, and that control is only growing, and some people think that it will eventually drive him over the edge, and into a life of pain and emptiness, and this fear also helps drive the process along. Really, Ureito is usually a good person, but the demon inside of him does not enjoy him, and aims to gain total control of him.

Speciality: Element Attuned, Chakra Control (In demon form, Ureito loses Chakra Control, but gains Ninjutsu)
Learned jutsus: Suiton/Raiton jutsu, Clan based jutsu, Many sealing techniques
Suiton – (Water) – (Primary)
Raiton – (Lightning) – (Recessive)
Weapons/items: Kamen Masks, Basic Shinobi Gear, and Summoning Scrolls
Goals: To end Kerub's influence and control over him.


Pre-Birth-5 Years old

Ureito Sugoi is the baby of the once happily wed Kanisha Tesuda, and her husband, Ritsuzen Sugoi. Ureito also had an older brother, Dashii Sugoi, who had loved and taught Ureito to love from a young age, ever since Ureito was born, Dashii had spent more time with Ureito than anybody else in the house. Ureito had always seemed to be loved by both his mother and his brother, but all his father really cared about in the end was making Ureito a great Shinobi, or so they thought. Kanisha disagreed about turning him into the Ninja Academy, as she argued that it was just too dangerous, but Ritsuzen won the argument in the end, and Ureito was going to directly in the direction Ritsuzen had wanted for his son, while Kanisha and Dashii watched from the shadows in despair as Ritsuzen was trying to take control of their new family member.

Still, one of many brushes with death that Ureito would have to face were already on the way, and they came in the form of robbers. Missing Ninja from the Village Hidden in the Rocks had attacked Ureito and his home after hearing of the Sugoi Clan's new baby, and hearing about the clan itself stimulated the Rock Ninja to attack them. Both of those ninja were expert assassins, and they were able to get but so far before they were discovered. Ureito was awoken and taken out of bed, by the robbers themselves, who had defeated both Ureito's mother and father in combat, but not bothering with killing them, they simply decided to grab Ureito and make their leave. Ureito's mother was crying all over.

Ureito had awoken in his sleep, still tired and cranky, and rolled over to look around, and saw nothing, but he did hear something. He looked at the squeaky wood floors of his house, and also his own room, and heard the footsteps of somebody. Ureito looked out the window, and noticed that it was open. Ureito did not know why it was open, as it was usually closed, and his mother had always wanted the window closed, with the shades also closed. Ureito did not know this, but the Sugoi Clan had always been highly persecuted by their Hidden Village, and the once great bloodline had been all but exterminated. However, recent reforms have allowed for the recovery of the Sugoi Clan population, but there is no doubt that the greedy crime lords and missing ninja bosses want the powerful abilities of the clan, and now they have their chance.

Ureito suddenly turned to see his sliding door crack open slowly. Ureito was jolly, hoping that maybe it was mother with something to eat or drink, and hopped with glee in his bed as he awaited his mother to come in. However, the two men that came in instead were not here to give Ureito anything, and Ureito looked surprised in seeing the two strangers, who were simply standing in front of Ureito's crib, and they were talking, too.

“I can't wait until we can get that equipment. It'll be helpful in disassembling this little guy.” One of the men said.

“Nah, first we need to get a good amount of gene samples, and when we get what we want out of him, then he'll be nothing but dead weight, and then he'll be dead for sure.” The other man told him. Ureito did not like how they were talking, and started moving to the other side of the crib, backing away in a hopeless attempt to save himself.

“We'll work out those issues later on. For now, our mission is to get the kid, and get out.”

“Then hurry up and get him then, don't stall.”

And with that, Ureito found muscular hands grabbing his arms, and forcibly pulling him out of his crib, and Ureito soon began crying, and then he got put on the floor, and soon, he could feel a clothe being tied around his mouth, keeping him from crying, as desperately as he tried, crying was just no use. Nobody was coming to rescue Ureito, and nothing could save him from the terrible fate that lies ahead of him. Ureito soon blacked out, both out of lack of air, and from a loss of will to live anymore, as he felt his time coming, and gave up on it all. Ureito took one last look at his home before he fainted...

It was maybe two or three days before Ureito could see his home once again. The bandits had snatched him from his own bed, and had not only silenced him, but endangered his life before he even got to the hideout to be tested on. However, it was Dashii who was able to see the two ninja leaving, and had gotten help from other clan members, and the clan elders. It was a quick reaction from Ureito's borther that helped to save his life. Immediately after Dashii notified the rest of the area at what was happening, they immediately took action against the bandits, and were able to track them down, but the bandits were too fast for them. It took about two days for them to finally catch up to them, and find out what they had ready for Ureito, and what was going to happen.

This laboratory was extremely disgusting to anybody who set foot inside. Huge amounts of dry blood lay on the floor, with many capsules meant to hold test subjects scattered around, with many corpses inside of broken ones, and test subjects everywhere, it was something comparably worse to the conditions of the labs that were once owned and used by Orochimaru of the Sannin. They had already gotten Ureito ready for the first extraction of genetic material, but before that could happen, the doors of the laboratory were kicked down, and Sugoi Clan ninja flooded the complex, and the Rock Ninja immediately took their run, but not before taking Ureito with them. All but four of these Missing ninja were still alive after the raid, and the putrid stench of the place reeked out into the air, as a sign that this terrorizing group had been defeated, but the job was not over yet.

Ureito woke up in a tent, somewhere, but wherever he was, he did not know, all he knew was that he was in a tent, on the ground, and it was about time for the breaking dawn. However, the night was still at it's darkest. Ureito then scurried around, rolling in a desperate attempt to find out where he was, and why he was here. However, before he could make any progress, a man entered, holding a kunai knife, one that had been stained with blood. Ureito looked at the kunai with great fear, his heart almost stopped at the site of the tool that was going to bring about his end. The man then told Ureito something. The man's eyes were bloodshot, and his tone was anything but insane, as there was a terrible distress in his voice. The man's coup had failed, but now Ureito was staring death in the face.

”'re more trouble than you're worth. Now I'm fix my mistake...RIGHT NOW.”

The man raised the kunai, grabbing Ureito by the forehead, and he brought forth his kunai, but rather than cut him, the man's eyes suddenly went blank, and his eyes rolled up, and turned around to find a kunai had cut straight through his neck. The person behind him was Ureito's father, who had finally tracked the men down, and had silently killed the others, and found his son almost dead. But now, Ureito stared at the man, petrified, looking with wide eyes, and he couldn't even grasp what had just happened. He did not cry, he could only look in pure horror as the man's body fell and bled to the ground, with his open eyes looking at him with a ferocious hate, and Ureito could only look as he was carried away from the camp site.

Ureito was brought soon brought back to his home, with his whole family being worried to death about him, especially his mother, who wouldn't let go of Ureito when he was brought home. Ureito himself was quite shaken by the incident, as even though he was only about a year old, which meant his comprehension wasn't that great, the whole situation in itself was enough to damage Ureito's mind, but it was only one of many disturbing events ahead of him that may just condemn him. Ureito has already had his first brush with death at such a young age, but now, the next darkness was coming for him, and this one would determine the path of Ureito's life for a long time.

It was a dark and stormy night. News had just reached the Sugoi Clan that one of the Tailed Beasts had just been sealed inside of a new Jinchuuriki host. The Sugoi clan had chosen to meet together inside of their main complex, where they were discussing the matter. The Sugoi Clan had long been a powerful clan in the Village Hidden in the Mist, but thye were also one of the most feared, for their ultimately horrifying ability that has been used among select clan members, some of the most skilled. The clan had recently been debated by the Kirigakure Government, who had been attempting to weaken the force of the Sugoi Clan, which obviously did not please the Sugoi Clan members, and they began turning to new and grotesque ways to gain more power, including the vast kidnappings that were being done by some clan members.

Now, however, the clan members have turned to one way in which they could gain more power, and that was through the use of a sealed in demon. The Sugoi Clan was not in any possession or in any position to receive one of the powerful tailed beasts, but there were still various other demons out there that could be used to increase the power of their kin and their ninja, and they turned to the abilities of a certain demon in particular, and that was the one known as Kerub. The monster was side to reside inside of a huge cave, where vast amounts of small, minions served Kerub like he was a god, but with his abilities, they were not surprised. In fact, it was the Kerub who had managed to kill a previous ninja belonging to Hidden Grass village, and the ninja Kerub had killed was the son of a previous Takikage. Kerub did not at all spare him, simply killing him without mercy. Kerub's power was known far and wide.

Now the Sugoi Clan had just returned from a daring mission, and that was to neutralize Kerub, and capture him. The Sugoi Clan had managed to capture the monster, and imprison him, but the imprisonment would not last forever. They needed a vessel for Kerub, and they immediately turned to the youngest member of the Sugoi Clan, this is the boy they had chosen to use as the demon vessel. But, at the meeting were both Ureito's mother and father. This is where the debate had began. Ureito had been home with Dashii at the time.

“No, you can't just put that...that thing in him! Do you know hwat that is going to do to him, to his future!? I won't allow it you damned fools!” Kunisha yelled out.

“It will benefit the clan as a whole, and it will also benefit your son. He will granted powers tha-”

“I don't care! Find somebody else and ruin their life! Just leave my son alone!” Kunisha wouldn't stop crying at all, and she was soon taken away, attempting to shuffle out, but the decsion was final. Ureito was going to become the demon vessel of Kerub.

Later that night, men from the Sugoi Clan busted through the door of Ureito's home, and stormed inside, searching through each room thoroughly and carefully, looking for Ureito. Howeer it soon became apparent of what had taken place. Dashii was not in his room either, and when they got into the last room of the house, Ureito was not present as well. Dashii had actually been at the assembly, and when they announced what they were going to do to Ureito, Dashii took it upon himself to snatch him and run. The ninja who went to the house estimated he probably only had fifteen minutes, maybe to have grabbed Ureito and left. However, they were easily captured by the Sugoi Ninja, and brought to the assembly room. Ureito had no idea of what was going to happen to him.

One man had unveiled the prison that contained the demon, and inside was the horrid monster that they had captured. Over forty Sugoi Clan ninja had died in those efforts, and now their efforts were put into sealing Kerub into Ureito, and Ureito could only watch in horror as the sealing had began. Several ninja had began their sealing, and Ureito felt himself being surged with some kind of horrible feeling, like all the evil in the world was infesting and taking refuge within Ureito. The dark influenza over Ureito was beginning, and Ureito's mother could only watch as her baby was becoming nothing more than the puppet of the Sugoi Clan, and forever to be held in their grasp. Ureito did not really know how long the process actually took, as minutes were turning by hours, as the dark energy overhwlemed Ureito, he soon found it's intensity diminish, and the sealing was over.

Last edited by Keiteki Drakun on Sun Mar 01, 2009 10:06 am; edited 5 times in total
Uchiha Kumori
Uchiha Kumori

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Ureito Sugoi (Approval Upturned; no body controllers) Empty Re: Ureito Sugoi (Approval Upturned; no body controllers)

Post by Uchiha Kumori Fri Feb 20, 2009 12:10 am

Ureito fell on the ground, having fainted from the overload of dark powers. Ureito fell alseep blatantly, and with tears in her eyes, Ureito's family brought him back to his home, and put him in his room to rest. Dashii also seemed saddened by the ordeal, and looked absolutely depressed when he saw Ureito. Ureito did sleep soundly that night, as expected, and it was, so far, the worst night that Ureito had ever went through. The demon that lurked inside of him had already began it's life long torment, one that may one day drive Ureito insane. That morning, Ureito had waken up with tears in his eyes, and the worst part was a bruise on his shoulder.

What was this place? What is it?

Ureito looked around him to see the sky was pitch black, and not in the normal look. The sky was dark and empty, and there was no moon to light it. The darkness had arrived over the land, and Ureito looked around him, and found himself sitting in a lake of grey water, yet he was still floating on it, with a forest of dark purple leaved trees surrounding the lake all over, and making this a creepy setting. Ureito tumbled over, looking for some way out, but no way came to him. He was all alone, and there were no sounds, nothing that may suggest somebody was coming for him. Ureito then saw something, and his eyes flashed as he immediately recognized who it was. Ureito looked in horror as the same man who had came after him to get at his abilities stood before him.

Ureito then watched as the man turned around, and Ureito's father brought down a great force on the man, incorporating his kunai, and the man fell to the ground, several meters away from Ureito, looking in pure despair and horror as his body began sinking into the water, leaving nothing behind, and Ureito's father had also dissolved into the depths. Ureito looked around, shaken by replaying the horrid incident he had went through maybe a year previously. Ureito could only hope that this was the end of his nightmare, but it wasn't. The water around Ureito began collapsing, and Ureito fell down into a hole made in the water, and fell to the bottom, which appeared to be some kind of thick liquid, red, yet dark as the night sky above. Then, Ureito recognized it as the same liquid that had oozed from the kidnappers.

Ureito looked up to the top of the hole, terrified and weeping endlessly, he saw something from above. Ureito's own family. Dashii, Kanisha and Ritsuven were looking down the hole, looking with great concern for Ureito. However, they were soon pulled away, and the clan elders looked down into the hole, and laughed, and the hole soon began collapsing as the blood below Ureito, rather than become a hole, dragged Urieto into it's depths, until he had reached the floor of the lake, and looked around. Ureito then saw the nightmare that would haunt him for the rest of his life. Ureito stared up at the demon, Kerub, who had woven this dream upon him. Ureito looked in horror up at the beast.

Kerub then extended his disgusting hand, and a black ball of power appeare,d and Urieto found himself being swallowed up by the monster, the monster snickering as he began twisting his hand through the air, and Ureito with it, being pulled throughout the air with no hope of escaping the nightmare. Soon, however, Ureito was grabbed by one hand, and Kerub opened his mouth, and some kind of monstrous, malevolent...something infested his mouth, and Ureito looked with despair.

“You and I are going to be together for a long time. Now, you're going to know my wrath, and you will be cursed with my being...”

Ureito then blanked out in spirit as he felt the grip over his body lessen, and then he felt himself drop out of Kerub's hands, and straight over his mouth. Ureito looked at the pure yellow eyes of Kerub, smiling insanely as the beckoning of the insides of this monster awaited Ureito, looked up at his last glimps of the outside as he fell inside of the monster;s mouth, and screamed as the mouth shut closed, and Ureito woke up thereafter.

This was only the beginning of the terrifying monster's influence over Ureito. Over all of Ureito's life, even in his days as a Hunter Ninja Captain, whenever he sleeps, the demon comes out of hiding, and wreaks about yet another terrifying dream, and in the morning, Ureito always seems scared, or otherwise unhappy in the morning, with the demon on the inside seemingly trying to bend Ureito to his will.

The next few years of Ureito's life were spent around Ureito being completely controlled by his demon, the monster inside of him terrorizing him during the night, and making life a living hell. He also spent this time learning his basics, and becoming a smarter person, and was getting ready for the destiny ahead, and that was joining the Ninja Academy, and becoming a Shinobi just like his mother and father. By now, however, Ureito was already 3 years old, and Dashii was also already in the Ninja Academy. Nothing else really happened in the next few years...

Ureito had just been registered for the Ninja Academy, just as his father wanted. However, despite this, being eight years old when he was put into the academy, Dashii, being five years ahead, was already a Genin ninja. Ureito was not new to the concept of killing and dieing. He had been surrounded by it since he was born, but this was his first real exposure to other children, and he was happy enough to be there, and was eager to make new friends. Nobody actually know that Ureito had contained the Demon inside of him, not even the teachers, who were completely unawares of the demon situation, but that may have been the problem. In fact, despite the fact demon had helped him in his various battles, Ureito knew the demon had caused plenty of turmoil.

One thing the demon was known for doing is gaining some kind of control over Ureito's decisions, at least to an extent. One thing Ureito was known for was pulling various pranks and tricks on not only his fellow students but also on the teachers. The tricks and trouble that were pulled by Ureito were not really planned by Ureito, but Kerub had managed to gain some control over Ureito, and was able to use his superior intelligence to plan out these malevolent tricks, and simply use Ureito as a vessel. The teachers recognized this “superior” intelligence, and did not really know what to make of it, but they never really found out who was behind the evil antics. Ureito felt helpless and weak in that his demon had seemingly gained total control of him, and was already making his life hell.

And all his trickery did not make him popular among his fellow students, and anybody who tried to befriend Ureito either walked away crying because of Kerub, or beaten up if Ureito had been overshadowed by his demon. Ureito, however, was still able to pass his Graduation Exam,s and was able to become a Genin at the age of eleven years old. However, much of Ureito's actions were dictated by Kerub, who often even helped Ureito pass his tests. But regardless, his parents were not aware of how far Kerub had gotten in controlling Ureito, and for the time being, the fear of Ureito becoming the puppet of the demon was discounted, mostly because he feared being further tormented by Kerub, how had seemingly been permanently locked within Ureito. This was a huge mistake on his parent's count.

The years spent in the academy were nowhere near as hard as the years ahead of him. He spent much of his time in a session of detention, among other punishments he was put under because fo his demon's trouble making. However, Ureito at the time being had not really done something really dangerous with Kerub, but that would not stay for too long, as sooner or later, Kerub would gain the necessary control over Ureito to wipe out his consciousness, and become the master of Ureito. But, thankfully, for now, Ureito was safe from that kind of abuse from his demon. However, it would not last this long forever, as it was bound to happen sooner or later.

Ureito's teammates were nothing special, really. One of them was named Raiken Izaku, an expert of the Lightning Element, and who was very rash, and shared character traits with Kerub. And the other was Takeo Matsuda, a shy, but strong willed person, who seemed to get along with Ureito himself, rather than his demon. However, Kerub had no like for either of them, and would no doubt get tired of them sooner or later. But thank god, their Jounin Sensei would not allow that to happen. Their Jounin Sensei was known as Aokada Ryo. This man had also faced various hardships throughout his life, but regardless, he had seen nothing like Ureito. His seemingly split personality was an enigma to his sensei, who did not know of Ureito's true identity.

At first, it all seemed like it would be okay, as Kerub had not showed his face in Ureito for about a whole week ,which was surprising for Ureito, and did not even bother him in his nightmares. This allowed for Ureito to get close to his teammate, Matsuda. However, this was exactly what Kerub had wanted. Ureito had been blinded, and allowed himself to be tricked by Kerub, with devastating results. Kerub had amassed his own power, and the moment he got close enough, he unleashed onto Matsuda, and Urieot was forced into his Level Two demon level by Kerub himself after charging up his power, and Matsuda found himself being strangled and ripped apart by what he thoguth to be his friend. However, before he was dealt the final blow, Ureito managed to pull out his face from Kerub's dark chakra, but was pulled back in, with a tear falling on Matsuda's face before he was beheaded.

Ureito had found himself with the corpse of Matsuda in the dawn of the morning, and looked in horror and cried his eyes out to see what he had done because of Kerub. However, before he knew it, reality began turning against Ureito, and began overpowering him, and Ureito looked over to see the horrifying image of Kerub staring him in the face, with a snicker, and began his torture spree once again. Ureito was woken up once again, this time by his own father, who was shocked to see what Ureito had become, and did not at all know what to make of what had happened. He soon came to the conclusion, after seeing Ureito, that it was the demon inside of him that had done it. Ritsuven was regretting allowing Kerub to be sealed within Ureito.

Ureito was taken home, and a long talk was done with about Ureito, and it soon became apparent that he needed to be isolated from the rest of the ninja, and either needed private training, or he needed to be isolated all together. Those were the two conclusions that the two parents had came to. However, by then, Ureito had already managed to sneak out, being forced by Kerub yet again to kill even more. Ureito then went on a hunt for his other teammate, Raiken. Ureito soon found him, and Raiken made a few jokes about Ureito ignorantly, being oblivious to the look in Ureito's eyes before it was too late. Ureito soon began walking towards him with a killing intent.

Ureito then saw as Raiken attempted to kill Ureito using a Raiton based jutsu, a hole was blown through Ureito's stomach, but in his level two state, he was constructed out of dark cells, and was completely unaffected by the Raiton jutsu, and Ureito proceeded to literally rip out the bones out of Raiken's body, completely mutilating him, and the worst part was Kerub had forced Ureito to be conscious, and was forced to watch the whole murder. Ureito once again blacked out, being caught in the act, being caught in his level two form once again. Being caught in the act of murder, but also being caught in his demonic form, Ureito was captured, and locked inside of a sealed up cell, and now he had a fate ahead of him.

Ritsuven Sugoi walked into the room, wielding two kunai knives in hand, and a dark look on his face. Ritsuven had come for Ureito's blood, and sparing no time, Ritsuven came for Ureito with bloodlust, but somehow, he found reality turning agaisnt him, as he had been caught in Kerub's Genjutsu. Ritsuven then found himself being cut in two by the enraged demon, and now the demon had been unleashed upon Kirigakure. The prison was broken down, and Kerub busted out with a killing intent. Kerub immediately began his dark rampage with his clan itself. Kerub had finally managed to drive Ureito to Level Three, where Ureito became Kerub himself. The massacre began with the clan elders, who were viciously killed by Kerub, and they were only the first.

Kerub brought down destruction on many numerous people and homes, but one particular set of deaths affected Ureito the most. Ureito had killed both his own mother, and his older brother, who both fought Kerub in a desperate attempt to retrieve Ureito from his grasp ,but in the end, it ended up being the death of all of his family. When the destruction had ended, Ureito could not grasp what had happened, and the destruction laid by Kerub was too too hard to bear, and in his grief, Ureito took his leave from his village, part to escape the grief, and part to escape the authorities. Ureito had arrived in the only place where he believed he could refuge from the past, and that was the Village Hidden in the Waterfall. He looked up at this place with great oppurtunity.

There, he met a friend for life, and that was somebody known as Mizo Sangana. He was the current Takikage, and a strong one at that. He was a skilled ninja, and when he met Ureito, he explained his history too him, and Ureito soon went under Mizo's leadership, and soon after, he was grouped up with a team for the Chuunin Exams, which he was long overdue to take, at sixteen years old. He passed with flying colors, but he did do one thing he did not find very pleasant. Ureito had taken the life of a ninja who was there, and their name was Iyake Shinsei. He was also on a team with a fellow ninja who utilized Mokuton. Ureito had chosen that it was time to use his Kekkei Genkai, and captured the two of them for himself, and graduated to Chuunin.

With some luck, it was because of a suppressing seal that was placed on him by Mizo. However, it did not end there. The rest of Ureito's life was basically drab, training under Mizo to become a great ninja in terms of power, but also taking it upon himself to kill a Youton, or Lava user. Ureito had increased his skill from there, and gained more skill throughout the time, and managed to join the Kage's Secret Police. Despite all, this, Ureito still juggles the demon within him, and may one day slip...

Last edited by Keiteki Drakun on Fri Feb 20, 2009 5:03 pm; edited 1 time in total
Uchiha Kumori
Uchiha Kumori

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Ureito Sugoi (Approval Upturned; no body controllers) Empty Re: Ureito Sugoi (Approval Upturned; no body controllers)

Post by Guest Fri Feb 20, 2009 4:54 pm

sorry K you cant be S ranked. You have to work for that title now. I can give you jounin at best. Jin made a rule specificaly for this. Nce work on the history, but Im afraid I cant give you S rank.


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Ureito Sugoi (Approval Upturned; no body controllers) Empty Re: Ureito Sugoi (Approval Upturned; no body controllers)

Post by Uchiha Kumori Fri Feb 20, 2009 5:00 pm

*sigh* Sometimes I really want to throw multiple bricks at Jin...

Is that better?
Uchiha Kumori
Uchiha Kumori

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Ureito Sugoi (Approval Upturned; no body controllers) Empty Re: Ureito Sugoi (Approval Upturned; no body controllers)

Post by Guest Sat Feb 21, 2009 1:26 pm



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