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Team Six Training (T6 Members Only)

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Team Six Training (T6 Members Only) Empty Team Six Training (T6 Members Only)

Post by Guest Mon May 25, 2009 2:57 pm

(OOC: Not the fanciest topic name, but oh well, I'm sure people can live with it))

((Team Six Members: Kokoro Genko and Sousei Pheo))


Standing next to a tall, dead tree that looked like a pin could touch it, and it would collapse. The dark haired, short kunnoichi had just sent message to her new squad for a meeting around noon near the eastern edge of the Training Grounds. Around this area, there seemed to be a lot of dead trees, scorched from all the practices that had taken place here. It was open spaced, edged with random groups of trees. Grasses grew in patches and the winds blew freely across the swampy grounds. Logs lay lopsided in the much and, today, the skies were completly without clouds. The sun was high, just two minutes before noon. It beared down on the grasses as if it was wishing to alight the willing dry grasses. Mountains peaked not to far away and boulders from rock slides lay nearest to the mountain foot. Today was a pretty day, and a great one to take on her latest adventure.

A team. Lelia was an early leader of a team, numbered six to be exact. She had two genin at the moment. Grazing over their open profiles when she was granted the title as sensei, they were very unique. A Kokoro Genko, genin-age twelve, and a Sousei Pheo, genin-age unsure. The kokoro looked to be normal, across his profile, but his clan, well it be a little more than unknown, still surprising. A Genko with the bloodline of coping. She'd have to keep her eye on that one.

Then there was Sousei. His profile was a little bit odd to her. She didn't know what to make of it. He seemed powerful too, elements of fire and his specialities in ninjutsu AND genjutsu? Today, forsure was going to turn out a day she would never forget.

Looking up at the skies, the sun battered her face and crystilized her silvery brown eyes. With a sigh and a coutning of the sunsteps, she thought about what test she was going to put them through first to get to know their strengths. Would it be the same old-same old bell test? Or was she going to be the creative one she came up with that morning? The one where she plants false bombs and real bombs next to little colored stones? Or, then again, she could stick to something simple and just have them show her their determination with tree climbing.

With a shrug of the shoulders, she looked back out ward to the incoming grounds. She would decide when they arrived she guessed.

Being the fact she heard thrumming foot steps, it seemed she would decide soon.


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Team Six Training (T6 Members Only) Empty Re: Team Six Training (T6 Members Only)

Post by tradebuzzing2 Tue May 26, 2009 12:53 pm

Walking around the village, was a small boy. He had reviced the message sometime ago. He did not know if he wanted to go or not. He did not feel it seem fitting that he would be trained by a ninja, only a rank higher than he. Kokoro, was surely not happy about this fact. He knew that he should go, to at least, meet the women. He did not want to seem rude, but the fact was, he did not care at all. He thought he could at least show her something of his power before he meet her, but he knew he could not, he had to find out what she could do before he trained with her. He sighed, and walked to the training area. “Oh, how I wish this were not so.” He shook his head, nearing the area, he had to go. He walked slowly, hoping Sousei would arrive before him, he highly doubted it.

After about a minute or so, he arrived at the area. He saw his sensei, looking over his file. He shook his head, and knew at this moment she knew his clan, but the true power of the clan, infact, no one at the moment knew. Not even Kokoro himself. He was about ten or so yards away and then waved his right hand at Lelia, and the rolled his eyes. One could already tell he was not asumed that least bit. Infact, he felt that he could easily take on almost anyone, with the help of Sousei. The fact was, he had to keep training, and well, stay in this village. He knew that fact of the matter, was that he could not leave just yet. As if he was waiting for something. He did not even know what this thing had been.

Either way, he had to do, what he was told. And that fact was training with this woman. A chunnin sensei. What a joke He thought. He giggled slightly and now would wait for his dear old friend Sousei. He sighed and walked a bit closer to his sensei. “Hello, I’m Genkou Kokoro, nice to meet you.” He rolled his eyes once more. Kokoro was a kid, who enjoyed fighting, not training and talking. He was a tall kid, at least for his age. He also wore mostly black, and bits of white. His headband, was blank, utterly blank, which was quite odd. The thing that was oddest about him, was the fact he had a huge scroll on his back. This was the sorce of his power. “Well, I guess we wait.”


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Team Six Training (T6 Members Only) Empty Re: Team Six Training (T6 Members Only)

Post by Kaji-Kanto Fri May 29, 2009 8:58 pm

Sousei was asleep in the dirt of a mountain trail that morning. He awoke when the sun broke through the clouds and hit him in the face. He yawned as he stretched his arms in the sky. He tried to stand up but every time he got close to standing his legs wobbled and sousei had to flail around to stay on his feet. He finnally managed to stand up and he looked down at himself.

His black jeans had a new hole right at the knee cap and it wasn't that great of a look with his shredded white t-shirt. Sousei had been scrapping in the forest with a few animals that he was cool with. It was part of his own training regime he had devised to work on his taijutsu.

As sousei tried to make his way down the path back towards the forest. However as he passed a tree he smacked his head. HE WAS LATE!!!!!! Sousei was late for his first day of training with his old freind and his new sensei. Sousei instantly bolted down jumping off the cliff.

Sousei was in a perfect freefall but it didn't stay that way for long as from two holes in his shirt two wings burst from his back and soon sousei was flying towards the village of kumogakure at his fastest speed possible. His wings glowed a deep red color and soon they became a blur of red as sousei hit top speed.

After a few moments sousei just let his wings refold as he dropped from the sky right through a small clearing and he landed with a big thud in the dirt his head making first impact. He rolled over and brought his hand to his head as he stood up and said "Am i late?"

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Team Six Training (T6 Members Only) Empty Re: Team Six Training (T6 Members Only)

Post by Guest Sat May 30, 2009 1:41 am

Looking up at the first arrival, she offered a welcoming smile that faltered to a fake due to the catch of that roll of the eyes. Kokoro Genkou, unique profile, unique outlook. He seemed like a very determined shinbi, the only thing casting from that ontaken role, that dulled look. He seemed like he couldn't careless about being here any more than saying hello to a random squirel. Bahhumbug. Lelia knew it was just her luck. She knew his type from the academy. Didn't like to talk much, saw himself superior, thought he was better than hard work. Yep, he matched the profile of an old classmate perfectly. She was surprised of the difference. Kokoro passed, her classmate hadn't. In an abstract thought, she wondered vaugly why he even cared to show up. But, meh. If he was placed on the team, he was placed on the team. She'd just have to be a big girl and deal with it.

"Nice to meet you too, Kokoro." she offered back to him in a false, but still welcoming tone as her smile still stood. With a hand to her heart, she about introduced herself. The moment, though, she opened her mouth to state her name in return, something reddened smacked to the earth. Ripples of dirt flooded the air as a small boy in tattered clothing stood up with a hand behind his head and a question of his tardiness. A sigh flooded out of her lips instead as her silvery brown eyes targeted him. "Just by a half-minute." she replied. However, adding in a slightly twisted tone, "Nevertheless, for a head's up, I'm not fond of tardys. Let's not make this of any pattern, shall we?" A dangerous look accidently leaked out on that last word before she instantly twirled back to her sweet seeming self once more.

"Alright, now that the entire team's accounted for," she rested a hand on her heart, "I'm Higure, Lelia. I'll be your sensei." That slender hand drifted to gesture to Kokoro. "This is Genkou, Kokoro and you, " the hand turned to the newest arrival. "must be Pheo, Sousei I'll presume?"

Pausing only for a reply, she decided to head straight to the point. "Alright, today we begin as Team Six. However, let me lay down just a few ground rules." holding up her index finger for indication on what number she was on, she continued with, "First off, I'm not one for attitudes." Her eyes drifted to Kokoro and lingered before to Sousei. "When we meet lets leave the drama at home, shall we? In training, you're here to train for your goals and to hone and progress your skills as a shinobi. You are not here to mess around. To add on for future reference, I'm going to be training you two rather roughly. As much as I can distinguish by your simple stances, there's much to be limited and much to be pushed passed limits." With a breath and glancing between both for questions, she kept the ball rolling and held up two fingers. "Secondly, as I had said a moment ago, I won't be standing for tardiness. You'll get used to early mornings and late nights, or they'll be consequences. I'm hoping you both are under the understanding that as shinobi, in the real world, usually there's only even a moments notice before you're needed for a mission or duty of somesort. So my times will be known early, but only for the fact I'd like to help you get used to the idea of being on living on alerts." With another pause for questions, she finished off her little speech with a third finger, "And thirdly but lastly, you'll both be expected to have or gain one hundred and ten percent determination. When I say to do something, I'd like it to be done as quickly as possible no matter how many tries or how much time it takes to complete my tasks. Everything I tell you to do WILL have purpose, you can be sure of that. Which also goes along with my number one, no if's and's, or but's about it. I don't deal with whining and you're both big boys, complaining shoudl be behind you." with an offer of a teeth bared smile that alit her entire complexity, " Any questions or complaints?" sarcasm edged in the ending of that question.

Turning after listening to what each had to say, if anything, Lelia continued and beckoned them to follow her with two curling fingers to her palm. "Alright, let's get today started." she guided them across the muddy terrain that baked under the heat of the sun towards a patch of forty foot trees. There were five, maybe six in the entirerty. They overstood the grounds with long, reaching shadows. Twitters of nature whispered from their branches. Winds brushed from the tops and trembled the trees higher up branches with shivers and rattling leaves.

"Today, we're going to begin with something simple." she ran a hand on one, the bark threatening to scrape her fair skin looking up at it before to the boys, "You're both going to show me your determination, chakra control, and focus by walking up this tree." Turning her body to fully take glance to the boys, "I'm sure from the academy or travels around the village you've heard about shinobi tree climbing with only their feet and chakra? Well, that's exactly what I want to see."

"For an example to either or both of you who need one...." focusing chakra to her feet, she stepped up the side of the tree and walked as if she walked on the horizantal ground. Her dark hair swung off her bare shoulders in wisps as her clothing strung with gravity two. Both swaying in the light, cool breeze that blew in every other now and then. "It's quite simple. All you need to do is find the balance of chakra for your body's mass and finding it one foot in front of the other." Reaching with the tip of her head towards the ground after she'd walked ten steps, she fell to the ground and landed on her feet. "Most find it easier their first try with running starts."

Walking around them seven paces away, she turned to them with a suddenly determind and sly look, "Okay. Now that you understand what I want you to do, there's some catches you need to know about." with a quick motion, she drew a long line across the ground with a long stick she found nearby. "This point is seven paces away from the trees. You can only use this much distance at first. Every now and then, I'll change your point closer." Taking her place closer to them, "You'll need a kunai out each and will be required to mark your heights upon the tree every try you use to walk to the top of the tree. Also, the closer you get the top of the tree, I want you to slow your pace each try. I don't want it to be too easy." Turning and walking back to the point and beckoning them to follow her towards it, she finished off with, "Oh yes, and you have a time limit. " Turning to them when they reached the line, "You have twenty four hours from the time I say begin to complete and master Tree-Walking. Any one who does NOT complete this task by the twenty four mark by walking as if walking upon the ground to the top of the tree by then will have to suffer my consequences of dull, boring, harsh academy student training ten folds worse. Meaning push ups, running miles, etcetra, etcetra. Any one who does complete the task, they'll be a nice reward of NOT having to do such and can go home for the day's rest before returning for the next training session. Oh, yes, and those who choose not to even try, I guess I will have to treat you like an Academy Student and instead you'll be performing the Academy Excercises until the twenty four hour mark is up." She eyed them with a lingering look each and walked to the side as she shooed them to get in their places. "Get it? Any questions? Got it?" waiting a moment. "Good. Now," she flicked her hand with a stricked motion towards them as if swaping a fly. "Begin." Her eyes looked to the sun. Twenty four hours from that moment the two had to have complete tree-walking....

Bubbling thoughts surfaced. Was she really going nuts? Because only twenty four hours seemed harsh for two mere genin. However, Lelia had to stick to her word. She WAS going to train them rough. Plus, she wondered if they would really actually try. The Genkou boy, she was really worried about. Sousei seemed eager for anything, but Kokoro was a bit slackerish in her point of view. He didn't seem to care much for anything with that look on his face and the way he stood. Either he was putting on a foul act or he really didn't want to be there. And was there really a need for her threat of consequenses? Lelia was one for her word. ANY promise under Lelia's word was always kept. However, did she really have the heart to be cruel if they couldn't complete the almost impossible test? No. There was a catch to this. Unless they possessed miracles or already knew how, they COULDN"T possibly complete this task. She wasn't going to actually send them to her consequences of doom, she was actually just going to make them keep at it with...err...'help'. Weights were surely the 'helping' kind, weren't they?

She leaned against a tree, randomly buzzing lightning chakra about her fingers. Little fizzles of blue bounced around her fingertips as her eyes watched the boys closely. As if they dared them to not even try and have to face off with her. This was going to be a long day....


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Team Six Training (T6 Members Only) Empty Re: Team Six Training (T6 Members Only)

Post by tradebuzzing2 Sat May 30, 2009 3:52 pm

Now, what the hell was going on? Kokoro did not need training like this. Infact, he was sure that he could take this girl alone. "Well, let me do something first." He took a scroll from his back and began to read it. This scroll was huge and had a lot of information on it. "Foolish girl, you do not know who either of us are. You think we are some lowly ranked genin. Yet you should realize, we are fairly close to chunnin rank." Kokoro then, looked at Sousei, and shook his head. He looked back down to his scroll and pointed at it spot, about at the bottom. "Gaara" He smiled and then instanly changed into the person he had seleceted. "Girl, I'm one of the most powerful Genin you will ever meet. Do not give me such easy training." He sighed and stood up, after putting his scroll away. He sighed and began to walk away.

"Now, I assume you are not finished here." He said turning his head back. "But I am, and if you want to stop me, be my guest. But I suggest you know, that I do not look like Gaara. To say the least, I am Gaara." He smiled and began to laugh. His laugh sounded just like Gaara's. "Now, if you want to make me feel alive, go ahead." He nodded at Sousei and began to walk away, yet again. He laughed along the way, and was disappointed, because such training he did not need.


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Team Six Training (T6 Members Only) Empty Re: Team Six Training (T6 Members Only)

Post by Kaji-Kanto Sat May 30, 2009 4:05 pm

Sousei sighed as he followed his senesei. This woman had no idea what was going to happen. Sousei wanted to stick around and do it but it was so easy and it interfered with his regime training. So he decided that when kokoro left he would leave. Sousei knew kokoro from expirence wouldn't stick around for long.

However when Kokoro changed into gaara sousei knew it was time to split. Sousei grabbed the kunai that was thrown to him and he closed his eyes. Sousei's past knowledge then came flowing back to him. As he soon focused on his chakra training that he had done he was ready. His light green eyes bolted open as he spoke. "I apologize for Kokoro he isn't what you would call nice. However he does bring up a point were not ordinary at all. All you need to know about me is one thing. Pheonix"

Instantly at the last word sousei bolted towards the tree his foot connecting with it and him scaling the tree with ease that showed his mastery of it. As he got close to the top sousei slashed the kunai and hit the very top of the tree leaving a indent in the trunk right before the final branch.

Then as soon as he slashed the kunai was relased from his hand and it flew off as sousei's feet buckled and his legs shot him outward into the open air. Sousei turned his body as two golden red wings unfolded out of almost nowhere in his back. Sousei flew off and past kokoro him slowing down to nod at kokoro in his most intimidating form.

Then sousei took off back towards his home of the forest...

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Team Six Training (T6 Members Only) Empty Re: Team Six Training (T6 Members Only)

Post by Hiro Sun May 31, 2009 6:18 pm

Hiro sat on a particularly small tree branch, high up in the forest. He had been content for the past hour now, writing down story ideas for his "world selling novel" dream. He had also been sipping at a drink of orange juice as he basked within the warm rays of sunlight. Until "it" happened.

He felt tiny vibrations against his back. Either some very large spider was scuttling it's way up a not-so-water-spout, or it was something human. And suddenly, with only those tiny vibrations to tell Hiro, a person bolted past him, upward.

His surprise was so great, he leaned backward in a slow flinch of sorts.
Unfortunately for him, he didn't have the space for such a gesture.
And so he fell into the fray of stinging twigs, landing momentarily on bigger branches before sliding off. Most of the time his body was packed into very uncomfortable positions, while other times his back was nearly snapped in two from the force of the impact. It didn't matter much, it was just downright painful.

And finally, the blessed end! Still, he did land on his head, and, that being undoubtedly painful, a few seconds were wasted before he could collect his thoughts. And then he caught site of who he had landed in front of. It had to be his sensei didn't it? Perfect, juuuuuuuuuuuust perfect.
"Uhhh, hey there sensei. What'd I miss?"

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