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Training Fight (Ookami Tenma VS Munashii Hissori)

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Training Fight (Ookami Tenma VS Munashii Hissori) Empty Training Fight (Ookami Tenma VS Munashii Hissori)

Post by Munashii Hissori Fri Feb 06, 2009 11:26 pm

Munashii was sitting cross-legged on the floor of the training grounds, listening to each individual leaf as it rustled in the light breeze. He had removed his sword from his back, and it was now laid across his lap within easy reach. In his mind, he was going through an imaginary fight, planning attacks and defences that would be most effective.

Suddenly, something niggled in his mind. Stopping his meditation, he focused his Keiji, making his senses ballon outwards. There! There was definately someone out there. He could hear him, smell him. Standing from his silent contemplation, sword gripped in his hand, Munashii called out to his watcher.

"Come out, friend or foe, and identify yourselves".
Munashii Hissori
Munashii Hissori

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Training Fight (Ookami Tenma VS Munashii Hissori) Empty Re: Training Fight (Ookami Tenma VS Munashii Hissori)

Post by Ookami Tenma Sat Feb 07, 2009 7:44 am

Ookami chuckled to himself as he stroled Casually from his hiding place in the nearby bushes into veiw of his Challenger.

"I am Ookami Tenma of the village hidden in the mist and you are?" He said with a dark smile on his face. He'd already sized up his opponent Ookami knew in a straight fight he'd not win not at his current level he'd have to pull out every dirty trick in the book. He'd drawn his sword the minute he'd been detected he was now starting to regret it. One look at his opponents hands and he could see he was a prolific swordsman there were thousands of tiny scars on his hands clearly visable to the naked eye he'd have to keep his distace from this one.
He formed the hand seals for his violent water wave (mizurappa) and prepared to attack.

Ookami Tenma

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Training Fight (Ookami Tenma VS Munashii Hissori) Empty Re: Training Fight (Ookami Tenma VS Munashii Hissori)

Post by Munashii Hissori Sat Feb 07, 2009 1:31 pm

As the large amount of fast moving water came rushing at him, Munashii formed the handseals for the Fuuton Ken, drawing his blade and cutting into the water just as it was a bout to hit him. It stalled the flow of water long enough for Munashii to jump out of the way and into the trees. Making sure that the Fuuton Ken was de-activated, he concealed himself. When he was settled in prime position, he threw several kunai at him.

While Ookami was busy with the kunai, Munashii jumped high into the air, sword at the ready. With the enemy distracted, he would fall upon him from the sky, giving him enough momentum to cut him in twain.
Munashii Hissori
Munashii Hissori

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Training Fight (Ookami Tenma VS Munashii Hissori) Empty Re: Training Fight (Ookami Tenma VS Munashii Hissori)

Post by Ookami Tenma Sat Feb 07, 2009 7:26 pm

Ookami saw the kunai coming and moved to avoid them and moved again quickly. His origanal thoughts of the enemy were right why would a shinobi with sword training use a ranged attack? Unless it was a distaction so he could gain the upper hand. As he moved Hissori landed a strike that would have cut him clean in half.

"You'll have to try harder than that to hit me cloud ninja" He shouted at Hissori as he pulled several shuriken from his pouch

"Lets see how fast you are!" as he threw the shuriken at Hissori.

Ookami Tenma

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Training Fight (Ookami Tenma VS Munashii Hissori) Empty Re: Training Fight (Ookami Tenma VS Munashii Hissori)

Post by Munashii Hissori Thu Mar 12, 2009 9:27 am

This was too easy.

Munashii raised his sword in a new stance, holding it for a second before making a swiping motion through the air several times. Three spheres of wind blasted toward Ookami from his weapon, catching the shuriken on their way and sending them back to their owner.

"Koku Fuuton Bakuha" he said, watching as the attack closed on Ookami. Should they strike, it would blast his target back and deliver several small cuts, knocking him off guard for a moment. Plus the additional bonus of getting his opponents own weapons to attack him, he would have to be careful of evading them as well, for they would cause more damage than the technique itself.

Moving with the spheres of wind, Munashii would attack Ookami in the Swift Strikes Style should he dodge the Koku Fuuton Bakuha and shuriken, wearing him down and tiring him for a mortal blow. If eveything went smoothly. Doubtless, it would not.
Munashii Hissori
Munashii Hissori

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Training Fight (Ookami Tenma VS Munashii Hissori) Empty Re: Training Fight (Ookami Tenma VS Munashii Hissori)

Post by Ookami Tenma Sun Mar 15, 2009 11:03 pm

"Oh S@*t" said Ookami as he saw the jutsu. He moved quickly to the side and then back using this move again. Last time he should do it because the other ninja would catch on. he preromed the handseals for his water cutter technique. the blade of water rose before him then shot forward. he knew it would not stop the oncoming attack, but it would make an opening in the wind attack he could exploit. he chased after his jutsu it was doing as he planned. The wind attack was not holted but merely redirected around him. The weapons in the attack ethier bounced of his justu were turned yet again, towards Munashi.

Ookami raised his own sword Munashi would even see that Ookami was coming untill it was to late. he passed throught the justsu and kept going the jutsu would hit him first then Okami would finsh him of with his sword.

"Stop this Cloud shinobi"

Ookami Tenma

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Training Fight (Ookami Tenma VS Munashii Hissori) Empty Re: Training Fight (Ookami Tenma VS Munashii Hissori)

Post by Munashii Hissori Mon Mar 16, 2009 8:49 am

Munashii watched with a disturbing calm as the water punched through his wind attack and headed straight towards him. "Stop this Cloud shinobi", he heard his opponent say. Munashii changed his stance again. This Mist ninja had no idea what was coming. Drawing on his wind element, he started to spin. Hovering slightly in the air right in front of the attack, he reached the high speed just as the water hit him. With the wind blowing so hard in the rotation, the water was deflected. But Munashii didn't stop there.

Ookami was still going towards him, too fast to slow himself down now. He had his sword out, prepared to 'finish him off'. Munashi extended his own sword, adding an extra dangerous cutting edge to his rotating defence. When Ookami hit him, he would be deflected and have a sword in his gut.

"You talk too much", said Munashii, loud enough for Ookami to hear before he made contact his defence.
Munashii Hissori
Munashii Hissori

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