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Shiko Helix

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Shiko Helix Empty Shiko Helix

Post by Kaji-Kanto Sun Feb 08, 2009 1:36 pm

Name: Shiko Helix

Age: Unknown Looks roughly 17 Physicly

Bloodline: Hitodama-no-kyuuketsuki
Rank: Chunnin
Classification: S
Village: Kumogakure
Alignment: Evil


Personality: Hes got a evil personallity always wanting to kill someone or something. Hes weapon orinted battleing is a passion and a pleasure. If he no longer feels a challenge or a pleasure he will leave out of the blue. Hes slightly lazy (understatement). He moves roughly once a day unless hes forced to.

Shiko's birth
A woman's pain was felt throughout the room of people helping this woman finish conceiving the small child. One stood with a careless eye leaning against the wall waiting for this to be over with. This man was plain and simple one of the "overlords" of the small amount of people who were placed in front of him.

The mother screamed and a guy who was standing to the her holding her now clenching in pure pain hand blood vessels showing around his eye. He said "Almost there... This went on for a hour or so and finally all that was heard was a small little weep from a newborn child.

However the mother did not get to see the child for long as the man who was standing in the corner walked forward and soon grabbed him. He then walked out of the room the mothers sobs being heard from her baby being torn away from her. The baby squalled in distaste but soon hushed down.

As the man walked a aura overtake the room of peace serenity and overall the stench of death. A old man sat in a chair his eyes closed. The man who held the child spoke "Repaer...the child of the workers had finally been brought to this world." Repaer brought his hands into his lap unfolded his eyes still closed. The man walked forward and placed the child in the hands of Repaer. When the child was placed into his hands instantly his eyes opened them glowing blue and instantly he shuddered at the child. He then closed his eyes and the man took the child from Repaer. He backed a few steps up and waited. Repaer spoke "That kid will be our demise if were not careful.

The man instantly bowed his head and walked away his blue hair shining nicely. He gave the child back to the mother who then incased the child in a grasp of-loving embrace unknowing of what the future held... One of the men in the room asked what the name of the kid was and the mother responded plainly "Shiko Helix"

The day of reckoning
It had been 15 years since that night of the prophecy. It was shiko's birthday today and he was now a nice young man. He wasn't really like most he held the traits of strong will like his family members. However he was treated more harshly by the Caelum family who knew of what he would become. The kid wore weighted clothing that would break any normal person's back and he was forced to do the hardest of work.

However shiko did not complain he took the work and clothes and wore and performed the deeds with nothing but a smirk. This made the kid stronger than anyone would have thought. The Caelum and most important of Repaer were getting more concerned. This was the day that he would be given the helix eye and they all knew if they didn't do it the world would end for them all.

So that night Shiko was called out to the families mansion. He was then knocked out and taken to the lab of there best. These scientist were lead by a man with white hair who was fairly young. The man then began what was the defining moment in this kids life and would go down in ninjas history as a moment of saving.


After those events they carried the kid along with some weapons to his house. They placed him outside and smirked. When shiko awoke he was not the same he felt strange. He got up and wobbled inside the house where the entire worker family surprised him. He fell backwards in fright and something happened. Before he touched the ground the stitching at his forehead tore and his eyes slowly bled as 2 wings formed from the back of his back. His mother rushed forward to help but before she could touch him a hand from shiko was thrown threw her.

The hand pierced here delicate body and then removed itself. She fell to the ground in blood. The other goers were shocked. Shiko arose not himself a evil face was shown not of his. His skin was black and he instantly charged forward and stabbed through his fathers head right through the skull and through his brain.

The eye on shiko's forehead was blank white and so was the one on the left side of his face and at the bottom of himself a seal stood with pictures of eye 2 of them crossed out. The creature known as shiko laughed as he ripped apart each member of the workers family as they tried to run.

One of them however got away from him it was a girl who shiko liked. She screamed in terror as the monster chased her flying at incredible speeds. Shiko landed in front of the girl and instantly kissed the girl muffled in screams and when he brought his face away the girl was dead her mouth full of blood.

The monster then collapsed to the ground having destroyed this small village. A man who was watching known as again Repaer walked forward and instantly picked the kid up. Knowing this kid was to doom everyone he took him to a cave. Rapaer was unable to kill anyone so he did the next best thing. He froze the kid for what he hoped eternity...

However it was not the end there. A beast who settled within the area had happen to see the event unfold. He bared a set of fangs and ended up unfreezing the kid. The kid was passed out and near death from hypothermia. The man did the only thing he could. He bared his fangs and sank them into shiko. However something strange appeared to happen. The man absorbed into shiko and for some reason the demon inside shiko now split into 2.

Shiko however had changed and his life had been spared he had been transformed into what most people would call a vampire. He felt now instead of just one but 2 spirits residing within him. He could feel sub consciously them talking to each-other one a appearance of pure good and the other of evil. This was a equilibrium and they battled each-other giving shiko full control over them.

He decided this place was not the best place to be so he fled to the island known as krigakure. Shiko practiced for times of unknown amounts to create himself into zen-like state with the other 2 spirits inside of him he talked to both and found the benefits of them and the weakness's of them. He knew what he was now a Vampire brought on by a bite of a Genshiryou.

Shiko then trained in his own powers for many years. He however was not dumb enough to not look for a host for himself. He had his eyes on a set of twins in Krigakure. He waited and found that the boy was the weaker and more power hungry he flicked his fangs with his tongue and he had made his plan.

He decided that when the kid went off for a walk he would take the kid and force control over him. So he did he forced his way into the boy and soon bargained with the kid who was so weak that it made shiko laugh.

Shiko talked with the boy and the boy eagerly gave shiko permanent control over the body for the power that would be given to him. Shiko's body emerged from the kid's and he laughed as he was in full control.

As he realized that he was now free he smirked and seemingly dissapear with now 3 spirits who obeyed him. Kizu, Desu, and Akira...

During thie 1 1/2 years shiko isolated himself from the world and meditated achieving a nirvana of his powers. He traveled and gathered his former weapons and brought them back into full power. He also grew and instantainously added more weight to his body.

Speciality: Kenjutsu / long ranged attacks
Learned jutsus: Will post soon
Fire -shiko
N/A -Kizu
Light -Desu
N/A -Akira
Weapons/items: Scythe of the helix. Bow of the golden helix.
Recover his weapons and find the man who froze him and thank him. -Shiko
Destroy the world -Kizu
Save the world -Desu
Become stronger than his sister Aki -Akira

Last edited by Kaji-Kanto on Sun Mar 22, 2009 12:52 pm; edited 9 times in total

Posts : 716
Points : -9821
Reputation : -10012
Join date : 2008-11-20
Age : 32

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Shiko Helix Empty Re: Shiko Helix

Post by Kaji-Kanto Sun Feb 08, 2009 2:22 pm

There i think i worked my way around that (at cost to half the length).

Posts : 716
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Age : 32

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Shiko Helix Empty Re: Shiko Helix

Post by Kenshi Sun Feb 08, 2009 2:39 pm

Approved for the exams


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Shiko Helix Empty Re: Shiko Helix

Post by Kaji-Kanto Sat Mar 14, 2009 5:29 pm

Updated i changed just about everything so yah.

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Shiko Helix Empty Re: Shiko Helix

Post by Kenshi Sat Mar 14, 2009 6:46 pm




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Shiko Helix Empty Re: Shiko Helix

Post by Kaji-Kanto Sun Mar 22, 2009 12:53 pm

Time skip update added on to first post.

Posts : 716
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Age : 32

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Shiko Helix Empty Re: Shiko Helix

Post by Kenshi Sun Mar 22, 2009 12:57 pm

Make sure you post it in a new post please...

And can you explain just a little bit more?


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Shiko Helix Empty Re: Shiko Helix

Post by Kaji-Kanto Sun Mar 22, 2009 1:24 pm

Name: Shiko Helix

Age: Unknown Looks roughly 17 Physicly

Bloodline: Hitodama-no-kyuuketsuki
Rank: Chunnin
Classification: S
Village: Kumogakure
Alignment: Evil


Personality: Hes got a evil personallity always wanting to kill someone or something. Hes weapon orinted battleing is a passion and a pleasure. If he no longer feels a challenge or a pleasure he will leave out of the blue. Hes slightly lazy (understatement). He moves roughly once a day unless hes forced to.

Shiko's birth
A woman's pain was felt throughout the room of people helping this woman finish conceiving the small child. One stood with a careless eye leaning against the wall waiting for this to be over with. This man was plain and simple one of the "overlords" of the small amount of people who were placed in front of him.

The mother screamed and a guy who was standing to the her holding her now clenching in pure pain hand blood vessels showing around his eye. He said "Almost there... This went on for a hour or so and finally all that was heard was a small little weep from a newborn child.

However the mother did not get to see the child for long as the man who was standing in the corner walked forward and soon grabbed him. He then walked out of the room the mothers sobs being heard from her baby being torn away from her. The baby squalled in distaste but soon hushed down.

As the man walked a aura overtake the room of peace serenity and overall the stench of death. A old man sat in a chair his eyes closed. The man who held the child spoke "Repaer...the child of the workers had finally been brought to this world." Repaer brought his hands into his lap unfolded his eyes still closed. The man walked forward and placed the child in the hands of Repaer. When the child was placed into his hands instantly his eyes opened them glowing blue and instantly he shuddered at the child. He then closed his eyes and the man took the child from Repaer. He backed a few steps up and waited. Repaer spoke "That kid will be our demise if were not careful.

The man instantly bowed his head and walked away his blue hair shining nicely. He gave the child back to the mother who then incased the child in a grasp of-loving embrace unknowing of what the future held... One of the men in the room asked what the name of the kid was and the mother responded plainly "Shiko Helix"

The day of reckoning
It had been 15 years since that night of the prophecy. It was shiko's birthday today and he was now a nice young man. He wasn't really like most he held the traits of strong will like his family members. However he was treated more harshly by the Caelum family who knew of what he would become. The kid wore weighted clothing that would break any normal person's back and he was forced to do the hardest of work.

However shiko did not complain he took the work and clothes and wore and performed the deeds with nothing but a smirk. This made the kid stronger than anyone would have thought. The Caelum and most important of Repaer were getting more concerned. This was the day that he would be given the helix eye and they all knew if they didn't do it the world would end for them all.

So that night Shiko was called out to the families mansion. He was then knocked out and taken to the lab of there best. These scientist were lead by a man with white hair who was fairly young. The man then began what was the defining moment in this kids life and would go down in ninjas history as a moment of saving.


After those events they carried the kid along with some weapons to his house. They placed him outside and smirked. When shiko awoke he was not the same he felt strange. He got up and wobbled inside the house where the entire worker family surprised him. He fell backwards in fright and something happened. Before he touched the ground the stitching at his forehead tore and his eyes slowly bled as 2 wings formed from the back of his back. His mother rushed forward to help but before she could touch him a hand from shiko was thrown threw her.

The hand pierced here delicate body and then removed itself. She fell to the ground in blood. The other goers were shocked. Shiko arose not himself a evil face was shown not of his. His skin was black and he instantly charged forward and stabbed through his fathers head right through the skull and through his brain.

The eye on shiko's forehead was blank white and so was the one on the left side of his face and at the bottom of himself a seal stood with pictures of eye 2 of them crossed out. The creature known as shiko laughed as he ripped apart each member of the workers family as they tried to run.

One of them however got away from him it was a girl who shiko liked. She screamed in terror as the monster chased her flying at incredible speeds. Shiko landed in front of the girl and instantly kissed the girl muffled in screams and when he brought his face away the girl was dead her mouth full of blood.

The monster then collapsed to the ground having destroyed this small village. A man who was watching known as again Repaer walked forward and instantly picked the kid up. Knowing this kid was to doom everyone he took him to a cave. Rapaer was unable to kill anyone so he did the next best thing. He froze the kid for what he hoped eternity...

However it was not the end there. A beast who settled within the area had happen to see the event unfold. He bared a set of fangs and ended up unfreezing the kid. The kid was passed out and near death from hypothermia. The man did the only thing he could. He bared his fangs and sank them into shiko. However something strange appeared to happen. The man absorbed into shiko and for some reason the demon inside shiko now split into 2.

Shiko however had changed and his life had been spared he had been transformed into what most people would call a vampire. He felt now instead of just one but 2 spirits residing within him. He could feel sub consciously them talking to each-other one a appearance of pure good and the other of evil. This was a equilibrium and they battled each-other giving shiko full control over them.

He decided this place was not the best place to be so he fled to the island known as krigakure. Shiko practiced for times of unknown amounts to create himself into zen-like state with the other 2 spirits inside of him he talked to both and found the benefits of them and the weakness's of them. He knew what he was now a Vampire brought on by a bite of a Genshiryou.

Shiko then trained in his own powers for many years. He however was not dumb enough to not look for a host for himself. He had his eyes on a set of twins in Krigakure. He waited and found that the boy was the weaker and more power hungry he flicked his fangs with his tongue and he had made his plan.

He decided that when the kid went off for a walk he would take the kid and force control over him. So he did he forced his way into the boy and soon bargained with the kid who was so weak that it made shiko laugh.

Shiko talked with the boy and the boy eagerly gave shiko permanent control over the body for the power that would be given to him. Shiko's body emerged from the kid's and he laughed as he was in full control.

As he realized that he was now free he smirked and seemingly dissapear with now 3 spirits who obeyed him. Kizu, Desu, and Akira...

During the 1.5 years oof the skip shiko isolated himself upon a island of peace of no inhabitance. Shiko was alone only able to talk to his inner spirits and achieve understanding of them and there powers. He achieved his own personal nirvana being able to control his vampirac influences and abilities. He overcame the weakness of many of fire based jutsu and achieved to be able to use his former fire element.

He realized his time and soon returned to the land of clouds. When he returned he realized that he had grown stronger and had to redo his wardrobe. He added more weight to it achieving weights that would kill any normal being. He then decided his old weaponry was cliche for his powers.

He heard of rumors of a weapon smith with the ablity to make the perfect sword and infusing it with a fraction of the life force of the wielder. Shiko seeked this man to gain his perfect match his sword that would defeat all.

As he returned to kumo for the final time he held a sword in hand and blood upon his face. This was the last sword the smith would ever make. He had picked up a forbidden technigue from his other side and had learnt how to use it to bring upon his own powers to a new level.

Speciality: Kenjutsu, Ninjutsu, Taijutsu
Learned jutsus: Will post soon
Fire -shiko
N/A -Kizu
Plasma -Desu
N/A -Akira
Weapons/items: will post
Recover his weapons and find the man who froze him and thank him. -Shiko
Destroy the world -Kizu
Save the world -Desu
Become stronger than his sister Aki -Akira

Posts : 716
Points : -9821
Reputation : -10012
Join date : 2008-11-20
Age : 32

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Shiko Helix Empty Re: Shiko Helix

Post by Kenshi Sun Mar 22, 2009 3:29 pm




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