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Chuunin Exams Today!!!

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Chuunin Exams Today!!! - Page 2 Empty Re: Chuunin Exams Today!!!

Post by Darkjagwar Fri Feb 13, 2009 5:24 pm

YES I WANT TO TAKE IT! lol wait up plz! I'll take it w/ Zen's group.

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Chuunin Exams Today!!! - Page 2 Empty Re: Chuunin Exams Today!!!

Post by Aki Sat Feb 14, 2009 2:22 pm

Oh yeah... I thought I might just point this out:

  • Why is the 2nd part "Forest of Death"? This is being hosted by Kumogakure right? So yeah... I don't think there'd be two "Forest of Death"s... (and maybe keep this in mind for the next Chunin Exams)

  • You do realize that each Genin team has to successfully complete 8 missions before even being eligible for the Chunin Exams right? I know we've already started, but maybe keep this in mind for the next Chunin Exams too? (It would increase rping...)

And that's pretty much it...

((Since I'm here, I might as well put it here, cause I'd rather not waste time with PMing/a new thread: Yoshi... or someone... could you delete the Ninjapedia? I've made a new (and better) version of it. I might be able to get it out today or tomorrow. I just have to fill in a few more things.))

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Chuunin Exams Today!!! - Page 2 Empty Re: Chuunin Exams Today!!!

Post by Koga Sat Feb 14, 2009 6:04 pm

I gotta say, Aki had some good points there, and I entirely agree with the second one, at least for the future of Chuunin Exams. Making some requirements to take them, not just "Wanna take the test? Alright, you're in."

Though, the first point might be a tad hard to deal with. Everyone saw just how vicious and terrible the Forest of Death was first-hand, because we were able to watch it and see it. If we made specific places in every country, so those places could host the Exams, people might think less of them than they would the Forest of Death, just because its harder to describe things purely through word than it is to do so through video and picture.

Besides, what would the Sand Village do? Just drop everyone out of a plane into the middle of the desert, and have them run around till they found each other? >.>

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Chuunin Exams Today!!! - Page 2 Empty Re: Chuunin Exams Today!!!

Post by Kenshi Sat Feb 14, 2009 6:56 pm

Koga wrote:I gotta say, Aki had some good points there, and I entirely agree with the second one, at least for the future of Chuunin Exams. Making some requirements to take them, not just "Wanna take the test? Alright, you're in."

Though, the first point might be a tad hard to deal with. Everyone saw just how vicious and terrible the Forest of Death was first-hand, because we were able to watch it and see it. If we made specific places in every country, so those places could host the Exams, people might think less of them than they would the Forest of Death, just because its harder to describe things purely through word than it is to do so through video and picture.

Besides, what would the Sand Village do? Just drop everyone out of a plane into the middle of the desert, and have them run around till they found each other? >.>

The reason we're doing it like that is because we need some higher ranked nin for the villages. And we just started the mission system so, it would be near impossible for everyone to have 8 missions under thier belt. This is the first Chuunin Exam EVER...On all three NN's..(I think).

Well the FoD isn't all that "scary". I don't think it is. Unraikyo is a scairer place than the FoD in my opinion. So yeah...Each village has it's own "scary place". Unraikyo is Kumo's, FoD is Konoha's, and the deserts are scary enough, because of the heat alone lol. We can make specific places, that'd be a good idea, but I don't like making forums and not having them RPed in. If I make it, it should be RPed in.

You know how hard that would be? In the sun? Sunagakure would be more difficult than it is. Mostly everyone would have a hard time with ninjutsu if they have elemental affinites. In your case, you'd have to create wood from yourself, instead of saving chakra and using existing wood. Suiton users would have a hard time. Even Fuuton users would have a hard time due to the fact that the air is so hot. Doton users would have it the hardest. They'd either have to dig deep to get to harder dirt. Katon users would have some sort of advantage, but the heat gets to them just like any other shinobi. And if you had a battle in the Sand, it'd be impossible to use trees, and forest like things to your advantage. It'd just be you and the opponent. It wouldn't matter to ol' Yoshimo anyways. Shadows are cool! Smile


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Chuunin Exams Today!!! - Page 2 Empty Re: Chuunin Exams Today!!!

Post by Aki Sat Feb 14, 2009 7:17 pm

We can make specific places, that'd be a good idea, but I don't like making forums and not having them RPed in. If I make it, it should be RPed in.

Lol easy solution. Instead of titling the second part of the test "The Forest of Death" just title it "Part II of Chunin Exams", and then you guys can just do a sticky thing every time, describing the area.

((BTW, I'm ready to post up the new version of the NP... so if you wanna delete it now, it'd be good.))

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Chuunin Exams Today!!! - Page 2 Empty Re: Chuunin Exams Today!!!

Post by Koga Sat Feb 14, 2009 8:03 pm

Wouldnt the brightness of the sun and lack of shade kind of mess with your ability to use shadows though? >.>

And that is true, it'd be crazy for hardcore elemental users to fight in, and the conditions would indeed be harsh, but if you throw them all in the desert randomly, there would need to be a long, useless fence around a random section of desert, and since deserts are giant, flat plains, you'd probably be able to see everyone from miles away. All the teams would shrivel up before reaching their opponents. >.>'

Also, if we did do it in the desert, wouldnt that make it a bit unfair for people with Suiton and Doton and elements that wouldnt be able to be utilized? I mean, that couldve been why they used the Forest of Death, its all-around fair to every element, while still being an enviromental challenge. It didnt really give anyone a huge advantage, with the exception of Mokuton users, but theyre rediculously few in number altogether, let alone in Genin who would be taking the exams. A desert would give rediculous advantages to sand users or fire users, whereas water and earth users would be entirely effed in the a, if you know what I mean. In a forest, no element really gets cut down, and there are places for every element to take advantage of. Open areas for wind users, rivers for water users, crags and solid ground for earth users, theres humidity and wood to burn for fire users, and etc. Like you said, a desert kills half the elements, and boosts the ones it doesnt. Thus making that part of the exam unfair, or biased, in a way.

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Chuunin Exams Today!!! - Page 2 Empty Re: Chuunin Exams Today!!!

Post by Aki Sat Feb 14, 2009 8:06 pm

But the point is survival. The desert would be a good challenge. And it'd test Genin on if they can adapt to their surroundings or not. Remember, the Chunin Exams are to test Genin to see if they're worthy of being Chunin.

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Chuunin Exams Today!!! - Page 2 Empty Re: Chuunin Exams Today!!!

Post by Koga Sat Feb 14, 2009 8:18 pm

True, but if you throw the weakest water users into the middle of a forest and they die, they suck. If you throw that same water user into the middle of a desert, theyre gunna die because they cant even do anything. It'd be like giving a math test in a writing class for them, but itd be like giving a sand or fire user a snow day. Pun not intended. >.>

I guess, in all reality, its kind of a toss up between the two sides. It is true that the part of the exam is to test their ability to survive in a harsh enviroment. However, if that enviroment is just too harsh, does it become unfair?

Regardless, Im up for seeing Chuunin Exams in every country as you suggested, Aki. Just gotta space them out well, time-wise. That would probably be the only other conflict. Deciding how long is inbetween the Exams.

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Chuunin Exams Today!!! - Page 2 Empty Re: Chuunin Exams Today!!!

Post by Kaxi Sat Feb 14, 2009 8:30 pm

Koga wrote:True, but if you throw the weakest water users into the middle of a forest and they die, they suck. If you throw that same water user into the middle of a desert, theyre gunna die because they cant even do anything. It'd be like giving a math test in a writing class for them, but itd be like giving a sand or fire user a snow day. Pun not intended. >.>

I guess, in all reality, its kind of a toss up between the two sides. It is true that the part of the exam is to test their ability to survive in a harsh enviroment. However, if that enviroment is just too harsh, does it become unfair?

Regardless, Im up for seeing Chuunin Exams in every country as you suggested, Aki. Just gotta space them out well, time-wise. That would probably be the only other conflict. Deciding how long is inbetween the Exams.

Just for reference, both of my characters utilize the Suiton and Fuuton elements respectively, and both would be trounced by the Sungakure no Sato desert. I still think that it should be there, though. It is a test of adaptability and survival.

I do believe that different areas should be made for each of the Villages. Konohagakure no Sato is the Hidden LEAF village, yes? So, it makes sense for a forest to be the center of the survival test. The same should go for every other village as well. It mixes it up, throwing that element of the terrain and adaptation into the mix. Not every mission will support your element, and the changing terrains from Exam to Exam will just be a test of that. The Exams should never be held at the same place twice until all of them are used.

Kirigakure no Sato: chain of very small islands or a single island
Sunagakure no Sato: desert
Kumogakure no Sato: clouded mountains
Iwagakure no Sato: valley or pit
Otogakure no Sato: rice fields or technologically advanced training facility
Amegakure no Sato: tropical/rain forest
Takigakure no Sato: lake with a massive waterfall
Kusagakure no Sato: plains or hills
Yukigakure no Sato: snowy mountains
Kasaigakure no Sato: volcanic plains


So, what do you think?

It would be pretty obvious to see which people would benefit where.


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Chuunin Exams Today!!! - Page 2 Empty Re: Chuunin Exams Today!!!

Post by Koga Sat Feb 14, 2009 8:37 pm

As true as that all might be, its kind of hard to argue that an open, empty, arid desert is the same harshness as plains, valleys, or a lake. A lake wouldnt even entirely remove the ability to use fire techniques. Plains and valleys dont benefit any certain element. A desert entirely removes water from existance, and direly damages the ability to use air and earth style techniques, which means ice and wood users are also in horrible trouble.

Its basically only the Sand Village that would have this crazy problem, apparently. From your example list, the desert is the only one that would truly do this. So maybe theyll just have the crazy, brutal, omfgimnotattendingthatexam.. exam. Perhaps a topic dedicated to figuring out these exact places where the second part of the test will be held is in order?

.. Would the Sound Village even be allowed to host the Chuunin Exams? >.>

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Chuunin Exams Today!!! - Page 2 Empty Re: Chuunin Exams Today!!!

Post by Aki Sat Feb 14, 2009 8:38 pm

Kaxi wrote:
Kirigakure no Sato: chain of very small islands or a single island
Sunagakure no Sato: desert
Kumogakure no Sato: clouded mountains
Iwagakure no Sato: valley or pit
Otogakure no Sato: rice fields or technologically advanced training facility
Amegakure no Sato: tropical/rain forest
Takigakure no Sato: lake with a massive waterfall
Kusagakure no Sato: plains or hills
Yukigakure no Sato: snowy mountains
Kasaigakure no Sato: volcanic plains

Nice. I was thinking something more along...
Kiri: an area that's very foggy and swamp/marsh like
Suna: desert obivously
Kumo: somewhere high up in the mountains, like with killer bee
Iwa: an underground maze filled with traps and stuff where they have to navigate through the maze and get out
Oto: dark pits filled with traps, kinda like where Orochi has his test subjects fight one another
Ame: underwater field or something??? that would be interesting, seeing as how most of their ninja have breath masks
Taki: maybe the water tunnels that lead into taki

and so on, Iwa and Ame interests me more though...

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Chuunin Exams Today!!! - Page 2 Empty Re: Chuunin Exams Today!!!

Post by Kaxi Sat Feb 14, 2009 8:44 pm

Koga wrote:As true as that all might be, its kind of hard to argue that an open, empty, arid desert is the same harshness as plains, valleys, or a lake. A lake wouldnt even entirely remove the ability to use fire techniques. Plains and valleys dont benefit any certain element. A desert entirely removes water from existance, and direly damages the ability to use air and earth style techniques, which means ice and wood users are also in horrible trouble.

Its basically only the Sand Village that would have this crazy problem, apparently. From your example list, the desert is the only one that would truly do this. So maybe theyll just have the crazy, brutal, omfgimnotattendingthatexam.. exam. Perhaps a topic dedicated to figuring out these exact places where the second part of the test will be held is in order?

.. Would the Sound Village even be allowed to host the Chuunin Exams? >.>

There is always a class in school that EVERYONE struggles through. The Sunagakure Exam would be like that.

Aki wrote:
Kaxi wrote:
Kirigakure no Sato: chain of very small islands or a single island
Sunagakure no Sato: desert
Kumogakure no Sato: clouded mountains
Iwagakure no Sato: valley or pit
Otogakure no Sato: rice fields or technologically advanced training facility
Amegakure no Sato: tropical/rain forest
Takigakure no Sato: lake with a massive waterfall
Kusagakure no Sato: plains or hills
Yukigakure no Sato: snowy mountains
Kasaigakure no Sato: volcanic plains

Nice. I was thinking something more along...
Kiri: an area that's very foggy and swamp/marsh like
Suna: desert obivously
Kumo: somewhere high up in the mountains, like with killer bee
Iwa: an underground maze filled with traps and stuff where they have to navigate through the maze and get out
Oto: dark pits filled with traps, kinda like where Orochi has his test subjects fight one another
Ame: underwater field or something??? that would be interesting, seeing as how most of their ninja have breath masks
Taki: maybe the water tunnels that lead into taki

and so on, Iwa and Ame interests me more though...

I would have to say that Iwagakure no Sato's underground maze would be better served in Otogakure no Sato. Otogakure no Sato is more advanced technologically than other villages (except Amegakure no Sato).... I would agree on the Amegakure no Sato, though. That's very interesting. It would put more of a death element in the Survival Test.

And, the valleys in Iwagakure no Sato would give a MASSIVE advantage to the Doton-users. The Doton-users would be able to attack from anywhere. I'll create a chart of advantages and such if you would like to see who would benefit where....


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Chuunin Exams Today!!! - Page 2 Empty Re: Chuunin Exams Today!!!

Post by Aki Sat Feb 14, 2009 8:55 pm

Oo, awesome. You should so do that... A chart with the advantages and disadvantages of every possible place they could hold it. I would do it myself... but I think I have enough on my hands and I've taken a long enough break from doing the projects I was supposed to be doing today...

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Chuunin Exams Today!!! - Page 2 Empty Re: Chuunin Exams Today!!!

Post by Koga Sat Feb 14, 2009 8:57 pm

Yea. Everyone.. except fire and sand users. >.>

And that might be true, but really, theres not much difference between a valley and a random area of flat, open land. An earth user could have rocks come out of just about anywhere. Though normally, the techniques require the earth to be directly below them, or near them in some way, so they wouldnt get a drastic advantage over the other elements. Mostly due to the fact that the other elements could still be used against them, as opposed to water and earth being unusable in a desert against sand and fire. It becomes no contest there.

Still, like I said, we should probably make another topic for this discussion. Its not really the place for it. >.>

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Chuunin Exams Today!!! - Page 2 Empty Re: Chuunin Exams Today!!!

Post by Tsukasa Sun Jun 14, 2009 10:59 am


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Chuunin Exams Today!!! - Page 2 Empty Re: Chuunin Exams Today!!!

Post by Guest Sun Jun 14, 2009 2:59 pm

My team isn't logging on ...


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Chuunin Exams Today!!! - Page 2 Empty Re: Chuunin Exams Today!!!

Post by Aki Sun Jun 14, 2009 3:16 pm

... Pay attention to date next time. Lol this thread is old and was meant for the first Chunin Exams we had in Feb.

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