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Awaken! (Yoshimo and I)

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Awaken! (Yoshimo and I) Empty Awaken! (Yoshimo and I)

Post by Shin Uchiha Thu Feb 05, 2009 7:59 pm

OOC: I swear to God that if anyone joins this topic without PMing me, Hell will rise.

As Kratos had been thinking for many days and weeks now, he had begun to get curious about other elements. He already has Fire, Lightning, and plasma, but what else could he get from those two main ones? He began to think, that when Sasuke became engraged and very angry when he was fighting Naruto in the Vally of the End. He noticed that Sasuke's chidori, which was usually blue, turned to black as he had the intent to kill Naruto at that moment. Kratos wanted to find that inner strength and anger to awaken that black lightning, but needed the help.

Kratos was on his way to Kumogakure, hoping someone that uses Raiton element jutsu's would help him. He began to think; Who was the Raikage, anyways?. He sighed and kept his Konoha village headband in his pocket, feared that a missing ninja would find him and randomly attack. He yawned and kept his hands in his pockets, as he looked around at his surroundings; Grass, grass, and more grass. He would be lucky to even see a tree along the way. He then focused chakra to his feet, as he was ready to get off this road of nothingness. He sprinted forward, going to an acceptable high speed as a normal Jounin would be going at.

He then arrived to a cliff, as the pavemented road ended at the edge. "Where the hell--"He stopped and looked upwards, seeing large mountains with clouds surrounding it. "... Thats it?"He asked himself, wondering how he was going to reach those mountains. He then began to think deeply about it. "Got it!" He announced and took out some wire, putting one strand into his mouth, and then wrapping and tieing the end to a kunai. He threw the kunai quickly and with accuracy, as it got lodged into a mountain. He leaped forward and spun in a direction that the thin atmosphere gave him, using it to begin circling around the mountain like figure.

Kratos grabbed the side of the mountain and hung onto it with his feet and hands, focusing chakra into them with a mastery that each Jounin should know. He began to climb up the mountain with no problem, as he then reached the top in a few minutes. Taking a deep breath, Kratos loved the sight of Kumogakure. He saw villagers walking around on platforms that were built against the mountains, with wooden bridges connecting to them. He smiled, as he jumped down from the tip of the mountain and landed on a very close platform. It was steady. He began to make his way to a large, rounded shaped palace that was located on a mountain peak. As he got closer, he looked at the 'platforms' on the mountain sides, seeing how they were accually round shaped houses, fit to be dwelled on the mountain side.
Shin Uchiha
Shin Uchiha

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Awaken! (Yoshimo and I) Empty Re: Awaken! (Yoshimo and I)

Post by Kenshi Thu Feb 05, 2009 8:19 pm

Yoshimo could be seen making his way through the trees and away from the battle. His arm was still stinging and the redness of it wouldn't go way. He'd liked the battle scar, it was very cool to look at, but not very cool to live with. The scar was a sign that he would protect his villagers no matter what, and if his whole body had to be eaten it wouldn't matter to him at all. As long as he had those wonderfull genin in this village, Kumogakure would live on.

The wind shook his spiked hair, and the wind on his face calmed him as he began to travel up the mountain, jumping off small tree brances and making his way to a shinobi from Konoha. Surely he'd traveled a long way, the journey from Kumogakure to Konohagakure took seven days at the minimum. The two villages weren't exactly allied, but maybe this could be a start. Yoshimo didn't mind having more friends, and as the Raikage he'd have to keep a certain image. He was certaintly not a dictator.

Yoshimo landed, saving some of his energy. He didn't need to jump right in the shinobi's face anyways, so he landed about 2 meters away from him. His hair was bright red, and he kind of stuck out. It was OK though, meeting new people was something that Yoshimo liked to do.

As he approaced him, he could feel his arm stinging a bit, but he had to keep a smile no matter what. He didn't want to seem like a weakling Raikage. He had an image to maintain, something he constantly reminded himself.

"Welcome to Kumogakure! How do you like the village so far? We should talk ne?

Yoshimo knew he'd already said too much and too fast. He always got like that when meeting new people,

And possibly.

New friends.


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Awaken! (Yoshimo and I) Empty Re: Awaken! (Yoshimo and I)

Post by Shin Uchiha Thu Feb 05, 2009 8:33 pm

Kratos had watched a mysterious Jounin looking shinobi jump from tree to tree, mountain to mountain. Was he going to attack him? Kratos was ready for defence, but he knew that in order to ally with Kumo, he had to stay friendly. He then turned his head to the man infront of him once he got close enough. Smiling, Kratos bowed his head and put on his headband, "Gomenasai; I thought I would get attacked by some random missing ninja along the way here, so I kept my headband in my pocket. I didnt know the ties between Konoha and Kumo anyways, so I stayed on the causious side."He explained and bowed again. "Its a pleasure to finally meet the RaiKage. Im Kratos Aurion, former Jounin of Konoha and sp-"He stopped, suddenly remembering that this man was the man who had killed him. He seemed nicer now, but decided to keep it to himself.

"But yes, we should talk."He agreed and grinned, showing his teeth in his friendly grin. He thought this would be a new beginning of friendship between distant enemies.
Shin Uchiha
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Awaken! (Yoshimo and I) Empty Re: Awaken! (Yoshimo and I)

Post by Kenshi Thu Feb 05, 2009 8:53 pm

Yoshimo didn't mind him being defensive, he would be defensive himself. He didn't him to think that he would try to harm him, but Yoshimo knew that he was starting off on the wrong foot by coming in very loud. He was somewhat excited to meet somebody new. He was also glad that the ninja was being cautious in these parts. He'd heard his introduction and how it was cut off, but it was fine.

"It's a pleasure to meet you Kratos-san!"

Yoshimo walked with him towards a mountain top. He didn't want to be outside anymore, and they needed to be in a comfortable office. It was hot out too.

"So, any news from Konoha? I hope things are going well."


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Awaken! (Yoshimo and I) Empty Re: Awaken! (Yoshimo and I)

Post by Shin Uchiha Thu Feb 05, 2009 9:02 pm

Kratos noticed how gentle and kind Yoshimo's words were. He smiled and followed to the mans side, looking to the side at him to speak. "We are on the outlook of Demons ever since the attack started. But since we have practically two Naruto's in our village, everything went very well. Just some rebuilding and reconstruction is going on now. Since I left on Kayo Obi, and today is Getsuyo Obi-"He paused and began to think about how many days he left, "In 7 days the villagers might have already rebuilt everything."He added and smiled again.

He began to grow curious about Yoshimo himself, wanting to know what he does as the RaiKage. "And what about yourself, Yoshimo-Sama?"

OOC: Kayo Obi = Tuesday, Getsuyo Obi = Monday
Shin Uchiha
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Awaken! (Yoshimo and I) Empty Re: Awaken! (Yoshimo and I)

Post by Kenshi Thu Feb 05, 2009 9:12 pm

Yoshimo listened to Kratos on how skilled the people Konoha were. Since their demon attacks they'd already rebuilt. That kind of growth was astounding! Though Yoshimo only had 30% of his village attacked, they hadn't rebuilt, since the same demon attacked again. Thanks to Jin Chisoku, the demon died, and now they could be on the process to rebuilding Kumogakure. He'd hoped the money from the missions would build the village up, but either way it would be completed thanks to the Chuunin Exams, and the revenue they could bring in through that. Yoshimo hoped at least.

"Well, we were just attacked not too long ago. I'd asked Jin Chisoku for his help and he destroyed the demon with relative ease. I'm sure since you're a jounin you've probably heard his name. Kumogakure will be back at 100% soon with the Chuunin Exams coming up. Demoooo, the Chuunin Exams should help. They will be on Nigatsu Hachi, on a Nichiyo Obi. You are invited to come watch if you want. We have exceptional genin here."

Yoshimo kicked the side of a mountain while holding his hand in the bird handsign. The door opened up to a long hallway, which was somewhat dark, but was a secret entrance to his office.


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Awaken! (Yoshimo and I) Empty Re: Awaken! (Yoshimo and I)

Post by Shin Uchiha Thu Feb 05, 2009 9:23 pm

Kratos nodded his head as he listened to Yoshimo speak, finding it very interesting that they had the Legendary Jin Chisoku to help fight off their demons. It seemed that the Kumogakure and Konohagakure had something in common. Since Sannam and Naruto Uzumaki were related, it was a phenominal battle to watch them tag team and defeat the demons in a one hit KO. Kratos fought as well, but wasnt as good as the two themselves. "Id be glad to watch the Chuunin exams."He spoke finally and watched as Yoshimo opened a door on the side of the large building, finding it amazing.

He walked behind Yoshimo, wanting him to lead Kratos. Knowing it was very dark, he snapped his fingers and quickly released a small amount of fire chakra from the tips of his finger, causing an ingite to happen. His fingertip had a small flame like a lighter, making it easier to see in the hallway.
Shin Uchiha
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Awaken! (Yoshimo and I) Empty Re: Awaken! (Yoshimo and I)

Post by Kenshi Thu Feb 05, 2009 9:33 pm

"A fire nature? Nice. We don't have those in Kumogakure, they are kind of rare here."

Yoshimo walked down the hall, and opened a door at the end of the hallway. A large office was in view, and there were several stacks of paper on Yoshimo's desk. So much that they'd covered his chair behind it. Yoshimo spotted is secretary in the mix, who was doing some of his paper work. She looked up and sighed, glad to see him back.

"Yoshimo-sama, since the attacks the paper work as been overwhelming. I know we were supposed to do our jobs no matter what, but we got distracted and watched Jin-sama defeat the demons. We couldn't help it. It was a joyus celebration for us. In fact, there are people outside still celebrating."

Yoshimo looked outside of his office door, to the people that were dancing in the halls. The demons were gone and now they were safe. Yoshimo smiled at them, but he needed them to be doing their work. He walked out into the hallway and with a quick "AHEM" the whole room was silenced. Everyone stopped and looked at him. They all bowed.

"Forgive us Yoshimo-sama!!!" they said, almost in unison.

"Its quite alright, just don't party too loud, I have a guest from Konohagakure"

As Yoshimo closed the door and the secretary stepped out, Yoshimo could hear the conversation rise again. He knew they'd be distracted it, but who wouldn't? Yoshimo moved tried to move the stack of papers off his desk, but his arm failed him, and the stack of papers began fall...


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Awaken! (Yoshimo and I) Empty Re: Awaken! (Yoshimo and I)

Post by Shin Uchiha Thu Feb 05, 2009 9:43 pm

Kratos stood silently as he examined every one of the workers that seemed to serve to Yoshimo's will. He smiled at them and waved, seeing how they were surprised to see a Konoha shinobi in the presence of the RaiKage, and in Kumo as well. He raised his eyebrows at the sight of the papers, seeing how much the Raikage had to work, day after day. It seemed tiring. He stretched his arms and cracked his neck, cracking his fingers as well. He watched Yoshimo pick up the papers, as he veiwed his one arm suddenly gave out.

With a gasp, Kratos thought quickly and his feet began to electrify with a spark. He then put out his right hand, putting it in the bird sign, kicking his foot to the papers as they ALMOST touched the ground. Lightning ran throughout the floor, into the carpet, causing static elecricity to occur underneith the papers. all of the papers floated and stopped in mid air. Lightning chakra was running through them, one to another, they were chained together. Kratos sighed in exhaustion. His move was almost unseen as one entire combonation of sequences. "You alright, Yoshimo-Sama?"He asked, his foot and hand still in position.
Shin Uchiha
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Awaken! (Yoshimo and I) Empty Re: Awaken! (Yoshimo and I)

Post by Kenshi Fri Feb 06, 2009 6:26 am

Yoshimo smiled as he quickly bent down and grabbed the papers out of mid-air. The jounin from Konoha was exceptional at chakra control, and his lightning chakra didn't even harm Yoshimo himself. He had control over where his chakra was going, and how it could affect things. He was probably a great fighter.

Yoshimo finished picking up the papers, and set the stack on the floor, clearing his large, maple-wood desk. Certaintly hard to find a wooden desk in Kumogakure due to the mountains, but since he became Raikage they made him one. With a sigh, Yoshimo leaned back as he sat in the chair and grabbed his arm.

"Hurt in the line of duty...Lets just say one of my shinobi needs special care, and he didn't get it."

Yoshimo raised his arm and showed Kratos the red bite mark. It was still bright red, and the teeth marks could be seen still. Yoshimo liked looking at the scar for some odd reason. Made him feel experienced.

"My arm tends to fail me at its will, but in a week I'll be back to tip-top shape."

Yoshimo clapped his hands together, rubbing them to warm them up. He put his right foot over his left knee, and put his hands together, leaning back in the chair in a comfortable position.

"I think this conversation should not only be the beginning of friendship from me to you, but the beginning of friendship for Konoha and Kumo ne?"


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Awaken! (Yoshimo and I) Empty Re: Awaken! (Yoshimo and I)

Post by Shin Uchiha Fri Feb 06, 2009 7:47 am

Kratos kept the papers in mid air until he had picked all of them up and put them on the desk. He took his hand out of the tiger sign, and put his leg back to position. He sighed, as he then smiled at him. "I'd be glad to help if there is anything I could do to help your arm, sir."He said to him and sat down in the chair infront of his desk. He chuckled lightly and nodded his head, "I do believe so, Yoshimo-Sama."He answered. He lifted up the hair infront of his right eye. You could certainly tell that his right eye was darker red than the other.

"If you are wondering about why my eyes are different, its because a decendent of Garnurk.. Eetou.."He paused. He didnt know if it was alright to tell Yoshimo, but he wanted to. He wanted to be friends with him, and share secrets about eachother. "Put the Satan's Eye in this eye."He added and smiled sheepishly, not knowing how Yoshimo would react to his known Doujutsu.
Shin Uchiha
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Awaken! (Yoshimo and I) Empty Re: Awaken! (Yoshimo and I)

Post by Kenshi Fri Feb 06, 2009 10:24 pm

Yoshimo was wondering why his eyes were two different tones. First he thought it was due to the man's genes but that didn't seem to be the case. Everything else was normal about him, but Yoshimo couldn't be quick to judge people, after all he looked like any other shinobi in the world.

Satans Eye? He'd never even created a file on it. He'd never heard it before, and now that the newfound knowledge was in his brain, he wanted to know more. At first, he just looked at him for an awkward moment, tapping his pen upon his desk in an echoing rhythm. It bothered him to no end though he needed to know about it!!! But that'd be prying..

"Chikusho!!! I'm just gonna come right out and ask. What is the Satan's Eye, how does it work?"


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Awaken! (Yoshimo and I) Empty Re: Awaken! (Yoshimo and I)

Post by Shin Uchiha Fri Feb 06, 2009 10:39 pm

Kratos heared his tapping, knowing that he was probably wondering about they eye itself, and the person who possesses it. He heared his question finally and sighed, putting his hair back down. He began to think where to start off, going 'hmm' as he thought. "Alright, well... First of all, the person who origianlly possesses the Satan's eye is Garnurk Narkun. Also known as the 'God of Darkness' "He started, as he sat crosslegged in the chair. He then blinked a few times and continued, "Well, I havent used it much, but I do know that you can control fire very well at my will. Example; A regular fire ball unactivated would be just a medium sized fireball. If I had the Satan's eye activated, it would be much, much, larger. It would even turn blue with all the chakra I put into it."He then remembered something about the eye. "Most of my chakra points are in that eye as well, therefore, using up a large amount of chakra and putting forth alot of power."He explained.

"There are about three different phases of the eye, but so far I have only this one."He finished. He waited for Yoshimo to ask if there is anymore questions he would like to ask, or even see what it looked like activated; which he was willing to do.
Shin Uchiha
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Awaken! (Yoshimo and I) Empty Re: Awaken! (Yoshimo and I)

Post by Kenshi Fri Feb 06, 2009 10:58 pm

Yoshimo listened intently, and his face went totally blank for several minutes. His brain was taking in the information, storing it, and matching it up to the information he already knew. That way he could form speculations and theories on the Satan's Eye, and that would help him understand it more. Several ideas were already running through his brain....

It's a doujutsu meaning 'eye technique'. I already saw him with his fire and lightning nature, so his doujutsu could be something else that doesn't even deal with his nature..........So he can control fire at will....hence the nature.........since the doujutsu was placed after he found his nature, he's using it as a fire-nature enhancer, meaning he is after it's the Satan's Eye can increase fire at will, so that means it's the Doujutsu itself was patterend after a chakra nature, and not something as the Hyuuga or Uchiha....Never seen that he can remotely put chakra in fire to increase fire type jutsu by using his Satan's Eye....that means he is good at spreading his chakra in a genjutsu like manner, so maybe the doujutsu has some genjutsu to it but I doubt that...maybe it just takes a great amount of chakra control....So now what do I have on the Satan's Eye. One...It's a chakra-atuned doujutsu, so maybe if he had the wind element it could enhance his wind jutsu but I'm not sure...He can increase his fire jutsu with it activated by remotely chakra sending towards the jutsu....and he has to have exceptional chakra control...So that means he is a mid-range fighter...and the sword gives it away also...He can't fight too far because his techniques could be dodged, and no long-range fighter uses a katana. He can't get too close, because if he increased a jutsu he'd end up hurting himself....But he could fight close range because of the that puts him in the middle...Typically mid-range fighters have high stamina....they usually resort to taijutsu first....and then they back off to mid range to use techniques without being close to his if I had to fight him, I'd fight him mid-range his taijutsu would be useless...and if he uses the Satan's Eye I'd fight him close range...because if he increases his fire with the eye he'd end up hurting himself....he's interesting....but well balanced...I like him...though theres still more I want to know...he did say that there were different phases....

Yoshimo's mind suddenly clicked back to relaity. He couldn't just daze off like that in front of people. Though it didn't take him that long to figure out the doujutsu, he still would have to appear friendly, so he gave him a quick smile. He was a mid-range type, and that was great for Yoshimo to fight with, so an alliance had to be made. Most of his shinobi were mid-range fighters, and adding another one in the time of need wouldn't hurt. Yoshimo pulled out some papers and a pen.

"Kumo and Konoha, allied. Doesn't that sound good to you?", he said hoping he'd sign.


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Awaken! (Yoshimo and I) Empty Re: Awaken! (Yoshimo and I)

Post by Shin Uchiha Fri Feb 06, 2009 11:38 pm

OOC: sorry it took so long for me to reply, I was packing something to send to a special someone >w>


Kratos watched as Yoshimo was thinking. He had already known that he was thinking, just by the blank stare. Kratos was thinking as well, has he said too much? Did he spill too much information? Did Yoshimo think he was evil? He asked himself these questions in his head repeadivly until he gave himself an answer. He heared his question, breaking the silence between them. "Eetou..."He said, thinking, "It might not be up to me, but I will put it into consideration for our Hokage to decide."He smiled reassuringly. He then scooted up to the desk in his chair, taking the pen and signing his name in on the line:Awaken! (Yoshimo and I) KratosA
Shin Uchiha
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Awaken! (Yoshimo and I) Empty Re: Awaken! (Yoshimo and I)

Post by Kenshi Sat Feb 07, 2009 2:34 pm

Yoshimo smiled as he took the papers. A new alliance! It was exciting to him, but probably not to anyone else. Yoshimo tapped a button underneath his desk, and outside in the hallway, a buzzer could be heard. Seconds later, Yoshimo's secretary could be seen coming in, and fumbling with her glasses. She had a surprised look, and the shy one she always held. She was always worrying about something, but it was good that she cared for the well-being of Yoshimo and of the village's references.

"I need you to take these papers and file them with our alliances. Not only are we allied to Konohagakure, but we also have made a new friend!", Yoshimo said, while finalizing the alliance with his own signature.

"OK Yoshimo-sama. Remember there is the matter of meeting up with Kirigakure soon. You need to finalize on that deal for tomorrow...I don't know how you'll get to Kirigakure in less than a day, but the Chuunin Exams are tomorrow. And you know you need to rest your arm in your medical water, you rush---"

"Don't worry about me. I'm the Raikage!", Yoshimo said with a laugh, "I can do just about anything. I'll make it to Kirigakure, and be back in time enough for you to have the papers ready for the Chuunin Exams. You know I'm a procrastinator, but you know I always get the job done."

The secretary sighed and walked out. She was the type of person that hated waiting untill the last minute to do things. And her boss was a person that absolutely loved to do that. She closed the door, leaving Kratos and Yoshimo to themselves again.

"I'm sure the Hokage will feel comfortable with it. there anything else you'd like to do in Kumogakure?"


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Awaken! (Yoshimo and I) Empty Re: Awaken! (Yoshimo and I)

Post by Shin Uchiha Sat Feb 07, 2009 2:47 pm

Kratos watched the secretary and Yoshimo speak. He sighed and yawned a bit, as he got up early in the morning and hardly got any sleep. He stretched his arms and cracked his neck. Kratos then nodded his head, "It would be very exciting to have the Kumogakure village allied with Konohagakure. Good backup, ne?"He asked, chuckling softly. He sat up in his chair more and put his hands behind his head, about to speak again.

"Well, I do have a purpose of coming here, first of all."He started, shyly playing with his fingers in thought. He sighed again, then spoke, "I want to achieve black lightning."He came out with it, and then added after a few seconds of silence, "I have great control over both Fire and Lightning nature, and I want to go further. I want you to help me achieve it."He told Yoshimo, hoping for a yes.
Shin Uchiha
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Awaken! (Yoshimo and I) Empty Re: Awaken! (Yoshimo and I)

Post by Kenshi Sat Feb 07, 2009 8:19 pm

Yoshimo smiled at Kratos's last comment. He figured they had great ninja, and hopefully ones that could make it in time of need. He didn't want to rely on them, but it's always good to have someone in your corner.

"Good back up? I'd like to say we have the best..", Yoshimo chuckled.

He continued to listen to him, and he began to understand his true purpose of visiting Kumogakure. He was after more power. Not meaning that was bad, but the shinobi was wishing for growth. There was nothing wrong with wanting make yourself stronger, and in fact Yoshimo liked people that had that type of ambition. He didn't have it when he was young, and even though he was only 24, he felt as if he was 42. His body was great at recovering, but his water-medical bath treatment took too long to complete sometimes. By the time Yoshimo got done with this he'd have to be on his way to Kirigakure, or he could send a Bunshin...He could operate on half his chakra, but still, he wanted to go himself. He'd make the decision later.

"Teach you black lightning eh? Well I can't teach you that, I can only teach you whats called, 'killer intent'. Killer Intent is something that can change the properties of jutsu some times. When you are intent to kill someone, sometimes your attacks might be a bit more powerful. For a Raiton-Katon shinobi as yourself, your fire could turn blue, which is hotter, and your lightning could turn black which is more powerful. A Suiton shinobi's water could turn "white", or the speed of the water attacks would increase. You see where I'm going with this? Killer Intent though doesn't show all the time. If I wanted to kill you right now I would have already tried, but I didn't. If someone were to hold a katana to your back they wouldn't have the intent to kill you. If they ran up on you and press the katana in your skin they'd have killer intent. You understand? The key to killer intent is seriousness."

Yoshimo got up form his chair and walked over to the far-far side of the office. He pushed on the wall and a door revealed itself to the outside. He walked out to a small area behind the Kage's office, which held a small mountainous training grounds.

"Come on."


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Awaken! (Yoshimo and I) Empty Re: Awaken! (Yoshimo and I)

Post by Shin Uchiha Sat Feb 07, 2009 8:43 pm

Kratos listened to Yoshimo's instructions. Killer Intent? He thoughg to himself. He would have to tap into his inner anger in order to do that. He began to think, he never got seriously mad at anyone before, so it would be hard for him to try to be angry. He stood up, standing and walking behind Yoshimo. Staying quiet, he followed Yoshimo to the training field with small mountains in it. "Wow..."He said in awe as he stepped onto the field. Moving his foot around in the rocky soil, he didnt know what it would feel like to train in a new type of atmosphere and climate. "So...."He started, looking at Yoshimo, "What are we planning to do, exactly?"He asked
Shin Uchiha
Shin Uchiha

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Awaken! (Yoshimo and I) Empty Re: Awaken! (Yoshimo and I)

Post by Kenshi Sat Feb 07, 2009 9:16 pm

Yoshimo smiled. He knew exactly what he was going to do, he was going to kill Kratos. But before that Yoshimo had to think how long this would take. He needed to get to Kirigakure after all. Yoshimo crossed his hands and shouted.

"Kage Bunshin no Jutsu!"

In a cloud of smoke a bunshin appeared next to him, exactly like Yoshimo. Yoshimo whispered something in it's ear and with a *whosh* it was off in the mountains, heading towards Kirigakure. Now he could kill two birds with one stone. He could go to Kirigakure, and he could train Kratos at the same time. Yoshimo cracked his back by bending over, and then cracked his hands. Yoshimo reached in his pocket and grabbed a kunai. He twirled it and looked at Kratos, smiling. Yoshimo disappeared. He'd used most of his speed in the take off, and as a small dust trail made its way to Kratos, the skidding of Yoshimo's feet could be heard behind him. Yoshimo didn't hesitate as he jammed the kunai towards his spine.


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Awaken! (Yoshimo and I) Empty Re: Awaken! (Yoshimo and I)

Post by Shin Uchiha Sat Feb 07, 2009 10:43 pm

Kratos watched the clone be summoned by Yoshimo, as he jumped backwards and went into a defencive stance. He watched as Yoshimo moved his body in a certain way, somehow appearing behind him. He heared footsteps behind him and turned around right when Yoshimo's kunai almost touched his spinal area. Moving his hand, he pushed away the kunai and twisted his whole body around to where it was behind Yoshimo's now.

He then quickly made the tiger handsign and commanded, "Pheonix flame no jutsu!", just then, fireballs came at Yoshimo's back and his clone. The fireballs quickly desperced into kunai and shuriken.
Shin Uchiha
Shin Uchiha

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Awaken! (Yoshimo and I) Empty Re: Awaken! (Yoshimo and I)

Post by Kenshi Sat Feb 07, 2009 11:27 pm

Several fireballs shot out towards Yoshimo, but he wasn't limber enough to dodge them all. He jumped up, letting two go over him, and quickly ducking and rolling left, he narrowly dodged some others. There were a few more that he'd have to dodge, but his arm strength was failing him. He didn't want to waste chakra, and he had to show Kratos "Killer Intent". Yoshimo began to think of a way to dodge them, and he'd had the trick. He reached into his pocket while jumping back, but the fireballs were getting closer, and time was narrowing down. One fireball wasn't really in his line-of-damage and it hit the ground causing a great explosion. The dust emerged from the earth, and a great cloud could be seen.

Silence passed over them, and Yoshimo began to speak through the cloud.

"You aren't showing your killer intent...If you wanted to kill me you would have did an attack that could finish me off...Killer Intent isn't thinking how to kill your opponent, it is going after your opponent no matter what. It's all offense and no defense..."

The cloud settled, and the sizzle of mist faded away along with the cloud. Yoshimo could be seen rolling back up is water scroll, which he'd used to counter act the fireballs. He stood there and smilied, waiting for his opponent to come at him with killer intent.

"You were taught this at Konoha I know...You know how to come after someone with the intent to kill. Remember your genin days Kratos..."


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Awaken! (Yoshimo and I) Empty Re: Awaken! (Yoshimo and I)

Post by Shin Uchiha Sat Feb 07, 2009 11:34 pm

Kratos listened to Yoshimo's words, seeing that of now he would have to run and attack Yoshimo with no care of how he felt about his death. He would know that the Satan's eye would put him into that position, but saved it for later. Kratos thought quickly, but deeply. He closed his eyes and made a few series of handsigns, then opening his eyes and put out his right hand, and put it into a position to where it looks like he is holding something. Lightning instantly shot out of his hand in a spear like form, able to cut through the hardest of materials. "Thousand bird sharp spear!"He shouted, as the spear like bolt headed towards Yoshimo, aiming for the chest.
Shin Uchiha
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Awaken! (Yoshimo and I) Empty Re: Awaken! (Yoshimo and I)

Post by Kenshi Sat Feb 07, 2009 11:54 pm

"There we're getting there..."

Yoshimo watched as the beam of lightning came racing towards him. He looked at it, and smilied. Yoshimo took a kunai out of his pocket, and the next move he made would be a new one. Instead of jumping or blocking the beam, Yoshimo would take advantage of lightning itself. He drew the kunai across his chest, and aimed for the lightning beam. Since the kunai wasn't charged with lightning, the beam of lightning would be grounded by the metal of the kunai. Yoshimo sliced the kunai at the beam, and simotaneously released the kunai. The lightning beam caught on the kunai, charging it with electricity. The beam was still coming to him, but Yoshimo quickly slid his right foot back along with his chest, becoming parallel with the beam as it raced infront of him.

"Come on Kratos!!! Attack after attack! KILL ME DAMNIT! YOU PIECE OF---"

Yoshimo hoped that getting angry would lead to him attacking more.

And of course, swearing would probably work.


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Awaken! (Yoshimo and I) Empty Re: Awaken! (Yoshimo and I)

Post by Shin Uchiha Sun Feb 08, 2009 12:48 am

Kratos watched as Yoshimo breaks the lightning beam in half, as he then kept it going even after it was still running and going at him. He heared him say to kill him, hearing him start cussing. He felt somewhat hurt by his words, but found some anger in his emotions, "ILL SHOW YOU WHO IS THE PIECE OF--"He stopped and closed his right eye, then shouting, "Satan's eye!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" as he opened his eye and it was bright red and yellow, as if there was lava in his iris, it was moving. A smirk appeared on his face as he felt the inner anger being tapped in. He canceled his lightning spear, and then put his left hand over his right hand, beginning to move it in different paces like a rasengan. "Lightning ball!"He shouted, a ball of blue lightning sparking in his hand, but less damaging than a chidori.

He chuckled and ran at Yoshimo with a great speed, putting out his right hand which had the lightning ball in it. He had the inent to hurt Yoshimo badly, as it began to grow larger, his anger growing, about to ram the ball into him.
Shin Uchiha
Shin Uchiha

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