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Post by Aki Thu Feb 05, 2009 7:31 pm

I know that most of you probably don't or won't care... And I don't blame you considering I don't get on much... But for those of you who care, or will care:

I'm going to leave the site for a bit. I AM NOT QUITTING. I have a lot of things going in school this semester. As in lots of projects and homework, mainly from English and Biology. I apologize for not being able to get on as often as I'd like. I also apologize for not completing Ankyo either... I have tried to complete his creation, but I'm stuck on jutsus right now. Hopefully by the time I've balanced school work and Internet time, I'll be have his jutsus done and can finally start rping with him.

And as to any rp I am in, which only happens to be with Kyo and narutah, I'll get to it eventually... Or if you'd rather just close the thread off or delete it is fine with me as well. (I think closing/deleting it off would be alright though, seeing as I've lost interest in it since it has been awhile...)

So the Ninjapedia thing is well... "closed" for now unless someone wants to keep up with it.

I don't expect to actually be "active" until a month or two has gone by because there's also that stupid writing test in March... So yeah, my life is going to be like hell for these first few months of the year. Even though I won't post or rp, I will try to keep up with the updates and new rules and what not. I might occasionally pop in and respond to the chat threads as well...

So when should I be back? Around the middle or end of March hopefully. I'll miss you and all, and who knows? When I return I'll probably have more ideas and questions that need answering. And then I'm looking forward to rping with you all and getting to know some of you.


Random stuff:
-Love the little handbook you made Bao. I would've posted there, but I didn't want to ruin it. It's really helpful since I've been trying to find stuff out on my own and half the things I've found are inaccurate.

-Yoshi you should get to work on figuring out which Naruto pairings happened before it gets out control and we have people here who are sons/daughters/grandchildren of Naruto parings like Naruto and Temari or Naruto and Sakura or Naruto and Hinata (they are just examples).

That or you could just leave it open since it could cause some people to rp... Like people saying "Liar! My father would never betray my mother like that!" and they get into a rp about their parents' reputation and all... (but that seems a bit unlikely)

I think you really should sort it out before you get more and more members and gets really out control...

-Just throwing the idea out, there since you guys are having a Chunin Exams soon, but maybe you should change up the Chunin Exams? If you keep it to the way it was in the manga, then people here will know what to expect... And in the Chunin Exams no one really knew what to expect. Like keep the tests similar, but maybe done differently, at least the first two, seeing as how they do take place in different villages, according to alliances?

The first test is testing a ninja's ability to gather information secretively, so maybe something along those lines?
The second test was a survival one, instead of just being in a forest, maybe change so it is a survival test, only in different terrains? Like an underground maze/labyrinth that leads to the outside that's filled with pits and traps... same concept, but different terrain and creatures, so we wouldn't exactly know what to expect.

Last edited by Aki on Sat May 23, 2009 4:27 pm; edited 2 times in total

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Post by razor_shinobi Thu Feb 05, 2009 7:34 pm

hey man i dont know you but peace, i know how school is

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Post by Shin Uchiha Thu Feb 05, 2009 7:39 pm

Ja ne, Sennyo! *huggles* Ill miss ya~

And im glad you appreciate the handbook I mades!
Shin Uchiha
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Post by Kenshi Thu Feb 05, 2009 8:17 pm

I will take everything you typed in to consideration and I will also miss you. I hope all goes well.


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Post by Aki Mon Apr 20, 2009 9:06 pm

Dear Members of Ninjanation:

I have two research projects I need to complete within a month or two and a video project due in the next month or so. That along with a whole lot of other school related items. The truth is, I can't really role play until I at least get done with my research projects (seeing as they sort of determine whether I pass or not...). So, bye guys. I'll miss you all and I'll try to check in as much as I can, but... I just can't role play. I have to focus on school first, I mean really, I don't want to fail the tenth grade. (Besides, if I did, my parents would kill me and permanently ban me from the computer.)

Sorry to Keiteiki and Zen. I really wanted to finish our RPs, but until I get my projects done, I won't be able to RP. Continue without me. We can finish them later if you guys ever feel like it again. And sorry to Jin. I'll work on Ankyo's self RP in my spare time, and hopefully when I do put it up here, it'll be great. Sorry to all who I a--was RPing with, but I gotta focus on school first.

I'll miss you guys,


To Kakashi: I doubt you'll ever see this, seeing as you don't get on regularly, but... since you want a Hatake, you can make your character Obito's brother. I advise that you put in something along the lines of "born to a different mother and was thus raised apart from Obito" or something along those lines as I never mentioned Obito having any siblings what-so-ever. I really wish I could get on more to help you... but like I said above, I need to focus on school right now.

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Post by Uchiha Kumori Mon Apr 20, 2009 9:27 pm

Ahh, so that's why.

Good luck with your projects and such.
Uchiha Kumori
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Post by Kenshi Mon Apr 20, 2009 9:30 pm

I know you won't fail. You will pass, you're Aki remember? The brains and lazy bones of shikamaru all rolled into one.


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Post by Aki Thu Apr 30, 2009 7:04 pm

Members of NinjaNation:

I am halfway through everything. The stress that was eating away at me (due to my own laziness and procrastination) is starting to return to normal. I'm halfway through with everything as of right now. I just need to do my speech... (which has to last like at least five minutes) and I still need to do my other research paper(which is due like next week and I haven't even started on it... O.O). I'm almost done with the video project, but I have to edit it... And... I have exams on the first week of June.

I'm hoping to be back by mid May or at least by the end of May. I don't know for sure yet, but we'll see. And thanks Keiteiki and Yoshimo. I take a break every now and then to check up on the Registration and occasionally log in to comment and check out the Mod-Admin section, but I'm still not up to RPing yet as it is a big distraction to me. And if anything... big happens (and isn't posted in Mod-Admin section) someone please PM me about it.

Still missing you all,


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Post by Aki Sat May 23, 2009 4:27 pm

Dear Members of Ninjanation:

Okay.... I'm not done yet but I can't stay away from NN, so I'm back....

And I'm probably going to sift through the majority of everything that's been approved while I'm gone just because... well just because I want to and I'm interested in seeing what both the new and old members have come up with. So, sorry if I seem a little bit harsh on some of you guys... even if your things have been approved. I just notice a lot of things and I probably over think a lot of things too but... hey that's just me.


((Oh and Keiteiki, Zen, do you guys wanna pick up where we left, or did you guys just void it? I'm fine with either one.))

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