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Keiteki VS. Yoshimo

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Keiteki VS. Yoshimo Empty Keiteki VS. Yoshimo

Post by Uchiha Kumori Wed Jan 28, 2009 5:01 pm


A large, open field, shaped like a cirlce, and surrounded by forest.

Starting Distance:
5 Distance.

Yoshi gets the first move.
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Keiteki VS. Yoshimo Empty Re: Keiteki VS. Yoshimo

Post by Kenshi Wed Jan 28, 2009 6:01 pm

Yoshimo arrived at the destination, wating for Keiteki to show up. He really didn't want to fight him, he wanted to talk to him and understand why he'd left. Keiteki was a great friend to Yoshimo, and for him to just leave like that, Yoshimo wanted to at least know why. Assuming that Keiteki was up to something, Yoshimo probably assumed that he didn't want to talk, so he stood there and waited.


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Keiteki VS. Yoshimo Empty Re: Keiteki VS. Yoshimo

Post by Uchiha Kumori Wed Jan 28, 2009 7:01 pm

Keiteki saw a former friend in the distance, none other than Yoshimo Izoto. Keiteki stared down the ground, looking as he emerged from the brush like a ghost, making very little noise, and with a lazy look, and a blank frown, he looked down at Yoshimo, and then continued walking, making sure to keep his chakra ready, since he had completed handseals before he emerged from the brush, and was holding it in before he attacked. He hoped that a one hit kill would allow Keiteki to beat Yoshimo. Keiteki never learnt the true power of his friend, and never saw him in action to the fullest extent of his abilities, but then again, neither did he, so they both had both a disadvantage. Keiteki needed to eradicate his past, and he was going to start with his former friend, Yoshimo Izoto. Keiteki looked down the road, the place where their dreams were to clash, and where their forces would inevitably meet, and Keitkei knew everywhere in his body that this was not going to be any kind of cake. Still, it was all or nothing. One of them was going to die today. He was about 10 meters away from Yoshimo when he finally opened his mouth.

"Yoshimo, it's been a while." Keiteki said to Yoshimo with a bored tone, and thne he smiled. "You know, I didn't really get much out of our spar, perhaps it is time that we had a second spar. No rules this time. Just the two of us..." Keiteki said to Yoshimo, and he put his palm in the air, flat like a plank of wood.

"Along with some friends, of course." Keitkei chuckled as he broguht down his palm onto the ground, and some kind of symbol appeared on the ground, followed by a puff of smoke bigger than the range of a demon's fart.

As the smoke was clearing, a huge gust of wind blew the smoke away, and revealed the aftermath. Behind him was three, titanic examples of Keiteki's power. The first one was a serpent like being, with purple scales, and longer than any other summon, with huge wings, and three big, horrible heads, named Sanseki. The second was a giant, luggish being, white and black, along with orange, and his teeth were big and thick, and his arms and legs were thick with muscle, the one named Kyokan. And the third one was a beast, muscular with powerful wings, a maced tail, and a monstrous presence, along with some strange kind of mask-like attachment on his back. Keiteki looked at his foe, Yoshimo, with a killing intent. Keiteki then looked around him, and the three friends of his looked back at him. They instantly recognized what had to be done against his foe. Keiteki then looked at the Hydra for an offensive first, which would shake his opponent. Sanseki immeidately dashed into the air, and in less than a few seconds, he was above Yoshi, and he immediately flew downwards with all of his force.
Uchiha Kumori
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Keiteki VS. Yoshimo Empty Re: Keiteki VS. Yoshimo

Post by Kenshi Wed Jan 28, 2009 7:23 pm

He couldn't even get a single world out of him. Not one utterance, or slight move of the lips. No. Not from Keiteki. Not from the person that Yoshimo held the most highest regard for. They'd been friends for a while and now the relationship was down in complete shambles. Something was possessing Keiteki, and Yoshimo knew that it was power. Nothing short of power. He wanted power, and with Keiteki's mindset, he'd set out to get it. He'd attained his power, but he hadn't lost Yoshimo, no matter how much he thought he did.

Sighing in dismay at his friend, Yoshimo began to prepare for the oncoming battle. He'd prepped his chakra and he was completely ready for the fight. He knew Keiteki was out to kill him, but if Yoshimo had to break his bones and legs to bring him back he would do it. Keiteki was worth it. Keiteki was more than 'worth it'. Yoshimo couldn't explain how he wanted Keiteki to realise that he could use his powers for the benefit of the village, but he would have to prove it in battle.

He watched the summons appear, and the foul power that Keiteki gained was alive and running over the faces of his summons. Strange animals they were, but they wouldn't block him from getting Keiteki to realise that what he was doing was wrong. He didn't want to fight. Yoshimo didn't want to fight him at all, but as the snake summon jumped in the air and headed downwards, Yoshimo could only look up at the snake, as its mouth came barreling down.

The snake had hit the ground with tremendous force. Enough to end Yoshimo in one blow. Using his ninjutsu he'd made it out alive, and the shadow tendrils that began to slowly try and wrap themselves around the snake were proof of it. The snake had landed on top of the shadow, and now was closer ot being caught. The tight tendrils began to wrap around its body, getting tighter by the moment. Yoshimo's shadow had took up the whole length of the snake itself, and if not attended to soon Keiteki would lose his summons.


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Keiteki VS. Yoshimo Empty Re: Keiteki VS. Yoshimo

Post by Uchiha Kumori Wed Jan 28, 2009 7:43 pm

Keiteki saw what had happened, and witnessed the result, and saw that his summon was completely ensnared. Keiteki needed to be more wary, or this would be the end of him. He wouldn't dare close the distance between them, as distance was one of those things that gave Keitkei some kind of way of defending himself against foes, not just Yoshimo, but any foe, at any time. Keitkei then looked at his summon, Kyoheki. This was the summon for the job. Keiteki knew that high, high up in the air, he had a smaller chance of being taken down, and if he fought Yoshimo from far enough away, perhaps, just perhaps, Yoshimo might fall. Keitkei then decided to eradicate all hiding places from Yoshimo ,and deny him the element of surprise, to an extent, but to do this, he needed to burn down the forest, but this was something that Keitkei was fully prepared to do.

Their past friendship did give Keitkei somethign to go by, since they were friends, they knew of one anothers abilities and skills, but unluckily for him, there were some things he was completely unfamiliar with. And soo,n he knew it in his gut, that he would ahve to use it sooner or later, or face death, or defeat. He would not be taken back to that village, where he was restrained. Now that he has broke the restraints, he will not allow them to reconnect, and once again, pull Keiteki into the shallows. Keiteki was determined to win thsi fight, not just to prove his power to himself anymor,e but to preserve his own goals, his own ends, and he would fight to the end to make this happen, and he had no problem taking the life of Yoshimo, that is, if he would be able to do so. One thing he knew was that he would not leave this battle without injury, and he was prepared to lose just that much. Nothing more.

"Yoshimo, our paths divided that day. I have a destiny, and you have yours. I am not ready to see your dieing face just yet." Keitkei teased at Yoshimo, and smearing.

Keitkei then ripped off his shirt, the one he had on when he left the village just yesterday. Keitkei tore this apart, and then he held up his Kumo headband, and let his Katon Chakra flow through it, and ignited the headband, and he watched as his plaque was being smothered by fire, and he tossed it on the ground, believing it was no longer any use to him, he then extended his wings, feeling the Fuuton go through them, and he felt fresh and ready for action, and then he jumped up into the air, and a burst of Fuuton propelled him upwards, high up into the sky, now little more than a dot in the sky, and Yoshi was nothing more than a dot in Keiteki's. Sanseki would die, but there were many more dragons like him, ready to fill the void. Keiteki laughed maniaclly, up in the air, and then, the next plan of action was executed.

Kyoheki's mask like appendage began sliding open, making a screeching, echoing sound across the mountains, and soon, the mouth was completely open, and Keiteki simply had to watch as the destruction was, literally, rained down. Kyoheki's mask spewed out giant clouds of what appears to be some kind of gas, but it is in fact, explosive spores. A giant cloud formed overhead, above Sanseki and Yoshimo's position. The spores would explode upon impact, and though not very lethal as one, they would make for a deadly force in their numbers. Sadly, Sanseki had to die as well, but as said before, it was simply a neccesary loss.
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Keiteki VS. Yoshimo Empty Re: Keiteki VS. Yoshimo

Post by Kenshi Thu Jan 29, 2009 9:15 am

Yoshimo's shadow unraveled from the snake, and Yoshimo slowly appeared as the snake was strangled to death. His shadow tendrils writhed about, and returned to his shadow. Yoshimo looked around for Keiteki, but he was gone, and over head was a large cloud. Yoshimo looked up at the cloud and instantly covered his nose and mouth with his hands, due to the fact that the cloud seemed like floating gas. He would need to find away out of this fast, but he didn't know what he could do. He ran towards the forest, but it wouldn't be fast enough. He'd have to take the blunt of the attack or die.

Yoshimo landed on the ground, and completed a series of handsigns. His own shadow began to envelope him in tight ball, and he began to count, to keep track of the time. He remembered exactly where he was, and as long as he didn't get lost within the darkness of the shadow.

The fire would surely destory the jutsu, and Yoshimo could be death...

OOC:...I underestimated that jutsu....F YOU lol


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Keiteki VS. Yoshimo Empty Re: Keiteki VS. Yoshimo

Post by Uchiha Kumori Thu Jan 29, 2009 4:39 pm

"Your defense is strong, but how long will it be before it turns against you?" Keiteki laughed amongst himself, and now, his plan had succeeded, his opponent trapped inside this powerful defense, but even though he knew it was untouchable for now, he knew, since they were friends, that Yoshimo's time was going to run out soon enough, wether from chakra loss, or the dark effects of the shield would ensnare Yoshimo, and condemn him. Keiteki simply needed to wait for either situation to take effect, whci hwould give Keitkei an advantage. Still, he had already used about 30 precent of his chakra summoning the three dragons, and now one was already dead. Still, he was confident that Kyoheki would be able to pound down on Yoshi all on his own, but just in case, he felt that some kind of reinforcement was neccesary to be absolute sure that when Yoshimo comes out of his little ball, he will be doomed.

As it is, when Yoshimo emerges from the circle, fire will be surrounding him as a result of the many spores that were scattered by Kyoheki. This would leave a field of fire that Yoshimo would have to cross if he wanted to get out of the danger zone. Secondly, Keiteki had devised a plan to keep Yoshimo's Kage Mane from touching him, and the answer to this was simply staying as high up in the air as possible, and moving as far away as well, he knew that the Kage Mane would not extend far, and it lsows down, and loses control as it gets farther away, and Keitkei planned to blast his Long range at him, once he escapes his little prison, only to meet death in the face. Next was the matter of setting him up for the real beating. Keiteki looked at Kyoheki.

"Use your stinger." Keitkei instructed him.

Suddenly, the same masked mouth that released that giant cloud of exploding spores extended a humongous, metal tail, with a few sharp points at the end, and a giant, solid one, and it seemed pretty long, and was about to stab at Yoshimo's defense, but then Keiteki stopped him. "No. First, give him some quiet time, give him some time for the dark to get to his head." Keitkei said to the dragon. Still, Kyoheki held out his stinger, ready to bring down upon Yoshimo when he had enough. With fire surrounding him, and a giant metal stinger ready to finish him off, accompanied by Keiteki's own prowess, Yoshimo was faced with some difficult choices.

Last edited by Keiteki Drakun on Thu Jan 29, 2009 9:14 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Keiteki VS. Yoshimo Empty Re: Keiteki VS. Yoshimo

Post by Kenshi Thu Jan 29, 2009 8:33 pm

High enough to cast no shadow? That's pretty high. High enough to land an attack from that distance in one post? Come on Keiteki!

That range should be alot higher. Granted, Yoshimo's in a toughy, I still think that your attacks should be able to take at least 2 posts before they hit me....You're too high up, in fact, so high up that you probably won't be able to see me.

The edit button is easy to hit.



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Keiteki VS. Yoshimo Empty Re: Keiteki VS. Yoshimo

Post by Uchiha Kumori Thu Jan 29, 2009 8:37 pm

Well, Yoshimo, it's too bad, because that's the truth. Ever notice how when birds fly up overhead, you cannot see their shadow? You know why? Light does not just emit from the sun in a striaght path. It eminates in all directions form every point on the sun, and light rays can go around something that high up in the air, whcih doesn't neccesarily have to be so high, since like I said, light does not just radiate in a circle. Well it does, but lgiht particles go everywhere, so shadow. >3

Another thing, Keiteki has launched no attacks so far. Kyohek is the one doing all the attacking right now.
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Keiteki VS. Yoshimo Empty Re: Keiteki VS. Yoshimo

Post by Jin Chisoku Thu Jan 29, 2009 8:43 pm

ooc: Considering you have to be extremely high for a shadow to disipate** and have to remain up there for a long enough time for the thin oxygen to get to your character....And on your way up there your shadow grows increasing longer and larger. So, for this to work in the way you assumed it did, you would have to almost instantly appear at that altitude....And even so, your time up there is limited to a minute or less....
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Keiteki VS. Yoshimo Empty Re: Keiteki VS. Yoshimo

Post by Uchiha Kumori Thu Jan 29, 2009 8:46 pm

Well, Jin, Keiteki has the time needed to do that because right now, Yoshimo is sealed inside his Shadow Ball Prison whatever thingy, completely unaware of the outside world right now. Though he has the power to raise the shield, Keiteki is already up in the air. In addition, like I said, the bird thing, no shadows with those birds. Once again, also even if that was too high, Keitkei could draw up oxygen using a Fuuton Jutsu, like Tei Akurobatto.

EDIT: Also, the time of day is high noon. His shadow is the same size grounded or up in the air, assuming there is a shadow, which there isn't. Wink
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Keiteki VS. Yoshimo Empty Re: Keiteki VS. Yoshimo

Post by Jin Chisoku Thu Jan 29, 2009 9:10 pm

ooc:Draw air? By the time it got there it whould be thinned out, you can't simply draw air to a higher altitude, it has to be in something that can store oxygen. And suddently there isn't a shadow? Because it remains high noon during this entire fight? Are you guys trapped within a 5 minute span or something? If not, your shadow is going to appear *soon enough* unless you stay at the same altitude, and of course the other issue arises.
Jin Chisoku
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Keiteki VS. Yoshimo Empty Re: Keiteki VS. Yoshimo

Post by Uchiha Kumori Thu Jan 29, 2009 9:12 pm

Well, then like you said, Keitkei will be feeling the effects of thin air soon enough. It doesn't really matter much anyway, since Yoshimo doesn't look like he's getting a good oppurtunity to attack Keiteki with his shadows. Not to mention horizontal distance from Yoshimo. I'll just edit that post there, then, and then we can continue.
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Keiteki VS. Yoshimo Empty Re: Keiteki VS. Yoshimo

Post by Jin Chisoku Thu Jan 29, 2009 9:17 pm

ooc: Ok, simply making sure you understand the effects of being at such a high altitude. No worries, have fun posting.
Jin Chisoku
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Keiteki VS. Yoshimo Empty Re: Keiteki VS. Yoshimo

Post by Kenshi Thu Jan 29, 2009 9:44 pm

"Ichi, Nii, San, Yo, Go, Roku, Shichi, Hachi, Kyuu, Zyuu. Ichi, Nii, San, Yo, Go, Roku, Shichi, Hachi, Kyuu, Zyuu. Ichi...."

Keeping his mind on his mind itself, Yoshimo was preparing for the mental lock that could soon set in for his jutsu. But just like everything, Yoshimo always kept a plan up his sleeve and he always knew what he was doing. He knew that the jutsu would cause damage to his mind, but there was something about an Izoto clansmen's own shadow that gave them solitude. That didn't mean that he'd be fine the jutsu, no, he was at his worst now, and he was waiting for something to happen, but he didn't know when it would happen. Yoshimo had only one choice to release the jutsu. He knew that the jutsu couldn't be moved once it was set in the ground, and he knew where he was in his minds eye. All he had to do was count to keep track of time. He'd been counting from one to ten for a while now, about three times over. The sun wasn't working to his advantage, and he was just waiting for a slight tip from the earth.

He couldn't wait all day though, he'd have to sacrifice time to stop this battle. Yoshimo kept count, thinking of a plan, knowing what he was going to do and how he was going to do it. He thought and assessed his own abilites and his tools. He knew what he had to do, and he released his thinking as the plan commensed.

There were exploding fire-spores from the cloud above Yoshimo. They continued to release their torrental explosions seting the whole area a-blaze, and by now there was nothing burning in the area. Everything had to be destroyed because of the flames. A dark black ball could been seen, and it slowly began to shake and rumble about as if Yoshimo was undergoing a mass transformation. If one could peek closer at the ball, they'd see that a small water-sprout began to sprout out from the ball, and the steam from the water disappated in the air. The water was still continuous, and steam was still being created, but just like the rest, it would all turn to nothing but steam. The ball began to shake ever more wildly, untill it burst, exploding the shadow tendrils and releasing a torrential amount of water. The mist from the water rose, up, and through the mist, some of the falling spores had been deactivated. The mist from the water had nulled the fire in them before they could explode.

Yoshimo was out of the shadow shell and safe from the explosions. Luckily for him, the scroll was large enough to wrap around his leg, and using the roll of wire he'd managed to quickly tie the scroll to his foot and leg, securing it's position under his foot. Yoshimo had managed to do this as he slowly released the jutsu, allowing him to see day light once again. He was safe from the spores now, and since water beats fire, as long as he kept the scroll on his feet and kept releasing chakra, the scroll would keep releasing water, and he would be fine. This also gave him a defense against Keiteki's long range jutsu, since the continuous flow of water began to create more and more mist, rising the mist up into the sky. The spores in Yoshimo's area had quit exploding, and simply fell to the ground. The mist pillar also concealed his position and kept him safe from any of Keiteki's long range attacks.


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Keiteki VS. Yoshimo Empty Re: Keiteki VS. Yoshimo

Post by Uchiha Kumori Thu Jan 29, 2009 10:11 pm

This battle had just taken a sharp turn. Keitkei looked down as he saw a giant burst of water explode outwards, draining the firing field, and leaving nothing but a smoking, charred field of burnt forest, and scorched rock everywhere, but Yoshimo was still alive. Keitkei had to fix that. Keiteki saw how fiercley Yoshimo was going to fight to try and pull Keitkei bac, but now, he was free from Kumogakure, he was not going to the useless, simple life of serving a power greater than he was. He was going to be the great power, and he was the one who would win this battle, even if thye both had to die together, he would rather die and take his foe with him then live a life or servitude. Still, Keiteki also needed more power, and it was not his time to die just yet. First, however, he had to face a real challenge, and that was winning this decisive battle. Either that, or he faced a worse fate.

He decided to use his summon, Kyokan, the tank, to coordinate with Kyoheki to launch another brunt offensive against Yoshimo. Keitkei simply had to watch the sparks fly, but he knew that his summons couldn't do it all, but he still had one last summon that could be called upon, but for now, he needed to focus on utilizing Kyokan and Kyoheki. Kyokan soon jumped upwards into the air, pushing air all over the place as the sheer force of his takeoff sent debris in all directions, and he was jumping somewhere else this time. Keiteki watched as Kyoheki took position up in the sky, and it began charging it's attack, the most powerful in Kyoheki's arsenal. If this failed, he would have to call upon his last resort summon for help. Keiteki then recognized the pattern that was going on right now, and recgonized what was going to happen.

Because Kyokan is a "tank", he has the ability to block a huge amount of power using the front of his body to block attacks for Keitkei with not much negative effects on Kyokan, functioning as an unbeatable hulk. Kyoheki, howeve,r specialized in pure offense, launching barrages of attacks against opponents, which made a pair of offense and defensive prowess, and it is often at this time that Sanseki would come in for the kill, after pinning down an opponent into a corner. However, because Sanseki was now gone, Kyokan and Kyoheki now had to alunch this attack on their own, but it would prove to be a deadly manuver. Kyokan knew full well what going near Yoshimo meant, but at the end of this jutsu, it wouldn't really matter anymore.

Kyokan landed right behind Yoshimo with a huge crash, uprooting the ground once again, but unlike Sanseki's move, this was not a matter of beating Yoshimo, but rather making sure that this attack hit. The sheer momentum and recoil of the hop was enough force to send the entire cloud of mist scurrying, leaving Yoshimo exposed. If Kyokan was caught by Kage Mane, Kyokan's movements would dictate Yoshimo's own. In addition, if more Shadow Tendrils came out to attack Kyokan, his tank like structure would be mostly impervious to the stabbing shadows, nulling it, and he was also there to make sure Yoshimo had nowhere to go in the wkae of this jutsu. At the very same time, Kyoheki had charged up a huge ball of fire, being held together by not only Kyoheki's mouth, but also by his arms, and this huge ball of condensed fire was simply there, but not for long. Suddenly, vicious tentacles of fire sprang out of the fire, and a huge storm of needles made of fire was shot outwards, also shooting outwards huge numbers of hands made out fire. It was literally a fire storm, one that, if Yoshimo did not act quickly, would take his life.

OOC: This is a coordinated attack, being performed at once. Both dragons are participating in the attack, okay?
Uchiha Kumori
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Keiteki VS. Yoshimo Empty Re: Keiteki VS. Yoshimo

Post by Kenshi Thu Jan 29, 2009 10:54 pm

The rumbling of the earth shook Yoshimo's own stabilty as the large dragon landed next to him. For a second the point of impact had scattered the mist in the area allowing Yoshimo to see and understand what was going on outside of his clouded range of vision. He saw two things, the large dragon behind him and the dragon infront of him. This is obviously meant to kill on one blow, but the attack had been too direct and not set up as nearly as well enough to be successfull.

First of all, Yoshimo knew that Keiteki's summonings had to be up to something, becaues the dragon didn't try to land on him with his large size and immense weight, and second of all Keiteki had given away his plans due to the fact that once the dragon was behind him it didn't move to attack or anything. That basically meant that Keiteki's summonings were trying to what he called the "Wall Execution Tactic".

Yoshimo had used it himself down in his years, you'd either force your opponent into a wall and launch an attack at them, or if you were bold enough, or dumb enough, you'd create a wall. Usually the wall would be wide and large, so that your opponent didn't have room to escape. This ensured that the opponent couldn't run. Yoshimo's speculation was confirmed when he caught a glimpse of the other dragon launching an attack at him. Boy was Keiteki losing his wits!

As simple as can be, Yoshimo again resorted to one of those low tactic, evasive move that gave him easy advantage over his prey. Yoshimo disappeared into his shadow, sinking down quickly into it before it was too late. Since the dragon was behind Yoshimo, the created light from the fire jutsu would create a shadow underneath and behind the dragon. Now Yoshimo was literally forced underneath the creature, attaching shadows. He knew that it was a summon so he would have limited use as the fire attack blazed the land the dragon was on, and as Yoshimo slowly arose out of his shadow, which was connected with the large dragons'.


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Keiteki VS. Yoshimo Empty Re: Keiteki VS. Yoshimo

Post by Uchiha Kumori Thu Jan 29, 2009 11:10 pm

Keiteki saw in vain as his technqiue had seemingly failed in the eyes of most ninja, and they would believe that this was the end of it, but it most certainly was not the end of this skirmish. Keiteki was watching the battle with a kind of dark smirk, like they know somethign you don't, but in this case, Keitkei was one step ahead of Yoshimo, having used this as a simple feint, a diversion to make way for the real offensive. This would be the last act of the fight, Keiteki would use this to finally finish this battle off, and take Yoshimo's life. Keiteki smiled at the thought of killing Yoshimo, thinking of the prowess he would obtain for himself. However, in order to get to the end of the tunnel, he needed to navigate through the darkness, but by now, Keitkei was almost certain that this was the end of the tunnel.

Kyokan than demonstrated his true purpose for being there at the time of the jutsu's impact. In order to save chakra, once Yoshimo had entered the shadow, Kyoheki stopped raining fire down upon his foe, and made way for Kyokan, who would perform the next step of the jutsu, and would finally finish off Yoshimo Izoto. Still, Keitkei could never be sure of hwta was happening, and simply had to watch what was happening next. Kyokan's stomach began glowing a flaming red, with a symbol that read "LOCK" on it had somehow activated on Kyokan, and then his chakra began streaming throughout his whole body, heading for the same shadow that Yoshimo was emerging out of. If it touched the shadwo, Yoshimo would probably lose quite a bit of chakra. Touching Yoshimo would seal his chakra from getting to that part of the body. Sealing either of his hands would prevent him from using handseals, and severely hamper his ability to fight. Still, yet, there was a seconf offensive taking place.

Keiteki was landing on the ground to bring out his last summon to attempt to and finish off this battle with a bang, and he would make sure that this time, the summon would get the job done. Keiteki had finished his handsigns finally, placing his hand on the ground, creating the summoning jutsu, and huge smoke cloud engulfed the are Keiteki was standing on, unleashing the final darkness upon Yoshimo. Keiteki jumped upon the newly summoned creature, Saiboruchi, the mechanical dragon, and Keiteki's last means of defeating Yoshimo. The huge creature flew far away, onto a mountaintop, with Keiteki still in the same place he was, and he decided to begin the interlocking combat with Yoshimo, preparing himself for the hopefully last jutsu that he would have to utilize during this battle.

Saiboruchi armed it's scope, taking aim at a vulnerable Yoshimo, hiding behind the mountain for cover, far away, he was preparing Enkou Sogekihei, or Flame Sniper, which was a deadly jutsu that he was going to use to finally end this battle. Saiboruchi took aim at the still Yoshimo, at about the same time Kyokan's sealing chakra was coming for Yoshimo. Saiboruchi did not wait for the chakra to even get close enough to spur Yoshimo into action. At a complete distance from Yoshimo, he shot out a tiny, but extremely deadly fire attack, made out of condensed fire, which he would use to blast a complete hole through Yoshimo, even if it was a glaring hit, it would blow Yoshimo open, leaving him extremely vulnerable and weakened.

Keiteki waited as the Flame Sniper jutsu was shot at Yoshimo, and the seal chakra was at the same time emanating from Kyokan's chest, which was out of sight...

Last edited by Keiteki Drakun on Fri Jan 30, 2009 4:21 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Keiteki VS. Yoshimo Empty Re: Keiteki VS. Yoshimo

Post by Kenshi Thu Jan 29, 2009 11:18 pm

Too bad you can't move Kyokan because its a Kage Mane dude. Kyokan is motionless...It's up to me what he does.


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Keiteki VS. Yoshimo Empty Re: Keiteki VS. Yoshimo

Post by Kenshi Sat Jan 31, 2009 11:17 am

Yoshimo's concentration was on the newly summoned dragon that had moved away from him. He'd landed far away on a mountain, which was good, because that gave Yoshimo time to watch for the attack. It was long-ranged, and that meant that it would take time for the attack to meet him. His Kage Mane on the other hand was still great and he would hold the dragon for as long as he could, it was big and it was brute, and it would probably take any attack thrown at it.

Yoshimo began to put his hands together, palms tight together, in front of his face as if he was praying to somesort of God. In all actuality, he was thinking of another plan, and it only took about two seconds for him to put the past images together.

Keiteki uses combination attacks for his dragons, the dragon currently in my position was mean to deflect the great attack from the other dragon that used the "Wall Execution Tactic". Now I have another dragon up to something at a mountain, probably a long ranged attack at me, so I don't want to hold this Kage Mane for too long, because I don't want to waste any chakra. Since the dragon I have in my possession was meant to take great attacks, it will probably be able to take what ever this demon is up to.

Yoshimo looked in the direction of the dragon on the moutain, and a bright red light was coming towards him. Yoshimo quickly reacted, trying to jump away from the oncoming blast, the dragon did the same, and the attack was taken by the dragon in front of him. Again, Keiteki wasn't thinking. The dragon Yoshimo had in control mimiced his motions, so when Yoshimo jumped, so did the dragon. Since the attack was coming for Yoshimo, all he had to do was move the dragon in the direction of the bullet.

Yoshimo deactivated his Kage Mane in mid air, letting the dragon continue to take the attack. His shadow disappeared from the dragon, and even though the dragon wasn't in his control he'd be OK without it. Putting his hands together in a *thack* smacking sound, Yoshimo began to focus his chakra, as he landed, waiting for the next attak.


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Keiteki VS. Yoshimo Empty Re: Keiteki VS. Yoshimo

Post by Uchiha Kumori Sat Jan 31, 2009 1:11 pm

Keiteki looked with a smile as he saw what had happened. First, Kyokan put his hands together, like he was about to perform some kind of jutsu, but he knew that was not a handsign, it was simply some kind of "prayer", something that let Keiteki know that Yoshimo was doing something. This time, however, Yoshimo was completely unawares of the dragon's next move, and it was, for sure, to be a surprise to Yoshimo. Still, he was prepared right now, for anything, and Keiteki needed to loosen up his balance. Saiboruchi was far away, but he was still able to fire his attacks on Yoshimo. This was the key to loosening his balance. The next move would finish off Yoshimo. Keiteki looked at Siaboruchi, and because of his scope, he could see and tell what had to happen next.

A mechanical sound breached through the air as Saiboruchi's wings made way to reveal the mounted artillery on his back. There were cannons all over his back, and they were all being aimed, straight for Yoshimo's position. The cannons then began pounding on his back, shooting explosive shells upward, into the air, and down on Yoshimo's position. Still, this was not meant to deliver the kill. Yoshimo knew that the distance between them would dictate the accuracy of the cannons, which were exploding all over the place, around Yoshimo, rather than hit Yoshimo. However, something was wrong with these bombs. As they exploded, they shot out light everywhere, a glaring, bursting light, all over the place. The huge amount of flarws being shot was probably blinding Yoshimo by now, which gave Kyokan the chance to pull of his technique.

In an instant, a puff of smoke engulfed Kyokan as he performed some handsigns, clouding him, although because of the flares, he probably wouldn't see it very well. Saiboruchi was mixing his flares with some actual ammo, making Yoshimo's position a killing field. However, the smoke was immediately blown away by the wings of Kyoheki, who was still wielding the fireball that he used in the first assault. Kyokan used his place changing technique, and had switched places with Kyoheki. Normally, this manuver was a defensive one, meant to allow Kyokan to take the brunt of an attack for an ally. However, this time, rather, Kyoheki was switched so that he could unleash his fire upon Yoshimo, and as the flares were striking the ground, bursting an exploding, the huge amount of light would force Yoshimo to close his eyes, which made him largely vulnerable to attack...

In the background, Keiteki was preparing himself for his new jutsu, one that may just be the end of Yoshimo...
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Keiteki VS. Yoshimo Empty Re: Keiteki VS. Yoshimo

Post by Kenshi Sat Jan 31, 2009 1:56 pm

Dismay was colored across Yoshimo's face, and he didn't know what would happen. The sound of a mechanical like gun alarmed him and he quickly began to try and think, but alas, he didn't have time enough too. The blinding light covered the whole area, and a barrage of attacks was released on him. Yoshimo turned his back towards the light, and the oncoming attacks and put his hand down on the ground, at it looked like he was trying to use his shadow to protect him, but the light was all around him. He couldn't do anything.

The explosions commensed and the area that Yoshimo was in burned to the ground. There was absolutely no way, that he'd make it out alive, there were too many attacks around him at once. Keiteki, he didn't lose his wits, he'd had them the whole time...

He would feel oncoming burn of a fire attack, and the bombs that had been dropped around him would have already done the damage to his brain. The soundwaves from them would cause air pockets to explode in his brain, and the fire would surely burn him to a crisp. Yoshimo looked up, with tears in his eyes for one last time and saw a horrible buzzard overhead, flying around in a circle, well above the bomb area. The light overcame Yoshimo for his final time...

The fire and the light subsided after a while, and all that was left was a burnt corpse of Yoshimo. He'd tried to save himself, and that was the evidence that his body had survived the flames, but he was still dead. His legs had been burnt off, his arm was swollen above proportion, his face was missing its left side, and there were several burn marks on his body. The fire had literally cooked him, and he looked as if he'd swollen twice his size, by his round gut.

By that time, the buzzard was over him, actually standing on his gut, picking at the roasted body. It stopped, and hopped down to a trench knive that was next to Yoshimo's corpse, it picked it up and flew, towards Keiteki's area. Yoshimo's last tool, the only tool that survived the blast was now being taken away from him by some freaking bird. It continued it's flight, flying faster than normal towards Keiteki. It got towards Keiteki and landed on his shoulder, dropping the trench knive down to his feet...

The signaling of Yoshimo's last tool falling to the ground made sure that he was dead, in spirit and in soul.


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Keiteki VS. Yoshimo Empty Re: Keiteki VS. Yoshimo

Post by Uchiha Kumori Sat Jan 31, 2009 4:09 pm

It was really over.

Keiteki looked upon the destruction he had wrought across the battlefield, when his summons were the ones who really defeated Yoshimo, Keiteki still couldn't believe what had happened here, and he almost seemed sad when he first saw the remains of what had happened. The pounding guns from Saiboruchi had ended the battle. Keiteki's most trusted summon had finally ended the battle, and Keiteki had trouble accepting what he had just did. Yoshimo Izoto, an S Ranked Advisor, honored medical ninja, and a former friend, killed by his own comrade, and that was the defecting ninja, Keiteki Drakun.

Keiteki could only watch as Yoshimo's body was being burnt to a crisp, and saw the tear in his eye as he looked up in shame, knowing that he failed to do it, and now he was dead. Keiteki saw as the fire took away Yoshimo, and made his corpse unrecognizable because it had been swallowed by the fire and flames. Keiteki couldn't help but frown, as he sensed some kind of hesitation during the entire battle. Yoshimo was on defense the whole time, and never really got to attacking Keiteki himself. Keiteki knew that his friend didn't have the will to kill Keiteki, and he only had keeping him alive in mind, which proved to be his undoing. Now his corpse was burnt and scarred, and now it was also vulture fodder, as the carrion birds would soon come for Yoshimo's corpse, and erase anything left of him, with the only reminder that a battle was fought here will be the charred land, the burning forests, and the many holes and craters in the ground caused by the attacks and falls of the many competitors of this battle.

Keiteki remembered their spar, and how Yoshimo had held back that time too, never really showing the same interest in testing one another's skills. Keiteki cluched his fist hard, and bared his teeth, pushing down as he tried to absorb what had happened here, and closed his eyes violently, crushing both eyelids like an earthquake, knowing that today, Keiteki did not achieve victory. Yoshimo only lost. Keiteki began walking the walk, towards the firing field, watching as the fires were dieing out, having nothing else to sink their teeth into, ending. Keiteki was soon in front of Yoshimo's gnarled, roasted body, seeing the look on his face. It was so sad, and depressed. Keiteki felt this image being imprinted in his mind, the face of Yoshimo Izoto, the one who strived to do all the best he could for Keiteki, only to face a burning death in the end.

Then, Keiteki saw the vulture grab something in it's beak, and fly up, and onto Keiteki's shoulder, not knowing just what it was that he had, until he dropped it onto the ground in frotn of Keiteki, the metal clanging of the weapon echoing through Keiteki as he heard the knife fall, a trench knife. Keiteki looked down to stare at it, the last thing Keiteki would see of Yoshi. All three surviving dragons gathered around to Keiteki, looking to see what the aftermath of the fight was. They looked at him, and could tell Keiteki was not in the mood to for any words, and they all decided to leave, poofing away in a puff of smoke.

Keiteki reached down to the ground, a cloud of steam bursting upwards as a shovel was now on the ground, one that Keiteki picked up, and began digging in the ground, kick the shovel into the ground, and catapulting it out, being sure to keep it out of the way of the grave. After about 30 minutes, there was a large, man sized rectangular hole in the ground, about six feet deep. Keiteki closed his eyes as he took Yoshimo's corpse, and rested it into the hole, but before he did anything else, Keiteki put his hand on Yoshimo's dead forehead, trying to feel something, and dropping a tear into the grave, and then he stood up, and began burying his own friend, trying not to look as he buried his friend, covering him up, and giving him his proper burial.

Keiteki found a rock on the ground, one big enough to act as a headstone, and Keiteki took it, and with a gasp of air, stuck into the ground above the burial site, and then he picked up the trench knife that Yoshimo Izoto had dropped before he died, and began carving in something into the rock, being sure to correctly imprint it, being sure not to release any more emotion as he carved in the message. Keiteki then closed his eyes, wiping another tear off of his face, and he began walking away, keeping a high back and posture, but not before standing at the grave. As Keiteki was walking away, he focused on what training he would undergo once he made way for Kirigakure...

“Here lies Yoshimo Izoto

Eternal friend”
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Keiteki VS. Yoshimo Empty Re: Keiteki VS. Yoshimo

Post by Kenshi Sat Jan 31, 2009 4:44 pm

"So you really do care.. Keiteki why? WHY GO THROUGH ALL OF THIS JUST TO PROVE YOUR POINT??!!"

It was Yoshimo, no one else, or nothing else. It was him in the flesh, and somehow, the corpse on the body couldn't be him, but he knew Keiteki was wondering how that was possible. Yoshimo took the time to explain verbally.

"During the blast...You cut off most of my shadow ability, I couldn't use enough of them to save me from the destruction, so I summoned a dead body, from my scroll and transformed it to appear as me. Before the lights could finish blocking my shadows out, I was able to use the summons and hide in the shadow under his body as the lights dimmed away, I ended up using a bunch of chakra, and I coated that trench knife in my own chakra, and then ducked into shadow form, hiding in the crooks between his open guts, the dips in his eyes, every place that miniscule shadows are made. I used my new jutsu, and took control of the buzzard that you see on your shoulder. That trench knife, you better not drop it, or you'll be caught in my Kage Mane."

Keiteki had underestimated Yoshimo.


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Keiteki VS. Yoshimo Empty Re: Keiteki VS. Yoshimo

Post by Uchiha Kumori Sat Jan 31, 2009 5:06 pm

Keiteki looked around in pure amazement to see what was simply unthinkable. But, Keiteki simply smiled, seeing Yoshimo in the flesh once again. Keiteki had set up a trap in case ANBU agents had came looking for him, and if ANBU came, then Keiteki would've detonated the trap immediately, which would've killed them as well. However, seeing this was just as good. Keiteki had been tricked, and no doubt, was surprised, but he was prepared, as Yoshimo had forgotten about the secret technique he had been offered to learn with Yoshimo, but in fact, Yoshimo had refused to learn the technique, the one that shattered a mountaintop. Keiteki looked at Yoshimo. Why had he wept over this when it was him who had tried to kill Yoshimo? Keiteki had a strange answer to this question. Keiteki grew an evil grin on his face, and looked dead straight at Yoshimo.

“Why, Yoshimo? Because I knew that you weren't dead.” Keiteki told Yoshimo blantly. He knew Yoshimo was not dead? “When Saiboruchi went to that sniping point at the top of the hill, he was using a light proof scope, which would normally help him snipe an opponent, and avoid a glare in his scope, but when the artillery fire was raining down upon you, Saiboruchi witnessed your transition into your shadows. When he saw this, he was smart enough to keep his mouth sealed, until he came up to me and told me quietly what you had done. I simply played along.” Keiteki told Yoshimo.

Keiteki then raised both of his hands, putting them together, not quite a handsign just yet, but soon, at any time, he had the ability to detonate his trap and finish off Yoshimo. Keiteki had a much more durable build, and higher stamina than Yoshimo did, and he knew he could outlast his opponent. Keiteki still desired to activate that jutsu, but he chose to wait until after he detonated his trap. That would be the correct time to end this. Keiteki then looked at the trench knife, and simply held it in his hand, making sure not to do anything sudden or deadly to him, and Keiteki simply put it in his mouth, holding onto it with his teeth and lips, making sure to keep it securely in his mouth. Keiteki then prepped himself for the detonation.

“Yoshimo, you have done something for me. You are showing me my capacity, my limits, my abilities. When you die, I will have you to thank for proving me to myself. When you die, I'll be sure to burn you to nothing.” Keiteki said, and began laughing.

Underneath the ground was unexploded flares and explosives that were shot by Saiboruchi. He did this to make sure that if Yoshimo survived the first wave, he would have to contend with this explosive storm. Kyoheki had done the same exact thing when he released his explosive spores. There are probably many thousands, possibly millions of unexploded spores under the surface, and combined with the bombs and flares, the attack would almost surely end this struggle. Keiteki put his hands together in a handseal, and activated the traps. Under the ground and all over and around Yoshimo, the unexploded signal flares were being released by the bombs that were also exploding under Yoshimp's feet, accompanied by all of the spores that were also exploding, fire field was being renewed by fire, explosions everywhere and light blinding flares were exploding once again. All this power and fire out of no where, what chance did Yoshimo have of dodging this? He probably had low chakra by now, accompanied by fatigue. If this didn't end Yoshimo, then Keiteki would simply have to use “that”.
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