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Keiteki's Weaponry

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Keiteki's Weaponry Empty Keiteki's Weaponry

Post by Uchiha Kumori Mon Feb 16, 2009 9:06 pm

Name of Weapon or Item: Kinsudanki (Forbidden Cutter)
Description: The Kinsudanki, or the Forbidden Cutter, is one of the stranger weapons that Keiteki Drakun uses in his Kenjutsu. The Kinsudanki is extremely sharp, able to cut the skin without even sliding against it. The Kinsudanki is extremely large, one of the larger swords that have been wielded by ninja, even longer than those of the Mist Seven. Kinsudanki is in total, 10 feet long, and is extremely sharp, like said, but is not suited to stabbing because of it's length compared to it's width, so the art of using the blade itself is different than that of a normal sword. This sword is made of compressed metals that were amassed and put together by it's wielder, Keiteki, making it extremely strong. Normally, no man without superhuman strength would be able to effectively wield this sword. However, Keiteki allows his chakra to flow through his weapons, only with this weapon, he extends Fuuton Chakra, which makes it much lighter, and therefore, more deadly to an opponent.

History: Keiteki Drakun, a master of weapons, decided to create this enormous sword when he abandoned his village and set out to carry through with his plans of the Rochikara. Keiteki chose to disband from the mainstream sword usage, and go even further then many other sword wielders have gone. Keiteki created this sword as a means of battling a foe who's Taijutsu may be dangerous to Keiteki, and uses the sword to keep his opponent away from him, as well as try and deliver fatal strikes. The art of this sword involves planning your attacks, and making them precise, allowing each swing to count towards his opponent's demise.

Appearance: A 1 and a half foot long hilt, with a ten foot long blade.

Name of Weapon or Item: Tsuin Katana
Description: These two, wide, ridged double swords are used by Keiteki Drakun when he wants to execute an opponent with swords at a relatively close range. The two swords are just light enough to be weilded by one hand effectively, but both swords are wide for their size, and because of their ability to be pulled out quickly and returned quickly, Keiteki can easily switch weapons during a fight without leaving himself vulnerable. These two swords are meant for inflicting deep, bloody wounds, and can be used for stabbing purposes as well.

Keiteki Drakun, a master of weapons, decided to create these custom, double swords when he abandoned his village and set out to carry through with his plans of the Rochikara. Keiteki chose to create close range swords when his opponent was either tired, or the Forbidden Cutter can't do the job. The swords demand strategic use to be really effective, but also rely on force to “finish the job.”

Appearance: Two, medium sized swords, wide, and curved, with a spike in the middle of the part of the blade curving inwards. These swords are similar to the ones used by the Blue Spirit in Avatar.

Name of Weapon or Item: Kaedabuin (Double Cutter Staff)
Description: While not many ninja utilize staffs and fighting poles in their techniques and weapon combat, Keiteki uses them, two, along with a more effective, custom made staff. It is close to five feet tall, but only the main part of the staff is like this. Where the staff strays from the mainstream is that it had two thick, sharp knives sticking out of both ends of the staff, effectively making it a cross between a staff, and a sword. In addition, it has compartments in the main part of the staff, near the middle, to hold small bombs to use against opponents, usually multiple.

Keiteki Drakun, a master of weapons, decided to create this custom staff like weapon when he abandoned his village to carry out his plans for the Rochikara. This weapon is often used when battling against two or more opponents, since staffs are often used for this purpose, and the two swords make it all the more deadly. The small bombs inside the compartments can be used for the same purpose the staff excels at: battling multiple opponents.

Appearance: A metal staff, almost five feet tall, with two blades, almost 2 feet long, sticking out of both ends of the staff.

Name of Weapon or Item: Sentou Chakrams
Description: These two weapons are not like normal chakrams. These weapons are circular, but with pipes going through to the center of the weapon, empty space, and forms a holding mechanism, while all over the weapon is spikes, which, unlike his special kunai rings, and his normal chakrams, these spikes are used for repeated stabbing, and are usually used in the heat of Taijutsu combat, usually when pursuing an opponent who is not so great at Taijutsu. Keiteki uses some Katon Jutsu in conjunction with these chakrams, even though he can use it with any circular weapon. NOTE: he wields two of these.

Keiteki Drakun, a master of weapons, decided to make these strange weapons based on chakrams after he abandoned his village to carry out his plans for the Rochikara. Out of all of his weapons, these are the ones that may have tasted the most blood, used in many small and medium sized skirmishes that the Rochikara carried out, using the weapons, along with his Enkou Kuruma, and Enkou Shuriken. He recognizes these as some of his favorite weapons.

A circular, metal disk with a diameter of about a two feet, with three metal pipes extending inwards from the disk, meeting and forming a holding mechanism for his hand. Outside of the disk are many spikes, some longer than others. The Sentou Chakrams themselves are a cross between gold and black.

Name of Weapon or Item: Kanehajii (Metal Holder)
Description: This is not a weapon. Rather it is the accessory that Keitkei carries from which that he holds all of his weapons. On a person, the weight of the holder alone would be near impossible to hold. In addition to the weapons, Keiteki is forced to carry more than 600 pounds of metal on his back. However, he remedies this by using seals, and channeling his chakra through it to make it, along with the weapons inside, almost weightless. It still, however, affects his balance, and hampers his speed, and can only display his immense speed when he rmeoves the weapons, extends his wings, and launches a Ninjutsu war on opponents. The Kanehajii can be stored in a scroll if Keiteki does not need it any longer.

Keiteki Drakun, a master of weapons, decided to construct this accessory when he abandoned his village to carry out his plans for the Rochikara. Normally, it would weigh quite a bit, and be a heavy burden for his back, but in order to lighten it, he used seals to lighten it, and channels Fuuton Chakra through the Kanehajii in order to lighten it even more. It also lightens everything inside the container, but nothing outside of it. Keitkei has enough skill to easily change weapons in instants, and fight using his weapons together in a single battle with ease.

Appearance: A large, metal rectangle, standing vertical, with a smooth, sloping downward triangle like piece at the bottom, pointing downward. It has two large, cloth straps, and straps to hold against his shoulder, and his chest. It is mostly hollow, with most of the space reserved for his weapons, and he also has many holders on the outside of the accessory, allowing him to hold osme of the smaller weapons as well.

NOTE: These are not the only weapons that Keitkei carries. Rather, these are only the ones that are unique, to his knowledge. He has many weapons that are conventional and mainstream to weapon users, including a few swords, daggers, throwing items, and other weapons. There is a list below of which weapons he possesses that are weapons that others wield.

Shurikens (20+ Normal ninja weapons)
Kunai (20+ Normal ninja weapons)
Chakrams (5+ Metal, doughnut shaped disks with a extremely sharp cutting edge, and extremely far range)
Swords (3 Katana swords)
Staffs (2 Five foot Metal staffs)
Giant Kunai (2 Large, throwing/stabbing weapons)
Windmill Shuriken (2 Large throwing/stabbing weapons)
Keitkei's bombs (10 of each at any one time; More can be created using jutsu)
Keitkei's kunai rings (3+ Chakrams in which only some edges are sharp' kunai can be attached and can be used in battle)
Chains (3 strands of chain, can be used for grappling and whipping)

Name of Weapon or Item: Water Canteens
Once Keiteki felt the dehydrating effects of usage of Gurenkou over time, Keiteki began utilizing these canteens, and can call upon them re-hydrate himself.

They were created during Keiteki's training with Illidan.

Appearance: Just small barrels of water.

Last edited by Keiteki Drakun on Sun Mar 15, 2009 9:03 pm; edited 3 times in total
Uchiha Kumori
Uchiha Kumori

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Keiteki's Weaponry Empty Re: Keiteki's Weaponry

Post by Shin Uchiha Mon Feb 16, 2009 9:09 pm

Mitomeru desu yo~!
Shin Uchiha
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Keiteki's Weaponry Empty Re: Keiteki's Weaponry

Post by Uchiha Kumori Mon Feb 16, 2009 11:52 pm

Added water canteens.
Uchiha Kumori
Uchiha Kumori

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