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Keiteki's Test

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Keiteki's Test Empty Keiteki's Test

Post by Uchiha Kumori Fri Mar 27, 2009 6:12 pm

Keiteki was walking across the area, across the plateau that made up the battlefield currently, with nothing but rock, occasionally broken with a boulder, or a crack in the ground, but other than that, there wasn't much in the featureless landscape, other than a simple plateau, and a very big one at that. It was an open battlefield, and it was the best one to fight on. Keiteki was moving across the area, little interest in anything at the current moment, and in a dull mood right now, and really did not have anything to do, feeling something close to a suicidal nature right now. Keiteki needed to do something fun for a change, and get active, but he was unsure of what to do, and right now, he was brain dead on ideas to have some fun. Keiteki sat on the ground, letting his cloak settle, and leaning against a rock, he sighed, and looked up at the cloudy sky.

The overcast reminded him of the time he left the cloud Village when the demon king attacked it. He could even remember the sight of the explosion, and just how big it really was, and it was something to remember. Keiteki was now aware of what happened afterwards, including Yoshi's encounter with a man known as Jin Chisoku. He was said to have been one of the strongest, if not, the strongest beings to have existed. Something like him was something Keiteki would've liked to have an encounter with. Keiteki sighed, and looked up into the sky with a depressed look.
Uchiha Kumori
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Keiteki's Test Empty Re: Keiteki's Test

Post by Jin Chisoku Fri Mar 27, 2009 7:48 pm

Jin looked up from his fixed posistion on one of the rocks, hearing an annoying and pestering sound of movement. He sighed, and stood up, pulling his hat down to mask his face. If anything, he wished his identity to remain hidden for as long as he could. 'Any information given to the enemy is an instant weakness, and will be used against you...', Jin thought to himself, a small quote from one of his trainers in the past Chisoku training sessons. He didn't move until the man was paralelle with his posistion. Then, as he always had, Jin scramabled in ANBU like fashion directly behind the wondering man. He quickly drew out two kunai, and began twirling them inbetween his finger tips, slowly moving closer to the loud opponent.

He then stopped, and realized that he wouldn't be needing any weaponary, hand to hand would provide enough entertainment for this meeting. Jin quickly tucked his weaponary away, and made a whistling noise to attract the man's attention. The man turned, and Jin disappeared going to the opposite side of the man's movements. He repeated that action, and with it the same effects. He then said something, in his deep commanding voice, "To hit what you can't see...."

He smirked, and shook off his robe. His hat remained well on his head, a sign of disrespect to the man, something that Jin hoped motivated him to fight as hard as he could.
Jin Chisoku
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Keiteki's Test Empty Re: Keiteki's Test

Post by Uchiha Kumori Fri Mar 27, 2009 7:57 pm

Keiteki heard a strange, whistling noise, close to him, and turned around, only to hear it once again, knowing almost immediately he was being watched, and his enemy was near, Keiteki pretended to be still unmotivated and loose, and saw as his enemy appear before him, removing his cloak, letting it fall to the ground, but still keeping his hat on. Keiteki could see it was an insult, but honestly, he did not care until he realized who that was. According to the accounts from Yoshimo, this was Jin Chisoku. Keiteki immedaitely stood up, and made an attempt to observe his enemy as quickly as possible, attempting to gain knowledge on the enemy with every glance, and not letting any potentially valuable information to escape him, as it may just be the meaning between life and death. Keiteki realized he was Jin's enemy, and his mood immediately changed, realizing his enemy was one probably more skilled than Keiteki was at all.

Keiteki stood there, unsure of what to do, and decided to perform some Taijutsu moves first, jumping up into the air, in an arching motion, aiming his leg straight at Jin, while folding his other leg. When Keiteki hit the ground, whether he had hit Jin or not, Keiteki would twist his other leg, and make a roundhouse kick motion to keep his enemy from countering his Taijutsu moves. It would allow for a solid hit, or a missed hit without any casualties to Keiteki. Keiteki still needed to keep on his toes, as this was the God of Speed. Any wrong move would surely be his last.
Uchiha Kumori
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Keiteki's Test Empty Re: Keiteki's Test

Post by Jin Chisoku Fri Mar 27, 2009 8:12 pm

Jin watched the man lunge at him, he slowly moved to the side dodging the pitiful attempt to strike him. Jin analyzed his poor form, and in a quick flash of movement he lowered himself. He was surprised that the opponent has choosen taijutsu as his method of combat. He smiled, and quickly rolled backwards, pushing hard off his hind legs, causing him to lanch into the air. he quickly drew out three shurkiens, and tossed them at the feet and chest of the oppoent. He wished to test the man before getting to the kill. He normally wouldn't waste his time, but in this case, Jin was curious. Jin landed, and places his hands on the hilts of his swords. He yelled as the weapons where still in midflight, "To enter this face this ANGEL, is DEATH!"

Jin disappeared, and with his motions came a massive amount of wind and force. The small rocks on the battlefield started to be thrown left and right, and the dust following the trails of wind gathered and caused an almost cloud effect. The sounds of his movement started to echo off the empty space.

Jin's mind had reached the point of perception in which time slows down for him, and in it he set a small charge behind the opponent, a paper explosive. This would only add to the test Jin had for this man. Jin, now satisified with the wind's speed, slowed down, and stood up on one of the few rocks, in between the crack in the earth.
Jin Chisoku
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Keiteki's Test Empty Re: Keiteki's Test

Post by Uchiha Kumori Fri Mar 27, 2009 8:20 pm

Keiteki was foolish, as he was unable to hit his opponent at all with his technique, but at least he was able to set up a manner to dodge a counterattack. When his enemy threw the shuriken at him, Keiteki used his other leg and the ground that his roundhouse kick landed on as a springboard, and launched himself out of the shuriken's way, allowing them to hit the ground, having dodged this move, this time, Keiteki was able to accomplish nothing in this tactic, except that his enemy was speedy. Very fast indeed. Keiteki's speed was something to look at, but this man had unbeleivable speed, something close to teleportation. Something like this would make battling incredibly hard. If he staged an offense, he would have the speed to stage a defense and counterattack, and his speed was enough to stage a successful offense, and injure Keiteki. He needed to find some way to defeat pure speed. But for now, Keiteki needed to remain on defense.

He stood his ground, carefully keeping attention to the surrounding area, rather than Jin himself. He was too fast to keep track of, and Keiteki needed an immediate defense. He drew out his Akatsuki Katana, and held it in hand, ready to defend against a ranged weapon, and defend against a close range attack. Keiteki would not yet use it's release, and needed to analyze Jin's pattern and weaknesses before he tried to beat Jin. Keiteki knew the situation was already bad.
Uchiha Kumori
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Keiteki's Test Empty Re: Keiteki's Test

Post by Jin Chisoku Sun Mar 29, 2009 9:37 pm

Keiteki had done only Jin had planned for him to do, move. Jin analyzed his movements, somewhat coordinated, and very slow to Jin's standards of course, but what of his planning? His quick step to the left avoided moving backwards, but it wasn't enough to completely step outside of the explosive tag's range. Jin smirked, and pointed down to it with his finger. Keiteki looked down, and his eyes widened. He started to step outward to avoid the tag's placement, but it wasn't fast enough.

The tag went off, senting a shower of rock and debrie around the former peice of paper. Jin sat down, and started to meditate. He knew this wouldn't be enough to kill the opponent, nor did he want it to be. He contemplated opening his locks, but that would be what Jin condsidered a "waste". He sighed, and stood up. The smoke, and the dust began to clear.

Jin slowly started to walk towards the fading dust. He wanted to clash metal with this man, for however long he could hold Jin back for.
Jin Chisoku
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Keiteki's Test Empty Re: Keiteki's Test

Post by Uchiha Kumori Sun Mar 29, 2009 9:49 pm

Once Keiteki caught sight of the paper bomb attached ot the kunai knife, it was too late to safely get out of the blast radius. Howeve,r there was still a way to get out of it without getting hurt. When he saw, and heard the explosive tag, he immediately turned his body around, and crouched down, and when it exploded, Keiteki knew he would feel some of the force, but it was okay, because the Kanehajii that was sitting on his back would block the explosion, and save Keiteki from being hit with the explosive power of his enemy's kunai knife. The force was great, and it knocked Keiteki away, but he was still alright, and he got up, and dusted himself off, looking at Jin. "He's...the strongest person I've ever fought." Keiteki looked at him, and needed to figure out how to fight him next. He needed to survive, and find a way to beat him, if he got that far.
Uchiha Kumori
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Keiteki's Test Empty Re: Keiteki's Test

Post by Jin Chisoku Sun Mar 29, 2009 10:02 pm

Jin watched as the man assumed the normal posistion to counter an explosion. He sighed, no doubt someone that had fallen under some sort of unit training. He could care less though, this was getting more and more boring, and that annoyed him. Jin quickly took advantage of the man's wasted action. He turned to make sure the Keiteki couldn't see his right hand's actions, and drew out three shurkien. With the other hand he formed a chi hand-seal. Keiteki looked at Jin's hand, the exact action Jin wanted. Three clones instantly appeared behind Keiteki, and formed around him. Each one armed with what looked to be a kunai.

The first one ran directly at Keiteki's back, while the other two criss-crossed and flipped into the air. The second one grabbed the third one's back, and threw it down directly at Keiteki's head. The countering movement killed the second one's power and caused it to land short of Keiteki. Jin smiled, and waited for Keiteki to strike the clones. Jin hoped that he had used enough chakra for the clones to carry what they had in them.

He thought to himself, "Another simple distraction after another, he must know something is behind this ploy..."
Jin Chisoku
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Keiteki's Test Empty Re: Keiteki's Test

Post by Uchiha Kumori Sun Mar 29, 2009 10:13 pm

Jin made yet another move. Keiteki heard the poofs of three clones appearing behind him, ready to be deployed and fight Keiteki. Keiteki was forced to roll forward in order to make some distance, but the first clone came at him, but luckily, Keitkei had just turned around, and managed to grab the clone's arm, and then he rose his knee up, and kicked the clone in the stomach, dispersing it with the punishing blow, Keiteki watched as the next part of the attack came at him. An enemy clone was "thrown" at him, and Keiteki needed to dodge it fast. As he came down, Keiteki took advantage of his physical position, and put his hands on it's back immediately, like it was a table, and used a knee strike once again, this time it was a lot more powerful, and it also dispersed the clone easily. Keiteki then turned his attention to the enemy clone on the ground. "My opponent didn't use that clone attack for nothing. Try to keep a glance at Jin himself, always." Keiteki dashed backwards, and threw a kunai that had one of Keiteki's metal bombs attached to it. It exploded, and thorns went straight through the clone's insides, and took it out.

Keiteki decided to do something crazy, and take out his Akatsuki Katana. He decided that he was going to set up something of an ultimate defense, and beat this man. He pulled out the sword, and wispered the words "Kaimu, Release." Then, the sword began splitting up into many spheres, all of them about the size of a human head. There were thousands of them. Keiteki held them in midair, and circling them around Keiteki. He kept them at a slow pace, but just enough so they could react when needed. This time, no explosive tag or kunai knife was going to get into this thing, as Keiteki had these powerful spheres to defend him as needed.
Uchiha Kumori
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Keiteki's Test Empty Re: Keiteki's Test

Post by Jin Chisoku Mon Mar 30, 2009 11:54 pm

Jin smiled, and started to clap. The man had defeated the clones, as planned, and they were now scattered directly behind him, and certainly within range for what he had planned. The two clones that had fallen now revealed their true purpose. Again, the same technique, but a bit more disguised. The clones exploded, and with the explosion came massive bits of shrapnel. The man, now facing Jin, and activating his jutsu would have no cover. Jin did begin to study the spheres, each one moving desperately to protect their master, but the timing was simply too good for them to even dream of doing so. Yet again a massive wave of dust and debrie blew outwards, but this time it was much bigger. Jin then realized that he mave have placed too much shrapnel, and the kunai, no doubt an extra bit of metal to be broken and sent outward, was perhaps enough to make Jin have to dodge some of the attack.

Jin jumped backwards, and continued to roll from his heel to the balls of his feet, pressing with each stride. He was mid-air each step, carefully placing himself to avoid the red hot metal shards. Jin landed in a semi-squat, and activated his doujutsu. The first stage revealed everything that he needed to know about the weapon's ability, or what he needed to know.

'His weapon, splitting into spheres to defend himself...Their movement speed is above his, but I would assume their range is limited to 20 meters or less...And it must be limited to the weapon...Of course it's very simple, take the user out, and everything ends...'

Jin slowly stood up, and watched the smoke slowly falter, and fade away. He continued to think about what possible attack pattern he should take on this next approach.
Jin Chisoku
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Keiteki's Test Empty Re: Keiteki's Test

Post by Uchiha Kumori Tue Mar 31, 2009 7:06 am

The world near Keiteki was re-written, as it blowed up into bits, and with that explosion, shrapnel was sent into the breeze, and Keiteki knew that his suspicions were correct. They were not regular Kage Bunshins, but in fact Bunshin Bakuhas, or exploding clones. Luckily for Keiteki, because he had dashed backwards when he threw the kunai, he had also summoned the metal spheres of his Akatsuki Katana to defend himself. They were still fast enough, however, to form a shield and block Keiteki from getting hit with part of the explosion. Because he thought they were exploding clones orginally, he had prepared himself to defend against it. By dashing backwards after physically beating them, Keiteki moved back, and got ready for the clones to do their duty. However, he couldn't avoid all of the explosion, and part of his arm got hit a little bit, and part of his Akatsuki cloak was hit as well.

However, for the most part, Keiteki was okay, for now. However, Jin was more than a formidable foe. He was the strongest ninja he ever fought, and maybe even the last. Keiteki brushed himself off, and looked at the spheres that were "sorry" they couldn't save Keiteki from the blast, but now Keiteki could set up with them. He began to rotate them in mid air, like a tornado, but not quickly, only rather slowly. This was something similar to a feet propelled automatic tool. He lightly used it over time so that it could be used when it was needed. It would form the ultimate defense, hopefully. Then, the spheres got antsy, and began spasming a little, taking fast and slow movements, they seemed to be trying to hide Keiteki. However, they then continued with their same pace. Keiteki stood in the middle, knowing that he had little to no ability now, at least like this. But he had high hopes for Keiteki.
Uchiha Kumori
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Keiteki's Test Empty Re: Keiteki's Test

Post by Jin Chisoku Tue Mar 31, 2009 1:55 pm

Jin smirked, and raised his hands, forming a rectangle around Keiteki's body. He whispered something that only he could hear, no doubt something very feirce was about to happen, something Keiteki wasn't prepared for. Jin's eyes slowly changed their color from the normal amber/red to a dark red. The vains in his eyes began to grow in width becoming more visable. He slowly lowered his hands, and let them relax. He hadn't used this technique in quite sometime, but it was sure to be effective. Jin was duely impressed with Keiteki's ability to counter Jin's good timing, but it was time to end this little battle.

Jin took his hat off, and looked Keiteki directly in the eyes. The spheres moving in and out did nothing to falter Jin's gaze. It was the gaze of a hunter watching its prey. Jin faded out of what reality Keiteki knew, and entered his own. The surge of power, the mass of wind, and debire snapped, and boomed after Jin's disappearence. The area now became a mess of dust and wind. Even for the most skill ninja seeing with out the aid of some doujutsu would be extremely difficult. Jin used this to his advantage, and placed himself to Keiteki's side. Not wasting any time Jin activated his 'Hari-Jikoku', freezing everything within the 15 meter sphere. His eyes grew sore, the shock of not using this technique in a while took it's toll, but no matter Jin knew what was soon to happen. Jin slowly deactivated a small portion of time around himself, and small parts of Keiteki's body. The head, the throat, the heart, the right arm, and his lower back were all exposed, and all functioning in real time again. Jin grabbed Keiteki's throat, and said, "Do you feel that? That fire that doesn't seem to be here? That plunging feeling of desperation....How strange it is...."

Jin quickly pulled out his katana, Hiro's old sword, and slowly placed the tip on Keiteki's chest. He smiled, and said, "It's death..."
Jin Chisoku
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Keiteki's Test Empty Re: Keiteki's Test

Post by Uchiha Kumori Tue Mar 31, 2009 3:53 pm

"How do you like that...? He fell for it."

Luckily for Keiteki, that was not the real Keiteki that had been attacked. While Keiteki was inside of the sphere barrier, and when it spasmed, he was really creating a visual barrier in between these events, which allowed for Keiteki initiate this next strategy. Keiteki had went underground, and used this clone as a target for his enemy. When time was stopped, the clone was also frozen, and had Keiteki been there previously, he would be dead right about now. However, he managed to evade death once again, and once again, his defensive manuvers have served him well once again. As the clone, mostly frozen in time, was stabbed, because he was held in place, becuase of the time stopping, part of the clone dispersed, while only part of it was left.

About 30 meters away, the ground was upturned, and something climbed out of it. It was Keiteki, again. This one was not a substance-lacking clone like the one that was stabbed. Keiteki had the powers of metal, and if Jin attacked again, Keitkei would be ready with more metal abilities. Keiteki looked at Jin, and smirked. Keitkei saw that he had removed his hat from his head, and now knew that he might actually be taking this battle seriously now. Keiteki cracked his knuckles, and looked straight at Jin.

"If I'm lucky, he won't come at me with that same ability again. That would be disastrous."
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Keiteki's Test Empty Re: Keiteki's Test

Post by Jin Chisoku Tue Mar 31, 2009 8:34 pm

Jin quickly sliced the clone's head off, and deactivated the jutsu for the time being. It simply was idle, not completely dormant, but of course his opponent didn't realize that. Jin smirked, and in the same way he had moved before, he disappeared. This time the booming noise was much sooner, and the wind was much, much stronger. Jin's image sooner appeared, but rather than behind Keiteki he approached dead on, landing on his right hand, flipping gracefully in the air countering all of his momentum. A tattoo on Jin's ring finger apeared and started rotating, no doubt an elemental manipulation technique. In a flash the gound around Keiteki collapsed and then reformed around Keiteki's feet.

The trap was set, and Keiteki was soon to see the "Eyes of Time", yet again. Jin landed in a low, tight lunge. He didn't know the full capasity of the spheres, and he didn't want to. Time was of the essence. Jin quickly charged again. The spheres approached in an almost random attack pattern, each slightly throw off from the force of his movements. Jin appeared to the side of Keiteki, and activated the jutsu once again.

Jin lowered the power of the ability to allow himself, and Keiteki's head to move freely, everything else was trapped in a stand still. He looked at Keiteki's eyes yet again, and said, "3/8ths of my chakra.... I've become extremely nice in my attempts to test people...."

Jin lifted his left hand paralelle to Keiteki's face, katana still in hand. He flicked it directly at Keiteki's nose, coming short of it within mere fractions of an inch. 'Jin' then stood still, almost as if he was waiting for Keiteki to move, or to respond.
Jin Chisoku
Jin Chisoku
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Keiteki's Test Empty Re: Keiteki's Test

Post by Uchiha Kumori Tue Mar 31, 2009 8:50 pm


Keiteki smiled as he watched Jin attempt to flinch him. Keiteki, however, had prepared for this one as well. Who said that Keiteki had left underground in the first place? Keiteki had pulled the same trick in a row, and once again made his way away from Jin, and returned to the surface once again, although it was a normal sized hole, Keiteki was trying extremely hard not to touch something, but once he got out, he looked at Jin, and called back the spheres, which were close to Jin, but not trapped, and they returned to his side. Now that they were with him once again, Keiteki let the spheres form under him like a rug, and let them rest on the ground. They were faster than Keiteki was, which made them obviously very fast. They also had a good amount of force in them as well.

However, left with Jin, was not a normal clone. This time, Keitkei was forced to use some of his chakra, about 8% of his chakra, to create a clone. However, this was no ordinary clone. It was a clone made out of Metal. It wasn't even a normally functioning clone. It was capable of quite a bit. When Jin slashed at Keiteki, he opened his mouth, and since he was incapable of hand signs, and Keiteki had only used academy grade clones until now, Jin would be unable to determine what was going to happen. Keiteki seemed like he was going to speak, but instead, spit out a a spit load of senbon needles, travelling at incredible speeds, and because there was little to no distance between those two, Jin had to get hit, if not even a little.
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Keiteki's Test Empty Re: Keiteki's Test

Post by Jin Chisoku Tue Mar 31, 2009 9:50 pm

'Jin' got hit be the attack, and of course dropped the katana. The clone 'poofed', and the jutsu disappated. The real Jin had known where Keiteki was the entire time. He has transistioned himself during the activation of the technique. He had to place a good amount of chakra into his clone to maintain the technique, but it had been well used. Jin was directly behind the real Keiteki with the doujutsu prepared and ready to activate. Now that he had moved them to the bottom of his feet it would be easy.

Jin whispered,'Hari-Jikoku' and the red sphere appeared yet again. Jin smirked, and opened up a small space on Keiteki's back, this time Jin wouldn't leave anything to chance. He pushed the blade directly threw Keiteki's body. He slowly let time return to Keiteki's head and throat area, just enough to allow him to feel pain. Jin then pulled his diamond katana out of the opponent. He then placed his katana's blunt side on Keiteki's head.

"When I allow time to flow again your back is going to collapse, and you're going to be paralyzed from the neck down... Then you're going to feel the worst pain you've ever encountered in you small life span..."

Jin then let everything come back into real time, all except the spheres. He turned around and heard a thud.
Jin Chisoku
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Keiteki's Test Empty Re: Keiteki's Test

Post by Uchiha Kumori Tue Mar 31, 2009 10:01 pm

"Gah..." Keiteki moaned.

Keiteki felt a sharp pain in his neck, like somebody was pummeling Keiteki on the back with all of their power, and all of their jutsu on one single spot on him. It wasthe most painful thing he had ever felt. The pain went right through his body, and with the pain, he felt nothingness in his whole body. "The piece of shit...he got my spine?" Keiteki fell to the ground, blood coming out of his mouth, trickling out like a stream, Keiteki laid on the ground, knowing that this injury was not something that could be fixed. He had been done in. Keiteki looked up at Jin, and as he did, the sunlight shone down, yet with Jin's own body blocking it, Keiteki rolled over when he fellt, and stared at the sun, since he was unable to do anything else now. He could not make handsigns, and he couldn't even try to use a weapon.
he had been beaten, and at the mercy of Jin.


Keiteki could not speak because of the great pain inside of him. He felt as if his whole body rebelled, and seceeded from Keiteki, and then waged a war upon him. He felt himself being torn apart by it all. All the things Keiteki had never done in his life, and all the people. They would probably never know of Keiteki's demise here. It might've just been a stroke of bad luck that Jin had found Keiteki, and wanted to take him down. Keiteki could feel his life slipping right out of his hands like grains of sand, and he knew he did not have much time left. Because he had lost the use of his hands, he would not be able to perform another handseal ever again. It was too late to try anything else, sadly.

"Good game..." Keiteki said softly as he lost the light, and blacked out. Forever.

Last edited by Keiteki Drakun on Wed Apr 01, 2009 3:09 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Keiteki's Test Empty Re: Keiteki's Test

Post by Jin Chisoku Tue Mar 31, 2009 10:11 pm

ooc: Three clones? Hm, how does one say "bullshit" in Japanese?
Jin Chisoku
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Keiteki's Test Empty Re: Keiteki's Test

Post by Uchiha Kumori Wed Apr 01, 2009 3:10 pm

*edited and died*
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