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Keiteki's Dark Dragons

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Keiteki's Dark Dragons Empty Keiteki's Dark Dragons

Post by Uchiha Kumori Sun Jan 25, 2009 7:05 pm

Summoned Creature or Item: Asari Doragons (Search Dragons)

Keiteki's Dark Dragons Smalldragon

The Asari Doragons have only one technique that turns them almost completely invisible, with only small ripples of bending light being created as a product of the ability. The Asari are relatively fast and have sharp eyesight and other powerful senses. When summoned, there are about 20 0f them summoned at them, and allow Keiteki to search for foes, bountys, and other targets, as well as search for lost or captured comrades. They have a light form, which allows them to fly for extended periods of time.

Weakness: They cannot fight

Summoned Creature or Item: Sanseki (Hydra)

Keiteki's Dark Dragons Hydragon

Sanseki's abilities truly shine when he enters battles against other summonings. His impossible speed, amazing strength, and unbarable fire make him infamous among other summonings, epsecially among the frogs. Sanseki can spew out blue fire as a given, and can call upon a powerful purple fire, which is cold to the touch, but in reality, the opponent is being burned. Sanseki can also strangle foes using his long body, and bite using his three heads, and while one head or two are fighting, the third will burn down another summoning.

Weakness: Not very good for defensive manuvers.

Summoned Creature or Item: Kyokan

Keiteki's Dark Dragons Dragonbkgrnd

Kyokan is a simply put shield. Kyokan has the ability to use his massive defense in his body to block most attacks used against him, and can be used to shield other summonings, or Keiteki himself, from enemy attacks. He has some special jutsu like abilities that allow him to achieve this end faster. In addition, Kyokan is a master of sealing techniques, allowing him to not only defend against attacks, but also hamper the opponent's offensive to carve way for stronger summonings to attack. Kyokan has a giant symbol on it's stomach, which means LOCK, where he stores chakra, sealing, and captured chakra. Kyokan can recycle chakra that he has absorbed and use it in his own techniques.

Kirainpan (Hate Seal): This is a kind of sealing technique utilized by Kyokan and involves the use of his powerful sealing chakra. Using the LOCK on Kyokan's stomach, Kyokan will summon forth a glowing, crimson chakra which is specifically generated for the purpose of sealing. The chakra can extend beyond Kyokan, but the rate at which it moves is relatively slow, slow enough for a ninja to move away from it. If Kyokan touches an opponent, however, the part of the body and the general area will be afflicted. The part of the body sealed will restrict chakra flow to this part of the body, and also, any chakra flowing through the area at the time will be absorbed by the LOCK. In addition, if he touches an object that has chakra flowing through it using the Hate Seal, he will absorb that chakra.

Kuchini (Eating): This ability is relatively simple and such, but it is frighteningly effective. Kyokan will open his mouth, and using his brute force and power, Kyokan will initiate a vacuum in his mouth, sucking up debris, surroundings, and of course, other ninja. Kyokan can digest almost anything, and the teeth in his mouth would make short work of any ninja that he would eat through this jutsu.

Chouinawai (Sealing Light): This jutsu, contrary to it's name, does not use light in it's jutsu, but is in fact the opposite of this, being used much more differently. Depending on the radius of the technique, Kyokan will use more chakra this way in this jutsu. Kyokan will literaly become a solar powered beast, generating chakra from sunlight, but at the same time, sneding out his hcakra throug hthe air, and forming a dome around the battlefield, turning the are into night, or even pitch black darkness, making it impossible to see anything. Kyokan can also focus light in and out, giving Keiteki an advantage.

Giseitate (Shield of Sacrifice): Kyokan will use this technique to switch places with another person, usually only an ally, as it is extremely dififcult to switch places with a foe. This allows an attack that would normally harm a less protected ally to be taken by the tank, Kyokan, which would effectively null the move.

Weakness: Not very good for offensive manuvers, cannot fly. Somewhat dim witted.

Summoned Creature or Item: Kyoheki

Keiteki's Dark Dragons Dragon

Kyoheki is a summon dedicated to flat out offense against opponents, with a large supply of chakra and powerful jutsus, Kyoheki is built for combat against enemy ninja. Kyoheki can use some powerful jutsu, and is speedy and technical, but often works with Kyokan for the best results against opponents. Kyoheki has a large, mask like attachmnt on his back, which is the spawning point of some of his Kyoheki's jutsu. It contains a giant, metal, sharp tongue which he can use to stab opponents.

Bomugahou (Bomb Spores): The mask on Kyoheki's back opens up it's mouth, and spews out many spore like, flotating objects, and when they either hit the ground, or come close to a chakra source, they detonate into an explosion. Alone, they can't do much, but since they are released in large clouds, forward, away from both Keiteki and Kyoheki, a large cloud of them can easily blow apart an opponent.

Bomute (Bomb Hand): A giant, metal tongue, tipped with a long, piercing blade, is shot out of the monster's mouth, and the end of the point is equipped with a very powerful explosive, so on impact, the bomb will explode, so even if the opponent dodges the tongue itself, the explosion will still cause damage to the opponent.

Tekago (Cage of Hands): A Ninjutsu technqiue that creates a large amount of levitating hands, which have the power of a human body, and can surround a relatively wide area, allowing Keiteki to get up close to an opponent, or simply cage them in to keep them from dodging a powerful, long range attack.

Enkou Tsugeki (Flame Pursuit): A sphere of condensed fire, still fire, but extremely close together, very large, is formed in the summonings mouth, and then, giant tentacles, hands, and senbon made of fire are fired out of the sphere. The hands and tentacles attempt to grab an opponent and drag them into the dragon's mouth, to be burned alive.

Weakness: Doesn't fare well against other summonings.

Summoned Creature or Item: Saiboruchi

Appearance: Keiteki's Dark Dragons MetalGreymon

Saiboruchi is Keiteki's personal summoning, being that the two share a partnership, with Saiboruchi being a young creature, he looks up to Keiteki for saving him, and therefore serves him with the utmost willingness, sometimes blindly so. When Saiboruchi was being rebuilt by Keiteki, Keiteki armed him with many different weapons, often armed before battle, in which Keiteki could have Saiboruchi deploy during battle. He is fast, powerful, and capable of holding it's own in battle.

Artilley on back
Fire bomb launchers on it's stomach.
Deployable, stretching main claw.
Various launchers
Various weapons inside

Weakness: It retains something of a “bond” with Keiteki, which can sometimes blind the creature. Seeing Keitkei get hurt may anger it, or otherwise, it is emotional.

Artilley on back
Fire bomb launchers on it's stomach.
Deployable, stretching main claw.
Various launchers
Various weapons inside

Bomenkou (Flame Bombs): Shoots a ball of fire into the air, and when it comes down onto the ground, a relatively big explosion will be the result, though not sizable, but effective when fighting an opponent.

Shinkirou Gachan (Mirage Slam): A powerful Ninjutsu technique that lets the large dragon kill an unwary opponent with ease. The ninjutsu gives Saiboruchi a huge speed burst, allowing him to quickly jump into the air, and use rockets to slam into the ground, thereby allowing Saiboruchi to make a crushing blow in less than half of a second.

Enkou Sogekihei (Flame Sniper): An extremely dangerous jutsu, only effective at long range, and usually in clambered environments. Using the mechanical targeting Saiboruchi was bestowed when Keiteki helped re-construct him, the aiming system allowed him to take aim, and shoot a highly explosive, thin, forceful blast of fire, and would usually leave a hole in the opponent, if it hit. Otherwise, it is extremely dangerous at a very long range.

Last edited by Keiteki Drakun on Wed Feb 18, 2009 5:13 pm; edited 4 times in total
Uchiha Kumori
Uchiha Kumori

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Keiteki's Dark Dragons Empty Re: Keiteki's Dark Dragons

Post by Kyouken Uchiha Sun Jan 25, 2009 7:43 pm

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Keiteki's Dark Dragons Empty Re: Keiteki's Dark Dragons

Post by Uchiha Kumori Wed Feb 18, 2009 5:12 pm

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Keiteki's Dark Dragons Empty Re: Keiteki's Dark Dragons

Post by Kenshi Wed Feb 18, 2009 5:19 pm

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