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Team Wolf(Vash(me),Kaxi(Kaxi),Hoshimaru(Dark)

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Team Wolf(Vash(me),Kaxi(Kaxi),Hoshimaru(Dark) Empty Team Wolf(Vash(me),Kaxi(Kaxi),Hoshimaru(Dark)

Post by Zen Fri Feb 13, 2009 6:28 pm

Vash walked into the room with his team,taking a seat down at the desk he looked at the paper with his right eye,his left covered by his headband. His ears twitched abit and his tail wagged lightly behind him as he cracked his knuckles and picked up the penicl.

1. Name the five elements. Explain which element beats which. Name the element that you best use, and also explain how you would defeat an element that is not weak against yours. (Example: Lightning vs Water, Lightning doesn't beat Water and Water doesn't beat Lightning) Explain "Shape Manipulation", and how it plays into recomposing elemental jutsu.

2. Explain the use of taijutsu in battle. Explain how taijutsu can be amplifed with ninja tools. Explain why the 8 gates utilizes a great amount of chakra, but isn't considered as ninjutsu. Explain the effects of the 5th gate.

3. Explain the use of genjutsu in battle. Explain how genjutsu can be used without directly harming your opponent. Explain how you would defeat a user with the Sharingan, and provide details as in how you would go about fightning that person without using ninjutsu or taijutsu. Also explain the easiest way for a Sharingan user to cast genjutsu without his eyes, or without moving.

4. What year was Kirigakure formed? Who is said to be its Kage(not the current one here)? Name two great people from Kirigakure, and also name what country defeat those two people.

5. Name the oldest village in the ninja world. What two clans helped in their uprising? Name the most important person of those two clans.

6. Name the second oldest village in the ninja world. What happened to their Sandaime Kazekage?

7. If you are on a mission to obtain information from a country and your partner becomes unable to maintain stealth, what would you do? Please explain.

8. You're on an A Ranked mission to assassinate one person. Saving your energy and getting there on time is essential to the mission. On the way there you are confronted by missing-nin. What do you do, disregard them or fight them?

9. Your Kage personally gives you an important S Rank mission. You and your team must assassinate the leader of a small country. The objective is to get there on time, maintain stealth, and kill the person from a distance. On the way your partner has an idea to kill the person quicker and get there earlier, but that will give up stealth. The Kage gave you specific orders. The partner tries to disregard stealth, and orders. Would you kill him to complete the mission? What would you do? Please explain in detail.

Vash stared at the answers very carefully scanning them,he was lucky that he had been with his brother and told him a few things,he took a deep breath and began to write down the answers. Only taking his time as to not miss anything important or get the question wrong.

Answer 1:

The five basic elements:

Water - Mizu
Wind - Kaze
Fire - Hi
Lightning - Kaminari
Earth - Tsuchi

The weakness/ strengths are:

The five basic natures are all connected to each other in a circle, each being weaker than one and stronger than the other.

Fire is strong against Wind, but weak against Water

Water is strong against Fire, but weak against Earth

Earth is strong against Water, but weak against Lightning

Lightning is strong against Earth, but weak against Wind

Wind is strong against Lightning, but weak against Fire

Explanation of above:

This means when for example. The water element is put against the fire element. The water will prevail due to the fact that water is weak against fire. The only time this rule does not apply is when the fire element is a higher level than the water element.

Shape Manipulation is the ability to use chakra and mold something such as existing water or fire element into a shape. Shown in the rasengan how Naruto created a ball of pure chakra with no affinity for anything.

Answer 2:

In battle, Taijutsu is used to cause physical damage to an opponent through hand to hand combat. Taijutsu can be amplified through the use of ninja tool such as kunai knives, to add to the slicing effect. The eight gates are known as the limiters to a persons chakra, when you release certain gates, you our releasing your body's inner chakra.

Answer 3:

The use of genjutsu is to tire out your opponent before any true physical combat is made. It can be used to put the opponent in a hypnosis like state or, even in reality making them walk in circles for hours on end never getting anywhere.

To fight a sharigan user I believe a basic trap affect would work best place 5 explosive notes down in an area with a single one in the centre then make them doge attack while you remain hidden and cause them to tire themselves out while trying to get you. Then when there tired and weak spring the trap causing them to be blown away while in the trap.

The easiest way for a sharigan user to cast a genjutsu without moving or using there eyes would be the technique of

Utakata – Ephemeral-
Utakata is a Genjutsu technique utilized by Akatsuki member Uchiha Itachi. Itachi will start this technique by using only one finger on his right hand. His target does not have to look into his eyes; a glance at the hand itself will be enough. Once inside the illusion, he can control the visions the ninja sees. This illusion can also be used to play on the fears of the target, causing them to see and hear those who they care about degrade them.

Answer 4.

The year that Kirigakure was formed is unknown at this time, and the kage of this village is said to be a man by the name of Madara. Some of the more noteworthy people from this country are three of the ex-seven mist swordsmen, Hoshigaki Kisame, Momochi Zabuza and Kurosuki Raiga. Zabuza was defeated and killed by a Hidden leaf ninja, the jounin Hatake Kakashi. Kisame on the other hand is still alive, but a copy controlled by him was defeated by Maito Gai also a jounin of the Hidden leaf village

Answer 5.

The oldest Village in the ninja world is Konoha, and the two clans that were key in its uprising were the Senju clan, and the Uchiha clan. The most important person of the Uchiha is Madara Uchiha, the first person to develop the Mangekyou Sharingan, along with his brother. The most important member of the Senju clan currently is the descendant of the clan named Tsunade, in the history of the clan however Senju Hashirama is the most important member.

Answer 6.

The second to oldest village in the ninja world would be Sunagakure. Sandaime Kazekage was murdered by Sasori and made into one of his puppets.

Answer 7.

I would change the mission plan to utilize my skills and retrieve the information. I would hide my partner in the safest place available at the time, and remove any evidence he came from my village, and then complete the mission and return to him on the way back, find him and return to the village.
The reason for this is that the mission comes first but my teammates life is equally important. Also the information could be vital for the survival to the village.

If my teammate went crazy I would be forced to restrain him by tying him up and gagging him and hiding him into the forest and pick him up on my way out. Or I would use restraints of some sort or a drug to knock him out for the time needed.

Answer 8.

If I was on an A ranked mission to assassinate someone and I was confronted by a missing nin I'd try my hardest to lose him so I could take care of that matter later on. After my mission was complete I'd return to the area and deal with him, after dealing with him I'd return to the village with a completed mission and a missing nin to boot. The reason I'd avoid him at first would be to make sure the mission was done quickly and efficiently as planned. The reason I'd go back for him later is for the safety of information, it was, after all, an assassination mission, and him seeing me isn't good, so I'd finish the mission quickly and return to silence him.

Answer 9.

If my Kage was to personally assign me an important S-rank mission to assassinate the leader of a small country, but my partner wanted to disregard the direct orders of the Kage, I'd first try to reason with him, explaining the need for stealth and why his plan would bring danger to the village, If I couldn't reason with him I'd tell him if he goes through with his own plan we’d all die as a consequence , I’d also reminding him it was he kage who gave us the order and disobeying that order would have dire consequence’s for the team not just himself. If he still insists I would let him try, but making him aware that if he succeeded he won't be welcome in the village, and will be treated as an enemy. If he still goes through with it could give me the cover I need to finish the job, and on top of that, telling him he will be treated as a enemy I cover my village's liability for his actions if he is captured or killed. But I could not kill a teammate, though I wouldn’t allow myself to be put on the same team with such an irresponsible person as that.

Vash then put down the pencil when he was done and crossed his arms looking at each answer he put to make sure they were what he wanted,he smiled abit and nodded stretching in his seat as he waited for the test to be over.
Anbu Captain
Anbu Captain

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Team Wolf(Vash(me),Kaxi(Kaxi),Hoshimaru(Dark) Empty Re: Team Wolf(Vash(me),Kaxi(Kaxi),Hoshimaru(Dark)

Post by Kenshi Fri Feb 13, 2009 10:05 pm

Yoshimo walked in the door checking on the genin that were taking the exams. It seemed as if though three of them were already done. The looks on their faces, and their papers turned over, and roaming eyes. They weren't trying to cheat, they were just done. He looked at them, they were all from Konohagakure. Konohagakure must have had some great cheaters or smart individuals. He looked over at them, and smiled.

"If you are done follow me into the next room. Give me your test, and if you make a word was you walk by to anyone else, I'll kill you myself. Keep your eyes on me."

Yoshimo waited for them to get up. He knew that most of them would be done early, and he didn't want to make them wait for the others. Also, by getting rid people that were done, they could cut down on the cheaters, and make it harder on everyone.


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Team Wolf(Vash(me),Kaxi(Kaxi),Hoshimaru(Dark) Empty Re: Team Wolf(Vash(me),Kaxi(Kaxi),Hoshimaru(Dark)

Post by Zen Fri Feb 13, 2009 10:12 pm

Vash waited for abit staring at his desk and then looking towards Yoshimo about going to the next room,he looked wearly at him but shrugged it off. He stretched his arms out and cracked his neck,getting up from his seat and walking over to Yoshimo and walking out of the room with him,his tail wagging slowly behind him and his ears perked up listening closely.
Anbu Captain
Anbu Captain

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Team Wolf(Vash(me),Kaxi(Kaxi),Hoshimaru(Dark) Empty Re: Team Wolf(Vash(me),Kaxi(Kaxi),Hoshimaru(Dark)

Post by Darkjagwar Sat Feb 14, 2009 12:46 pm

Hoshimaru watched as Vash walked out of the room after handing in the written exam. Damn, that guy's smart, he thought to himself. After the thought, he looked back down at his test paper. He had answered questions 1-6 already to the best of his ability as thoroughly as he could. Well, he started thinking again, They did cram everything they could into our heads at the academy. And I guess this hasn't been the hardest thing ever...

He looked back down at the remaining questions:

7. If you are on a mission to obtain information from a country and your partner becomes unable to maintain stealth, what would you do? Please explain.

8. You're on an A Ranked mission to assassinate one person. Saving your energy and getting there on time is essential to the mission. On the way there you are confronted by missing-nin. What do you do, disregard them or fight them?

9. Your Kage personally gives you an important S Rank mission. You and your team must assassinate the leader of a small country. The objective is to get there on time, maintain stealth, and kill the person from a distance. On the way your partner has an idea to kill the person quicker and get there earlier, but that will give up stealth. The Kage gave you specific orders. The partner tries to disregard stealth, and orders. Would you kill him to complete the mission? What would you do? Please explain in detail.

Oh crud, free response, Hoshimaru thought. They kill you for these if they're not perfect, damnit. He started writing for the seventh question:

7. A mission is important, but the life of one's teammate is just as, or even more important. Therefore, finding a safe hiding place for a teammate would be the only logical universally executable strategy for keeping a teammate hidden during an assassination mission that requires stealth if the teammate cannot maintain it.

Something like that, he thought. Oh well, it's not like I can think of a better answer. He moved onto the next question.

8. The completion of the mission and the safety of the ninja team are the two most important things when on a mission. While one should not completely disregard the missing-nin, escape from said ninja is the correct decision. Instead of stopping to fight the ninja, the team should try to escape from the ninja and continue the mission. However, a missing-nin should and must be treated as a possible future threat, so contacting the home ninja village about the missing-nin would be the logical action to take as any means at all of dealing with him/her. This way, a team could finish its mission while reinforcements from the home village could investigate further into the rogue ninja.

Hoshimaru lay his pencil on the table and stretched his back. He then lay his head down on the table to think about his response for the ninth question. I wonder how Kaxi's doing.

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