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Sora Sen

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Sora Sen Empty Sora Sen

Post by Anti Sora Mon Jun 29, 2009 9:42 pm

Name: Sora Sen

Age: 16

Bloodline: Aura Manipulation (if possible..)

Rank: Genin
Village: Mist
Alignment: Nuetral

Appearance: Sora Sen has very light brown hair and clear blue eyes. When he fights, however, his eyes take on a lighter-almost yellow-tint. He wears mainly black clothing. Normally seen with a weighted black vest and training shoes made of padded metals. His hair grows into horizontal spikes pointed to his left-front. He stands at around five foot six inches, and is very slightly muscular in frame. When fighting, he tends to stay in a low, crouched stance for better speed.

Personality: A boy that normally only does things that benefit himself, Sora tends to be quiet around others. He seldom makes friends, but when he does he tends to be very protective of them. A dark mood seems to surround Sora and everywhere he goes.

History: Sora Sen was born in a small home. His mother, Shizune Owari, married his father, Zenbu Sen, at a young age and gave birth to Sora when she was 19. Neither of them had ever been much as far as the ways of shinobi were concerned. Zenbu worked with construction and Shizune spent all of her time raising Sora.

They never really thought about what he would do for a living, and were both certainly surprised when he said he wanted to be a ninja on his seventh birthday. Zenbu told him no, that he would not be able to be a ninja. He said that a ninja could not come from a low-ended family. Sora got mad and started screaming, saying that he would be able to be a ninja and nobody would ever stop him. By chance, Zenbu caught a glimpse of yellow tinting in the eyes of his son; he noticed a key feature of his family's bloodline limit that was thought to have died out.

Zenbu agrees to let Sora become a ninja, so long as Sora was able to keep up with him in every training session. Sora, determined not to quit, trained with his father, coming close to failing many times but always managing to just barely keep up. Sora and Zenbu trained for hours at a time, five years straight, only working on taijutsu. They sparred constantly- Zenbu using brute strength and Sora using speed.

Shortly after his twelfthed birthday, Sora managed to take his father down in less than a minute by sidestepping Zenbu's initial blow and getting behind him to take out the left knee. It was at this time that Zenbu decided that Sora needed to learn other techniques. He sent Sora to an academy to learn about Nin and Genjutsus. As with all beginner students, his teacher taught Sora the arts of substitution, cloning, and transformation first. Sora proved to be adept at the first two, but never could quite get the cloning right. He tried every chance he could to transform his appearance, never making it past the facial features. Even then it drained him almost entirely.

Sora spent one year in the academy, learning everything he could be taught. He learned the ways to wield a kunai as not only a projectile, but also as a last ditch close quarters combat weapon. He could throw a shuriken and hit a moving target from close to eighty yards. He could defend himself with items lying around on the ground, such as a large stick. He could do everything the other kids could do, everything but transforming.

Sora was only allowed to pass to Genin because of his taijutsu abilities, because his instructor felt his inability to transform was almost grounds enough to keep him in the academy. Sora pleaded with his teacher to give him any chance he could to pass, and finally was allowed one sparring match. Sora was luckilly able to best him the same way he had won against his father. At the rank of Genin, Sora was finally a ninja as he had always wanted to be.

His mist headband was kept wrapped around his ankle at all times. He saw it funny to think that the last thing somebody would see before he kicked them in the face would be the symbol of his homeland. His teacher did, too. His headband was his prized possession. He saw it as the greatest accomplishment he could ever achieve, and he showed everyone he knew.

Soon after the academy graduation, Sora went home to his mother and father for more training. His father was a proud man, he saw in his son what he never saw in himself: a chance to be a great shinobi. He decided Sora should know the truth about his reason for letting him train to be a ninja.

Sora had been home for a few days, eager to get to his training, when Zenbu called him to a patch of land behind their house. There, Sora was told of a bloodline limit that had been thought to have died out over the generations in his clan. A technique that was a mixture of Nin and Genjutsu. It was called the Aura Manipulation, and it was designed to swap the form of the user for any other life form around, human or animal. That ability could be used to cloak the user in the eyes and ears of others, making it a Gen, but it also changed the user's posture and habits, making it a Nin. It was said to be used as the ultimate transformation jutsu.

Zenbu told Sora that the only way to tell somebody with that bloodline limit was a yellow tint to their eyes, which was always present before and during a transformation. Sora insisted that there was no way for him to have that, since he had no talent at transformation. This puzzled Zenbu, who was sure to have seen the discoloration in Sora's eyes that day, only six years ago. He told Sora that there was no way for him not to have it, making Sora angry. Sora told him in detail how he failed every transformation attempt so far. Zenbu insisted that he had to have it, irritating Sora even more. Finally, Sora yelled at Zenbu. At that moment, Zenbu saw the yellow tint in his eyes and knew that anger must be the key to this bloodline limit. He didn't say anything to Sora about it, instead deciding that Sora must find out for himself. He told Sora three handsigns and demanded that he did them, then and there. Sora performed the handsigns and was enveloped in a cloud of somke, stepping out as a mirror image of his father except for a slightly yellow color in his eyes.

Sora trained this technique for two years before going off on his own at the age of sixteen. He still wasn't able to fully control this ability, but it was easier to initiate- he no longer needed to channel his chakra through handsigns for it. Though it consumed alot of chakra to begin, it was relatively easy to maintain his transformations the more he practiced them. He had to work hard to master new forms, and he still couldn't do anything with it without being irritated, but he knew how to use it and was ready to test his abilities against the other shinobi in his land, hoping he could come out on top.

Speciality: Taijutsu
Learned jutsus: Kawarimi, Bunshin
Elements: Water
Weapons/items: Chakra Projectiles (possibly), mid-sized katana
Goals: To test his limits against all other shinobi.

Do I post a sample RP in here, or in another forum?

Last edited by Anti Sora on Wed Jul 01, 2009 6:36 pm; edited 2 times in total (Reason for editing : Left something out)

Anti Sora

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Join date : 2009-06-28

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Sora Sen Empty Re: Sora Sen

Post by Kaji-Kanto Mon Jun 29, 2009 10:44 pm

In the rp sample forum please....

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Sora Sen Empty Re: Sora Sen

Post by Anti Sora Mon Jun 29, 2009 10:46 pm

Yup, Ok. Sorry, I wasn't sure cause of the creation rules. A little confused, will get that done now.

Anti Sora

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Sora Sen Empty Re: Sora Sen

Post by Kyouken Uchiha Tue Jun 30, 2009 10:27 pm

Approved other said otherwise
Kyouken Uchiha
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Sora Sen Empty Re: Sora Sen

Post by tradebuzzing2 Tue Jun 30, 2009 10:31 pm

We need a rank


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Sora Sen Empty Re: Sora Sen

Post by Anti Sora Tue Jun 30, 2009 10:33 pm

Genin, sorry

Anti Sora

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