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Kengen vs Akuma, the prodigy battle of the sand.

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Kengen vs Akuma, the prodigy battle of the sand. Empty Kengen vs Akuma, the prodigy battle of the sand.

Post by Guest Wed Jan 14, 2009 10:58 pm

Kengen stood on one side of the training field. His eye's, all three of them. He held in his left hand a staff made of black hawthorne. It was an effective tool for directing chakra for earth based ninjutsu, and also good for whacking the oppoent around, should he be able to get into close quarters. His father had provided him no information about Akuma other then she had been good enough to pass his test, thoguh nearly gave her life in the process. His breathing was shallow, and effectively keeping him calm. He was conflicted here, he had a normal teenage crush on Akuma, but he also loved to battle. He wanted to show off to her, but he also did not want to hurt her. His human emotions and Sookato instincts clashed with in his brain. Battle is what his once great clan did best. He sighed. Life was just full of decisions wasn't it. He'd have to do his best here, or risk losign his fathers respect. His father meant more to him than any girl ever would.


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Kengen vs Akuma, the prodigy battle of the sand. Empty Re: Kengen vs Akuma, the prodigy battle of the sand.

Post by stone hearted shedemon Thu Jan 15, 2009 4:25 pm

Akuma entered the arena, face void of any emotion whatsoever and she stood herself directly opposite Kengen. She had put on her wrist blades that were conceled in steal vambraces on her arms. She had her sand village headband on her forhead and her Konoha one around her waist. She had left her ninja shoes however to alow the claws on her toes to be more effectivly used, deffinatly a sign she was going all out. Her eyes met with Kengens but she remained silent, waiting for a signal to start.
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stone hearted shedemon

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Kengen vs Akuma, the prodigy battle of the sand. Empty Re: Kengen vs Akuma, the prodigy battle of the sand.

Post by Guest Fri Jan 16, 2009 9:37 am

As soon as Akuma took position, Taku shouted, "Begin." Instantly Kengen opened his human eyes, leaving his Jagan closed. He stabbed his staff into the dirt next to him, and drew a semicircle in the dirt infront of him. He then lifted the staff, bent his knees, and held it at a perfectly horizontal level in line with his chest. He would not move till Akuma forced him to. If he could fight from this position the whole battle he would. ONce he was moved outside the semicircle though, he would explode with techniques and power, attacking her from every angle. All of that would be unneccesarry however if she wasn't good enough to force him from his current spot. "Lets go Akuma, lets show my father what we can do."


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Kengen vs Akuma, the prodigy battle of the sand. Empty Re: Kengen vs Akuma, the prodigy battle of the sand.

Post by stone hearted shedemon Fri Jan 16, 2009 4:58 pm

Akuma watched as he drew the semi circle and contemplated a series of moves in her head before actualy moving. She pounced forward and ran at him full pelt straight on, until her nose was almost touching the tip of his staff then she changed direction and zig zaged around him to his side, preparing her demon claw jutsu. Her claws glowed a bright, flameing orange and she swiped up at him as she lept forward with a feirce growl.
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stone hearted shedemon

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Kengen vs Akuma, the prodigy battle of the sand. Empty Re: Kengen vs Akuma, the prodigy battle of the sand.

Post by Guest Fri Jan 16, 2009 5:35 pm

She was fast, but not quite fast enough. Kengen smirked as she came at him, it was obvious what was coming, but he wasnt expecting the fire in her hand. That was ok though. He planted his stick on the ground, placng it completely vertical now. Then leapt on top of it, knees bent, balancing perfectly on it. Her blow would miss, and depending on how much force she put in it, would be able to attack again, or go sprawling due to lack of balance. He wasnt sure. He smiled though as he raised his right hand sending a single chakra shuriken at Akuma's hand that had failed at attacking him.


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Kengen vs Akuma, the prodigy battle of the sand. Empty Re: Kengen vs Akuma, the prodigy battle of the sand.

Post by stone hearted shedemon Fri Jan 16, 2009 5:40 pm

Akuma swung her tail onto the staff and forced it towards her, moving her hand to it took minimal damage from the shuriken that Kengen had thrown. She held one hand on the ground and spun onto her feet and used one hand to preform seals for her next jutsu. "SONIC ROAR!" She opened her maw wide and let out an extremely loud and powerful roar that sent a shockwave towards him.
stone hearted shedemon
stone hearted shedemon

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Kengen vs Akuma, the prodigy battle of the sand. Empty Re: Kengen vs Akuma, the prodigy battle of the sand.

Post by Guest Fri Jan 16, 2009 5:46 pm

Kengen was shocked as the staff was ripped from under him. He quiclky grabbed it though, and it pulled it free of the grasp of Akuma's tail. As soon as she performed her technique, "Mud Overturn," causign a wall of earth to rise up in between them. The wall was effective to stop the blast of wind, but in turn was ripped apart, the chunks flung in Kengen's direction. He was able to stop them imediatily, using his staff to guid his chakra. He flicked his wrist and the chunks of dirt were all thrown at Akuma at the same time. Kengen knew that before long, He would be forced to move from this spot if he wanted to come out on top. He sighed, she was actully kind of good. He was still confident that he could manage a victory here, but was not as certain as he first was when the battle had just started.


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Kengen vs Akuma, the prodigy battle of the sand. Empty Re: Kengen vs Akuma, the prodigy battle of the sand.

Post by stone hearted shedemon Fri Jan 16, 2009 5:50 pm

Akuma saw the dirt comeing towards her and hissed as she backfliped and ducked them, charging forward at him again, checking the sky quickly before she drew her blades from her wrists and slashed quickly and fluidly at Kengen from all directions. Her tail whiping and lashing at him as she moved around him.
stone hearted shedemon
stone hearted shedemon

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Kengen vs Akuma, the prodigy battle of the sand. Empty Re: Kengen vs Akuma, the prodigy battle of the sand.

Post by Guest Sat Jan 17, 2009 10:34 am

She was fast, so Kengen opened his jagan eye to keep better track of her movements. He easily matched each of her blows with his staff. They went on like this for a few moments untill Kengen decided he had had enough. He pushed chakra through his feet, propellign himself away from Akuma, he was sick of waiting. He made a few handsigns, "Gaton, LIquid Glass," he called, pointing his staff at the dirt, turning it into a liquid glass, bubbling from how hot it was. He sent it in a small wave towards Akuma. If she got touched by this, she woudl be severly burned, handicapping her, and giving Kengen the advantage he would need to secure a win.


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Kengen vs Akuma, the prodigy battle of the sand. Empty Re: Kengen vs Akuma, the prodigy battle of the sand.

Post by stone hearted shedemon Sat Jan 17, 2009 7:15 pm

Akuma saw the glass coming for her and quickly countered with her sea of fangs jutsu. She made the handsigns and from the ground beneith her rose large, fang shaped rocks that surged towards the glass like a breaking wave, slowing the glass enough for her to get around it. She looked up at the sky again and saw that the first stars were out, she smirked and quickly made a few more handsigns, using the blood on her right hand to use her summoning. "Summoning Jutsu, The Great Bear!" The stars started to move and between them a dark blue cloud formed into the shape of a giant bear, it ran down from the skys and landed between her and Kengen. The bear turned to face him and roared at him. "Like my new Jutsu Kengen?" She said arrogantly.
stone hearted shedemon
stone hearted shedemon

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Kengen vs Akuma, the prodigy battle of the sand. Empty Re: Kengen vs Akuma, the prodigy battle of the sand.

Post by Guest Mon Jan 19, 2009 11:56 am

Kengen was slightly impressed with this new move Akuma had mastered. He was also kind of dissapointed. He would never gain an asset such as this untill his father began to weaken. The day that Kengen obtained the black dragon, would be the day that Kengen became the Kazekage. However, she was not the only one with new technqiues. He had taken his mastery of the earth style to new levels in her absence. "Earth Style: Earth Spear Technique," he called out, applying a jutsu to himself that would make that bear useless. His skin hardened and turned slithgly tanner than it already was. His body had taken the properies of stone, enabling himself better deffense and taijutsu offense. "Come on bear, show me what you got," he taunted, geasturing for the bear to comence its attack.


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Kengen vs Akuma, the prodigy battle of the sand. Empty Re: Kengen vs Akuma, the prodigy battle of the sand.

Post by stone hearted shedemon Tue Jan 20, 2009 5:08 pm

Akuma watched Kengen's changes in awe and struck out her right arm, the blood from his shuriken attack still dripping off her hand, and the bear charged forwards. It opened it's maw wide enough to fit a full grown man inside and brought it down upon Kengen's form, the fangs the colour of starlight glisteningas they surged towards him. Akuma watched but her face became slightly pained as she ordered that attack.
stone hearted shedemon
stone hearted shedemon

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Kengen vs Akuma, the prodigy battle of the sand. Empty Re: Kengen vs Akuma, the prodigy battle of the sand.

Post by Guest Wed Jan 21, 2009 11:09 am

Kengen watched as the bear closed in and attempted to attack by biting him. Kengen grimanced. Even though the bears teeth could not impale him, he would be caught up in the bears jaws, maybe crushed or tossed about at the bears will. Kengen was not about to let this happen. Kengen spun his staff around and pointed it at the gound next to him and flicked his wrist up. He used his new found mastery of the earth element to launch a ball of earth into the bears mouth, throwing it back towards Akuma with the force involved. Undoubtedly he had injured the bears mouth and maybe damaged some of the teeth. Kengen planted the staff verticaly in front of him, awaiting Akuma to return his attack with something of greater intensity. He smiled, she wasn't bad, but unless she tried to take him by surprise, she would probably never score so much as a single hit on him. His father taught him to use deffense to his addvantage. Allow the opponet to attack over and over and use only deffense to thwart them. Then after the enemy was worn down, attack with full force. This was the key to mastering the Sookato and Miraa bloodlines.


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Kengen vs Akuma, the prodigy battle of the sand. Empty Re: Kengen vs Akuma, the prodigy battle of the sand.

Post by stone hearted shedemon Wed Jan 21, 2009 12:16 pm

Akuma watched the bear come towards her, it's large back scarring the ground beneith it and she lept onto it's head, kicking the earth ball from it's mouth and stroked it's nose. 2We can do better." It nodded and flung itself forward, with Akuma still holding onto one of it's huge ears. It charged forward again, heaving it's giant paw forward at Kengen in a downward swipe that would cause massive damage, if not to Kengen then certainly to the landscape.
Her face was full of determination as she held on tight and lept over the bear's head and above Kengen, her blades, claws and tail all angled down at him, a heavy spray of acid liquid spurted from the tip of her tail and showered at and around him.
stone hearted shedemon
stone hearted shedemon

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