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Akuma, Kengen, and Whitefang

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Akuma, Kengen, and Whitefang Empty Akuma, Kengen, and Whitefang

Post by Guest Tue Dec 16, 2008 10:57 am

Taku and Kengen stood in the sand dome, awaiting the arrival of the other two. Kengen had a slight advantage here because Taku would never allow him to be late, being his father and all. Taku was glad that his boy would finaly get to train with people other then himself. This should prove interesting. Kengen was a shy boy, so he was interested as to how he would react to this new enviorment and style in training. He would have to learn team work, a foerign concept to the boy. Akuma and Whitefang were not quite late yet, but it was getting close to it. Taku sighed, being early was always better then punctuality. He had some strange methods to train them with today, and he was eager to get started.

Kengen was unsure of himself. He had not interacted much with others in his 14 years of life. It was by choice though. He wished to train with his father one on one as much as possible before joining a team. Now he was still being trained by his father, and he did not have a problem with it at all. All the better to master his Sookato blood, which had proven quite difficult. Their techniques were not quite as simple as some might think they were.


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Akuma, Kengen, and Whitefang Empty Re: Akuma, Kengen, and Whitefang

Post by stone hearted shedemon Tue Dec 16, 2008 6:12 pm

Akuma ran into veiw of Taku and Kengen in the training area,she had slight rings around her eyes, she had been up all night, mostly due to the heat she wasn't used to. "My appologies Sir." She bowed quickly before catching her breath and standing upright looking at Kengen. "Hi there, you must be Kengen, I'm Akuma from Konoha." She smiled politely and held out a hand for him to shake.

Last edited by stone hearted shedemon on Wed Dec 17, 2008 5:53 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : spelled the kazekage's son's name wrong >.<)
stone hearted shedemon
stone hearted shedemon

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Akuma, Kengen, and Whitefang Empty Re: Akuma, Kengen, and Whitefang

Post by Guest Tue Dec 16, 2008 10:18 pm

Kengen was nervous at first when the girl named Akuma arrived. She was kind of pretty in a different sort of way, but pretty none the less. He smiled at her as she approached him, osmethign he was not used to. Some people were overwhelemed by the fact he was the Kazekage's son, and was supposed to one day surpass him. He shook her hand, grasping it firmly but gently, showing great care, but displaying his strength as well. "You stand correct Akuma, I am Kengen. My father spoke of how he tested you and I must say I am impressed."


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Akuma, Kengen, and Whitefang Empty Re: Akuma, Kengen, and Whitefang

Post by stone hearted shedemon Wed Dec 17, 2008 5:59 am

Akuma smiled heartedly back at Kengen, she liked him on site, at least he didn't come across as arrogant in any way. "Thank you, it is always nice to hear praise." She let go of his hand and bowed her head again. "I look forward to our training together." She beamed and her ears and tail twitched in delight at the warm welcome she recieved and the compliment from Kengen.
stone hearted shedemon
stone hearted shedemon

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Akuma, Kengen, and Whitefang Empty RE

Post by WhiteBoy Wed Dec 17, 2008 9:51 pm

WhiteFang woke up and realized that he was late for training.He knew that his butt would be getting yelled at,if he didn't hurray up.WhiteFang thrown on his clothes and ran out the door.In a distance he could see three figures,as soon as WhiteFang seen them he started to pick up speed.After he got there,he seen the KazeKage,a girl that was about my age, and a boy that was about my age too. "I'm sorry Lord KazeKage,I'm not going to lie to you,so I'll just say it now.I was slept in and the time flu pass me and by the time i knew it,i was late.So I'm sorry Lord KazeKage."said WhiteFang as he glared into the KazeKage's eyes.

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Akuma, Kengen, and Whitefang Empty Re: Akuma, Kengen, and Whitefang

Post by Guest Wed Dec 17, 2008 10:05 pm

Taku looked at the group. He was pleased that Akuma and his boy seemed to take a likeing to each other right away. This would help, for his main concern had been that Kengen would not be able to conect with the others. He had purposefully set this team up for his son. He had specificaly picked ninja who transfered from other villages because they did not know Taku's reputation nor did the expect Kengen to live up to that reputation. He was hopping it would help him relax and work better. It would also allow him to grow stronger and more adept at the ninja ways. He sat down cross legged, his arms across his lap. "I want you to all start by Telling the group your name, core abilities, what you like, dislike, your fighting style, and in this case, the village you are from."


Kengen watched the new boy approach. He bowed his head, he had been hopping to spend some more time with Akuma and get to know her before he arrived. He focused his attention back to his father once he bagan to speak. Kengen followed his fathers suit, only he sat in the saiza position, a symbol of respect, and then answered his fathers question. "My name is Kengen Sookato. I rely on energy, glass, and earth techniques. I liek to fight and be depended upon. I despise being cheated in any way or lied to. I try to keep on the deffensive but I also understand there is a time when being aggresive is necessary. Obviously I am from Sunagakure." He stopped and waited for the other two's response.


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Akuma, Kengen, and Whitefang Empty Re: Akuma, Kengen, and Whitefang

Post by stone hearted shedemon Thu Dec 18, 2008 10:58 am

Akuma snikkered at WhiteFang as he arrived looking a little ruffled up from his rush to get here, she too then turned to pay full attention to Taku and went into a crouched sitting position, rather cat like if you will, and kept her tail in the air. A soft smile spread across her face as she listened to Kengen speak and took her turn.
"I am Akuma, I'm not sure if I have a last name but it doesn't matter much anyway. I guess my abilities are beastial at best but there is always improvements that can be made." She smiled again and continued. " I suppose things I like...I like to discover things, and enjoy new expiriences. Things I don't like, people who underestimate others and judge by looks before they get to know what they are judging." Her ears drooped a little as she thought about it. " I gues my style is mostly taijutsu and physical attack, my stratagies are a little...lacking i'll admit." She looked at Taku as she said the last part. "And I am from Konoha in the leaves." She beamed with pride at the mention of the village.
stone hearted shedemon
stone hearted shedemon

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Akuma, Kengen, and Whitefang Empty RE

Post by WhiteBoy Sat Dec 20, 2008 7:04 pm

As Whitefang was listening to Akuma,he fell quickly fell asleep to the sound of her voice.WhiteFang didn't have much respect for others,in less they were his elders.After Akuma got done talking WhiteFang woke up."Oh,so i guess its my turn?Well I'm WhiteFang of the KinKay Clan.I like enjoy training hard and finding strong opponents to fight.When I'm not training I hang out with friends or sleep.My dream is to become the KazeKage and bring all village to peace." said WhiteFang with a proud and loud voice as he was staring at Akuma."I came from the WaterFall village sadly.I came to the Sand Village becasue The WaterFall Village was a ghost town.No one ever came outside and everyone was really old."said WhiteFang with s lower tone of voice. "Oh yeah,I am a Genjutsu and Ninjutsu user i guess and I use fire based attacks.So i guess its your turn Lord KazeKage?" said WhiteFang in honor and respect.

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Akuma, Kengen, and Whitefang Empty Re: Akuma, Kengen, and Whitefang

Post by Guest Sun Dec 21, 2008 3:27 pm

"No Whitefang," Taku said in response. Now it is time for all of your guy's training to begin." Kengen's eyes lit up. He knew what was going on. He had been through this before and he knew that Akuma had too. "Now I know that two have you had already done this by yoursleves with me, but I want to see how you can all work as a team, plus Whitefang needs to show me what hes made of." He made a few handsigns and then, "Chakra Armor," he called out, "Remove this armor and our trianing shall progress." He waited to see how they would react. Kengen and Akuma were both capable of doing it on their own, but it had almost cost Akuma her life and it usulay took almost all of Kengen's chakra. Whitefang he was sure would be only at their level, if not lower. Together though, he was sure they would be able to better pass the exercise.

Kengen body flickered behind the other two and said, "Try and distract him, I am going to to try and end this asap," he said as he prepared for a jutsu.


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Akuma, Kengen, and Whitefang Empty Re: Akuma, Kengen, and Whitefang

Post by stone hearted shedemon Sun Dec 21, 2008 8:30 pm

Akuma's ears drooped a little when she remembered her last little spar with Taku, indeed it had drained a hell of a lot out of her, but she wasn't about to show any deteration from attacking.
Without hesitation Akuma listened to Kengen's words and went straight into her demon claw jutsu, slashing at Taku's body armout at the weakest points she could think of, mainly around the joints. Things would certainly be easier in a team, at least she didn't have to come up with a stratagy all on her own, distraction would be good enough, and this time she would try a different attack and use more concentration and precission when she went on the offence.
stone hearted shedemon
stone hearted shedemon

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