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evare zeraven (complete)

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evare zeraven (complete) Empty evare zeraven (complete)

Post by razor_shinobi Mon Dec 29, 2008 6:45 am

Name: Evare Zeraven

Age: 18

Rank: ANBU
Village: cloud

Appearance: evare zeraven (complete) Evare110

Personality: Inteligent, compasionate, bashful; believes that a man should say little and do much. Favorite food is meat on a stick. Most night he's looking at the stars at night and is an exellent shinobi. when evare fights, he fights calmly and makes small jokes to get his opponent angry and unfocused. evare is always in an adventure he dosent want to be in and for some reason keeps being in an unexpecteded predicement. evare was always mature for his age and didnt play with other children. he is only like this because he is sad but he tries to get over it

Evare was born into a blessed farm life; who's father oversaw great yeilds of crops, most of which fed proverity ridden families. Watching the works of his father gave Evare a unique perspective on life and the workings there of. He enjoyed helping his father on and off the farm, most of which was the passing out of food to the needy. In as much as his father was known about the town, Evare never left his father side. This helped Evare to become some what of a village icon.

An attempt on Evare's life accured one day while his father was attacked by a rouge ninja. Unknowing to Evare at the time, this ninja was hired to assinate his father. In defiance of his father, Evare joined the academy and graduated at 7 years old. Evare's failure was only limited in confrontations with the elite; given their experience and size. Even he knew that one day he would suprass his dreams and desires and become as a Riakage.

Evare came home to find his childhood friend ridden with disease. Despite his efforts he wasn't able to relieve his best friend brandon of the disease. Sick with dispair Evare fell deeper into his studies and sought solatude as a way to cope. At age 9 Evare sought and passed the exams to became a Chuunin. All the while still completing missions for the Riakage.
While on a mission, for a missing ninja; he came across an unknown organization of ninjas. In his search he learned of their name; the Kage-Kakashi. One of them scared on his left cheek was his father's attacker. His name was zakvo kigokashi, and he was a S ranked criminal. Evare and his squad attacked the Kage-Kakashi most fled, exept for zakvo, and he noticed Evare. Evare fought the man as the squad chased the others.

Evare had the man on the ground ready to kill him but Evare dropped to the ground crying. he couldnt kill the man. If he was to kill this man, he would be just like him. Later he found that it was in fact his father seeking revenge for the attack, and had planned for evare to kill the man by asking the riakage to give this mission to his son, evare. Now knowing this, Evare left home to seek a life of his own, deeper into the village, the enlighten path sought by many of the Riakage. Evare was only but 10 years old at the time but his intelligence kept him alive at such a young age.

He would be on missions and would never be at his own little apartment, or even in his village. evare had gianed alot of friends through out his journey's of a chunnin, from differant villages, other chunnin and genin of his village, but that all changed at 12 years old when he bacame an ANBU aprentice. The rules for an ANBU black op is that you must abbandon your old life and friends for you must have no connections to the outside world. those are the ANBU rules.

at 13 evare was promoted to a full anbu black op. At 13 his death toll was one of the riakage's, and he was already an S-ranked ninja in the bingo books. His specialization was assasaination and riakiri nin-jutsu (the utilization of the chakra element, lightnin) at the time. he would teach the younger genin and chunnin riakiri nin-jutsu's that would be ment for jounin. At 14 he learned his main jutsu riakege. a riakiri nin-jutsu which is a kage level nin-jutsu that evare created reading about the chidori nin-jutsu created by kakashi katake of the leaf.

Evare ran into his father agian later that year and his father asked him how he was doing but evare told him he didnt know who he was or what he was talking about for the rules of anbu state that the anbu black op must never connect with anybody who he or she cares about. that and evare was mad at his father for never talking to him when he was a child. his fatehr started to cry but evare kept walking and never looking back because he knew, it was for his own good. a couple days later he ran into his mom and she slaped him across the face for what he did but evare stared at her and walked away.

when he was 15 years old Evare met Riacloud Katon, his soon to be bst friend and rival. Riacloud was a fellow ANBU black op that evare met on a secret mission to assasainate an s-ranked gang member. they had alot in common but they always competed in training and jutsu knowledge. Evare usually always came out on top but riacloud has his advantages like in gen-jutsu. Riacloud's main jutsu type's was genjutsu, and tai jutsu. he didnt care much for ninjustu or doujutsu. When they spared together Evare always one because he knew when he was in a genjutsu or not and his speed was to great for him to get fully hit by a taijutsu technique.

Later that year Riacloud was accused of murder on his brothers death. he fought the case pleading not guilty, but the court ruled in favor of riacloud katon, guilty of all charges. Evare was sad for awhile and missed his friend but got passed it and kept his head straight. riacloud filed for an apeal when they were 16 but agian he was charged with murder. Evare always begged the riakage to let riacloud go because evare knew he was not guilty, but he said no.

When evare was 17 years old, he learned the truth about riacloud. one day riacloud broke out of prision with some other in-mates and evare chased them down killing all exept riacloud. they faught and evare begged him to come back and he said he wasent guilty but riacloud told him the truth, he did murder his brother and he was running away to the sound village. in the end evare killed riacloud, by stabbing him in the heart with his own sword, the kage-katana. after that evare took the kage-katana used it as his own. he always treated the katana with the best care even know riacloud was a murderer.

Evare is now 18 and still an ANBU Black op and still uses the kage-katana. he misses Riacloud but also is glad he is gone at the same time. Evare still has no contact with his parents even know that the ANBU rules have changed. he just knows they need seperate lives.

Learned jutsus: Riakege- an s ranked lightning justu that is much like chidori but the lightning color is purple and it is 10x stronger.

gogyou no jutsu- an A ranked Katon ninjustu that shoots a grand white fire ball 9 meters long and 6 meters wide that disenagrates anything it touches

Weapons/items: kage-katana (a black bladed katana with a diamond at the bottom of the handle, used by riacloud katon, it has an fire aurora around it when the user exirts chakra into it cusing the blade to burn anything it touches.

Goals: to protect the village at all costs. to become riakage

Last edited by razor_shinobi on Sun Mar 08, 2009 2:30 pm; edited 2 times in total

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evare zeraven (complete) Empty Re: evare zeraven (complete)

Post by razor_shinobi Sun Feb 01, 2009 4:38 pm


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evare zeraven (complete) Empty Re: evare zeraven (complete)

Post by Shin Uchiha Sun Feb 01, 2009 4:40 pm

Its called Raikage..

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evare zeraven (complete) Empty Re: evare zeraven (complete)

Post by razor_shinobi Sun Feb 01, 2009 4:44 pm

kk ty

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evare zeraven (complete) Empty Re: evare zeraven (complete)

Post by Zen Sun Feb 01, 2009 5:43 pm

Btw its Black ops not ANBU since your not leaf village.
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evare zeraven (complete) Empty Re: evare zeraven (complete)

Post by Shini Sun Feb 01, 2009 9:03 pm

Yep was gonna say that, thank you zen.

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evare zeraven (complete) Empty Re: evare zeraven (complete)

Post by Zen Sun Feb 01, 2009 9:08 pm

Ah np,it was bugging me anyway.
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evare zeraven (complete) Empty Re: evare zeraven (complete)

Post by razor_shinobi Sun Feb 01, 2009 10:21 pm

ok sorry i didnt know

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