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Saruno Kazura (Complete)

Crimson Crisis
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Saruno Kazura (Complete) Empty Saruno Kazura (Complete)

Post by Crimson Crisis Tue May 19, 2009 9:42 pm

Name: Saruno kazura

Age: 23

Bloodline: Ayatsuriryoku - Power of Manipulation -
First State: Life Finder - Itonami Fainda

The first state was known as the 'Life Finder' (Itonami Fainda
[Japanese format]), which is able to manipulate the seen chakra around
the area into a weapon of choice, not made by Jutsu of any kind, and
marking of veins show up on the arms of the user, the chakra network
working it's way towards the manipulation process. The process of the
Manipulation is draining to the user of it's chakra, reason, the Chakra
expelled from the body cannot be placed back into the user because of
it's use, even with the greatest of chakra control cannot do so.

Second State: Life Flower - Seimei Kusabana

The second state was known as the 'Life Flower' (Seimei Kusabana
[Japanese format]), because of it's shifting chakra that can be the
shape of a flower in come cases. This state is able to use chakra in a
Genjutsu and Ninjutsu more effectively and more powerfully. Within the
use of the Second state, the veins of the user begin to show as the
chakra network's flow of chakra begins to flow faster, at a
more-productive pace, being able to use the Chakra-consuming Ninjutsu
and Genjutsu a bit more powerfully, and with more drawbacks on the
matter. With each Ninjutsu and Genjutsu used, the amount needed for
them are timed by the amount needed by the size of the chakra flow
through the body.

Third state: Life Giver - Jinsei Ataenushi

On the Third state, the right or left eye is permanently sealed to
become a bringer of annihilation to the mind and body. The color of the
eye is mainly Grey or a dark crimson, and the flow of chakra used in
manipulation is automatically doubled by the amount given off by any
Ninjutsu or Genjutsu. By the same marking the Chakra used in both terms
are doubled to it's highest state. The eye is also used in some of the
clans' forbidden Genjutsu, used to call forth a power which is harmful
to the target and the user. The eye will become more and more blurred
with each use of Genjutsu, degrading it to it's lowest state, and to
blindness. The chakra network, of overuse of the Chakra manipulation,
will cause in a complication of the chakra network, and be less able to
do Ninjutsu and Genjutsu.

Rank: Sage
Classification: S-Ranked
Village: Ex-Getsugakure no Sato./ Now: Konohagakure
Alignment: Nuetral

Appearance/Personality: Saruno Kazura (Complete) Toumaj10

Saruno stands about 7 feet, 4 inches tall, with a large cloak surrounding his upper torso and his lower part of the leg area. Yet this is his normal clothing. In other cases, the cloak can be a nice shade of black or white, maybe a hint of red/crimson in the center of the large hat he wears on his head out on the places he visits. With his feet of the uniform, he wears a pair of dense-wood sandals, keeping things, like rocks, grass and sand from his feet, he uses a small bit of a white sock on the sides of the wood-area, the straps hooking upwards around the large toe and the medium-area toe. These straps are mostly a blackish or a red color, depending on his mood. On another occasion, he can wear a short cloak, a nice shade of red or crimson, the hat he wears a streak of white and red. This is when he feels in the mood for some free time or some 'Other' ways of his entertainment. He also wears a small set of sealed bandages on his right optical, in which has a powerful 'Bloodline' sealing tag on the front of the optical, in which keeps back all effects of it. Because Saruno is of the Kazura clan, and possesses the ability to shape the hair color, wing colors, etc. with the temporal change of his emotions, his hair is mostly a nice shade of black when he is in his 'casual' sort of way. And last but not least, the wings on his back, when in a dark sort of way, are a nice shade of black, which absorb a lot of heat, in an obvious sort of way. The feathers on each of the wings are purely real, grown from birth and can have the ability to fly. When Saruno had the wings to a point where the cloak he was wearing didn't hold the wings all so snugly, he fitting the back of his cloak to two large zippers, where he can slip the wings from under his cloak to out upon his back, out of the snugness of the cloak.
Saruno Kazura (Complete) Vampir10
Advanced: When in such a state in a casual kind of an 'Advanced' battle state, he has the ability to . His eyes are just a plain crimson, or maybe a few streaks of white and black in between. He wears a full-length jacket that wraps around his torso all so snugly. This jacket contains a vast amount of chain, crossing over his shoulders and the sides of his stomach. With these chains at hand, he can swirl them off the jacket and use them for offensive of defensive purposes. There are also two bucklers that hand out in a 'U' like fashion, acting like small balancing area. In other parts of his body, he wears a small eye-patch on his right optical, keeping it from anyone sight. This eye patch is a nice black hue and covers his entire optic to the eyebrow and a small bit below. A string is attached to both sides to keep the patch stable. Due to a condition, he cannot remove the eye patch unless certain doom is upon him. Besides that, Saruno also wears a small gauntlet, on his left and right wrists, holding each a mechanism inside of them. These mechanisms are made purely of a steel-like substance, and can be utilized for the Raiton Elemental Release. The mechanisms can be hidden in the socket of it, and be retracted to over 2 feet in length. These metal spikes can also be used in offense and in defensive purposes. His black cloak has two long sleeve that have more-than-average sized couplings, giving room for the mechanisms to be in place.

Shy: When Saruno is in a shy state of mind, he tends to wear a set of white or brownish clothing, best suited for this kind of emotion. This clothing is best made as an arched-open shirt or jacket, and a set of brown/white pants, which have at least 2 or three side pockets on the end of the leg areas, below the main pockets. His hair is mainly shifted to a brown-type of shade, a bit within a shiny-sort of way. And a scary part of this state of Saruno's being, a set of pure 'Neko' ears lift up on his head, obviously making it a shy state. In this state, and saruno's type of emotion, Neko's are prematurely extremely shy, thus, being in this state of mind. He continues to wear the bandage over his right optical, nothing in between or anything else. But on occasion, his eye can return to it's normal state and be it's normal shade of red or brown. With the ears, small bits of hair can come out to the size of maybe a pencil, about four to ten hairs in each ear, to help with hearing, but they don't show that often, especially when he perks them back against his hair, to attempt to hide them.
Saruno Kazura (Complete) Thlove10
Berserk/Battle: Within Saruno's 'Berserk' state, many types of things overcome his body within mere moments of time. On his upper torso/arm areas, with the Blade of Chaos at hand, small bits of flame begin to first engulf the entire portion of the arm, causing small formations of black armor, detailed with the picture of a Falcon or Raven. Each inch of the metal-like substance created on the arm, small spikes appear near the edges of each, the detailed line of the wrist guard putting into a formation of a Raven, it's metal wings pushed outwards around his hand, keeping it on the sword at all costs. The Same thing happens with the other arm, putting the exact same image in it's format. While the flame travels across his upper torso, the chest plate armor forms with a bit of ease, the chest plate showing not much of his clothing underneath it, but burning it slightly away. As the blackness of the armor forms, it shows to have raven/black falcon pictures showing on it's right torso flank. Small lines, like an oceanic wave curves upwards from the left flank, up towards his skull. When it reached Saruno's skull, a purple flame begins to race over his head, forming a pitch black armor, curving upwards over his right eye, going just under the top of the hairline, showing the full picture of his hair, a dark color, black. When the armor forms on Saruno's wings and back, small curves of armor form on the stems of his wings, curving a bit more, but making sure they have enough room to be able to glide through the air with ease. Moving down onto the lower torso and the legs, armor is placed along the sides of his body, and around his crotch area, protecting it from harm in all ways around. As for the leg armor, the armor slides down the front and back of the legs, leaving the sides the only thing open for any kind of major contact damage at all. No armor is placed on the feet.
Saruno Kazura (Complete) Anime110
Normal/Everyday Life: Within Saruno's everyday life, which is his usual, emotionless state. He mainly has just his regular clothing, a typical white and crimson shaded jacket and bandages around his right eye.(Not in tone with pic.) The jacket contains of a small scroll in the center pocket in the left flank of the jacket, holding his Tou no Ranmyaku quite steadily. Just in case he needs to use it. Also, he keeps a steady amount of kunai and Shurican in his right sleeve, in case he needs to use it out of bounds. And that is the appearance of this type of emotional setting.
Saruno Kazura (Complete) Jiraiy10


Learned jutsus:
Dominant: Raiton
Reccesive: Suiton
Reccesive: Fuuton
Combined: Arashiton[Storm Release] (Suiton + Fuuton + Raiton)

Last edited by Crimson Crisis on Thu May 21, 2009 6:52 pm; edited 2 times in total

Crimson Crisis

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Saruno Kazura (Complete) Empty Re: Saruno Kazura (Complete)

Post by Crimson Crisis Tue May 19, 2009 9:46 pm

Basic Weaponry:
x40 Shurican
x40 Kunai
x10 Reels of Copper wire.
x20 Shards of Narusu Crystal(In a special pouch).
x80 Explosive Tags.
x2 Summoning scrolls.

Advanced Weaponry:
Name: Yuui -Purple Flame-


Yuui is about nine feet in length and is carried in a sheath that allows the effect of it's chakra draining still. Within the sheath's internal structure is small crystals of Narusu, making the unsheathing of the blade glow a small red light. The blade's color is mostly a silver to a black, depending on the state it is in. Within the armor state, the hilt, and the blade of the sword shift to a Crimson/Black mix, affecting Saruno by shifting onto his body and creating an armor that allows him to deflect most elemental ninjutsu. But when this state is active, it takes an enormous amount of chakra to actually pull off. When the state is done, all the parts of armor is instantly decreased back to the blade and returns to it's normal color/shade.

Within it's technique state, it begins to shift to an abnormal color, a shade of crimson, the hilt of a blackish color. It has an opposite effect of the armor state. It actually begins to absorb the elemental chakra from a technique, but takes the same amount of chakra from Saruno himself. It can utilize this to deflect and throw back the chakra with almost twice the power.

-Capabilities: Charged with enough chakra, the blade can fire bolts of concentrated chakra towards an object or person. Within the bolts, are Katon Elemental fires, which can burn through some high-density steel, but not all. Within it's 'Technique' and 'Armor' states, it can affect Saruno within moment's of it's direct contact. In a state of pure chakra, it begins to emit a purple-like flame from it's blade. All the rest shown above.

Story: Being centered within the depths of the cavern of sorrow, it was mended with the stone and material known as 'Materite', known for it's almost unbreakable nature. It is said that many have tried to break the accursed blade with many of the strongest man-made weapons in the world. But all have failed. Only a small damage has been dealt to the blade on it's great strain. This was thousands upon thousands of years ago. It was sealed away in the darkness of the cavern of sorrow for fear of it's great power. Only one who has mastered the art of the sword, and has power beyond any normal shinobi can wield the blade and be bestowed it's power of the darkness and Oblivion intent power.

About a millennium later, the Kazura clan began to find out the Tou no Ranmyaku, the blades of chaos and started to use them to their power in combat. Within the darkness of the blade's power, Yuui, was named the Second most powerful sword in the nine blade arsenal. This particular sword is named for it's limitless power, but also for it's chakra draining effect which drains the chakra of the wielder until they have little to none left in their system.


Name: Ninja Art Release • Seal of Stage -Ninpouton • Natsuin Dankai-
Rank: C-S
Description: There are 5 Stages in the Ninja Art Release • Seal of Stage Ninjutsu:

-First Stage: Seal of Chaos - Natsuin Ranmyaku -
Rank: C
Description: The seal of Chaos is set on the ground below the user, glowing with the color of the chakra used to place it down, creating a larger long-range radius for attacks based on the user's performance. The user can channel chakra through the area of the seal and throw small sphere-like chakra blasts through the air.

-Second Stage: Seal of Destruction - Natsuin Toukai -
Rank: B
Description: After setting the seal of Chaos down, the Seal will enlarge to a farther diameter, further increasing power over 2 fold. The ground around the seal will begin to shatter upwards and the user can use them to the advantage of throwing them at the opponent. If the opponent is within the boundaries of the Seal, the user can impact several hits against them when they form a large amount of chakra into their palms.

-Third Stage: Seal of Havoc - Natsuin Sangai -
Rank: B
Description: After setting the Seal of Destruction down, the seal will further enlarge to a diameter of 30 meters, increasing power to over 8 fold, causing major damage to the muscular system and chakra network after the use. Utilizing the abilities of the First stage, the user can cast more powerful channels of chakra blasts, more fierce than the last.

-Fourth Stage: Seal of Annihilation - Natsuin Kaimetsu -
Rank: A
Description: After setting the seal of Havoc, the user will have 4 more seals of Annihilation around them, setting on the four edges of the seal, further increasing power to over 20 fold over, causing major harm to the muscular system and chakra network to over half of what the user used in the activation of the technique. Utilizing massive power, the user can perform a larger amount of power to the opponent, the aim of the user increased to a point where they can pinpoint the target and utilize power beyond their normal standards. The spheres of chakra blasts will further increase in power as the aim increases as well.

-Fifth Stage: Seal of Oblivion - Natsuin Shitsunen -
Rank: S
Description: After utilizing the Seal of Annihilation, the diameter of the seal will increase to over 500 meters, increasing power and aim 90 fold. This will cause major damage on the muscular system, actions of the user, nervous system breakdown, chakra network destruction, etc., Causing more harm to the user than the other four seals. The power of the user, within it's inhuman state can impact heavier blows to the opponent with ease if the target is within range of the seal, seven more seals will
show upon the user, utilizing the chakra of that user and place it to a setting where the strength and power is increased to a point where they can shift strength to smash a boulder into oblivion with ease. The chakra blast spheres will increase in a size that a single sphere can cause a crater in the ground with absolute no problem, but takes a larger amount of chakra to utilize. Aftermath problems include the breakdown of the nervous and muscular system, along with the destruction of the chakra network, thus, killing the user in it's place. There would be no possible escape of death once this technique has been conjured, absolute death is certain.

[Non Elemental Ninjutsu • Regular Techniques]

Name: Kawarami No Jutsu -Replacement Technique-
Type: Ninjutsu
Rank: E
Element: N/A
Description: This jutsu lets the user quickly switch places with another nearby object, such as a plant (normally a section of a log), an animal, or even another person within reach, leaving the opponent open to a counter-attack. Explosive tags can be attached to the replacement for an added surprise. Fundamentally, all ninja know this technique.

Name: Bunshin no Jutsu - Clone Technique -
Type: Ninjutsu
Rank: E
Element: N/A
Description: This technique creates intangible clones of the user. The clones are simply illusions and will dissipate when they come into contact with something. The illusions can be seen through by the Byakugan and the Sharingan. A person with normal eyes can also distinguish the clones from the original, since the clones will not disrupt the area around themselves with their movement (won't kick up dust, crush grass, etc.).

Name: Henge no Jutsu - Transformation Technique -
Type: Ninjutsu
Rank: E
Element: N/A
Description: This jutsu allows the user to assume the appearance of another person, animal, or object. Fundamentally, all ninja know this jutsu. The transformation jutsu is considered to be among the more difficult E-ranked techniques, since it requires constant emission of chakra while mentally maintaining the form. On top of that, the user would be, most likely, interacting with the environment. This puts much mental strain on the inexperienced ninja.

Name: Nawanuke No Jutsu - Rope Release Technique -
Type: Ninjutsu
Rank: E
Element: N/A
Description: A basic jutsu that allows a ninja to free themselves if they have been tied up.

[Raiton Ninjutsu • Lightning Release Ninja Techniques]

Name: Lightning Release • Lightning Burst -Raiton • Raikou Ba-suto
Rank: B
Element: Raiton[Lightning Release]
Description: Lightning Release • Lightning burst is an advanced ninjutsu Technique. Utilizing massive amounts of chakra within the chakra network, with the
proper chakra control, the user can burst out a surge of lightning elemental chakra. This expelled chakra can push away most weapons and attacks in a blast from the body, and can block most Metal-type weaponry, Ranged attacks, and Close range attacks equal or lesser than the Rank of this technique. This technique takes a massive amount of chakra to utilize, and is not intended for extreme use. Techniques with Fast-paced fighting styles, and higher speed-like techniques can get past this technique. Also with the protection of the lightning it can block off most metal-like weaponry, anything else besides metal is a big weakness against it, which it means, anything heavier than 350lbs. can get past the extreme amounts of energy.

Name: Lightning Release • Shadow Lightning -Raiton • Kage Raikou-
Rank: A
Element: Raiton[Lightning Release]
Description: Raiton • Kage Raikou is utilized by Saruno Kazura. With the massive chakra Saruno possesses, he can use this jutsu without flaw. Moving a large portion of chakra within his left or right index and middle finger, he can form it into a condensed blast of chakra, in the form of lightning. Utilizing the lightning element, it can be almost matched with Ranmyaku Shitsunen. The Kage Raikou takes a large amount of Saruno's chakra, making it only necessary to use in a battle.

Name: Chaos Oblivion! -Ranmyaku Shitsunen-
Rank: A
Element: Raiton[Lightning Element]
Description: Ranmyaku Shitsunen is utilized by Saruno Kazura. Forming the needed hand seals, Saruno can use his chakra control along with this jutsu. Once active, tens, to hundreds of bolts of lightning would course through the ground or sky above him within moments, and the movements of the lightning can be controlled at his will. The lightning can still be dodged, but only with high speed equal to his own. Since this is such a high-leveled technique, it takes a large amount of chakra for each bolt of lightning to be conjured.

Name: Shadow Nova (Kage Shisei)
Rank: A
RP post: 2 (1 Charge)
Range: Short (5 ~ 10m) Medium (10 ~ 15m)
Element: ~
Description: Kage Shisei is an Advanced form of the Raikou Ba-suto technique. Forming the needed hand seals, the user will begin to channel great waves of lightning elemental chakra through their chakra network, and condensing it around their body, but keeping a precise amount per part of the body. If the technique does not keep a balance of chakra throughout the body, it will cancel, along with the chakra used in it. The body will release a large blast of Lightning elemental chakra throughout the area in a massive explosion around 10-15m in diameter, using a large amount of chakra with the blast, but will burn or destroy everything in it's path.

Name: Shadow Pulse! -Aneiparusu!-
Rank: C-A
Type: Ninjutsu
Element: Raiton[Lightning Release]
Description: Utilizing the ability to condense chakra into many patterns and formats, Saruno can channel a small amount of Raiton chakra into his left or right palm and release it in massive streams of chain-like patterns. This pattern can knock back other types of techniques, equal or lesser to the rank of this technique. But if charged with higher amounts of chakra, the rank can double and block higher amounts of attacks with just a simple Pulse. Since this is condensed chakra, it will look like black waves of energies, instead of the regular blue and yellow coloring.

Name: Shadow Wave! -Aneinami!-
Rank: B
Type: Ninjutsu
Element: Raiton[Lightning Release]
Description: Utilizing the ability to condense chakra into various patterns and shapes, he can condense a small sphere into the palm of his left or right hand and utilize it to it's fullest potential. He can smash his other hand, or smash it against an object or person and send a massive surge of dark lightning towards that area. Since it is a lightning elemental release technique, it takes a large amount of chakra to use.

Crimson Crisis

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Join date : 2009-05-18

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Saruno Kazura (Complete) Empty Re: Saruno Kazura (Complete)

Post by Crimson Crisis Tue May 19, 2009 10:32 pm

Name: Ultimate Shadow Lightning • Stage One [Kyuukyoku Kage Raikou • Dankai Ichi]
Rank: C
Type: Ninjutsu
Element: Raiton[Lightning Release]
Description: Unlike the regular Shadow lightning, the first stage of the Ultimate shadow lightning is simply to collect chakra within Saruno's body, beginning to allow him to channel it more effectively and more powerfully, within the third and fourth states. Since this is a powerful technique in one standard. Once enough chakra is stored up, Saruno is able to manipulate it's shape with ease, thus making some ease when going through to the next stage. The chakra forming is caused by expelling hundreds of chakra-like bubbles from his body, letting them form together in the next state.

Name: Ultimate Shadow Lightning • Stage Two [Kyuukyoku Kage Raikou • Dankai Ni]
Rank: B
Type: Ninjutsu
Element: Raiton[Lightning Release]
Description: Within the second stage of the Ultimate Shadow Lightning, Saruno is able to condense the Kage Raikou Sphere into a much more compact and more condensed version, with the ability to manipulate it's shape to something that would help in the process. While within this state, the sphere is simply non-attack able. Meaning, Saruno cannot attack within this state, until further states, this cannot explode or be used for harm. It'll vanish if tried. A constant watch on the chakra, and precision is necessary for the spheres to take it's place and go the right way. Wrong way, go poofness.

Name: Ultimate Shadow Lightning • Stage Three [Kyuukyoku Kage Raikou • Dankai San]
Rank: A
Type: Ninjutsu
Element: Raiton[Lightning Release]
Description: Within the third state of the Kyuukyoku Kage Raikou, this tension of the Kage Raikou sphere is doubled, maybe even tripled in power. When thrown or impacted on an object or person, it will immediately explode, unless called back or dismissed, but this takes a bit of time to dismiss, so it might take a minute or two to dismiss. This explosion can cause a massive increase in devastation if combined with another sphere of a regular Kage Raikou. Because of this motion, the Kage Raikou can be instantly increased in power if used within the next stage. Because this is such a powerful attack, it is recommended at Long-range, but if used at Close-range, Saruno can instantly use it while his opponent is near him, or around. This explosion can go up to 20 to 26m in diameter. A big explosion, if worth it. If used at close-range, while chakra is low during the channeling, Saruno could be severely injured, if not killed if it is a direct hit.

Name: Ultimate Shadow Lightning • Stage Four [Kyuukyoku Kage Raikou • Dankai Yon]
Rank: S
Type: Ninjutsu
Element: Raiton[Lightning Release]
Description: Within the final state of the Kyuukyoku Kage Raikou stage, Saruno can increase the condensed size of the Kage Raikou sphere and increase it's power almost infinitely. But still, it is limited to a range within this state. When increased, it can go up to a circumference of 40m, and it's explosion being only an Implosion. This implosion cannot be moved from it's spot, or injure anything outside of it's diameter, which is about 60m in size. With a powerful shockwave that follows it's movement. This shockwave can follow up to 60m, only to cause minor damage or simply move objects from it's path. Since it is of such power, this takes a massive amount of chakra, so it is only used once every few days. Due to it's massive effects, and drawbacks on Saruno.

Name: Raiton • Hanabi -Lightning Release • Fireworks-
Rank: C
Type: Ninjutsu
Element: Raiton[Lightning Release]
Description: Sliding either palm towards the sky, charging a small amount of lightning into the shape of a sphere, and about the size of a marble or bigger, depending on how big the firework, Saruno can fire one into the sky with ease, causing the spark to look like fireworks. In some occasions, it's not that big of a technique, nor much power, so it's name Fireworks for the effect of fireworks, nothing more.

Name: Raikou Shiseinara -Dark Nova Lightning-
Rank: A
Type: Kenjutsu
Element: Raiton
Description: When Saruno unsheathes, 'Yuui' from the sheath, he can strike more quickly, and with much more power. When Yuui moves, Saruno can channel certain amounts of chakra through the metal in the blade, charging it's power a bit more with each ounce of Raiton chakra he places into it. With his manipulation effect of his Kekkei Genkai, Saruno can have the illusion of a 'nova' when it hit against something, like an explosion. With the power of condensation of chakra, Saruno can condense the raiton chakra into the metal of the blade, and release it when it hit against something, when it does, it explodes to the point of a small nova, maybe about 5m wide. But, with the effects, it's takes time in order to do such, so it would take about 2 posts to actually pull off.

Name: Summon Lightning
Rank: A
Type: Ninjutsu
Element: Raiton[Lightning Release]
Description: Raising his palms to the sky, Saruno can summon bolts of lightning from nearby thunderclouds, causing his Raiton techniques to become more powerful in strength and power with the charge of actual lightning in his grasp. Yet, in some cases, the lightning can miss and hit Saruno, but the chances are slim enough, so it doesn't happen all so often.
[Non Elemental Techniques]

Name: Kage Bunshin no Jutsu - Shadow Clone Technique
Rank: B
Element: N/A
Description: Kage Bunshin is a Jounin level Ninjutsu technique. The normal Bunshin technique creates a copy of the ninja that lacks any substance. The Kage Bunshin distributes the ninja's chakra evenly among the clones and creates a real copy with form and substance. The clone itself can also utilize any jutsu the original ninja knows. When the clone finally disperses, any new knowledge it has gained is passed back to the original ninja and any additional clones. This makes Kage Bunshin an excellent training method if the ninja has the chakra capacity and stamina to maintain the Kage Bunshins for an extended period of time. This allows the ninja to essentially reduce the time it takes to train and learn with each clone added. This is especially true when used with Tajuu Kage Bunshin.

Clan Techniques.

[Kekkei Genkai Ninjutsu Genjutsu • Bloodline Trait Ninja Techniques Illusionist Arts]

[Genjutsu • Illusionist Arts]

Name: Dark Oblivion - Shitsunen Kurai
Rank: S
Range: Short (0 ~ 5m)
Jutsu Type: Genjutsu/Doujutsu
Elemental Affinity: N/A
Clan: Kazura -Kaosu-
Description: With the greatness of the Kazura Clan's Chakra manipulation, this can only be used in the third state, with the right or left optical of the member. With intense control of chakra, the user can spark this genjutsu to automatic envision, meaning that the user can use it by looking into the others optics(Eyes). The Genjutsu is supposedly to create a darkness, all around the user and the target, the user fading away, memories from the target's mind is extracted, the nightmares and terrible memories from long past is extracted, making them see it more realistically. The memories will tap into the nervous system of the target, making them see, feel, hear, and smell real, no matter what it is. The Genjutsu will degrade the will of the target by each memory or nightmare extracted from the target's mind, making almost every last piece of will vanish as they see what they fear and quiver in pain and suffering. With increased usage of the Doujutsu, the user's optical will become more and more degraded along with a higher chance of Blindness after each usage. This leaves the user immobile for three posts
[Ninjutsu • Ninja Techniques]


Name: Kakuhan no Chakra -Chakra Whip-
Rank: C-A
Range: Short (0 ~ 5m) Medium (10 ~ 15m)
Jutsu Type: Ninjutsu
Elemental Affinity: N/A
Clan: Kazura -Kaosu-
Description: With the efficiency of the Kazura clan's Chakra manipulation, a member can create a short-stemmed or long-stemmed whip with a little flaw in
the technique. A constant flow of chakra in the brim of the whip can keep it's painful strikes in a constant motion. A simple crack of the whip, charged with enough chakra can snap through skin in a second, and only a small density-kind of steel. Higher amounts of chakra and great amounts of training can easily increase the strength of the whip, being able to do as a member pleases.

Name: Tou Chakra -Chakra Blade-
Rank: B
Range: Short (0 ~ 5m)
Jutsu Type: Ninjutsu
Elemental Affinity:
Clan: Kazura -Kaosu-
Description: On the efficiency of the Kazura Clan's Chakra manipulation, a member can create a blade of pure chakra. The blade can be as hard as steel,
and as sharp as a dagger. The chakra of the member will begin to flow out from the desired point of the body, (arms, palms, etc), and begin to take shape into a blade. The amount of chakra used, depends on the size of the blade, and can be cast away by a higher-level technique.


Name: Chakra Blade Slash - Chakra Tou Tateru
Rank: B
Range: Short (0 ~ 5m) Medium (10 ~ 15m)
Jutsu Type: Kenjutsu/Ninjutsu
Elemental Affinity: N/A
Clan: Kazura -Kaosu-
With the efficiency of the Kazura Clan's Chakra Manipulation, a member can use this along with the Chakra Blade Technique. Within the Blade, a member can slash a large amount of chakra with the blade, causing a slash made of pure chakra, and can be cut through a small density steel, but travels in a straight line, making it easy to dodge. The length of the Slash depends on the amount of chakra within the body.

Name: Ultima Chakra Sword Slash - Kyuukyoku Tou Tateru 尾音節中心輪剣斜線〔カット〕
Rank: A
Range: Far (15m )
Jutsu Type: Kenjutsu
Elemental Affinity: N/A
Clan: Kazura -Kaosu-
Description: With the efficiency of the Kazura Clan's Chakra manipulation, a member can use this along with the Chakra Sword Technique. With the sword, the member can use a large amount of their chakra to create a slash of chakra more powerful than the normal chakra slash technique, being able to use it in a circular formation of the slash, not along the ground, but also in the air, if used in a circular slash. With the intense amounts of chakra being given off, the user may feel a bit worn out with the slash if used a lot of chakra beforehand.


Name:Angelic String Smash - Ultimate Pull
Rank: A
Range: Short (0 ~ 5m)
Jutsu Type: Ninjutsu
Elemental Affinity: N/A
Clan: Kazura -Kaosu-
Description: With the abilities of the Kazura Clan's Chakra manipulation, they can conjure this technique with little flaw. Channeling a large amount of chakra within the user's left or right fist, or a desired area, the strength of the muscular system will increase. If smashing into an opponent, the user can send the chakra into the impacted area of the opponent, creating a chakra string in the process. When pulled, the strength of the user with the chakra still channeled, can easily snap a bone, muscle tissue, etc in a slight movement of a wrist.

Name:Angel Strike - Ultimate Pound
Rank: B
Range: Short (0 ~ 5m)
Jutsu Type: Ninjutsu
Elemental Affinity: N/A
Clan: Kazura -Kaosu-
Description: With the abilities of the Kazura Clan's Chakra manipulation, they can channel chakra into a desired part of the limbs and induce a large amount of more striking damage than a normal hit to the desired area. If holding the channeled chakra too long or too short, it will disappear if not in a constant motion of chakra.

Crimson Crisis

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Saruno Kazura (Complete) Empty Re: Saruno Kazura (Complete)

Post by Crimson Crisis Tue May 19, 2009 11:23 pm

[Fuuton • Wind Release]

Name: Sunabokori - Dust Cloud
Rank: C
Type: Ninjutsu
Element: Fuuton[Wind Release]
Description: Fuuton • Sunabokori is a Ninjutsu technique utilizing the Wind Element. After generating Wind within his lungs, Saruno will use the additional power of natural energy to emit a large cloud of blinding dust.

Name: Mugen Sajin Daitoppa - Infinite Dust Great Breakthrough
Rank: B
Type: Ninjutsu
Element: Fuuton[Wind Release]
Description: Fuuton • Mugen Sajin Daitoppa is a Ninjutsu technique utilizing the Wind Element. While in his partially transformed his berserk form, Saruno can inhale a large amount of air into his chest cavity. He can then exhale the air in a large gust capable of turning back an incoming attack.

[Other Element Combination]

Name: Kurokumo - Dark Cloud
Rank: C
Type: Ninjutsu
Element: Suiton[Water Release] + Fuuton[Wind Release]
Description: Utilizing his ability to condense and manipulation chakra, Saruno is able to bend the chakra of the Suiton element into a mist, condensing the chakras within it's structure into the density of a cloud. Within this cloud, nothing more but chakra is within it, it can be easily struck down with a simple technique or impact on it's structure, and is key to most of Saruno's Ninjutsu that come down along with it.

Name: Ookikurokumo - Large Dark Cloud
Rank: B
Type: Ninjutsu
Element: Suiton[Water Release] + Fuuton[Wind Release]
Description: Utilizing his ability to condense and manipulation chakra, Saruno is able to magnify the amount of chakra used in the previous cloud technique to increase it's size to about the size of a thundercloud, but all the same attributes apply in the cloud, nothing changed but the size and ratio. Within this cloud, Saruno can manipulate the chakra inside of it with many types of his own elemental chakra, utilizing it to his advantage.

Name: Raui - Thunderstorm
Rank: B
Type: Ninjutsu
Element: Fuuton[Wind Release] + Raiton[Lightning Release] + Suiton[Water Release]
Description: Utilizing all of his elemental affinity, Saruno is able to utilize a 'Large cloud' in his elemental chakra, causing them to shift it's shape, form, and abilities to form a large cloud of a thunderstorm cloud. Moving his palms in a direct or indirect motion, Saruno is able to release condensed chakra from the cloud to cause rain to pour, thunder to roar, and lightning to strike. The thundercloud's abilities are limited to the amount of chakra actually placed into the form of the cloud. Being at a far distance from Saruno from the ground, it is easier, and much more capable for him if he glides closer to the cloud, using his wings.

Name: Taihou Ikazuchi - Thunder Cannon
Rank: S
Type: Ninjutsu
Element: Raiton[Lightning Release] + Suiton[Water Release]
Description: Utilizing the rain from the Thundercloud, Saruno can shift his wings, along with his arms facing in front of him, calling down a bolt of lightning towards the center most point within the arms and wings. Channeling the lightning through the chakra he placed within the center of his arms, he can charge it like a cannon, aiming at only one direction, and has deadly effects if impacted. Channeling most of his chakra through the length of his arms and wings, small sparks of lightning and his own chakra flowing through his arms. As this begins to charge, he can call upon the water around his being as a medium, letting him aim a bit more easily, the lightning still going in one direction. When fired, the bolt of condensed lightning bursts from the center of his arms/palms, a burst of power rippling through the area in which it was released, causing the air around Saruno to pulse a bit, causing a recoil in the attack, making him fly backwards, and if up against something, it'll be pushed, or shattered along with his body slamming across it, but it won't kill him all so easily. This quickly drains the chakra out of the user and causes minor deafness and scorched marks on the arms and hands.

Name: Ame - Rain
Rank: C
Type: Ninjutsu
Element: Suiton[Water Release] + Raiton[Lightning Release]
Description: Raising his palms to the sky, then downwards, or simply swaying one or two of his wings, Saruno can call upon his Suiton-elemental chakra through the clouds he had created, causing a slight or massive rain to pour upon the ground below it's being, causing a slight rain to form with ease. If used correctly, Saruno can use this as a medium for most of his Raiton-elemental attacks.

Crimson Crisis

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Saruno Kazura (Complete) Empty Re: Saruno Kazura (Complete)

Post by Crimson Crisis Tue May 19, 2009 11:30 pm

Clan Information

Name: Kazura

Clan Symbol: N/A

Settlement: Shichiyougakure

Significant Traits: Chakra Manipulation, Weaponry, Ninjutsu, Genjutsu.

Bloodline Limit: (Self) Chakra Manipulation, Ayatsuriryoku(Manipulation Power)

The Ayatsuriryoku was developed by the highest ranking members in the
Kazura clan around the time of the First shinobi war in the Continent.
The members discovered the Ayatsuriryoku to be able to manipulate the
surrounding chakra, their own chakra, into a formation of many designs
and patterns to fit the need of the Kazura, and being able to use
Genjutsu and Ninjutsu along with it. Similar to the Leaf ninja's
Sharingan, the Boukyakugan is able to use devastating Genjutsu and
Ninjutsu. The Members of the Kazura clan are to be able to use Earth
and Lightning elements in a well-patterned format if able to go to the
ranking of Adulthood (Like the Uchiha, they had to be able to spit fire
from their mouths in a great fireball to become an Adult.). The vision
of the Ayatsuriryoku user was set up into Three different stages, the
First state, the Second state, and the Third state.

Ayatsuriryoku - Manipulation Power

First State: Life Finder - Itonami Fainda

The first state was known as the 'Life Finder' (Itonami Fainda
[Japanese format]), which is able to manipulate the seen chakra around
the area into a weapon of choice, not made by Jutsu of any kind, and
marking of veins show up on the arms of the user, the chakra network
working it's way towards the manipulation process. The process of the
Manipulation is draining to the user of it's chakra, reason, the Chakra
expelled from the body cannot be placed back into the user because of
it's use, even with the greatest of chakra control cannot do so.

Second State: Life Flower - Seimei Kusabana

The second state was known as the 'Life Flower' (Seimei Kusabana
[Japanese format]), because of it's shifting chakra that can be the
shape of a flower in come cases. This state is able to use chakra in a
Genjutsu and Ninjutsu more effectively and more powerfully. Within the
use of the Second state, the veins of the user begin to show as the
chakra network's flow of chakra begins to flow faster, at a
more-productive pace, being able to use the Chakra-consuming Ninjutsu
and Genjutsu a bit more powerfully, and with more drawbacks on the
matter. With each Ninjutsu and Genjutsu used, the amount needed for
them are timed by the amount needed by the size of the chakra flow
through the body.

Third state: Life Giver - Jinsei Ataenushi

On the Third state, the right or left eye is permanently sealed to
become a bringer of annihilation to the mind and body. The color of the
eye is mainly Grey or a dark crimson, and the flow of chakra used in
manipulation is automatically doubled by the amount given off by any
Ninjutsu or Genjutsu. By the same marking the Chakra used in both terms
are doubled to it's highest state. The eye is also used in some of the
clans' forbidden Genjutsu, used to call forth a power which is harmful
to the target and the user. The eye will become more and more blurred
with each use of Genjutsu, degrading it to it's lowest state, and to
blindness. The chakra network, of overuse of the Chakra manipulation,
will cause in a complication of the chakra network, and be less able to
do Ninjutsu and Genjutsu.

Information of the Kazura Clan.:

Kazura have a Distinct specialty of manipulation of chakra within the
body, and can form a simple amount of the energy to become a weapon or
attack itself. With most Kazura, the attacks can be short timed, or
long timed, the attacks differ with the amount of chakra the user has
in his/her body, and can be immediately exhausted in a simple attack.
Differing between attacks and Jutsu, Ninjutsu and Genjutsu, the main
problem is the Taijutsu trait, meaning that only a few know the secret
Taijutsu techniques of the clan.

For Members with increased
skill of chakra control, the member can use chakra to his/her
advantage, and can use different styled types of chakra, not colored
chakra, but different shaped kinds of chakra, within the bloodline of
the Kazura clan. Yet the differing Kazura can have a special color of
chakra, on their limitations of chakra control to use that kind of

History of the Kazura Clan.

Beginning Arc
hundred years ago, far before any villages or land was decided between
the nations, there was always peace and prosperity, no wars, no
fighting to the death, like before them. The kazura clan was settled on
the To-be, Land of fire, where the Leaf village would surely be built.
Years pass, the kazura realizing their bloodline had been a special
one, the specialty of chakra manipulation. Long before the First
shinobi war, peace had still settled in the lands, the bloodline of the
kazura standing to even this moment, thousands of members, on a wide
piece of land. But the peace would not last long, a saying from a
member twenty years ago, an elder.

the first sign of war, The kazura quickly gathered their strongest and
most prestigious members of the bloodline, suiting them up for this
oncoming threat, their three major enemies from the four corners of the
continent, The Narame and the Amizaru, both masters of other types of
jutsu. All sides prepared themselves for the worst war they would ever
have to fight, the one for the freedom of their clan, to say free and
peaceful, but peace, was not what they did. The war began, the three
clans converged on each other, blades swinging, blood flying, people
dying, the worst war could offer. Days passed and nights continued, the
bloodshed never stopped, not once, they battered each other with maces,
axes, Swords, all of a different substance. At the brink of defeat at
the Kazura side, someone stepped up to take down the threat, even if it
cost her, her life. Yes, it was a female, the best female in the clan,
even greater than the men themselves, master of the most dangerous
Ninjutsu they had to offer, including the Genjutsu, Light of Oblivion -
Ranpu Shitsunen, And the clan's signature technique, Chaos Oblivion -
Ranmyaku Shitsunen. Hundreds of lives were killed on this attack, many
gone insane, the power of Sasina, the woman, was so immense, no one
could match her power, but it didn't last long. Grief filled the clan
as a single arrow swept passed her defenses, piercing her heart in an
instant, the chakra around her fading out, Sasina has fallen. With the
death of their prized Kunochi, they became more and more powerful, each
with anger against the other two clans, disrupting the entire flow of
the war, killing thousands of the other clans in mere moments, the
chakra of the clan bursting from their bodies itself! Not one member
backed down, all forcing their all in their onslaught, then darkness
fell upon the war, not much is known about the end, but we all can say,
it ended in bloodshed...

As the war
ended, many casualties were administered, many funerals have been taken
place. The Three clans have had their greatest clan members to appoint
a ambassador for the meeting being taken place at the wars' end. At the
meeting, the daughter of Sasina Kazura, stepped up to be the
ambassador, to see if they could become peaceful with each other.
During the meeting, two of the men from the two clans stepped forward
from their clans' to be ambassadors' for the meeting, with an intention
of making sure no war came forth again, with a cost. Two hours later,
the meeting ends, a paper is signed, a treaty, one that shall end all
wars between the clans, no matter what, and if any clan is threatened
to war, all three clans will be in the war with each other, fighting
the threat as one, but divided clans still stand.

Ten Years Ago
Years ago, on a faithful day of the Kazura clan, came the worst
catastrophe in the history of the clan, the annihilation of the clan. A
massive explosion in the center of the houses began to onslaught of the
destruction, ten figures stood in the flowing cloud of black smoke,
armed with a steel blade in each hand, burning with a eerie black aura,
as if they were demons themselves. Blood was split onto the ground,
lives were taken, burning through the number of Kazura in the clan,
house after house, leaving no one left behind in the houses. Yet, a
secret group of young Kazura fled, trying to escape the fiends, one
stepped in front of the ground, an unconscious young girl lay in one of
the kazura's arms, and the kazura tossed the girl to another Kazura,
saying that he would take on the enemy, and make sure the attacker
didn't go any farther. The attacker was killed, so severe, that the
kazura was slammed through several hundred trees on the jutsu he used,
but was caught by one of the fleeing kazura a mile away. A day later,
they arrive in a different village, and they were going to have to deal
with being an outcast from another village, and was sent to the Kage's
office of that village. They were accepted into the village, as long as
they kept their quiet about being from another village, the leader was
kind and generous, he let them stay in a small house on the far end of
the village, and made sure, they never were found.

clan now is small, about the same number of people as when they were
attacked. But one kazura left them, to pursue the ones who killed their
clan, and made sure they weren't going to get away with it, with all
his power, the kazura would use every last bit of strength he had, to
stop the killers in their tracks, even if he had to die to do so. Days
pass, the traveling clan kept going and going, to the seasons, they
traveled near and far, and settled in one spot, where they would begin
to reform the clan, no matter what.

Crimson Crisis

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Saruno Kazura (Complete) Empty Re: Saruno Kazura (Complete)

Post by Crimson Crisis Tue May 19, 2009 11:32 pm

[History of Saruno Kazura!]

Childhood Arc
Saruno was born at a ninja hospital in the Shichiyougakure area, with unusual traits in mind, even the medical ninja had problems with that kind of infant. He had markings of a soon-to-grow wings on his back, a seemingly inhuman amount of chakra, even though he was just born. It was amazing that a member of the Kazura clan had such traits when they were born, several of the members of the clan had respected Saruno for many years of his life. At the time he was 2 years old, he was already walking and talking, wandering about the streets of his clan's housing ring, only to be picked up by his mother, who took him back to their house. He lived with alot of his family, including his 3 brothers, 4 sisters, his father and mother, and two of his cousins, they lived in a rarely large house in the center of the clan housing ring, which was the home of the great Leader of the clan, known as Toshiro Kazura, who had mastered hundreds of jutsu in his time as leader of the clan. His wife was known as Sasina Kazura, named after the great hero of the clan hundreds upon thousands of years before their generation, she had a shy kind of personality around her family and friends, but not so much when she was exposed to a certain kind of crystal, which affected Saruno as well, due to his traits. The crystal was known as 'Narusu', a crystal found deep in the ground under a certain mountain in the Crescent moon country. It affected Sasina and Saruno by turning their emotions to rage and fierce power, it scared most of the members of the clan because of their power, banishing the crystal from the use of the clan, for fear of spread of the trait. At the time of 5, he had a half-set of wings, they had only grown so much as at the point where the feathers are beginning to grow, but not being able to fly yet. He was just starting to learn how to use his chakra as a source of his power, moving it around to move rocks, pebbles, and leaves around the streets of his clan housing area, moving them to make patterns in the dirt like a drawing, which impressed his father, Toshiro, on his use of his chakra. His brother, Kuroyami Kazura, showed him to use a simple technique to use with his chakra, a small sphere, about the size of a marble. He showed him how to play with the marble in games and such, telling him it was a great thing to learn farther in his life. He practiced it alot in his spare time, out of sleeping and eating, training his power with the fun he has, he used his marble trick to fool around with cats and dogs, laughing with joy as he did that.

About the age of 7, he had began his days at the academy. It was rough for Saruno in the days of the academy due to his, 'Condition'. His hair changed color with each mood he has, but only keeps the color by being one emotion, it changed from Light colors to Dark colors, and everything in between. This started to happen when he was first exposed to the 'Narusu' mineral when he was 5 years old. During the academy days, he began to train his chakra control to try and master a couple of the jutsu, like Bunshin no jutsu, and E rank jutsu like that. His older brother, who was a Chuunin at the time, taught him to use a couple E rank jutsu to work with great chakra control, and use them to the advantage of his chakra. Days past, then weeks, his chakra levels rose, and so did his chakra control, fulfilling the way of his clan. He had learned the ways of his clan's Ayatsuriryoku techniques and began to train them to his advantage. His power was unrelenting to whatever he practiced on, but got tired out too easily, he was still a young boy. His sister, Kairi, his oldest sister was always helping him out with his medical problems, and tried to help him out when he was practicing too advanced moves for his type of level. Even though his chakra was outstanding, he used it mostly up when he was training, but he never gave up on anything he trained on. This impressed his father very much. Around the third year at the Academy, when he was only 10 years of age, they put him to the test of the Bunshin jutsu test. When he came up to do his Bunshin, he was practicing a B Class move for years, even though it was only to call upon a single clone. He performed the Kage Bunshin no jutsu at such a level, even his teachers were impressed by this level of chakra. He had passed his days at the Academy.

Death to the Kazura -3rd Person Story begins-

The night was young, trees were swaying the breeze, leaves floating down on the air, towards the ground as it flew off the branches, a peaceful night, so or people thought of this full-moonlit night. The cerulean moon shined above the houses in a safe-like housing ring just outside a village twenty miles from the area, the place was calm, peaceful, lights in people’s houses off, the dark showing from the moonlight of the sky. It was the thirtieth of May, in the springtime of the country; flowers were blooming in the gardens of young gardeners, in window boxes of people’s houses, showing their bright, cheerful nature, it was a perfect season, for the perfect clan. Footsteps race across the ground, pounding against the brown dirt of the road before hundreds upon thousands of armored men. The men were running at high speeds, giant twin blades strapped to their back, shining with the blue moonlight above. They were headed in one direction, the housing ring of the Kazura Clan.

Darkness fell heavily onto the night, the moon blocked out by the clouds overhead, it was seemingly going to be the worst night, in the history of the clan. Two figures stand at the top of the Wall surrounding the housing ring, guards, each holding a large spear on their back, a blade in a sheath on their sides, ready for any encounter they may face. A sound of unsheathing swords was heard by one of the guards, ready for battle, the guard held onto the crimson hilt of the blade he had on his right side. Before he could even so much as move a muscle in that arm, blood fell. An arrow struck onto the center of the chest plate of the guard, piercing his heart in an instant; Amazing accuracy for the deadliest shot. Hundreds more begin to strike out onto the plain of the hills around the clan, striking the guards that surround it, but only few begin to strike back. Power is unleashed upon the attackers, smashing through the hills like a knife through butter, heads roll, blood flies; it was the battle for life and death.
Few remained with the attackers of the clan; many remain for the guards that protected it, worn out from the use of their energy, swords shattered in their palms. Bodies of slain guards and attackers litter the ground around the clan housing ring, blood soaking into the ground, it was a blood fest, and nothing could have stopped it, only destruction comes of fighting.

Two hours pass, the guards reform with new recruits, only in the dead of night, the sound of a wolf howls over the night, towards the moon above. A powerful surge of energy was felt by one of the guards at the top of the wall, feeling great pain with the power growing near. Two of the guards near him come forth to him, to try and calm him, but just left him alone, because of the calm he claimed to have, saying it was nothing. But it wasn’t, his arms were burning, the power growing near the area, making him just feel like he is on fire, screaming in pain with all the power he was feeling, crouching onto the stone floor below.

A blast of power ripped through the trees of the area around the guarding ring, shattering through the ground. Two guards stepped forward to the blast of energy, slashing their blades to the ground as another slash of power ripped through the other one, canceling it out in an instant.

The man who was in pain stepped up, his eyes as white as the purest snow, a large sword in his right palm, burning with large amounts of crimson energy, He jumped from the tower, stepping onto the ground below the area he was, 100 feet above where he is now.

Two guards on the ground ran to the man, asking what he was doing. Ten seconds later, blood flies on the ground below, limbs fall onto the ground, staining it crimson with the blood flowing out of them, two guards lay dead on the ground. Nothing could stop this man; his power was inhuman to any standard, power rushing through his veins, crimson energy flowing around him with an eerie red glow. This was the beginning to the end of the Kazura.

Days later, the man returned to the area, hundreds of men behind him, ready and armed for combat, swords in their hands, adamant armor surrounding them, protecting them from the pouring rain around them, the mud covering their boots. Clouds covered the sky, the moon shining above them, shining against their armor, brightening them up. The leader of the set of warriors stepped up to the front of them line, giving a war speech that frenzied them into a war cry, running towards the wall that protected the clan housing ring with swords raised.

A messenger bursts through the door of the clan leader’s house, the leader already sitting up on his bed, his right eye covered in a bandage, already knowing about the attack. He quickly got dressed in his battle clothing, swords on his back, two fingerless gloves on his palms, ready to go in an instant. After a few moments of thinking what to do, he immediately vanished from the room, appearing on top of his house, looking towards the flames of war at the other end of the housing ring, his cloak swaying in the cool evening breeze.

The biggest of the attackers ravaged through the gate of the housing ring, flames setting through the burnt areas. The adamant armor they were wearing had large spikes on their shoulders and torso area, bloodstains on them all, after killing over 50 guards on the wall, a bloodied sword in their palms. They were obviously the best of the attackers, meaning they were captains and commanders of the force. They had also large symbols on the fronts of their helmets, the symbol of another clan, a large dragon wrapping around a symbol of peace and war, meaning they were the Ukiku clan, the clan of war and oblivion.

The wife of the leader, who was lying on the bed with the leader, noticing the coverings on the other side of the bed, was uncovered. She quickly sat up, looking through the window on her side of the room, watching the flames of war rage through the gates around the clan housing ring, a horrified expression showing. Soon after, she ran out of the house, in only her nightgown, showing with the black outlining, a white trim around the neck and arm area, she was scared of what might happen to the rest of the clan if the guards of the clan didn’t protect them well enough to escape. Her name was Sasina Kazura, named after the hero of the clan hundreds of years ago, who helped save the clan from war, and from ultimate destruction. Soon after, she went back in the house; slamming her fist on the table she had near the door, alerting three children in the house, which they knew something was wrong.

Three of the children walked down the stairs of their two story house, their names were; Kairi, Saruno, and Kuroyami Kazura, three of the five children of the leader, which was of royal clan blood, each of their strength more powerful than the next. Their mother was tearing away at the sight of the flames of war she saw with her two cerulean eyes, watching the other clan members die off from the blades of the attackers, blood spurring onto the ground, heads rolling, limbs being ripped from their bodies, it was true blood shed. Saruno Kazura was the first to watch this happen, his heart sank, even at this young age, when he has mastered some of the clan techniques, he never knew about this attack until now.

Frightened at the sight of the flames of war, they began to run up to their rooms, only for their mother to stop them, beginning to speak to them what to do next. She told them to run from the area, making sure they get somewhere safe while the clan members begin to run out the attackers, even if they have to die to do so. Tears were streaming down her cheeks, looking back out to the flames of war and began to run out in her battle-like clothing, ready to fight to the end.

Kuroyami, the oldest of the Kazura family members, began to run upstairs to the bedrooms of the other two Kazura, waking them up and getting them out of bed and dressed, he was getting ready to leave. They took out their bags and filled them up with some of their clothes, a basket of food and stuff to find food with, and many other necessary items, ready to set out on their journey.

Crimson Crisis

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Saruno Kazura (Complete) Empty Re: Saruno Kazura (Complete)

Post by Crimson Crisis Tue May 19, 2009 11:34 pm

The biggest of the attackers ravaged through the gate of the housing ring, flames setting through the burnt areas. The adamant armor they were wearing had large spikes on their shoulders and torso area, bloodstains on them all, after killing over 50 guards on the wall, a bloodied sword in their palms. They were obviously the best of the attackers, meaning they were captains and commanders of the force. They had also large symbols on the fronts of their helmets, the symbol of another clan, a large dragon wrapping around a symbol of peace and war, meaning they were the Ukiku clan, the clan of war and oblivion.

The wife of the leader, who was lying on the bed with the leader, noticing the coverings on the other side of the bed, was uncovered. She quickly sat up, looking through the window on her side of the room, watching the flames of war rage through the gates around the clan housing ring, a horrified expression showing. Soon after, she ran out of the house, in only her nightgown, showing with the black outlining, a white trim around the neck and arm area, she was scared of what might happen to the rest of the clan if the guards of the clan didn’t protect them well enough to escape. Her name was Sasina Kazura, named after the hero of the clan hundreds of years ago, who helped save the clan from war, and from ultimate destruction. Soon after, she went back in the house; slamming her fist on the table she had near the door, alerting three children in the house, which they knew something was wrong.

Three of the children walked down the stairs of their two story house, their names were; Kairi, Saruno, and Kuroyami Kazura, three of the five children of the leader, which was of royal clan blood, each of their strength more powerful than the next. Their mother was tearing away at the sight of the flames of war she saw with her two cerulean eyes, watching the other clan members die off from the blades of the attackers, blood spurring onto the ground, heads rolling, limbs being ripped from their bodies, it was true blood shed. Saruno Kazura was the first to watch this happen, his heart sank, even at this young age, when he has mastered some of the clan techniques, he never knew about this attack until now.

Frightened at the sight of the flames of war, they began to run up to their rooms, only for their mother to stop them, beginning to speak to them what to do next. She told them to run from the area, making sure they get somewhere safe while the clan members begin to run out the attackers, even if they have to die to do so. Tears were streaming down her cheeks, looking back out to the flames of war and began to run out in her battle-like clothing, ready to fight to the end.

Kuroyami, the oldest of the Kazura family members, began to run upstairs to the bedrooms of the other two Kazura, waking them up and getting them out of bed and dressed, he was getting ready to leave. They took out their bags and filled them up with some of their clothes, a basket of food and stuff to find food with, and many other necessary items, ready to set out on their journey.A scream was heard from downstairs of the four bedrooms, it was Kairi, screaming as she passed out on the floor of the living room. Saruno immediately ran down the wooden steps of his house, finding a large man in a crimson and black cloak, holding his unconscious sister in his left arm, facing the other way than him. The man was about seven feet tall, a normal sized muscular man, a sword on his back, about half of his normal size. As the man turned around, he noticed Saruno behind him, turning to face him as he let up a small chuckle, a demented chuckle.

Saruno knew he had to save his sister from the man, so he drew his blade from the side of his robe, charging forth to the man; in a single second, the man slamming his right palm upon the blade, sending Saruno back to the wall behind him, shattering it slightly. He knew he was powerful, very powerful, so he had to use one of the clan’s forbidden techniques, the Dark Oblivion technique, used in interrogation to make the target fear what they see and hear, almost like oblivion itself.
A large spark of pain ripped through him as a crimson scar began to rise up towards his right eyes, covering it over in a dark eerie light. He was still laying on the ground, partly unconscious as the scar began to burn with great pain on his eye, making him scream in pain, in a new, darker voice, covering his eyes with his palms. The man looked over to Saruno, beginning to wonder what he was doing; beginning to take the blade out of its sheath on his back, the silver of the blade was burning with a cerulean energy, aiming the tip of the blade towards Saruno.

It was too late to figure an attack from afar when Saruno was activating the Clan’s secret technique, which was turning the right or left eye into a weapon of the mind, turning a deep Grey. When Saruno stood up from the floor, his arms limp at this side, he looked to the man before him, his right eye just making even demons themselves cry in pain. The glare of Saruno just pierced through the man, the iris of the eye swirling around with lines to the iris, as I the eye was a weapon itself. The man began to feel limp with his arms and legs, the room around him just seemed to melt away he stepped back, dropping Kairi and the sword in his palm, stepping back once more, towards the flame he had created when he broke in, the man was in the deep state of the dark oblivion technique, making him scream in fear as demons roamed around him, strapping his arms and legs in chains worst than hell. Only this was in his mind, everything was normal, just Saruno turning the man’s fears against him and turning hell to him through his mind, making him see, feel, hear, and even smell the fears, making it seem all too real.

Saruno took advantage of this moment, calling his siblings, who were already watching the scene, running out the door on an instant, going through their secret passage from their house to outside of the ring, which they made when they were younger. Kuroyami held Kairi in his arms, jumping from tree to tree, trying to outrun the flames of war behind them, leaving small footprints in the bark of the wood. Not too soon from their home, a large warrior stepped up in front of the, stopping them as they stepped on a branch on a tree near the edge of a stream, looking at them with the warrior’s crimson eyes. Saruno stepped up, still in pain from the technique he used earlier, he was going to risk himself for the safety of his family, and he told them to keep going while he held up the warrior. Kuroyami and the other fled the scene, the warrior looking at Saruno with a dark glare, telling him it was foolish for a boy to fight a warrior; which wasn’t all too foolish for Saruno, he was ready, even if it cost him his life.

The warrior moved up in his attack stance, moving towards Saruno with a dark glow of energy surrounding him. Saruno quickly moved his palm to the air, a blinding white light, beginning to tear through the trees, he was performing a dark move, which was only used when in extreme danger and only used by an older part of the royal family. Blasts of lightning surrounded the area, blasting through the ground, heading itself form the sky, energy was bursting from the heavens, smashing through trees, the leaves and grass around were burned, it was an ultimate attack, for the ultimate destruction. The lightning pierced through the guards armor, blood began to splatter onto the bark of the tree he was standing on, burning the blood as it passed by, this was the worst of fate, a small spark of the lightning began to charge, beginning to surge forwards, then sideways. Saruno didn’t expect the attack to go this far. Soon after, a large explosion ripped through the trees, burning through the grass, causing a large pillar of energy flowing up through the heavens, breaking through some clouds overhead, sending Saruno through hundreds of trees, heading in the direction of the running siblings.

A swift breeze begins to take place, Kuroyami and his siblings begin to walk through an open area in the dead center of the forest, after escaping a large blast of white energy behind them. It was madness. Fighting a person who was much stronger than he was, high above his normal level. This wasn't the end of it, nor was the beginning, this was the beginning of the end.

Moments later, Kuroyami began to enter a large, green plain the middle of the great forest, tired a bit from the sprint they had to do, away from the blast of energy racing towards them only moments ago, but vanished as soon as they found someone in that plain, it was Saruno. He gave the last of his strength, putting him into an unconscious state of mind, for defeating one of the strongest opponents he had faced in months to come. He had a small smile on his expression as he slept, his energy slowly building inside of him, he had defeated a strong opponent, one who could release ones’ self from the ‘Oblivion Darkness’ technique, which was to restrain someone into a deep, terrifying kind of trance, putting one’s fears onto that person. They had escaped the rein of terror, and the destruction of themselves, but had to run, from their own family.

This was the end of the rain of the Kazura clans’ greatness, and the downfall of the greatest clans in the world. Blood was splattered on the walls of the houses, or what was left of them. The great leader of the clan, slashed his way through hundreds of the attackers, not a single injury, blood on his blade, he was faced with one of the highest ranking members in the Ukiku clan, Azunara, the great master of oblivion. Toshiro was the great leader of the clan, master of chaos art, and the great master of the blades of chaos. Yuui was his blade of chaos*, the second most powerful blade in the nine blade arsenal.
The great battle commenced, the blade of Azunara was great in power and in speed, and it slashed through Toshiro’s armor with ease, making blood spatter on the ground below them. A cheating instinct kicked Toshiro into one of his clan’s houses, smashing through the brick walls of the great household. It was the end of the greatest Kazura, but also, the end of the great oblivion. Toshiro was not going to give up without a fight, not one bit.

A blast of power ripped through the ground around the household, knowing no one was in the house at the time, raising the sword in front of him as it aimed towards the man before him. The power in Toshiro was great, and also knew he would die either way, but he chose to die for his clan, and nothing else.

Once more, he pounded his blade against the ground to his opponent, shading a powerful, bright light through the air, sending the waves of power to every corner of the area. The secrets of the Kazura clan was great, he needed to make sure, no one took onto the Kazura’s secret, even though he had to leave the responsibility of reviving the clan in the hands of his five children. He smiled at the thought, letting his children take the torch of leadership. The wave of power rippled towards Azunara, sending the entire scene into an explosion so fierce, it made everything around him in an eighth mile diameter shatter into the air, creating a much larger scale of the dark technique.

As the blast recedes, he lays on the ground, his opponent lying dead before him, himself only partly unconscious. His wife, Sasina runs up to him, putting him in her arms as her tears flowed down her cheeks, telling him she would be nothing without him to comfort her, he was the only one for her, no matter what anyone says. Toshiro lightly grasped her left palm, holding it up to his cheek, saying he loved her, no matter what, and death couldn’t tear the love of them apart, no matter what happened. His grasp lightened as he let down a small cough, this was the end of Toshiro Kazura, the great leader of the Kazura clan.


10 Years Later

A dark wind passes through an open window in a large building, made entirely of a solid stone, granite. Tough rock; A lab resigns’ in the building, a giant glass tube in the center of the top floor, a man in the center of the massively shaped tube, wire and suctions cups placed no his chest and arms, he lays unconscious, floating in the water surrounding him. He has a small oxygen mask around his nose and mouth, keeping him alive and well in the tube. Saruno Kazura, that is the man in that tube. Even though he is half unconscious, he can hear some words that they are saying.

“Lower down the temperature of that water! Keep his power limited!” one of them shouts to the other. “
Stop it! I’m doing that now!” the other one shouts, and then reading the scale of power, it reads normal.
A swift wind enters through the open window of the lab once more, triggering a small mass of mice running silently across the floor. It was dull; they didn’t really see it, since they were so involved in arguing themselves to death. It was slightly annoying listening to them, hearing their damned conversations, every last word, he hated being the one stuck in the tube, and it was annoying. He couldn’t do anything, he was a lab rat. They had found a survivor of the Kazura clan and wanted to test his power to see if they can restore it. Yet he didn't really think so. It’s not that easy reviving such an ancient form the Kazura clan’s hard work just by copying it, it’s not that easy being him or his brothers and sisters.

Crimson Crisis

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Saruno Kazura (Complete) Empty Re: Saruno Kazura (Complete)

Post by Crimson Crisis Tue May 19, 2009 11:36 pm

He begin to close his eyes, drifting off in a deep sleep, which is the only thing he can really do when he is in there. His charts read normal as he slept. A dream. That’s what he was having until he met a memory which triggered something in his emotions, something bad. A surge in power showed up on the charts: maxing it out on the red. He didn’t know what that meant on the chart, but in his dream, he saw a mirror, seeing himself in that tube, hearing the men just shouting, “His power levels are off the charts the glass can’t handle the pressure, it’s going to break!”

He woke from unconsciousness, this time completely; his arms were just burning with power, as if they were on fire. Saruno's nails just grew to a length where he could tear something out of someone’s chest. He was nothing but a monster. Energy raced across his arms, legs, torso, everywhere. The glass soon shattered his feet land on the moist floor below them. He had entered his Berserk state.

After the cords and plastic was cut off from him from the sharp needles of chakra flowing around him, he looked to the two men before him, a dark glare in his eyes, he didn't enjoy being tested, especially when he has to be out protecting his family and friends. Raising his palms to them, a blast of chakra ripped through the ground around him, shattering the entire building into a mess of stone and rubble, blood spattering everywhere on that rubble, bones remain shattered on the ground where he lay upon the power of his rage. Nothing was going to stop Saruno of his destiny, no one. After that moment, he remains standing in the middle of a deep forest, only dressed in a pair of undergarments. He was slightly embarrassed at this fact, only having his shorts on, but he just unfolded the wings on his back, shattering the straps that held them, and let the wind flow by the flattened feathers, cooling down it's raging heat. He let down a small sigh at this relief, being as free as a bird once more, yet he knew he had to find his family, and fast.

Opening his wings he began to fly off, intent to find his family once more, reunited. After he found them, not too far off in a village, they greeted him like they always did when he was captured, joyous and heartwarming of the Kazura females gave Saruno a little gift for only being in his shorts. He enjoyed this to the greatest extent of his power, many other ways as well.

The Blade of Chaos: Yuui

After scavenging the continent for months on end, finding nothing of the existence of the Tou no Ranmyaku(Blades of Chaos), Saruno began to feel the need to give up on the search for something to help him and his family feel a bit safer. Days pass, then weeks, Saruno only finds rocks, pebbles, boulders and empty caverns, nothing. A day passes in December, a deep chilling wind drives Saruno into a large cavern, about 100 times bigger than the caverns he had previously entered to find a Tou no Ranmyaku. A dimming light emanates at the end of this cavern, making Saruno wander slightly to it. Traps are sprung on a small step of a stone, poisonous darts, spears race through the holes in the wall, only to be narrowly dodged by Saruno, steep escapes, almost nothing hitting him. Darts prick into his skin, making him slightly weaker at the notion of pain, numbing at the prick. It was torture for being struck by poisonous darts, the pain of it all. He let out screams of pain as chakra tore through everything around him, making him run, not jog, to the glowing light that seemed to glow brighter and brighter with each motion, getting closer to his target.

Saruno quickly stopped at the edge of a large, dark cavern, looking out to a sword in a large stone across a 5000m drop, 60m across from his location. The hilt of the blade surged with powerful amounts of chakra, purple chakra, and a small purple flame racing across it's borders. It was the blade of chaos, Yuui. Named 'Purple flame' because of it's special characteristic. Seeing the flames from across the cavern, he wondered at the amazement of it. Just keeping his calm, he stepped forward, slightly amused at the sight of the blade.

Smashing his left foot against the ground, he leaped across the great 60m cavern length, landing on the ground where the purple flame just barely touched him, but rages behind him, calm, but fierce. Gazing his eyes upon the great blade before him, he had finally found a blade of chaos, to protect himself and his family. He reached out to grab ahold of the hilt, but surged backwards, falling onto the ground below him. It had a protective barrier around it, keeping it from anyone's touch, unless it was the right person to touch it. Swirling his chakra around below, he stood up, keeping the chakra stable, but moved it around the barrier of the hilt, making it vanish in an instant, along with the chakra used. It shocked Saruno to watch it flicker with no motion of himself. It was simply, amazing. Grasping the hilt of the blade, he was teleported back to the entrance of the cavern, the sun shining overhead. He had the blade of chaos, in his possession.

Last edited by Crimson Crisis on Thu Jun 18, 2009 3:03 pm; edited 1 time in total

Crimson Crisis

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Saruno Kazura (Complete) Empty Re: Saruno Kazura (Complete)

Post by Crimson Crisis Tue May 19, 2009 11:49 pm


Look I wanna say that I'm really sorry for not using your Sites template.

-The reason is that I'm using cell phone and I'm not allowed to use the computer duting the week. . . So Yea. . . Sorry

Anyway Diabloss this is the character I will use. . .

Crimson Crisis

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Saruno Kazura (Complete) Empty Re: Saruno Kazura (Complete)

Post by Guest Wed May 20, 2009 8:05 am

USe the Ninja Nation template <<


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Saruno Kazura (Complete) Empty Re: Saruno Kazura (Complete)

Post by tradebuzzing2 Wed May 20, 2009 8:48 am

Well, besides the not using our template part, this looks like a great app. You have a lot of jutsu, and your history is ok. You will probably make the next Sage, however, I'm not sure, if you are going to get to use another animal. I think we are sticking with Toad sages, only. I suggest asking Ginko.


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Saruno Kazura (Complete) Empty Re: Saruno Kazura (Complete)

Post by Crimson Crisis Wed May 20, 2009 9:50 am

Well thx on the comments, but I won't be able to gettt onto a decent computer until Friday. . . . So If I really need to use the template can you save the slot open . . .

Crimson Crisis

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Saruno Kazura (Complete) Empty Re: Saruno Kazura (Complete)

Post by Guest Wed May 20, 2009 1:38 pm

your spot is guaranteed, as soon as you use the proper template, that is my word, and my word is good.


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Saruno Kazura (Complete) Empty Re: Saruno Kazura (Complete)

Post by Crimson Crisis Wed May 20, 2009 5:50 pm

Ok, but I wont be on until Friday. . . .

Crimson Crisis

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Saruno Kazura (Complete) Empty Re: Saruno Kazura (Complete)

Post by Aki Wed May 20, 2009 6:42 pm

Oh and um... the next to last picture... could you um change that?

I kind of already used it...... Click

Remember guys... But yeah, nice creation. I will read up on all of this most likely... (whenever I get done with school).

Side note: I thought I was done... but apparently I'm not, I just got like two more projects.... I won't be back til June.

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Saruno Kazura (Complete) Empty Re: Saruno Kazura (Complete)

Post by Zen Thu May 21, 2009 8:20 am

Ah another thing you didn't have to post everything you had for your character in this one little thing,such as jutsu and stuff theres threads for that. But still its good!
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Saruno Kazura (Complete) Empty Re: Saruno Kazura (Complete)

Post by Crimson Crisis Thu May 21, 2009 9:59 am

Thx Zen, Sorry bout it anyway. . .

It's been a long time since we lasy Me Copy Wolf Ninja. . . .

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Saruno Kazura (Complete) Empty Re: Saruno Kazura (Complete)

Post by Crimson Crisis Thu May 21, 2009 6:54 pm


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Saruno Kazura (Complete) Empty Re: Saruno Kazura (Complete)

Post by Kyouken Uchiha Thu May 21, 2009 7:31 pm

Ok, the character is approved


All of the following:
Kekkei Genkai
and any other micellenous items

must be in the other forums
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Saruno Kazura (Complete) Empty Re: Saruno Kazura (Complete)

Post by Aki Sat May 23, 2009 7:19 pm

Change the next to last picture. I've already used it.

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Saruno Kazura (Complete) Empty Re: Saruno Kazura (Complete)

Post by Zen Sun May 24, 2009 12:01 am

Eh? we met before?
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Saruno Kazura (Complete) Empty Re: Saruno Kazura (Complete)

Post by Sheiken Hyuga Sun May 24, 2009 3:49 pm

I think that the 2nd state is sort of like hermit mode, or Sage mode.
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