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Chisoku Clan

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Chisoku Clan Empty Chisoku Clan

Post by Jin Chisoku Fri Dec 26, 2008 8:43 pm

Name: Chisoku

Founder: Koutei Chisoku

Location: Waterfall Village

History: From the very beginning of the title of shinobi, the Chisoku have been in exsistance. They stemmed from the very first line of other shinobi, but rather than hold to the ninjutsu arts, they focused more on physical strength, and even more so speed. They soon became taijutsu masters, and every clan member was assumed to follow suit. Four legendary members went on to become known as the 'Fukei', aka the "Guardians". These members comprised every known taijutsu element, while discovering new ways to expound on the human body's limits other than opening the chakra gates. But, because of the secrecy, the four legends on are known to the Chisoku, and as well as their techniques.

From there the Chisoku clan became assassians for hire, working out of the Waterfall Village. They formed task squads much like the ANBU, but each one was supposed to be able to take down any Kage, at any given time. Of course, this is the reason why only 1 group graduated every 2 years. During the transistion period, Hiro Chisoku, a direct blood line relative, took over. He had in mind to make a weapon of unimaginable strength. And he achived his dream, much to his dimise. During the training of this animal, the clan suddently disppeared, and for unknown reasons, has not come back. It is rumored that during the last period they started to discover an ice blood line limit, but nothing can be backed by fact.

Requirements: *ooc* You will have to pm me, and I assure you, you have a very small chance of getting in.

Current Members: Jin Chisoku
Jin Chisoku
Jin Chisoku
S-Ranked Missing-Nin
S-Ranked Missing-Nin

Posts : 185
Points : 105
Reputation : 7
Join date : 2008-11-20

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