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The Kaosu Clan

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The Kaosu Clan Empty The Kaosu Clan

Post by Crimson Crisis Fri May 22, 2009 4:35 pm

Name: Kaosu

Founder: Unknown


• Kazura: Demon Country

• Narame: Land of the Moon

• Amizaru: N/A


The Kazura (-First Branch-)

(This just a Branch)The Kazura clan was founded nearly over two millennium ago, near the edge of the beginning of the continent's great divide. The clan had it's power to manipulate chakra around the age of the First shinobi war, nothing less. The Kazura have a distinct kinda of specialty to manipulate chakra to their own free will, shifting it to weapons, explosions, anything they desire. The Kunochi of the clan regularly train themselves for harsh conditions, sweat-breaking exercises, the worst they can imagine as for the men of the clan, they have to train to the brink of death itself in order to complete the training of which they are needed. The training includes the intense heat of the desert, for Endurance, along with that for the freezing cold of the tip of mountains. They trained their manipulation of chakra in each area, for their Kekkei Genkai, Ayatsuriryoku, can only respond to a great will, and a powerful mind and body.

Narame Branch (-Second-)

Information: This particular Kekkei Genkai was founded by the Narame after finding a cavern full of a special crystal, known as 'Narusu', dangerous to the Kazura bloodline. These crystals were then formed to the Narame bloodline, through endless generations of the clan, many of them were prosperous in finding ways of their power over crystallization of chakra, in different shapes and forms of marking themselves with crystals at birth, and through mating through clans. Even with this in mind, the Narame men have always been training with their Kin and family. The women of the clan also trained hardly in severe situations, some of them pleasantly, some not. This so called, 'Crystal' is placed on the middle forehead and 'Manhood' or 'Womanhood' area of a ninja when at birth.

The Markings of the Ninja at birth are depended on what emotion they show when they are born. When they cry, they get a markings of a serpent on their back, made with chakra. When they are happy when they are born, they get a dragon marking along the side of their arms and legs, showing the intent of power through them. Any other emotion is placed with a marking of a snake, showing the intent of a slow, easygoing kind of ninja.

The crystal implanted within the user at birth grows with the chakra it feeds off of during the course of the ninja's life. At childhood is the time when the crystal is growing the most, protecting the ninja from most Taijutsu and Ninjutsu tactical attacks. The crystal can be easily manipulated at a certain age of the ninja, around the age of Chuunin and Jounin is the best age for the manipulate of the Crystal. Since this Kekkei Genkai was birthed in the Land of the Moon, this technique works much better in the darkness, more than the light. When the Crescent or full moon of the night is out, power of the crystal is manipulated at a better pace then a regular type of manipulation.

The Crystal is a dangerous sort of crystal, known for Absorbing chakra to a point where it can kill a user if too exposed to it. But when a ninja is implanted with the crystal, it actually absorbs the chakra and stores it for later use on the life of the ninja. Maybe to save their life, maybe for different kinds of purposes.

Amizaru Branch (-Third-)

Information: The Amizaru are a powerful clan, with many drawbacks and ultimate desires of each. Within the war of the Kazura and Narame clans, they had many difficulties with crops, fighting tactics, and many other disabilities for the clan. They had to rely on the distinct help of the Narame in the war to at least back down the Kazura. After that war, this clan was founded to a peaceful kind of life. Sustaining a lot of members in it's process.

Kekkei Genkai: Makaiame -Hell's Rain-

Makaiame is a Kekkei Genkai similar to Hidan's 'Janshin' sorta religion. The member, when at birth is sealed into him/her a special amount and color of chakra, ranging from white to black and multicolored. Each members sealed with this kind of chakra is completely oblivious to it's effects until they reach a certain age to it's revealing kind of way. This kind of Kekkei Genkai is sorta too much for an inexperienced kind of ninja and may die from the overflowing amounts of chakra or maybe just burning to it's overwhelming effects on the body.

The colored chakra is based on 'immortality' effects places with a seal on the ninja's forehead and upper part of the chest. If either seal is pierced, the immortality effect is removed and completely shattered. Meaning if the ninja is attacked in those two places their motion of life is released from the body and it instantly breaks down. Thus, killing the ninja.

The Techniques of the ninja vary on the color and strength of the seal on the ninja. Based on which, are hell based and 'Katon' element used.

SpecialInfo :

• Kazura: All have angelic wings and the abilities of flight.

• Narame: Teal markings running along arms/ Crystal Manipulation.

Amizaru: Hair color depends on Main Element/ Immortal, but can only use one Main Element.


• Kazura: N/A

• Narame: Must Be born into it.

• Amizaru:Must be born into it.

Current Members:

• Kazura: Saurno Kazura (Clan Deceased)

• Narame:
Leader: (Open)
(All other positions are open for this branch)

• Amizaru:
Leader: (Open)
(All other positions are open for this branch)

Crimson Crisis

Posts : 15
Points : 21
Reputation : 0
Join date : 2009-05-18

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