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Wyn's lightning list

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Wyn's lightning list Empty Wyn's lightning list

Post by Wyn Mon Dec 22, 2008 2:54 am

Name: Volt Tap Jutsu
Rank: C
Range: Close combat
Jutsu Type: Ninjutsu
Elemental Affinity: Lightning
Rank Used at: Genin
User focus chakra into tips of their fingers and fuses it with electrical energy. They then tap the foe, which uses the electrical current to cause muscle spasms. The opponent could be unable to attack correctly for a few seconds using the area that was attack, because if they tried to flex or bend their muscles, they would freeze up. This effect only lasts for a few seconds.

Name: Lightning Style: Sparratic defense Jutsu
Rank: C
Range: Radius of 7ft
Jutsu Type: Ninjutsu
Elemental Affinity: Lightning
Rank Used at:Genin
User builds up chakra in their center of themselves. They the use hand seals, then release the chakra in the form of electrical energy. This creates a shield that surrounds them completely for a few seconds. Wind chakra though would break through and negate the shield, dispersing all the chakra.

Name:Electric Field
Range:Radius of five feet
Jutsu Type:Ninjutsu
Elemental Affinity:Lightning
Rank Used at:Genin
Does necessary hand seals creates an aura of light electricity that spans for five feet around the user. This slows down the enemy's movement(reduce amount depending on rank) by slowing the signals in between muscle and brain. The aura of light is invisible to the human eye.Which means that a bloodline can be used against it.

Name:Volt One Shot
Range: Medium-long
Jutsu Type: Ninjutsu
Elemental Affinity: Lightning
Rank Used at:Genin
A powerful quick shot of electricity shot from the hands, that has a limited amount of use. It is shot with the fingertips of the Tiger seal. Paralyzes opponent or can be deadly. This has the ability to rip through Forest and ground but leaves the user fatigued for a few seconds.

Name: Volt Strangle
Range: Close Combat
Jutsu Type: Ninjutsu
Elemental Affinity: Lightning
Rank Used at: Chuunin
The user has chakra sent to his hands and forms it into Electric energy. The user grabs the opponent with his hands and sends Electric energy into their body to disrupt the use of that part of their body. This means that they are paralyzed for 45 minutes.If Wyn grabs them for too long the opponent would be paralyzed for 2 hours. This causes extreme pain at first but soon after, they become numb on the part where paralysis occurred.

Name: Lightning Mine
Range:Diameter of 20 feet
Jutsu Type: Ninjutsu
Elemental affinity: Lightning
Rank Used at: Chuunin
The User makes necessary hand seals and send out electric energy in a diameter of 20 meters. Any organism inside that that field of electricity is instantly attacked with a Bolt of lightning paralyzing them for 20 minutes. The lightning sent is very fast and comes from all side when in the field. Once it hits all organisms in the area, the field shuts down and dissapears.

Name: Spark Feet
Rank: C
Range: Close Combat
Jutsu type: Ninjutsu
Elemental Affinity: Lightning
Rank Used at: Chuunin
The user send sparks of electric energy to their feet. This cause movement to double. They are a blur to the naked eye. However, their foot steps most have contact with a solid object first before moving quickly. This justu has no damage potential whats so ever. At the current level of the user, he can perform this jutsu for hours without seeing the affect it has on his chakra.

Name: Volt 2 Shot
Range: Short-Long
Jutsu Type: Ninjutsu
Elemental Affinity: Lightning
Rank Used at: Chuunin
The user gathers most of his energy into his hand and focuses it with a Tiger seal. He releases a Very large Lightning bolt that is Bright white from his index finger. It is 12 feet tall and 12 feet wide. The affects of the jutsu are 1 hour Paralysis. The only way to block it is with a wind jutsu of the same Level or to be carried away by a water current. Although, the water then becomes very powerful as well, needing to be dealt with carefully. It would pierce through the jutsu only doing half the damage it would normally. The Enemy is Still paralyzed for 30minutes though. The jutsu has a 2nd Function. There is Constantly electricity around the Lightning Strike at looks for things to connect to. So even if you were to try to block this with a sword the electricity would connect with it only for a second then hit you as well. The user can use this twice a day Until Sannin and kage. It also carries the effects that Volt one shot has(Above).

Name: Spark Clones
Rank: B
Range: Radius of 30 feet
Jutsu type: Ninjutsu
Elemental Affinity: Lightning
Rank used at: Chuunin
The User makes clones of himself. The clones are exactly like the user. He can make up to five of them without loosing to much chakra. The can be around for ten minutes before they dissapear. When the enemy touches them, they are shocked and phased leaving them open for attack. Each clone has two percent of the user's chakra given to them. They can damage the opponent with Taijutsu and with their swords.

Name: Spark Thrust
Rank: C
Range: Medium
Jutsu Type: Ninjutsu
Elemental Affinity: Lightning
Rank Used at: Chuunin
The User uses an Advance form of Spark Feet. It allows for even quicker movement but slightly more chakra effort. At the current level of the User he can use this jutsu frequently without noticing the effect it has on his chakra. This jutsu is meant to only be used as to quickly end a fight or to quickly evade an attack of the same level.

Name: Lightning Style: Orb of Imprisonment
Rank: A
Range: Medium
Jutsu Type: Ninjutsu
Elemental Affinity: Lightning
Rank used at: Jounin
The user does some necessary hand seals and ends it with the one handed bird seal. The user then points the tip of their hands with the bird seal still be done at the opponent. A Ray of Electricity comes out and surrounds the opponent in an orb. The jutsu is used to catch an enemy within a prison of electric chakra. The walls of the orb will shock you if you come in contact with them. The way to break through the jail is to use a jutsu of a level higher than itself. Both Inside and outsides of the orb are as strong as previously stated.

Name: Volt 3 Shot
Rank: S
Range: Short-Long
Jutsu Type: Ninjutsu
Elemental Affinity: Lightning
Rank Used at: Sannin
Clan: N/A
The User Does the Bird seal with one hand the Tiger with the other. He then performs the Orb of Imprisonment Jutsu and the Volt 2 Shot jutsu. He then over laps the hand seals and combines the jutsus. The Volt 2 Shot jutsu is Imprisoned in the Orb of Imprisonment jutsu. The Orb of imprisonment is shaped differently though. Instead of an Orb it comes out as a Beam about a foot long in diameter depth. The Volt 2 shot is inside the beam and with the little space it offers the Electricity becomes concentrated to an extreme level. It pierces through any Jutsu that is of a Lower rank. It kills instantly and rips through their skin. If they don't die, they are paralyzed for life.

The side affects are that the user is unable to use any other jutsu for his chakra has been completely drained. The user is also paralyzed for 3 days as well. The User's Paralysis begins about a minute after using the jutsu.

Name: Spark Flash
Range: Medium-Long
Elemental Affinity: Lightning
RUA: Jounin
Even further advancing and becoming used to extreme speeds, Wyn makes the final advancement in the original Spark feet technique. Much stronger than Spark feet and spark thrust, this jutsu requires complete attention to where the user is going. They apply lightning energy to their feet and move at extremely fast paces. Anyone lower ranked than the user wouldn't be able to keep up with this jutsu unless they had some ability to watch extreme quick movements or perhaps, slow them down.

Name: Spark Burst Clones
Range: Diameter of 7 feet/Movement ability, Diameter of 60 feet.
Jutsu Type: Ninjutsu
Elemental Affinity: Lightning
RUA: Jounin
These clones are packed with more electric energy than the normal spark clones. The user can make these clones burst upon will and will send electrical energy flying out in all directions. They will also detonate if struck open. The electrical energy will give the opponent discomfort when moving and if hit by many will numb the opponent.'

Last edited by Wyn on Mon Dec 22, 2008 3:16 am; edited 1 time in total

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Wyn's lightning list Empty Wyn's water and storm list

Post by Wyn Mon Dec 22, 2008 2:55 am


Name: Mizu bunshin no jutsu
Rank: B
Range: Radius of 30 feet
Jutsu Type: Ninjutsu
Elemental Affinity: Water
Rank used at: Chuunin
The user makes some hand seals and creates water clones. The clones are exactly like the user carrying any weapons that the user does. The weapons are also made of water making any effects that the real weapon would have disappear beside being pointy. The Clones will disperse with one hit but the user can regenerate them from the puddle they leave behind at will. This cost some chakra effort to regenerate them though. With a rank larger than necessary, someone could make an extremely large amount without noticing the effect it has on their chakra.

Name:Suirou no Jutsu(Water Prision Jutsu)
Range: Short
Type: Ninjutsu
Elemental Affinity: Water
Clan: None
Rank used at: Jounin
The User creates a large Sphere of water around the enemy. The User must keep his hand in contact with the sphere at all times. It is very difficult to escape and a Water clone could perform this jutsu.

Name: Water Dragon Jutsu
Rank: B
Range: Medium
Type: Ninjutsu
Elemental Affinity: Water
Clan: None
Rank used at: Jounin
The user does a large amount of hand seals near a large body of water. He then creates a Dragon made of water from the large body of water. The dragon is able to move at the will of the user to attack. It will drown the opponent and thrash about them to cause damage. He must keep the last hand seal on at all times or the jutsu will end. He cannot move while he jutsu is being performed either.


Name: Flash Flood
Rank: A
Range: Medium
Jutsu Type: Ninjutsu
Elemental Affinity: Storm
Clan: Dao
Rank used at: Jounin
The user makes a series of hand seals to create a storm cloud dense with water. He then releases the water from the Cloud to flood a large area. This will send the opponent thrashing about in the flood bumping into solid objects. There is a high possibility of drowning because of the strength of the water pushing against them. This jutsu will create a large body of water around them. Requires a large amount of Chakra.

Name: Destroy the Composition
Range: Medium
Jutsu type: ninjutsu
Elemental Affinity: Storm
Rank used at: Sannin
The user focuses all of his chakra around the field around him. He then uses his kekke Genkai to strip away one of the compositions in the air around the opponent(s), Oxygen. He takes the oxygen away from only a field that is about 50 feet in diameter. He then switches the lost oxygen with all of the carbon monoxide and ammonia around him. Even if there is a small trace of it he adds it too the area to kill the opponent(s). This jutsu leaves the user with little chakra unless it is the first jutsu they perform in a battle.

Name: Composition Control
Range: Medium-short
Jutsu Type: Ninjutsu
Elemental Affinity: Storm
Clan: Dao
Rank used at: Chuunin
The user uses his Kekke Genkai to mold the composition of air in a desired area. He may take away oxygen and hydrogen or add Carbon Monoxide and Ammonia. Both of which will poison the lungs, central Nervous System, and Heart. He simply puts his palm in the direction of the area he wants and with his extreme control over his Kekke Genkai is able to tell the distance he is doing it in.

Name: Poison Air Ball
Rank: B
Range: Medium
Type: Ninjutsu
Elemental Affinity: Storm
Clan: Dao
Rank used at: Jounin
The user takes all the carbon monoxide and ammonia in the air. (even if there is only a extremely small trace of it.) He then focuses it into a ball in his hand then wraps it with a layer of Chakra. He then throws the ball by covering his hand in chakra as well. The ball explodes and the opponent is hit by the carbon monoxide and ammonia. The Explosion is invisible so you wouldn't know whether it went off or not. The area it affects is about 20 feet in Diameter. It slowly disperses floating around to make the area it is in larger but it will weaken it affect. The ball is the size of a tennis ball. The exposure will lead to poisoning of the central nervous system, heart, and lung damage. (I did research for this jutsu...WIKIPEDIA ROCKS)

Name: Storm Clones
Rank: A
Range: Short- Long
Jutsu type: Ninjutsu
Elemental Affinity: Storm
Rank Used at: Jounin
Clan: Dao
The user combines his elements, Lightning and Water into Storm then into a clone. The clone is very powerful containing a decent amount of chakra making them able to withstand about 3 attacks before dispersing. When they disperse they release smoke of Toxic gas( Carbon Monoxide and Ammonia). They are exactly like the user in every way.

Name: Storm Lift
Rank: C
Range: Movement
Jutsu type:Ninjutsu
Elemental Affinity: Storm
Rank used at: Chuunin
The user creates a Storm cloud under his feet. He then lifts the cloud and rides upon it. He can freely move around on the cloud without much worry with chakra usage. This Jutsu has no offensive or defensive ability whatsoever and only gives the user advanced Mobility.

Name: Lightning Fall
Rank: B
Range: Medium-Long
Jutsu Type: Ninjutsu
Elemental Affinity: Storm
Rank Used at: Jounin
Clan: Dao
The user makes a small storm cloud in the air. It is about 6 feet in diameter. He is able to send lightning from the cloud and at the enemy. He can also move the cloud at will to better his range. The lightning bolt that it sends will cause short Paralyzes and will last for about 5 minutes. This will usually affect only a limb of the opponent's body.

Name: Cloud of the heavens
Rank: A
Range: Defensive
Jutsu type: Ninjutsu
Elemental Affinity: Storm
Rank Used at: Sannin
The user makes a Thunder cloud above them. Whenever an attacks comes to the user it is immediately deflected by a bolt of lightning. This makes it an Ultimate defense against all jutsu but Genjutsu. If it blocks against taijutsu the opponent will feel pain then become absolutely numb. Will be nulled by Wind. At Jounin level, the jutsu last for about 20 minutes but if he does use it for that long, his chakra will become completely Drained.

Name: Hell Storm
Rank: A
Range: 1 mile in diameter
jutsu Type: Ninjutsu
Elemental Affinity: Storm
Rank Used at: Sannin
Clan: Dao
The user makes necessary hand seals then the battlefield changes in weather. Dark cloud fill the sky. Lightning strikes down at the opponent(s) at will of the user. The lightning strikes will paralyze opponents for 20 minutes. The lightning make come as a barrage of strikes or just one bolt by the user's will. He can keep this going for 20 minutes before the clouds disperse. This is good for attack multiple enemies at once as well.

Name: Pressure limit
Rank: A
Range: Short-medium
Jutsu type: Ninjutsu
Elemental Affinity: Storm
Rank Used at:Jounin
Clan: Dao
The user makes necessary hand seals then focuses on an opponent. Wyn then changes the air humidity around that person to a low level. That opponent starts to feel temperature changes and a high decreasing of Humidity. It Temperatures rise and Humidity decreases to desert level. This makes the User Become to sweat and lose their hydration to the heat. This can kill a person if the user uses it long enough( 30 minutes). This can be used on up to five people but then requires a large amount of chakra. It can kill a person if the user uses it for a long amount of time. This is not factoring any water bloodlines, and this is assuming the persons metabolism is normal, and that they did not have a source of water during the jutsu.

Name: Acid From the heavens
Rank: S(forbidden)
Range: 1 Mile in Diameter
Jutsu type: Ninjutsu
Elemental Affinity: Storm
Rank Used at: Sannin
Clan: Dao
The user does an Enormous amount of hand seals (ranging from 40-60) and then summons an large amount of storm clouds. They form and block out the sun and other clouds. Then he adds deadly Poisonous air(Ammonia and Carbon Monoxide) found in the air to the clouds. He then Makes it pouring Rain. With the mixture of Poison and Rain forms, Acid Rain killing all life within a one mile Span. This will kill the user and leave everything in rot.

Name: Wall of the Heavens
Range: Short
Jutsu Type: Ninjutsu
Elemental Affinity: Storm/Lightning
RUA: Jounin
Clan: Dao
Wyn first performs a few hand seals. Clouds of any kind either form or gather from the sky above. They then make a hollow wall in front of Wyn. Inside the cloud is Lightning Energy. The Clouds act as a container for the Lightning. Whenever anything goes 3 inches deep within the cloud wall, the lightning shoots out at that very spot. It provides a Very powerful defense for the user.

Name:Chakra Cloud Consumption
Range: Supplementary
Elemental Affinity: Storm
RUA: Sennin
Using his last bit of Chakra, he put his arms towards the sky. The clouds from above start swirling down into his tattoos like a vortex. With this he regenerates his chakra to 50%. Although, using this usually means that they must be sure to have enough chakra to perform it in the first place. This jutsu is to be only used for emergency purposes only. The side Affects include the affects you get from inhaling bad gases. (see Composition Control) but twice as bad, uncontrollable anger, strength, and speed(because it enters your body so quickly, your body can't take it very well). All his techniques are then boosted by 2x but the more he performs, the better chance he has of dying. After about 5 A ranked techniques, death is a sure thing to occur.

When the user performs this jutsu, their mind becomes clouded with power and their eyes have lightning coming out of them. This would also be the same Jutsu that Sergie Dao used right before he was killed by Sasori.

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Wyn's lightning list Empty Wyn's Everything Else list

Post by Wyn Mon Dec 22, 2008 2:56 am


Name: Sword and Lightning Focus
Rank: C
Range: Close/ Defensive
Jutsu Type: Ken/Ninjutsu
Elemental Affinity: Lightning
Clan: N/A
Rank Used at: Chuunin
Description: The user focuses chakra into his hand and releases it on the sword. At the same time he waves his sword making a Strong Bolt of Lightning to protect him. This will block jutsu's of the same level and under unless it is a Wind jutsu. This Requires a Chunk of chakra making it a limited use jutsu. The jutsu is only used for defense but if something got up close to it, the Bolt would send them flying back. It would feel like someone just punched you as hard as they using a Bolt of Lightning to hit you everywhere.

Name: Extreme Slashing
Rank: C-A
Range: Close Combat
Jutsu Type: Kenjutsu
Elemental Affinity: N/A
Clan: N/A
Rank Used at: Chuunin
Description:The user first stands in a defensive or offensive sword position depending on what he plans to do. He can move his sword very quickly with extreme focus, almost to the point of invisibility. This makes it hard to dodge. He cannot move out of his fighting stances or he will lose his focus. He can slash up to 30 times in a row without stopping to rest. When he reaches his max he must wait 10 seconds before being able to reach the max again. This is a good defense against Taijutsu, Kenjutsu, and Weaponry Specialism. This required Little chakra and only needs rest to recharge. If he does it offensively, it is very hard to block and even more to dodge. If you are hit once, it's likely you'll be hit again till he reaches his maximum.

Name:Extreme Sword and Lightning Slashing
Range:Close combat
Jutsu Type: Kenjutsu and Ninjutsu
Elemental Affinity: Lightning
Rank Used at:Chuunin
It is a combination between Sword and Lightning Focus and Extreme Slashing. The user again sends out electric energy whenever he slashes his sword. With His Focus, he carefully chooses the right time to slash his sword and make his defensive Bolt of Lightning. He can do this 9 times in a row without having to stop and rest.

Name: Explosion Scroll
Rank: C
Range: Medium
Jutsu Type: Weapon Specialist
Elemental Affinity: N/A
Rank used at: Chuunin
The user pulls out a scroll and spreads it out Ten-Ten style. It shoots 30 Kunai in the direction of where the scroll is pointing. The kunai shoot in directions spreading out 45 degrees on each side of them opponent. Half of the Kunai have Explosive tags on them. Some kunai are even sent above of the target making it more difficult to evade. The Explosions surround them and is very difficult to dodge and harder to block. The rest of the Kunai are used to make it hard to figure out which one has a tag and also cut the opponent in the barrage of Kunai and tags.

Name: Kunai scroll
Rank: C
Range: medium-long
Jutsu Type: Weapon specialist
Elemental Affinity: N/A
Clan: N/A
Rank Used at:Genin
Description: The user pulls out a scroll and spreads it out Ten-Ten style. It shoots 30 Kunai in the direction of where the scroll is pointing. The kunai shoot in directions spreading out 45 degrees on each side of them opponent. Some kunai are even sent above of the target making it more difficult to evade. Just about any false move will cut the opponent.

Name: Shuriken Net
Range: Medium-Long
Jutsu Type: Weapon Specialist
Elemental Affinity:None
Rank used At:Genin
The user pulls out a scrolls in a circular motion.The Net is only made up of shuriken This sends out Kunai in a full circle in three different levels. The First circle is the one that is most difficult to block. It is the Biggest and about 7 feet in diameter. That will most likely be the one that someone would block. The 2nd circle follows behind the 1st and is smaller and has less shuriken. It is about 5 feet in diameter and would hit a person in the face and thighs if shot correctly. The last circle is the smallest and comes after all circles. It has even less kunai and is about 2 feet in diameter. This would hit someone in the stomach if aimed correctly. In total, the scroll sends out 41 shuriken making it very difficult to block but less to dodge. Each circle is sent about 2 feet apart. This jutsu can cut someone severely and in many places. If you get hit once, you'll be likely get hit again.

Name: Blade Rain
Rank: B
Range: Medium
Jutsu Type: Weapon Specialism
RUA: Jounin
Wyn pulls out an very long scroll and inside this scroll is sealed 100 Kunai, ready to be launched all at once. It's basically and upgrade of Kunai Scroll with even more danger involved. It's field of vision isn't spread out anymore than Kunai Scroll, but rather, it's field of blades is much more condensed.

Name:Magen • Narakumi no Jutsu - Demonic Illusion • Hell Viewing Technique
Magen • Narakumi no Jutsu is a Genjutsu technique that causes its target to see a horrifying vision. The ninja will use the serpent hand seal to cause a circle of leaves to spin and envelop the target and then fall away. Once cast the world will appear normal to the target until they see the illusion.(Credit goes to


Name:Leaf Whirlwind
Range:Close Combat
Rank:D-(C with Lucid's variation)
Type:Taijutsu(And Ninjutsu with Wyn's Variation)
Element:-(Lightning with Wyn's Varation)
This jutsu is a set-up attack for a stronger jutsu. It consists of a simple, but very fast, duck followed by a powerful upward kick, which sends the opponent flying. With Wyn's Variation, he adds lightning across his legs making the Jutsu a C ranked technique.

Name:Leaf Great Whirlwind
Range:Close Combat
Element:-(Lightning with Wyn's Variation)
This jutsu involves a powerful leap forward followed by a spinning kick with both legs in succession, the second kick being aimed lower in case the intended target ducks the first. Wyn can add lightning across his leg, making the attack able to shock his opponent as well.

Name:Konoha Gouriki Senpuu - Leaf Strong Whirlwind
Range:Close Combat
Konoha Gouriki Senpuu is a Taijutsu technique utilized by Leaf ninja. Like the normal Senpuu, they uses their quickness and agility to deliver a powerful roundhouse kick to their opponent. Lucid can add lightning energy to his legs, making the attack more powerful.

Name:Konoha Kage Buyou - Leaf Shadow Dance
Range:Close Combat
Konoha Kage Buyou is a Taijutsu technique that is used to position a ninja's opponent into a vulnerable aerial position. The ninja will first quickly appear below their opponent, then with a switch upper kick they will launch their target into the air. The ninja will then jump into the air to "shadow" the target with the target's back to their chest.

Name:Konoha Reppuu - Leaf Violent Wind
Range:Close Combat
Konoha Reppuu is a Taijutsu technique utilized by Leaf ninja. Using their quickness and agility, they moves low to the ground and spinning kick to sweep the opponent off their feet.

Name:Konoha Senpuu - Leaf Whirlwind
Range:Close Combat
Konoha Senpuu is a Taijutsu technique utilized by Leaf ninja. Using their quickness and agility, they charge at the target and spin their body to do a flying round house kick on those opponents within the range of attack.

Name:Konoha Shoufuu - Leaf Rising Wind
Range:Close Combat
Konoha Shoufuu is a Taijutsu technique utilized by the Leaf ninja. Using their quickness and agility, they will do a swift upwards kick at their opponent or at a weapon the opponent is wielding.

Name:Hebi Matsuri
Range:Close Combat
The user is able to counteract Taijutsu attacks by sliding the back of his wrist against the limb the opponent is used across it. Then by twisting his hand around the limb, grabbing it if possible, and then straightening his elbow, he can lock the limb around his arm very snake-like. It's usually followed by a Volt Strangle. It takes quite a lot of dexterity to perform this jutsu and is performed very quickly.

Name:Ikiwonomuyo Na Ya
Range:Close Combat
The user focuses chakra around his hand for strength and then pinpoints the enemy's solarplex. He raises his fist and unhinges his middle finger to the point where it makes a triangle when looking at the fist from the side. Then, he punches the solarplex with full force, knocking the wind out of his opponent as well as possibly stopping the heart and breaking bones.

Name:Hazumi Rasen
Range:Close Combat
The user counteracts his opponents spinning attack by first building chakra into his forearm and hand, then violently pushing/slapping/smashing/whipping the opponents limb in the same direction they were attacking in. The user must distance himself away from the attack first for obvious reasons. The opponent arm could fling right out of it's socket if done correctly. It's mainly used to daze the opponent.

Name:Ansatsu Koguchi
Range:Close Combat
This attack is an assassination technique, used usually when you want to sneak up and kill the opponent very quickly. The user first focuses chakra on the edge of his hand and then moves past his opponent very quickly, chopping him in the neck while moving and breaking any bones in the way to fully collapse it.

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Wyn's lightning list Empty Re: Wyn's lightning list

Post by Kyouken Uchiha Mon Dec 22, 2008 3:20 am

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