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Taku's Jutsu List

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Taku's Jutsu List Empty Taku's Jutsu List

Post by Guest Tue Nov 25, 2008 11:32 am

Name of Jutsu: Water Clones
Range: -
Type of Jutsu: Ninjutsu
Clan(optional): none
Elemental Affinity: water
Note(s): creates 4 water clones, a source of water is needed for this jutsu
Description: The user will create a clone out of himself using water. the clones are easy to maintain and can be a huge distraction in multiple numbers.
Weakness(es): can only extend to a 25 feet radius of taku

Name of Jutsu: Water Dragon Projectile
Rank: B
Range: -
Type of Jutsu:Ninjutsu
Elemental Affinity: Water
Note(s): need a water source
Description: a column of water in the form of a dragon rises from the water and strikes the opponet
Weakness(es): not very powerful or effective against skilled opponets

Name of Jutsu: Bursting water colision waves
Rank: A
Range: -
Type of Jutsu: Ninjutsu
Elemental Affinity: Water
Description: Creates a large body of water from the users mouth
Weakness(es): takes a while to expel all of the water

Name of Jutsu: Suiton: water thread trap
Rank: B
Range: One opponet
Type of Jutsu: Ninjutsu
Elemental Affinity: Water
Notes: body of water needed
Description: Taku creates threads of water which aim towards an oppponets preasure points to imobilize them, after piercing them, the threads rejoins with the body of water they originated from.
Weakness(es): fairly simple to evade if the opponet knows what they are doing

Name of Jutsu: Water prison
Rank: C
Range: One opponet
Type of Jutsu: water
Elemental Affinity: water
Note(s): normaly used with a water clone
Description: traps an opponet in a sphere cage of water
Weakness(es): needs to have a person or clone to support the cage at all times.

Name of Jutsu: Destructive swell
Rank: A
Type of Jutsu: ninjutsu
Elemental Affinity: water
Description: taku creates a large tidal wave to attack the opponet
weakness: takes a few seconds to raise the water to its full potential in the attack

Name of Jutsu: chakra armor
Rank: B
Range: user
Type of Jutsu: ninjutsu
Clan(optional): sookato
Elemental Affinity: -
Description: Taku creates a veil of chakra around himself that molds itself around him and takes on his form to protect him. Physical attacks are ineffective.
Weaknes: The armor can be destroyed by a ninjutsu technique, but it can also be repaired by expending more chakra

Name of Jutsu: reverse chakra armor
Rank: A
Range: one opponet
Type of Jutsu: ninjutsu
Clan(optional): sookato
Elemental Affinity: -
Note(s): -
Description: the same thing as chakra armor only used on an opponet to imobilize them or on an ally to provide temporarily protect them.
Weakness(es): needs constant concentration to imobilize a target and cannot heal the armor if damaged unless taku is in contact with it and only when the jutsu is used on an ally because it already takes a large amount of concentration to keep the opponet imobilized.

Name of Jutsu: Chakra blade
Rank: B
Range: a bladed weapon
Type of Jutsu: ninjutsu
Clan(optional): sookato
Elemental Affinity: -
Note(s): -
Description: chakra creates a blade of chakra around an already existing blade to make it capable of penetrating most substances
Weakness(es): slightly deteriotes the blade so it will be less effective once the chakra blade is removed.

Name of Jutsu: chakra bomber
Rank: A
Range: -
Type of Jutsu:ninjutsu
Clan(optional): sookato
Elemental Affinity: -
Note(s): -
Description: taku creates a large ball of chakra using both hands which is then used for attack, capable of destroying multiple buildings
Weakness(es): takes a few moments to create the full form and it can get so big that taku can not see what is in front of him, or above him if taku is holding hsi hands above his head.

Name of Jutsu: Chakra cage
Rank: A
Range: (varies)
Type of Jutsu: ninjutsu
Clan(optional): sookato
Elemental Affinity: -
Note(s): -
Description: taku creates a square cage of chakra around an area to close off an opponet and can include himself within the cage.
Weakness(es):it can be repaired if taku if taku is in contact with it, but it is very difficult and takes a lot of concentraition

Name of Jutsu: Chakra Shuriken
Rank: C
Range: (varies)
Type of Jutsu: ninjutsu
Clan(optional): sookato
Elemental Affinity: -
Note(s): -virtually impossile to block, must be dodged
Description: tkau fires a small balst of chakra from his hand, and though the technique is called "shuriken" the resemblance is better placed with a kunai. it is made only of chakra and nearly impossible to block.

Shuriken Kage Bunshin no Jutsu (Shuriken Shadow Clone Technique)
Rank: A
Skill: Ninjutsu
Effect: Makes Shadow clones of a thrown shuriken instead of the user.
Description: The user makes the handsign and then the one shuriken that had already been thrown is now accompanied by many more from all directions heading towards the opponent. The shuriken can all do damage being just like that of a shadow clone. Although if hit with something it is still possible for them to dissipate into smoke just like a regular clone.
note: tkau uses this technique with kunai in stead of shurikens

Name of Jutsu: Fire Wire Trap
Range: ??
Type of Jutsu: Ninjutsu
Clan(optional): none
Elemental Affinity: fire
Note(s): was inspiired by the Uchiha clan, creted by Taku

Description: Zaraka throws many kunai at the enemy with thin wires covered in oil tied to the loop and an explosive tag that can only be antivated by Zaraka adn when he touches one. they are all thrown in such a way that it confines the target to a 3ft by 3 ft area. Then he grabs the wire that connect the rest and pulls, causing the wires to wrap around the target and activaes the explosive tags enflaming the wries, adn burning the opponet.

Weakness(es):must be very acurate or attack will be dodged.

Name of Jutsu: Hiddedn Mist Technique
Range: -
Type of Jutsu: Ninjutsu
Clan(optional): none
Elemental Affinity: water
Description: This jutsu envelops the surrounding area in a dense mist, reducing visibility within the affected area. The density can be controlled by the user, allowing them to create a mist so thick that even they can't see through it.
Weakness(es): if not careful, cna wind up being used against him, also, a good gale of wind could blow it away.

Name of Jutsu: Hiddedn Steam Technique
Range: -
Type of Jutsu: Ninjutsu
Clan(optional): none
Elemental Affinity: water adn Fire
Note(s): msut be used after hidden mist technique
Description: same princible as hidden mist technique with a simple yet important difference. IN this jutsu, taku adds the fire element, (his second element) into the mist, turning it into steam with a temperature of 300 degrees to badly burn the opponet
Weakness(es): with the heat of the steam, it will begin evaporating, so it only lasts about 5 minutes, but that is enough time to be effective, also, it can not be used for concealment.

Name of Jutsu: Sookato Instant Kill Jutsu
Rank: forbiden
Range: -
Type of Jutsu:Ninjutsu
Elemental Affinity: none
Note(s): creates a large scale atomic explosion
Description: Taku sumons an atom of his chakra to his hand and splits it creating a large scale explosion. anyone hit by this technique will disintergrate into nothingness
Weakness(es): kills the user

Name Of Jutsu_ Two Bodies One Mind
Rank: A
Type: Ninjutsu
Element: None
Notes: It is a good idea for the users to use this before a battle takes place if it was a battle that was expected.
Description: This jutsu requires two users who perform it at the exact same time. In this jutsu, a fusion of the mind and spirit occurs between the two users. The connection is so somplex that not only does it grant acces to each others thoughts, but also to their chakra pools. Using this jutsu allows the users to use each others chakras and techniques to a certain degree.
Weakness: Must becareful about who it is used with and also kekai genaki can not be used through this connection. The effects are not instantaneous and take a while to take effect. For the first few minutes, only the telepathical effects are present, and then after a while, the chakra pools and techniqe sharing comes into play.

Name: Supernova
Rank: A-S
Type: NInjutsu
Element: Fire
Clan: Sookato

Description: This is a technique developed by and known only too and usable only by Taku. The main reason is that this jutsu not only utilizes not only the fire element, but also the potent Sookato chakra. This is essential an upgrade of the chakra bomber attack. In a nut shell, Taku brings both his fire and clan's chakra into his hand(s) creating a swirling ball of both chakras which mix into a brand new chakra of pure plasma. As soon as the ball gets to the desired sized, it must be released to hover in the air, as it mixes and turns into the new form due to its intense heat. It must sustain itself for a few moments before it suddenly grows to heavy and crashes down into the ground. As it crashes into the ground, its mass spreads outwards in a circular direction, the distance depends on the size, and averages between 7-8x that of the ball radius. As it hits, it heats the ground to such a point that it liquidizes into a burning hot substance similar to that of magma. It also creates a blast of intensely heated wind whose temperatures are half that of solar winds. They extend as far as the shock-wave. The ground splits in crags in various directions, making an even footing impossible.

Weaknesses: Taku is in great risk of getting hit by the attack himself. It also takes a long time to use as it has to be made, aloud to mix and settle before finally hitting the ground and the actual attack happening. To achieve success in this attack takes extreme precision and skill.

Name of jutsu: Kimagure
Rank E-S: Depends on the level of the user,
Range: -
Type of jutsu: -
Clan(Optional): Followers of "The Way"
Element Affinity: -

Description: For basic users, they can only catch brief galnces into the future, only 1 or two minutes.. Intermeidate users are capable of revitalizing dead limbs and such, returning feeling (or healing paralysis), and healing most terminal ailmetns. They can see up to 10 minutes into the future. Adept users can heal all terminal ailments and can see a full hour into the future. Masters can see 3 dyas into the future and are capable of reviving the dead. These futures can sometimes be altered by unexpected actions of others.

Weakness: None

Name: Cosmo Elation
Rank: S
Range: all
Type of jutsu: nin though like Kimagure it is more of an abbility than a jutsu
Clan: Followers of "The Way"
Element: none
Side notes: Does not require hand-signs but does require chakra

Description: Using this jutsu, Zangou is able to halt the contiuance of time for up to 10 seconds. This jutsu can only be used on things and areas that he has visual confirmation of. If his line of vision is interrupted, this technique can not be used.

Weakness: As stated above, the line of vision thing. Also has to have a few moments of rest between use. It takes time to prepare for, and so no jutsu can be used right before or after using this technique. As time goes on, this technique will cause the user blindness.

Name: Loose Fist
Rank E-S: Varries with user as it is a style of fighting
Range: Generaly hand to hand
Type of Skill: Physical
Description: This is a fighting stylle created by Sixx. It is known only to those he has taught it to which are very few in number. It is used by utalizing techniques from other forms of martial arts and is a very reliant on timeing. To use this technique, a person keeps them selves totaly fluid and relxed. They only use a muscle when needed. They quite literaly throw punches and kicks, continuing to remain fluid and relaxed and tense up the muscles upon impact, but only for a split second. It is more of a flick of the wrist type motion. This maxamizes damage caused by a single hit and has been declared the most deadly form around. It also grants the user maxamized flexibility. Users who are masters all have long life spans and great health. It is best described as a mix of Brazillian Jujitsu and tai chi.

Weakness: Is only good for close range in most cases.

Last edited by Taku on Mon Apr 20, 2009 8:14 pm; edited 3 times in total


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Taku's Jutsu List Empty Re: Taku's Jutsu List

Post by Guest Thu Nov 27, 2008 12:17 am



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Taku's Jutsu List Empty Re: Taku's Jutsu List

Post by Guest Thu Nov 27, 2008 4:26 am



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Taku's Jutsu List Empty Re: Taku's Jutsu List

Post by Shini Thu Nov 27, 2008 4:58 am

Taku's Jutsu List A4-1

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Taku's Jutsu List Empty Re: Taku's Jutsu List

Post by Guest Wed Mar 25, 2009 6:57 pm



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Taku's Jutsu List Empty Re: Taku's Jutsu List

Post by Shin Uchiha Wed Mar 25, 2009 7:06 pm

Im a bit iffy about the Supernova.. But it looks alright to me.

Approved unless said otherwise
Shin Uchiha
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Taku's Jutsu List Empty Re: Taku's Jutsu List

Post by Guest Mon Apr 20, 2009 7:52 pm

Added, Kimiguri, Loose fist, and cosmo elation


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Taku's Jutsu List Empty Re: Taku's Jutsu List

Post by Koga Mon Apr 20, 2009 8:16 pm

Kimigure is.. kind of odd. How do its multiple effects relate to each other? Seeing the future, raising the dead, healing paralysis, restoring a single limb, theyre all quite a bit different, so its hard to see them all as different levels of a single technique. Though it seems like it should be more a bloodline technique if it advances over time. Most jutsu have one effect that never changes no matter how skilled you get in it, it just gets easier to do it.

If Cosmo Elation literally allows him to stop time.. I.. dont quite think that would be allowed here. Its a bit much, dont you think? >.>

However, Loose Fist seems fine to me, but if its just mixtures of other styles, it may not really be necessary to have it made as a technique in itself. That one, I approve.

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Taku's Jutsu List Empty Re: Taku's Jutsu List

Post by Guest Mon Apr 20, 2009 8:20 pm

Kimigure is a not an actual jutsu. It is abilities granted to those who follow the way. The way is sort of like a religion, or study of life, like confusincism, with special powers involved, like Jashin. For more information on that, look up Zangou's character profile. Plus both of those techniques have already been approved, I just moved them over to this character.


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Taku's Jutsu List Empty Re: Taku's Jutsu List

Post by Kenshi Mon Apr 20, 2009 8:23 pm



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