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Wyn, the Ageless Konoha Storm that protects over Takigakure O.o

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Wyn, the Ageless Konoha Storm that protects over Takigakure O.o Empty Wyn, the Ageless Konoha Storm that protects over Takigakure O.o

Post by Wyn Mon Dec 22, 2008 2:36 am

Name:Wyn H. Dao

Age:Ageless(explained in history)

Rank: Jounin(Points to Kaji)


Appearance: Wyn, the Ageless Konoha Storm that protects over Takigakure O.o Riku-5

Personality:Born with an over working/abusive father, it's amazing about how Wyn's grown to be so...normal. There are three sides to him, the friend, the intellectual, and the vengeful. His friendly side is just that, friendly. He doesn't take part to hating too much, meaning he'll make friends with just about anyone. Of course, there is a limit to what he allows to become friends with. Anyone who annoys him to the bone will instantly not become a friend of his, otherwise your pretty much good to go. Wyn's pretty good with kids, as well as a good teacher. He knows what to expect and what to strive away from in both. He can be loud and well as cheerful, almost to the point where he's hyper.

The Intellectual side is much quieter and a deeper thinker. At this state, he's very calm and patient. He can be a bit of a douche by picking on those around him using big words and complex thoughts, just for the sheer hell of it. However, this is probably the most interesting side to Wyn, being that it's the only one where he's actually quiet and poetic.

Finally, it comes to his last side, the one that needs anger management. This is where he starts to become volatile to everything around him, especially annoyances. Most of the time, it's annoyances that get him into this state of mind. This is also the only one that he cares less about human nature than the rest. Which can be either good or bad for battle and just everyday life. Don't mess with Wyn when he's in this one, he bites.

All in all, Wyn's true nature is all in good will. He's got a strange way about going about things, but still can manage to get the job done. Sometimes, he can be a little crazy but at others, he's hilarious. Even if he hides behind a mask, he’s still quite friendly.

History: Wyn had been born on September 24th, inside of the Rain Village. In the beginning years of his life, his mother had been essential to his well-being because his father hadn't thought of him as much. That led to him spending most of his time with his mother. Until, at the age of 3, Wyn's mother died from an Unknown Illness. The Traumatic experience would effect the rest of Wyn's life as a child.

Unfortunately, Wyn was then left with his every so unwilling father, who then would raise him. Wyn had to fend for himself when his father didn't look after him, which was quite often. Until about Wyn was five, his father didn't come involved with Wyn besides giving him a roof to sleep under. It was then that Wyn's father and Wyn's Grandfather had met to discuss an important issue to them. The Grandfather had wish his son(Wyn's Dad) to become a great and powerful Ninja. Although, the father did not tolerate this and took a path of his own. Because of that reason, the grandfather had banished him from the Rain village and the Dao clan, leaving him to become a wanderer. Even so, the father tried to make a proposal to the grandfather. If he were to train Wyn to become a great and powerful Ninja, he would be allowed to return to the Dao Clan. They had agreed and Wyn's father set of to train Wyn to become a Shinobi. Unknown to Wyn, his father would only use Wyn to get back into the clan.

His father still uncaring to Wyn, he trained him harshly and in bad conditions. His father worked in a machinery factory which had bad fumes spewing about, so his knowledge of a good and bad working conditions was tainted well. Wyn struggled about the training which led to lashings on his back and things to violent to speak of. But, throughout all this terror and pain, Wyn still had with him the memory of his mother. The sweet and gentle nature of which that still carried on with him. His training from his father would lead to him being rather fit and strong as well as strong minded through torture. It also will make him slightly bipolar, but only in cases which needed aggressiveness.

Wyn continued with his father's training and became a rather fit kid. Until about the age of eleven, he was progressing well. Until the day, that his father died at work from a cable snapping accident. The was an accidental cut at the wrong cable. That very cable was holding up a large Piano that hung right above Wyn's father's body. It well, crushing his body, all but his head. As Wyn rushed to the scene to see his dying father, in the back of his mind he wondered if it all really mattered to him. If he actually cared about his father, which he truly did not. If anything, he was kinda happy about it. Then the memory of his mother's death came and he soon realized that his father is all he had. So he quickly tried to make it to the accident and see his father for one last time.

There, his father told him about something that he would want to give to Wyn. A sword that would surely help with becoming a great Ninja. The Atsumaru Ikazuchi, locked in a chest, at the bottom of a well, near his house. He agreed to find this very well and use it to fight as a Shinobi. He stood there, watching his father finally die.

He did eventually find the Well and found the sword as well. At the age of twelve, he found a bunny, a green one. The bunny shared the same affinity at he did, Lightning. In turn, he named the bunny Zeus. In a battle between him and a morbidly obese child, he was rewarded with the bunny.(See Zeus' profile for details)

The two traveled about, looking for a place to live in that would gladly take them in. With no intention of joining a village that would kill them if they left, they joined the Fire Country, Konoha!(yes, the dramatic effect was needed) Today they live there together, and they're gonna become the greatest ninja they can be, whether their enemies like it or not.

He became a Chuunin at the age of 15 and started becoming a quite powerful Ninja. His Kekke Genkai soon activated soon afterwards and he began using that to his advantage. At the age of 16, his sword finally grew to it's fullest. Everything started coming together very fast and he further advanced in his skills. Then at Age 17 he fought Suigetsu, a Ninja able to turn himself into water. He put up an interesting fight and left his mark on Suigetsu by Paralyzing his arm. In the end, Wyn lost that match, bloody and dying. Then his best friend, Zeus, also his pet, came to save him.

When Sunagakure took sides with Orochimaru, Wyn was still running about Konoha as a Chuunin. About an hour before the attack, he stumbled upon a young girl at the Konoha gates. The girl seemed to be lost and when she was asked about the whereabouts of her parents, she spoke of their deaths. The ever good doing Wyn allowed her to stay with him until she found a foot hold on life when she became older. Although, when spending more time with her, the two became like brother and sister.

Shortly after, Wyn started to train himself for his Jounin Exam. He got the file on what to do and soon departed afterwards...

He returned successfully completing the mission with help from his best friend Zeus. The Mission followed as so...

The Report

At 240 hours, Wyn enters the building disguised as Mist shinobi. Through quick negotiation and trickery with a machinery expert, he enters a Vehicle that he led into the carrier. Soon after, he leaves the vehicle and explores the carrier for the blueprints. Upon first entering he meets the two Jounin and begins befriending them for trust reasons. After taking various information from the two Jounin Shinobi, Wyn leaves to explore a room dubbed the "Record Center". There he meets a female in disguise as a flight attendant who is actually a Shinobi. He leaves the room without learning that she is a Shinobi quite yet and heads to the control room. There he finds the blue prints to the Carrier as well as the creator of it. Buying his time to check on his Pet, Zeus, in the bathroom, he suddenly meets with the flight attendant from before. Although now she was clearly dressed as a Shinobi and assaulted Wyn. With a convincing argument of death, the shinobi finally reveals her country, the sand. She went by the name of Takuray and would help Wyn with the mission.

Wyn reveals his true from as a Konoha Nin and the two become quick allies. In a Compelling argument, Wyn has told the girl to wait for her own copies of the Blue prints until he reaches Konoha and she accepts. Suddenly the end up in a fight with one of the jounin who goes by the name of Ratzu. Soon the Mist Shinobi was defeated, or had seemed to be.

Now Wyn headed back to the control room and the next Jounin popped up. Soon the blueprints are grabbed by Takuray and runs into a bathroom where she waits for Wyn's return. A tough battle grew between Wyn and Keiten. Then in the mist of the battle, Ratzu reappears, surviving the death using a replacement technique. Then with the help of Wyn's Salamander summons, Keiten is killed. Soon after, Wyn is faced with just Ratzu and in the middle of their fight, the captain appears as well as the creator. Zeus and The Salamander Summon are guarding the two while Wyn fights off the Jounin. Eventually, the Jounin was killed and Wyn went to go find Takuray. Along the way, he killed the captain as well.

After finding her, he takes the blue prints and heads for the Pods, fighting various passengers along the way. He destroys each pod quickly along with many passengers. Then he shuts the door using fire jutsu made by Takuray. Now he heads back into the control room to destroy it and make the plane crash when the Creator appears once more. Wyn finishes him off quickly and flies through the ceiling of the aircraft and back to Konoha with the blueprints and the report. Takuray is sent home with a copy of the blueprints. Wyn hands in his final report to the desk at the administration building of Konoha.

Mission Complete

Wyn Hung Dao & Zeus Dao


Shortly after, he was granted the reward of being on a team that would help lead Konoha. He wondered what team it would be and to his surprise, he was granted the honor of being on the same team of Jikken and Olan. Jikken was a man who had the genes of the Legendary First Hokage and could perform Wood Jutsu. Olan was a childhood friend of Wyn's and taught him as well. The fact that he could be on the same team as Olan was the same thing as 1000 christmases.( a Little over exaggeration...ok maybe a huge one)

Around the middle of his Sanokihood, Wyn gained a new apprentice. That of which was Gaia Totem, who would soon take on Wyn's strengths that he handed to him.

Somewhere along the lines of Wyn finally fitting himself into the position of Sanoki, Jikken left the team for his own purposes. That was when Wyn and Olan were presented by the village elders the position of Hokage. Wyn had to refuse, too much of a free spirit to care for such a high position like that. So that left his trusty partner Olan with the position.

But, due to Wyn's simple acts of leadership to the village and his already strong popularity amongst the masses, he was given yet another title. Sennin of the Storm...

At the age of 22, something interesting crossed his path. Pinpin Hatari, the girl that he’d save from death so many years ago had grown a crush on him. Regretfully, Wyn knew that any relatioinship wasn’t possible; the age difference was just too great.

Crushed but not dismayed, the girl set out on trying to age herself using her kekkei genkai. The process was long and dangerous, but she had time before Wyn came back from his duties to perform the technique. She knew that he would never allow her to perform such a dangerous jutsu to herself. If the jutsu spurred out of control, she could die of old age at 16. But the girl had to try it; there really was nothing to stop her either.

Unfortunately, as soon as the technique got to the point of no return, Wyn walked in witnessing the time changing jutsu. Instinctively, he tried to stop her by pushing her out of her own chakra circle. As his feet stomped forward and arms ready to lunge at her, a bright light was cast and Pinpin and Wyn’s bodies touched, sending the jutsu in a spiral. There was a crackle of something like lightning and both people were on the ground, nearly lifeless. The stronger Wyn got on his knees and crawled over to Pinpin and suddenly she said good bye and turned to dust. The chakra circle kept glowing though and the energy around the room made its way inside Wyn’s body through force. Pinpin had just accidently sacrificed herself to make Wyn an Ageless Being.

He didn’t know it though, at least, not for a while.

He didn't realized how he didn’t age one bit since the incident with Pinpin for quite some time. In fact, it wasn't until years after the incident had happened that it struck his notice. Painfully, he had to leave the village to avoid suspicion from the villagers that he was something more than just their guardian, but a monster. But then he noticed something about Zeus as well. It seemed that he had never stopped lacking his hyperactive nature either, meaning that the ageless disorder must’ve passed onto him in the incident as well. They fled the village in hopes to never see themselves become hated by those they cared for, yet they never strayed to far away from the village; always keeping their eyes on it...

In Takigakure! Where their reputations had oddly not ventured in. There they could freely live their lives but still keep eye on the neighboring Konoha country. Wyn would continue to teach genins the truest nature of good will he could.

Learned jutsus:
Volt 1,2 and 3 Shot
Spark Flash
Blade Rain

Atsumaru Ikazuchi(Giant sword covered in lightning)
Senkou(Dagger on necklace)

Goals: To continue to watch over Konoha, even those he's supposed to be protecting Taki

Posts : 24
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Join date : 2008-12-22
Age : 31

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Post by Kyouken Uchiha Mon Dec 22, 2008 2:38 am

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Post by Kaji-Kanto Mon Dec 22, 2008 2:40 am



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