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Zangou\'s abbilities

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Zangou\'s abbilities Empty Zangou's abbilities

Post by Guest Fri Dec 19, 2008 11:26 pm

Name of jutsu: Kimagure
Rank E-S: Depends on the level of the user, At Zangou's level it is S level.
Range: -
Type of jutsu: -
Clan(Optional): Followers of "The Way"
Element Affinity: -

Description: For basic users, they can only catch brief galnces into the future, only 1 or two minutes.. Intermeidate users are capable of revitalizing dead limbs and such, returning feeling (or healing paralysis), and healing most terminal ailmetns. They can see up to 10 minutes into the future. Adept users can heal all terminal ailments and can see a full hour into the future. Masters can see 3 dyas into the future and are capable of reviving the dead.

Weakness: None

Name of jutsu: Gravity Manipulation
Rank E-S: A
Range: All
Type of jutsu: NIn
Clan(Optional): none
Element Affinity: None

Description: Using this abbility, Zangou has complete and total control over the state of gravity in any given area that he can see. He can make the force stronger or weaker, forcing things to the dirt or causign them to levitate. He can also use it horizontally to, sneding things away from him, or bringing them closer to him by a simple whim of thought and flick of his staff. Due to his study of "They way" he does not have a 5 second period in which he is unable to use this. this abblity is useable by him at all times.

Weakness: If there is somethign obstructing his view, he can not manipulate the gravity of that area. For example, is he is on one side of a building, he cant manipulate what is on the other side unless the roof is low or there are windows he can see through.

Name of jutsu: Wind Gust
Rank E-S: C
Range: Close
Type of jutsu: Nin
Clan(Optional): NOne
Element Affinity: Wind

Description: Using this jutsu, Zangou can stop the movements of projectiles and simple taijutsu. Can also stop and incoming sword etc.

Weakness: Fire jutsu and Taijutsu which require chakra.

Name of jutsu: Condensed air dome
Rank E-S: B
Range: 5 m in every direction
Type of jutsu: Nin
Clan(Optional): none
Element Affinity: Wind

Description: Using this technique, Zangou createsa dome around him by using wind jutsu in conjunction with his gravity techniques. The air with in the area affected becomes so dense that is a clear solid like plastic wrap that is as hard as titanium. Any thing with in that area is also shattered by the preassure. This is the most offensive technique used by the people who follow "The Way." The air around Zangou is unafefcted for 2 inches all around his body.

Weakness: Takes constant chakra to keep the air like this and he has only enough air for 1 minute before he loses it all. After this minute his up he can hold his breath for an additional 30 seconds before he passes out.

Name: Cosmo Elation
Rank: S
Range: all
Type of jutsu: nin though like Kimagure it is more of an abbility than a jutsu
Clan: Followers of "The Way"
Element: none
Side notes: Does not require handsigns but does require chakra

Description: Using this jutsu, Zangou is able to halt the contiuance of time for up to 10 seconds. This jutsu has the same range as his gravitaional abbilities.

Weakness: Same as Gravity manipulation

Name: Gentle Refusal
Rank: A
Range: Close
Type: nin, though it is like cosmo elation and Kimagure
Clan: Followers of "The Way"
Element: None

Description: Uisng this technique, Zangou create a rip though time and space, a vaccum, in which he can trap people, objects, animals, plants, and even jutsu and etc. and manipulate to his will.

Weakness: If timeing is off even by a little, it will be ineffective. The larger the rip, the more chakra is needed.

Name: Tunnel of Rebirth
Range: Same as Gravity Manipulation
Type: NIn
Clan: Followers of "The Way
Element: None

Description: Like in Getle Refusal, Zangou creates a rip through time and space, only this time he adds gravity to create 2 vortex of sorts. The two are linked so that whatever enters one will reappear from the other and be pushed out from it.

Weakness: None

Last edited by Taku on Sat Dec 20, 2008 12:45 am; edited 1 time in total


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Zangou\'s abbilities Empty Re: Zangou\'s abbilities

Post by tradebuzzing2 Sat Dec 20, 2008 12:21 am



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