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Zangou departs from the world. Or does he.

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Zangou departs from the world. Or does he. Empty Zangou departs from the world. Or does he.

Post by Guest Mon Dec 22, 2008 4:57 pm

Zangou blinked. His eyes were filled with fog. He could see nothing. Everything was a misty grey. 'What is this?' He thought to himself. Nothing within his vast bowl of wisdom could provide an explanation for what was going on. One moment he had been on his way to face his defeat by the hands of Jin, and the next, he was in He thought hard and it soon became clear to him. He was dead. Why, though, had he not forseen this. Has his abbilities failed him? He would hope not. What kind of end was this for a person who had devoted their whole life to wisdom. Unless of course this was only the first leg in a new journey. Perhaps this was the pathway to the afterlife. He tried to take a step through the fog and then realized, odd though it was, he had no physical form. At this realization, he noticed he could not see himself. He was just, there.


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Zangou departs from the world. Or does he. Empty Re: Zangou departs from the world. Or does he.

Post by Kyouken Uchiha Mon Dec 22, 2008 7:20 pm

Everyting in the world of the dead was in black and white. The trees, the earth, the leafs, even the demented and distorted animals that lived there. It was almost as though a dream to Zangou. In the far distance, a silhouette had appeared, it was fuzzy at first but then the fuzziness began to cease and the figure began to look like a being. The being was well known to all humans and other beings that are dead in the universe, the grim reaper. It had the dreaded hood cloak like appearance that covered his body from head to toe. The black cloak left a cold feeling as the reaper kept walking toward Zangou. The definite chill in the air gave indiciation that he was getting closer and closer to him. Its hands were covered in gloves and was holding a long black scythe that was taller then its body.

Death is upon us

Fear is everything

Nothing can stop the wrath

Emptiness is nothingness

The odd sayings were echoing throughout the select area that Zangou was standing, had both loud voices, laughter voices and whispers. The whispers almost silence when the grim reaper stopped in front of Zangou. The cold feeling was more intense, freezing everything around the grim reaper but didnt freeze Zangou. He points at him.
Kyouken Uchiha
Kyouken Uchiha
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Zangou departs from the world. Or does he. Empty Re: Zangou departs from the world. Or does he.

Post by Guest Tue Dec 23, 2008 10:59 am

The fog cleared and Zangou still did not know where he was. His vision still seemed off for there was no color. Shades of grey, black, and white were all he could see. The surrounding landscape was basicaly barren, save a few dead trees and such, and there was still fog that covered the ground, though it was only ankle high. From with in the mist stepped what had to be the grim reaper. It was as legends foretold. The hooded cloak, everything. It had been as the only way Zangou could have expected it. He shuddered as the being drew ever nearer to him. It took the breath right out of him. He couldn't breathe and he began to choke, till he realized he was dead and there was no need for breath. His mind was just reacting as it was used to. It was then that Zangou realized what creatures of habbit humans were. It made him want to bow his head in shame, but he was unable to. The being finaly finished its journey towards him and lifted its finger, the digit pointed right for his heart. "I do suppose you would like it if I went with you. Why, I ask, should I. This place here is not so bad, though not very enjoyable I will admit, but whatever fate you lead me to could be so much worse. I may just find myself most content right here." In Zangou's words lay both truth and lie. He had no intention of going with the grim reaper to the final stage of the after life, nor did he have any intention of staying in this lifeless place. It was his full purpose to return to the world of the living, one way or another. To do this he would have to trick the Grim Reaper. To do this would prove difficult.


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Zangou departs from the world. Or does he. Empty Re: Zangou departs from the world. Or does he.

Post by Kyouken Uchiha Tue Dec 23, 2008 11:20 pm

The Grim Reaper notices that Zangou was reluctant and notice in his facial expression that he didnt want to go the afterlife. The particular area started to get warmer and warmer. The grim reaper then leans back on a tree and had its sights on Zangou. The Grim Reaper scythe disappeared and the cloak disappeared as well revealing the idenitity of the reaper. His blue-grayish hair flow across his face covering his crimson red eyes. He moves his hair away from his face and looks at Zangou. His expression was cold and calm. The collective manner that the reaper was some what terrifying and relaxing at the same time

"I see that you dont want to leave the human realm to go to the afterlife. Why is that human?"
Kyouken Uchiha
Kyouken Uchiha
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Zangou departs from the world. Or does he. Empty Re: Zangou departs from the world. Or does he.

Post by Guest Wed Dec 24, 2008 12:09 am

The reaper, as it turned out, was that man. Kyouken Uchiha. Zangou could not say that he was surprised, for he realy wasnt. What a perfect candidate. The grim was now leaning against a tree, seeming to realize that he was unwilling to depart quite yet. "Well my answer for you is simple reaper, I do not believe that I fullfilled all I was capable of durign my life, and not due to lack of dedication to achieving such a feat, but because you say it is my time. I think my dedication to living my life in the greates possbile way is what I was doing and I was very much interupted for no reason. I was in good health. I did not worry over trifle things. I took what was important, and I relished in it. I was a pacifist yes, but not to the point of foolishness. I quite well understand the need for violence sometimes, it is how the world works. For you to arrive and say it is, 'My Time,' and that is your only reason, makes me ashamed of you indeed. I expected more from the carrier of the dead."


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Zangou departs from the world. Or does he. Empty Re: Zangou departs from the world. Or does he.

Post by Kyouken Uchiha Wed Dec 24, 2008 12:22 am

When Zangou ended his last sentence with "I expected more from the carrier of the dead." It seeped deep into the mind of Kyouken. Although his facial appearance didnt change from its calm exterior, the thought of Zangou saying that to him, made him want to incinerate the soul that is standing in front of him. Kyouken folds his arms and leans up away from the tree. He then process somthing in his mind. If he breaks the rule of bring back a soul from the dead, the council of the kings would sure to have his head and would hunt after him for sure. However, cleverly, this made Kyouken more interested in this human. Zangou was proceeding himself of becoming a "living" and "deceased" contradiction. Even if he sends him to the judgement hall, he would certaining go against the being judging him saying that he did these things in order to survive or something of of that nature.

Kyouken stands closer to Zangou and then he puts a finger on his head "Your words are very convincing, however, tell me what will I gain by letting you come back to life. There would certain be nothing for me to obtain by letting you live. What will I get in return from you....." Kyouken takes his hand away from Zangou's forehead and then snaped his fingers

"I know how you can come back to life but you must agree to this....."

The air got extremely cold and the area go so dark that Zangou could'nt see anything in front of him. A voice began to echo all over Zangou....

" you fear the devil? Do you fear you fear the living and the dead.......Do you fear me.....answer me wisely"
Kyouken Uchiha
Kyouken Uchiha
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Zangou departs from the world. Or does he. Empty Re: Zangou departs from the world. Or does he.

Post by Guest Wed Dec 24, 2008 12:47 am

Zangou listened carefully to what the reaper said. "Name your price and shall tell you if it would be worth it or not." That was all he could think of to say. "And I do not fear any of those things. I just believe life was wasted if it was not lived to its fullness. I was not allowed to live to the fullness of my life by outside forces, and this is the supreme crime in any aspect"


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Zangou departs from the world. Or does he. Empty Re: Zangou departs from the world. Or does he.

Post by Kyouken Uchiha Wed Dec 24, 2008 1:15 am

Kyouken liked the answer that Zangou gave him cause one, it made Zangou seem very wise and wanted him to live life but mostly it saved Kyouken's life for he did not want to be judge nor fight the council of the kings. A chuckle was heard as it echoed around Zangou's.

"Then so be have chosen wisely Zangou...."

A blade stabs Zangou in the heart, the pain would be indeed inscrutiating to Zangou but in the end it would all be worth it. The area that was once dark begin to have light to it. Zangou could see the person who stabbed him, it was....himself. This made Kyouken confused cause he is able to see what Zangou is able to see. If kyouken is able to see himself in the eyes of the victim, then the seal was complete, but when he saw Zangou image instead of its own, it meant that something indeed went wrong. Kyouken takes the blade out of Zangou's heart. He walks backwards a few feet, he knew what was going on and but he didnt want Zangou to know the he knew. His facial expression changed from that collective appearance to the appearance of great worry

"This is shouldnt be able......"

Darkness and light begins to stream out of Zangou's heart and it was trying to consume him. If Zangou was strong enough he would be able to control it and it transform him into a supernatural being, however if it failed then the darkness and light would consume him. Either way, Kyouken was most intrigued by this condrum that stood in front of him.
Kyouken Uchiha
Kyouken Uchiha
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Zangou departs from the world. Or does he. Empty Re: Zangou departs from the world. Or does he.

Post by Kyouken Uchiha Fri Dec 26, 2008 2:05 am

The pain has reached to Zangou's heart, the blood comes surging out of the open wound and begins to connect itself together to form a hideous beast of both good and evil. The beast had a head of a ox with wings of a dragon, with a body of human. Its teeth was utterly digusting, the decaying breath it breathe out, but the eyes of the beast was pure of goodness and light, the blue crystal eyes glisten on the right and the red ruby glisten on the left. Its human body was seem to perfection but it had an awful smell that was but vugor and disgusting. It was a contradiction beast, a beast in which comes when contradictions are made between the realms of living and dead. Humans cant see it but beings of supernatural can see them perfectly. Kyouken stands back and watches it. What would wonder what the beast was doing, hoovering over Zangou's body. Kyouken looks at the beast

"Its decided whether or not he should be consumed and perish or will he live on. The contradiction beast is a beast that only a few know how to defeat. I wonder what this might have in store for Zangou"

The beast continued to breath in and out as it continues to stare at Zangou, Zangou body was now in shock as to whether he was about to be consumed or not. The beast then roared out a fierce loud moan as though it was dying. The beast body begins to fade away, disappearing from the bottom up. Its being was turning into blue and red dust like particles. The blue and red particles begins to twirl around Zangou rapidly in a torando affect. It had extreme beauty that was undescribable. The blue particles begin to engulf Zangou's body, covering him from head to toe. The red particles steadily disappeared out of sight. Kyouken had figured out what just happen the moment the blue particles engulfed him

"I see, so the contradiction beast chose to let him live, what a interesting condrum that came to me. Why would the contradiction beast let him live? *sigh* only Fate and destiny know whats there to come"

The blue particles begin to slowly, but surely, fade away into nothingness. It started from Zangou's feet upward slowly revealing the new and more powerful Zangou. He had a new body, a new state of mind and new body. Everything was anew to Zangou. His body glisten like the sun glistens onto water. He had survived the test and was given anew. But what was small and not seen was a seal on Zangou's body that was placed into his heart. It was a cherry blossom seal, courtesy of the god of death. Kyouken, calm and collectively, grabbed his scythe His plan had worked and now Zangou could do whatever he pleased to do. He turns to Zangou with a interested look on his face.

"Well it seems you have past the test of me and the contradiction beast, now what shall you do now, Zangou?"
Kyouken Uchiha
Kyouken Uchiha
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Zangou departs from the world. Or does he. Empty Re: Zangou departs from the world. Or does he.

Post by Guest Sun Dec 28, 2008 5:56 pm

Zangou looked over his new found body, inspecting every inch with eye and mind, inside and out. This was spectacular to say the least. He was with out a doubt, a god. His mind flowed with intelligence that made his former self look like a bumbling idiot, and this was no small accusation. He was Zangou, master of the mind and everything that was remotely linked to this. His powers he felt enhanced greatly. He could tell with out having to test it. He looked at Kyouken, whatever had been done by the grim reaper was by far a grand gift, for what could possibly stand in his way now? Was he a holy being, the answer was undeniable. Yes. He could feel everything around him, he could tell what it was and the fiber of its being. His understanding for everything was sharper, clearer, and yet more complex than any could possibley imagine. Anything at all that he know wished to do was very much in the realm of possibility. He stared at Kyouken, his eyes filled with deep understanding. "I would have you return me to the mortal realm reaper of death, send to the place known as Suna, so I may embark on one last final step in my transformation into something more than human, allow me to become one with the man known as Taku and I will be at the height of any mans abbilities. This is what I shall do with my new found power." He had know doubt that this would be done, nor did he doubt that he would be meeting Kyouken again very soon for no gift came with out a price, ever.


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Zangou departs from the world. Or does he. Empty Re: Zangou departs from the world. Or does he.

Post by Guest Mon Dec 29, 2008 1:58 pm



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Zangou departs from the world. Or does he. Empty Re: Zangou departs from the world. Or does he.

Post by Kyouken Uchiha Mon Dec 29, 2008 9:33 pm

To the eyes of Zangou, Kyouken begins to fade away into the realm of the between. The last image of Kyouken before he totally disappeared was him walking away carrying his scythe over his shoulders. The turns his head over seeing one of his crimson eyes at Zangou. He began to say something but it was not audible to Zangou. Finally the image of Kyouken had disappeared and Zangou was in the desert, the hot blistering sun made the air almost hard to breathe but it was no problem for Zangou at the moment
Kyouken Uchiha
Kyouken Uchiha
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Zangou departs from the world. Or does he. Empty Re: Zangou departs from the world. Or does he.

Post by Guest Tue Dec 30, 2008 10:22 am

Zangou glanced around him, his eyes needing no time to adjust to the bright light reflected by the sandy landscape. "So I suppose he has no problem with my proposal then, good, for it was to be done this way with or with out his consent." Zangou was just shy of a mile south of the gates of Suna. It was not matter for him though, he was there within what seemed like a second. In reality it was a bit longer, but Zangou could stop time and it was at his disposal whenever he wished. From the place where he stood, the guards got a full glacne of him, and they almost panicked. Zangou could sense this in their aura and so once again pause the continuation of time around him and entered into the city through its only known enterance. The guards would think they only saw a mirage. A mirage was usualy cuased by the lack of water and so he doubted any of them would say anything to the others. He was safe.

It was not difficult to find the Kazekages mansion. It stood taller then any building in the city and was placed in the center, roughly. Zangou began to make his way there. He had no doubt the Kazekage was in his office. He smirked, this was to be all so easy. He made the journey in fifteen mintues, not wanting to go any faster for fear that he might alert someone of his pressence. He arrived at the kages mansion and once again stopped time. There were not so many people in this part of the town so it would not cause much commotion if any. He entered in through the door and began to find his way through the mansion and quickly came to the kage's room. It was here he would stay. Taku would be most vulnerable when he was asleep, and Zangou was going to to take advantage of that. With Taku awake, he woudl probably have to fight Taku and subdue him first, and he had no desire to do this. For now he waited patiently in the Kage's dorms, waiting for the Kage to get tired and come to bed.


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Zangou departs from the world. Or does he. Empty Re: Zangou departs from the world. Or does he.

Post by Guest Mon Jan 05, 2009 11:31 am

He lay in wait for hours before the Zangou felt the Kage leave his office and head down towards his sleeping chambers. Zangou could feel his pressence with his mind. He took a deep breathe, awaiting the right time. He knew Taku would check his room with his Jagan eye, so he had to time this correctly. When Taku was roughly halfway down the hall to the door of his room, the most likely place for him to check the room with his Jagan, Zangou once again invoked his time manipulation abilities. This time instead of pausing the world around him, he paused his own passage through time. If he did not pass through time, then he could not be seen, nor his pressence sensed. It was perfect. The events sped up in front of him. In the blink of an eye, Taku was asleep on the bed that was his own. Zangou approached, being careful to not alert. Again he invoked his time stopping abbilities, only targeting Taku this time. He approached with great caution. He was sure that Taku was suspened in time but you could never be sure with a kage. He peered down at Taku and opened his own mind, examinging him enternaly. He was obviously still asleep and he was obviously Taku. Everything had worked out as Zangou had fore saw. He placed his hand on Taku's head. What he did next he did by instinct, somthing gifted to him during the transformation that had occured only hours ago. He was unsure how it happened but with in a few minutes he was trapped, body and soul, in the conciousness of Taku. It would wait to be seen as to what effects this fusion would have. But there was no doubt, it woud be interesting> Zangou chuckled to himslef, being in this state brough him joy. He could finaly feel a slight of uncertainty. This was good.


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Zangou departs from the world. Or does he. Empty Re: Zangou departs from the world. Or does he.

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