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Zangou Empty Zangou

Post by Guest Fri Dec 19, 2008 10:21 pm

Name: Zangou

Age: 57

Rank: S rank missing nin

Village: it is unknown where he is from

Appearance: Zangou MV5BMTUzNTM3OTA1OV5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTc

Personality: Very very calm individual. He keeps his composure and does nothing with out a reason. He is as wise as they come and sometimes speaks in riddles that can be difficult to understand at times. Other times, the meaning behind his riddles are quite clear, and sometimes they are designed so only one person can understand their true meaning.

History: Not very much is known about Zangou. His history is shrouded in mist so no one knows anything about him. All that is known about him is the training he has gone through. He keeps his past a secret. He trained in a place called the beor mountains. There he was instucted by a group of monks in a tactic known as "The Way." This was not only a way of living, but also a method of fighting which allowed the user only the methods needed to survive virtually any situation or any opponet, but contained next to 0 techniques for the offensive. The techniques that were taught for offense were simpe taijutsu and required absoloutely know chakra. They had simple names and are nto even considered to be jutsu at all.

Zangou quickly masterd "The Way." He was only 8 years old when he joined them, left there by his parents. The monks trained him for years untill the day came, at at the age of 13, when it was realized there was nothign more that they could teach the boy, but plenty they could learn from him. He began an apprenticeship to become the head of their organization. He accepted the duty whole heartedly, happy to take on the task. He led them for many years, continueing to grow in wisdom and abbility. He was by far the strongest of their kind ever, though it seemed to matter little, for they never fought except amonst themselves for sport. Unfortunately the customs caught up with Zangou. Should a follower of the way ever reach their full potential of wisdom, they believe it is time to leave the world as soon as they have selected a worthy succesor. They must select the most worthy opponet, seek them out, and challenge them with every thing they have in them. Their is no way to survive though, which can be understood when you know their abbilities. He selected Jin Chisoku as his way of dieing, and his broher as his successor.

Learned jutsus: Kimagure- will be explained in technique jutsu creation

Weapons/items: Bo staff, used for deffense more then offense.

Goals: To die by Jin Chisoku's hand.

*This character was designed to be killed by Jin, so after getting permsion from the admins, it was decided two paragraphs were more than enough for his history. He is made for only one fight and shall not be rped with otherwise in any way.


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Zangou Empty Re: Zangou

Post by Kyouken Uchiha Fri Dec 19, 2008 10:24 pm

Kyouken Uchiha
Kyouken Uchiha
S-Ranked Missing-Nin
S-Ranked Missing-Nin

Posts : 997
Points : 500
Reputation : 38
Join date : 2008-11-20
Age : 33
Location : Akron, Ohio

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