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The Suihou Clan's Aiirogan

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The Suihou Clan's Aiirogan Empty The Suihou Clan's Aiirogan

Post by Fizz Fri Dec 19, 2008 12:51 am

Name of the Kekkei Genkai: Aiirogan

Type of Kekkei Genkai: Doujutsu

Rank: Aura Sight can be used at any level; Doujustu Cancel increases power with rank.

Description: The Suihou Clan's Doujutsu, the Aiirogan ("Indigo Eye" - Named so because of the softly-glowing indigo color the iris takes on when in use), has a fairly hazy genealogy. It shares quite a few traits with other known Doujutsu, and whether or not it is related still remains a mystery. The main link that has been recognized, and the first of two abilities the Aiirogan gives, is the ablity to shift the user's eyesight out of the usual visual light range, and into an aura sight. In this state, the spectrum of visual light usually seen by human eyes is dampened, leaving them in almost complete darkness (OOC: Think Link's Wolf Senses from LoZ: Twilight Princess). However, to compensate, the user is able to detect the natural chakra emanating from living things (in the form of an aura), and the naturally occurring elemental chakra in the world around them. The aura around lifeforms shows an overall glow to their chakra output: most are light blue, however excessive amounts of other chakra could change this (such as curse seal chakra, or demon chakra). As for the natural elemental chakra, it takes the form of free-floating chakra in the world around the user, color-coded for convenience: Earth is yellow, Water is blue (darker than normal chakra), Fire is reddish-orange, Wind is green, and Lightning is light purple. For example, if one were in a volcano, an area naturally filled with fire and earth chakra, one using Aura Sight would see the glow of those chakras all around them. For this reason, if the user is in an area dense with chakra, it may be hard to see while using Aura Sight (as if in a glowing fog), rendering the ability moot.

As for the second ability, this is where the Suihou's Doujutsu is unique; it's the area where it really shines in combat, albeit very specifically. The Aiirogan can erect a spherical field around the user in which any other Doujutsu (besides the Aiirogan, of course) is suppressed, causing it and any other effects caused by it to be canceled inside the bubble. When in use, this manifests itself as the entire eye slightly glowing chakra-blue. As previously stated, this is very specific to Doujutsus; normal Bloodline Limits go unaffected. The field itself costs a negligible amount of chakra; however, once a Doujutsu is inside the field, it costs chakra to keep suppressed. If an Uchiha Genin's one-tomoe Sharingan, for example, were to be present inside of a Suihou Genin's cancellation field, it wouldn't be hard to shut down (it would still be pulling chakra, but at a reasonable rate). However, if, say... A Mangekyou Sharingan user were to be present inside the same Suihou's field, the sheer amount of chakra used to suppress it would deplete the user's chakra almost instantaneously. Luckily, the control over the depletion rate and effectiveness of the cancellation scales with the ninja's training. As an Aiirogan user ranks up, so does their ability to suppress Doujutsus of their level and above. Only an elite Suihou Clan member can truly suppress Doujutsus without consequence. As well, the radius of the sphere of cancellation can also be increased through training. Typically, a Genin can have a comfortable field with a radius of 10 meters. This means that someone attacking with long range Jutsus can still effectively use their Doujutsu, as they are outside of the field. Like the effectiveness of the cancellation, the rank of the Suihou Ninja is a good indicator of their range. The radius increases by about 5 meters every rank; Genin start at 10 meters of course, then it's 15 for Chuunin, 20 for Jounin, 25 for Elite Jounin, and 30 for someone on par with Kage level.

There is a third ability, but it is subtle and passive, and therefore not counted as a technique. Along with the ability to see a person's aura comes a slight clairvoyance and empathy, usually in the form of "vibes". A Suihou member with the Aiirogan can receive a small feeling about the emotions of people around them (provided their emotions are strong enough, or that they think "loud" enough), although this is so slight most users don't even notice it. The ability can be seen as a boosted "gut feeling", and can help with decision-making and understanding of other people. There are a few rare exceptions where the clairvoyance has presented itself very strongly, causing full-blown hearing of thoughts; for instance, a few Aiirogan users that happened to pass through the Leaf Village still swear to this day that they heard loud voices in their heads around a certain pink-haired Kunoichi. The cause is still unknown.

Weakness: As the chakra sight dampens vision aside from chakra, it is as if the user is in a dark room. Anything with chakra is illuminated, but in an absense of chakra it becomes impossible to see more than a few meters in front of you. On the other hand, too MUCH chakra will cloud vision like a fog.

The Doujutsu cancellation has it's own set of weaknesses. It is impossible to focus into a single target; it surrounds the user on all sides, meaning one can be overwhelmed if the cancellation affects too many people. The range is limited to only affecting those close enough for short- and mid-range attacks. As well, if a Suihou ninja tries to suppress a Doujutsu that is too powerful, their chakra supply can deplete at an alarming rate... It's a risky move if the user isn't careful.

Last edited by Fizz on Sat Dec 20, 2008 9:29 pm; edited 2 times in total


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The Suihou Clan's Aiirogan Empty Re: The Suihou Clan's Aiirogan

Post by Kyouken Uchiha Fri Dec 19, 2008 7:26 pm

Kyouken Uchiha
Kyouken Uchiha
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The Suihou Clan's Aiirogan Empty Re: The Suihou Clan's Aiirogan

Post by Fizz Sat Dec 20, 2008 9:38 pm

For those that needed more info, I added some clarification to the range of the Doujutsu Cancellation as well as giving a more substantial Weaknesses section.


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The Suihou Clan's Aiirogan Empty Re: The Suihou Clan's Aiirogan

Post by Guest Sat Dec 20, 2008 11:43 pm

tres bien, merci


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