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Izanami Rhiannon

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Izanami Rhiannon Empty Izanami Rhiannon

Post by Mirage Tue Dec 09, 2008 4:12 am

Name: Izanami Rhiannon

Age: 22

Rank: S Rank

Village: An unknown village in the snow.

Appearance: This is the Image FOR NOW

Izanami Rhiannon Rising_From_Darkness_by_Isadora_Leg

Personality: Quit and Serious


A Dream (Birth)

A silent wind blew through the cold shacks of an unknown Village. Many of the shacks were beaten down by the weather. Such was a familiar sight in the outer village. The weather was harsh, and many were taken by disease or the beasts that roamed the land. For those that are lucky enough to survive, they are stricken with poverty.

It was a common sight to have many shacks within a village breaking down. Thier former caretakers no where to be found, either taken by the land, or they left the village for a better place. Thier loose boards hang waiting for the enevable day that they will fall. Thier insides covered by frost, the food that was left behind, hardened by the cold. The only thing taking shelter in them, being the occasional stray animal, but they too didn't last very long.

However within all this strife and pain, there was also hope. Hope that lies within the new generation. What would be a harsh world for the last generation, the new one always makes it look like meerly a bump in the path. On such a day as this, is born one such child. Within the warmth of a home owned by a young couple, was born a small child. Her hair a calming silvery-white, like the dreams of a long forgotten paradise. Her eyes shined like a clear crystal glass beneath the stars.

She was born on but an average day, in a town of cold. Although just like all children in this world, her destiny was not set in stone. Could she excape this town, this world of prolonged death? If so, what did her future hold, and what mark would she leave on this world?

Fast Asleep

Years past, just as the snow drifts farther into the village. What was at one time a bustling village, is now reduced to but a few shacks, filled with only small families. Other homes have collapsed, and the creatures that roam the permafrost have made it a habit to venture into the town from time to time. Food was becoming scarse, and those areas filled with proper food, were under constant protection from the wild beasts. This village was finally on it's breaking point.

A young child stood outside. Her body wrapped in thick clothes. Her face flushed with a pink tone. In her hands held a small kife and a piece of wood. Bit by bit she shaved away at the wood. A simple hobby to keep her mind active. She was one of the few children left in the village. However, as much as she wished, she was unable to play with them. The others were all sick in bed, fevers constantly wrecking thier bodies. That's why she made these small charms. She wished with all her heart that they would get better, they were her only friends. If they were gone she would have no one else. She would be alone.

The sun set once again. the night chilled her bones, even as she slept in her warm bed. Her dreams were the only things in this village that weren't tainted by the village. She dreamt of endless fields and beaches. The warm vibrant sun beaming down upon her. She ran across the sands and grass into the arms of her mother and father.

The next day came. When she woke, she found her mother standing over top of her. She was dressed heavily, and as she looked around she saw many bags and cases stacked up. The rumors she was hearing were becoming true. The village was finally going to be abandoned. She stumbled out of the house, her tiny hands trying to hold up a heavy case. She looked around outside. The others have also gathered thier belongings. From what her mother told her, they were all going to another village far away. Although it is a place that is still covered with snow, it's living conditions were better. The rest of the village was going to join together to get a small house for them to live in. They also hoped to find a good doctor to help the sick.

She was but only a child, but she wanted to do her best to help everyone. They were all she had.

The Waking

The times were easier, but the weather was just as harsh. While traveling she had lost a freind. His fever heightened, and she passed away. The girl had been surrounded with deaths like this all her life, so seeing it was nothing new. However, the last thing any of them wanted to do was bury someone as soon as they arrived, especially one of the children.

Her parents named her Izanami Rhiannon, after the goddess of life. Her fair skin was like soft porcilin and she shinned in the snow with each passing day. It didn't take long for the girls's family to recruit her into the Ninja Academy. They didn't do it for the adventure, they did it for the girl. In the academy were things she might not be able to get from her family. As well the family didn't have much skills to teach her, and starting her on a path like this was the best thing they could provide her with.

It didn't take too long for the girl to be ridiculed. She came for a poor family. Her tools, nothing more then left overs from a battle, or objects found lying on the ground. The others looked down on her, like nothing but scum. Once again she was alone. Her friends from the village, still stuck in beds with fevers. Thier bodies far from being able to do anything like being a ninja. Izanami was scared, she felt alone in these halls. Within this city she flet more death then in her old village.

A year had past. The girl had grown to be a true protogy that could complete any mission without restraints. However, her unique abilities got in the way of most of the training and she was placed in care of her own teacher, without the comfort of other children. Anything she touched, disintegrated. Kunai turned to rust before falling apart, rocks turned to dust, plants died all around her, and animals died when touched. She trained alone for years to come… untill one day….

As if a switch went off, she became something foul…. She was training on this day just like every other day, fighting against her teacher. Believing that it was time to see some anger out of Izanami, the teacher provoked the girl like a cat with a ball of yarn. It was time to put her into a life like battle, he hirred someone to come and try to kill her. They were paid to beat her up and then leave. The paid shinobi accidently hit her in the chest with a kunai that was never ment to strike. Her blood dripped from her soaked clothes. Her face grew solomn and grave. A glimmer in her silver eyes flashed a putrid smirk of vengence and so the start of an outcome that none prodicted.

A Dream to a Nightmare

The girl extended her small fingers out at the shinobi and clutched around his arm. The shinobi’s cells grew extreemly fast, but he did not age anymore. Instead, it looked as if he was decomposing. His body turned to dust. Next was her teacher, who fought valiantly but was over come by the power that he had never seen her use. The girls ability to use her own jutsu without handseals deamed her the winner of their small and pointless fight to the death. Her speed and strength were unhuman and her abilty to nutralize jutsu became his downfall.

It took another twenty minutes before the village fell silent. The giant burial ground was flodded with blood that had spilled by the hands of an innocent girl. The ashes of people blew in the wind. Her hair fell down over her face. She had slain them all. She was no longer herself… The once quiet girl who cared for all, was now demented and stranged. The reason is still unknown and her where-abouts are still unknown….

To be continued……

Learned jutsus: Will give later

Weapons/items: None

Izanami has several unique abilities that make her a deadly threat. She has molecular manipulation, matter defusion, chemical production, and jutsu that can neutralization powers.

Molecular Manipulation - The ability to alter the properties of physical objects. Izanami has an unique ability that causes everything around her to die. If within one foot, the effects will slowly effect you. If you move away, they effects will stop and the damage can be healed with the right medical jutsu. However, when touching… the damage is almost ireversable. When touching metal, it turns to rust and then to dust. Rocks turn to dust, plants die all around her… when touching a person, it is as if the decaying process starts and rapidly disintegrates them into ashes and dust.

Chemical production
- Izanami is able to produce chemicals out of her body that she can use to project herself or be used to manipulate others or even kill.

Matter Defusion
- The ability to break matter down into its basic components. For instance, if a person was to use matter defusion on water, the original product would be broken down into hydrogen and oxygen. Note that there is a distinct difference between matter defusion and alchemy. Whereas alchemy can change one substance into another, matter defusion disassembles a substance down to its elemental components and cannot undo such a change.

Last edited by Mirage on Fri Jan 16, 2009 3:02 am; edited 1 time in total

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Izanami Rhiannon Empty Re: Izanami Rhiannon

Post by Zen Tue Dec 09, 2008 9:06 am

Ok I don't really like her ability things they seem to OPish...
Anbu Captain
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Izanami Rhiannon Empty Re: Izanami Rhiannon

Post by Guest Tue Dec 09, 2008 3:51 pm

Zen it also depends on the side effects because if they have a major drawback their use may be restricted.


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Izanami Rhiannon Empty Re: Izanami Rhiannon

Post by Kaji-Kanto Tue Dec 09, 2008 6:56 pm

Approved the ability's can be worked out in the jutsu section.

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