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Sanmaru Gokage

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Sanmaru Gokage Empty Sanmaru Gokage

Post by L Fri Nov 21, 2008 7:51 pm

Name: Sanmaru Gokage

Age: 20

Rank: S-Rank Wanderer

Village: Kumogakure

Appearance: Sanmaru Gokage Codegeass2501LG-1

Personality: Sanmaru is highly intelligent, possessing a genius-level intellect, and is capable of devising and executing strategies with incredible speed and precision. He tends to second-guess everything he is presented with, and is extremely meticulous and analytical. Sanmaru also possesses superior hand-eye coordination and is charismatic and persuasive.

Pre-Time Skip History:
The leaf village was under attack, and it seemed as though they were going to lose this battle. A woman was running for both her and the one person that would continue the clans legacy, her son. She was pregnant, and she was told that her son would see the light of day in a few days. But, her water had broke a couple of moments ago and she knew the baby was coming now. Still she ran away, suddenly, everything went black.

A baby opened it's eyes, all he could see was a small room and a woman's face. It was very quiet, and the battle had ended, Konoha had won. The woman named the baby Sanmaru and she would be the one to take care of him from now on. But, she had gave Sanmaru something when he was born, she had used Sanmaru's mothers life and another shinobi's life to seal a bijuu into Sanmaru. Sanmaru was the 5-tailed jinchuurriki.

Sanmaru was now 4 years old, he was showing signs of extreme intelligence. He was able to finish some of the hardest puzzles that even his mother couldn't finish. He spoke with a 30 year old's vocabulary and he was able to do things some people only dreamed about doing. His "mother" knew that he would be the one to countinue the "Foundation" (lit. "Root") just as she was supposed to do.

His mother left him in a daycare as she prepared for Sanmaru's training. She left to go find her former sensei, the one who trained her and made her try to continue the "Foundation". She had to go outside Konoha and search the forest. She was looking for a small symbol on a tree that would tell her where to go, if she remembered. The symbol was never in the same place twice and it was always differant, although there was always a pattern to where they could be found. SHe was never able to figure out the pattern and had to go from tree to tree trying to find it. After hours of looking for it, she finally found it, it was an upside down ANBU symbol. She then spent hours sitting there, staring at the symbol, trying to figure out what it ment. She suddenly realized that she's seen that symbol before, back when she was training to be a Root member. She instantly took out a knife and cut off a branch from the tree, she then started to carve the symbol that was on the tree. Once she was finished, she pressed the wooden symbol into the drawn one on the tree slowly, and just as she did, the tree started to levitate revealing a hole underneath it.

She entered the hole, once she did the tree fell back down to cover the hole. She landed on her feet and as he looked up, she saw her former sensei. He was now an old man, but also the one the knew most about the training and the one who improved it. She stood there and told him everything about Sanmaru and asked for his help. He agreed, and pressed a botton on his chair and a bunch of videos showed up on a gaint screen behind him. The video's were all differant ways to train children to become "Root" members. He told her that Sanmaru would be trained in all of those forms including the ones that were sure to kill him. She agreed to his training methods. They then started getting everything ready for Sanmaru's training.

1 year passed and Sanmaru was now 5, he was still at the daycare. The people their thought that his mother had left him there forever and they decided to keep him just in case if she ever returned. While they took care of him, they also noticed his intelligence and grew quite fond of him. Sanmaru, however, was bored with these people and knew that it was only a matter of time until he mother came for him. The people taking care of him were going to adopt him, but surprisingly, Sanmaru's mother came that exact same day. She took Sanmaru with her deep into the woods, but erased all memories of Sanmaru from the people before she tok him. They entered a part of the forest that was protected by an invisible dome, it stopped anyone from getting in or out, except for Sanmaru's mother and her former sensei. They told him everything he needed to do and if he even failed one thing, he would be killed or die. His training had begun.

Sanmaru spent days in training. The training was supposed to make Sanmaru completly emotionless and ruthless. Aswell as making him a perfect shinobi and assassin. The training tought him how to use all forms of jutsu; ninjutsu, taijutsu, kenjutsu, genjutsu, kinjutsu, etc. Also how to completly control his chakra and how to survive under extreme conditions. Aswell as improving his strengh, stamina, speed, and charisma. This kind of training would go on until he finished it.

~End of training~
Sanmaru spent years under his "Root" training. He was now 10 and they said that he was now at the same power level as a jounin. He had completed the training 2 years ago, but wanted to continue testing only with harder test, such as those that they might give to an ANBU captain or higher. Sanmaru had exceeded their expectations and they had no idea what was about to happen because of them.

~The truth~
Sanmaru was now 11 and he didn't bother to listen to his mother or her sensei anymore. He thought of them as mere tuters and that they have exceeded their life spnd here on earth, but he wasn't that cruel. He was willing to let them live, even though they always under estimated him. It seemed as though his training didn't make him totally emotionless. One day, he was walking back home, he had just finished his morning exercises a bit early and he was quite hungry, when he entered the house he heard his "mother" talking to her sensei. She was telling him about how she wanted to stop killing pregnant woman and keeping their baby's just to continue the "Foundation". Intsantly, Sanmaru barged into the room. He asked her if she really is his mother and if not what happened to her. She told him the truth about how she killed her and kept Sanmaru...

~First kill~
... Sanmaru now had that killing intent that he had been hiding and finally kill that woman and old man. The one thing that stopped him from killing them before was now gone and all that was left was hatred. He could finally go all out and show them what he could do. His eyes started to transform as he began to run towards the woman. He was showing speed beyond then what they had seen him do and didn't have anytime to react as he grabbed her wrist and threw her to a wall. She went straight through the wall leaving a big hole on it. She kept going until she went through 2 trees and finally the 3rd tree stopped her. Sanmaru kept running, he was running directly towards the old man and was about to grab him by his throat, but the old man saw the attack coming and simply moved to the side, still under estimating him. Sanmaru quickly used his other hand to grab him by his throat and slammed it down on the ground. The old man started bleeding from the back of his head, it was abvious that he was a little to old to be fighting.

Sanmaru stood up and watched the old man bleed and then turned his head towards his "mother" and saw that she was just laying there. He was willing to kill them and that was exactly what he was going to do. Sanmaru grabbed the old mans katana, that he had left on the table, and pointed the tip towards the old mans face. He then stuck it through his face, he had killed one, now only one more was left.

Sanmaru walked out of the house, through the hole he made on the wall, and began heading towards his "mother". He was holding the blood stained katana in his right hand and it was the weapon that would change his life from that day on. Once he got to her, he noticed that a couple of her bones were broken and that she would have died even if he just left her there. But, he didn't like to let people suffer and she was no exception. He quickly stuck the katana through her heart and left it there. He had now killed the people who raised him and it was time to to find a new home.

~ Konoha~
Sanmaru had heard of a nearby village, it was suppossed to be the greatest shinobi village, Konoha. Sanmaru had been walking towards it for quite awhile now, possibly 3 hours, when he finally spotted the village gate. He began running towards it until he saw two men who asked him what his intentions in the village were. He just responded with telling them that he was there to give his full assisstance. They then let him in, he started to analyze the area and determined where the hokage's mansion was, he began heading towards it. Once he arrived at the front door of thee hokages room, he entered abruptly, showing no respect, and told the hokage that he was going to be the villages newest shinobi. The Hokage began to laugh and allowed him to be a genin, he then assigned him and toild him where he would be staying from now on. It was now his turn to show Konoha his power, he was about to go tryout to be an ANBU member.

Sanmaru spent a day getting accustomed to the village, but he now had to go and get that one certain rank that he needed to get, it was his life goal at the moment. He went to the ANBU headquarters where, at the entrance, they asked him his reason for being there. He told them that he wished to join the ranks of ANBU. They than escorted him to a room, where he would be tested to see if he had the abilities to be an ANBU member. He passed every part of the exam, now all he needed to do was defeat an ANBU member. The match would take place outside, in an arena that was made just for fights of total chaos. Once they arrived at the arena, the two shinobi walked into the center and began to fight.

The fight was epic, the were using jutsu's that most people couldn't do and when they used shurikans and needles, they were always aimed towards their chakra points. Eventually, the ANBU member was almost out of chakra and couldn't move as much, Sanmaru still had plenty of chakra and started making hand signs to finish the battle. Once he did the appropiate hand signs, he shot out a fire ball shaped as a dragon head towards the ANBU member. The ANBU leader then blocked Sanmaru's jutsu, since if the jutsu had hit, it would have killed his opponent. He allowed Sanmaru join the ranks of ANBU.

~The mission~
Sanmaru was now 16 and had advanced in rank. He was now the ANBU leader, but didn't dress accordingly. He wore his own colors and and also gotten stronger through the years. He had discovered and had full control of his bijuu and also discovered and mastered his kekke genkai. Those key things allowed him to surpass the hokage himself.

He was given a mission to go find out about the rumers about a new criminal organization. Some people thought it was a new akatsuki, but others thought it was just a myth that was started to frighten people. He, along with 5 others, were ordered to discover if these rumers were true, and end them if they weren't. The 5 ANBU were a little frightened about the mission since it had the word "akatsuki" in it. They knew what the previes ones had done, and another one would just be to troublesome. Sanmaru, though, was happy about it and seemed as if he couldn't wait to go already. They were all ready to leave and they did.

Sanmaru was always ahead of his squad and wasn't acting like usual, he was considerered a legendary ANBU leader and one of the best ninjas. Eventually, they arrived were the rumers started. Sanmaru told his squad to ask questions and find out as much as they can, he was going to go on ahead and go to the original akatsuki hide out, since that's most likely where they'de be, if there really was a new one.

Once his squad had finished with their end, they went to the rondevu point and waited for Sanmaru to arrive. They soon realized that something was wrong and headed over to where Sanmaru said he was going to be, he was nowhere to be seen. Sanmaru had abanded his team and left to the hidden cloud village, his team went back to konoha and told the hokage that Sanmaru had gone missing, that he was most likely dead. Sanmaru had been marked missing in action/dead.

Sanmaru was now ready to continue with his plans, he was going to assasinate the Raikage. He had everything ready, he had been marked as dead and he had gotten all the things he needed from Konoha. The Raikage was one of the strongest kages, but he ruled his country foolishly. It was as if he wanted to be overthrown. Sanmaru had been observing it for quite some time and now was the perfect time to move and kill him. He waited until it got dark, and then he began to move out.

Sanmaru headed towards the Raikage's office, he could hardly be seen with all the darkness surounding the area. Once he arrived at the Raikage's office, he could see that he was being protected by 6 ANBU. Sanmaru observed the area and knew exactly what to do. He threw a senbon on the ground with a note on it saying that someone will be trying to assasinate the Raikage and if they want to stop it, they want the ANBU protecting the Raikage at the top of the tallest mountain for a good old fashioned fight. 4 of them left and two of them stayed just in case. Suddenly, on of them fell down to the ground and the other got closer to the Raikage, as if he was going to protect him with his life.

All of a sudden, blood could be seen rolling down the neck of the Raikage. He had a kunia stuck deep in their and he fell to his knee's, looking up at the ANBU who stabbed it in there. He asked why, and the ANBu just answered by telling him that he only brings shame to the village and that the village deserves a better leader. And with that, the ANBU cut off the the head of the Raikage with his katana.

The ANBU took the body to the top of the Kage's Mansion and threw the Raikage's body down to the ground. It was a sign that he had been killed and that the ANBU who did it was the strongest in the whole village. The ANBU soon took off his mask, only to reveal that he had another mask underneath it, the ANBU was really Sanmaru. He gave a big lecture about why he did what he did and why he wanted to be Raikage. The crowd then cheered him on and made him their Raikage.

Time Skip History:
After the Chuunin Exams, Sanmaru traveled the world, along with C.C., trying to find something interesting. Something that he wouldn't have to be committed to, but still be pretty enjoyable. All he wanted, was something to ease his boredom. Hopefully, he would find someone, or a group of someones, that will help with his boredom problem. He's currently heading towards Iwa, to see it's miraculous rise.

Last edited by L on Mon Mar 23, 2009 8:11 pm; edited 6 times in total

Posts : 253
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Join date : 2008-11-21
Age : 32

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Sanmaru Gokage Empty Re: Sanmaru Gokage

Post by Kyouken Uchiha Fri Nov 21, 2008 7:59 pm

Kyouken Uchiha
Kyouken Uchiha
S-Ranked Missing-Nin
S-Ranked Missing-Nin

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Sanmaru Gokage Empty Re: Sanmaru Gokage

Post by L Mon Mar 23, 2009 8:11 pm

Learned Justus: Link.

Weapons/Items: Link.

Goals (Optional): Actual Goal: Unknown Known Goal: Find something to ease his boredom.

Posts : 253
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Join date : 2008-11-21
Age : 32

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Sanmaru Gokage Empty Re: Sanmaru Gokage

Post by L Mon Mar 23, 2009 8:11 pm

Updated for Time SKip.

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Age : 32

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Sanmaru Gokage Empty Re: Sanmaru Gokage

Post by L Thu Mar 26, 2009 8:20 pm


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Age : 32

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Sanmaru Gokage Empty Re: Sanmaru Gokage

Post by Kyouken Uchiha Thu Mar 26, 2009 10:08 pm

Kyouken Uchiha
Kyouken Uchiha
S-Ranked Missing-Nin
S-Ranked Missing-Nin

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