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The first operation of Yoshimo on this site ENJOY

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The first operation of Yoshimo on this site ENJOY Empty The first operation of Yoshimo on this site ENJOY

Post by Kaji-Kanto Sat Dec 06, 2008 11:46 pm

Yoshimo smiled and tapped a button on the side of the metal table. The light from above dropped down and and shone brightly over Kaji. Yoshimo could trust that Kaji wouldn't try to move as much and he was pondering whether to numb his limbs down or not. Yoshimo took the risk that Kaji could handle it and began anyways. Yoshimo snapped his right latex glove and instantly as he snapped it tight on his hand, bright green chakra covered it with sharp razor edges.

"Alright, I'm going to walk you through this real easy, I just need you to listen to me, listen to the sound of my voice and take deep breaths."

Yoshimo watched as Kaji responded, his chest began to heave up and down slower and slower untill he was calm and at a good but slightly low heart rate. If Yoshimo cut him while his heart rate was high, he could lose tons of blood due to the fact that Kaji could go into shock. Yoshimo waited a few seconds.

"Alright, the muscle that covers your eye is your orbicularis oculi, try saying that in your mind three times fast. What I have to do, is pull that muscle back as far as I can, so I can get to the smaller muscles behind your eye that allow them to move. You should feel a slight stinging."

Yoshimo grabbed two tools, each with small cushions on the end. On the other end they held small straps which Yoshimo strapped to the side of the table and positioned over Kaji's single eye. Yoshimo pushed the ends of them down on Kaji's face, and with a crankshift on each one, they slowly pulled back while pushing down on his eye lids. They continued to push back, one down into the cheek, and the other back into the forehead untill Kaji's eye was completely open. The muscle was back far enough, but now Kaji's eye was going red due to dryness. Yoshimo reached over to the counter that was close by and grabbed a dropper, and dropped a few drops of water on Kaji's eyeball.

"Here comes the nasty part. Naturally you will freak out when I get too close to your eye, you can't help that due to natural reactions. When I get close I'm going to do a quick circular cut with this finger covered in chakra. Your optic nerves and the muscles attached to the behind of the eye will be cut, and you will go blind in that one eye. I don't have a replacement, but I don't need one. I will cut a segment of your eye, attach it back and then grow it back in place. It will hurt, and you will bleed. When you feel your eye socket filling up with blood I need you to remain as calm as possible, if your heart rate increases, so will the rate of blood coming out of you, and if not controlled, we could have a bloody mess on our hands."

Yoshimo looked at Kaji as he nodded a bit, signaling that he was ready and that he understood what was about to happen. Yoshimo placed a few more drops on his eye. Yoshimo took his right hand, the hand covered in chakra, and extended his pinky, and index fingers on the behind side of the eye. Yoshimo placed those fingers that were on the small muscles and did a quick cut, which instantly caused the eye to go limp and roll around in the socket. Yoshimo expected Kaji, to bleed a bit more, but he was only bleeding minimally. Using his left hand, Yoshimo carefully lifted the eye up out of the socket about one inch. The optic nerves and some blood vessels could be seen now, and this is where the bleeding would really begin. Yoshimo flicked his index finger forward, focusing chakra into the tip of it, forming a small chakra scalpel. With a flick of the wrist, Yoshimo cut the optic nerves and Kaji was now blind and bleeding. Yoshimo quickly put the eye into the empty container, and with a mini water seal like the larger one he had, he released the water into the container, which caused the eye to levitate and the container to slowly fill up. Yoshimo reached his left hand into his pocket and pulled out a small parchment of paper with the symbol "Heal" in the center. He placed them on the bottom of the container where the cords were, so they would release chakra steadily into the wires that Yoshimo attached to the free eye in the container.

Yoshimo quickly turned back to the bleeding Kaji, and placed his right hand underneath the back side of his head. With his left hand, Yoshimo grabbed the dropper and squirted all the water out, and began to suck up blood with it, so that it wouldn't run out of his eye socket.

"Stay with me now, and keep calm. What I'm about to do with my right hand is use my medical chakra to stimulate your sight. The back of the brain is where the sight process is. I'm going to use chakra to stimulate that part, because the brain has realized that your eye has gone out and the optic nerves aren't sending messages back to the brain to turn it back on. You think you are blind, but what I am going to do is flood your brain with memories, as to try and distract the brain from thinking about the eye, by forcing it to mentally see things. Close your other eye and watch your memories."

Yoshimo's right hand glowed intensly, as a wave of chakra began to pulse into the back of Kaji's brain. Soon, his brain would be flooded with memories, and he would be in a dream like state. The only risk that Yoshimo had now, is that he didn't know what Kaji's memories were. If they were full of horror, his heart rate could increase and he could bleed to death. Yoshimo's left hand however was still pumping out blood from the socket, and it had pumped out enough to seal it. Yoshimo grabbed a small towel and forced it into the socket to temporary hold off the bleeding. Yoshimo then removed his right hand now that Kaji's brain waves were stimulated and he was dreaming. He quickly turned around to the canister with the free eye in it and removed the lid. Yoshimo placed his hand around the eye and began to cut a small semi-circle out. It contained all the parts of the eye, which was enough to regrow the eye.

Yoshimo turned back to Kaji, who was motionless, but had an increasing heart rate. The small towel in his eye was completely red, so Yoshimo moved it and tossed it into a bin. Yoshimo placed the half eye back into the eye socket, right on top of the cut blood vessels and optic nerves, so when he healed, they would naturally attach. As a precautionary method, Yoshimo checked the back end of the eye again, and with the aid of chakra, attached his optic nerves and blood vessels to the eye. Putting them on top might not do much. Reaching his hands quickly to the tools that held his eye muscle back, Yoshimo released the crankshift which allowed his eye to close. There was blood all over the side of Kaji's face, but Yoshimo had to finish the procedure quickly, or Kaji would be scarred for life.

"Koudo Eisei Chiyu Chakra!"

Yoshimo's already intense green hands grew even brighter, covering the room in a flash of green light. This was Yoshimo's special type of medical chakra that would literally heal anything. He discovered this type of medical chakra manipulation while he was reading an ancient book on Yin-Yang Manipulation. His hands would be numb for a while, but it was worth it. They were closer to interpreting the scrolls.

Just as soon as the light came it faded away, and Kaji's eye seemed perfectly fine even though closed. It was a bit lower than his other one, but the chakra was still taking it's effect, and if you watched carefully you could see the eye rise again to a normal level as it grew in size and filled out the socket. When it filled out the socket it pushed the remaining blood out, leaving Kaji crying blood.

Yoshimo sighed heavily and walked over to the cabinents where he threw his old gloves away and put on new ones. He ripped a piece of towel off, and a long piece of bandages off. He took the towel and with a few dabs of alcohol, rubbed it all ove Kaji's eyes cleaning and sanitizing the surgery area. He then wrapped the bandage around Kaji's eye and around his head, leaving the one free eye open to see. Yoshimo could hear Kaji coming out of the dream state soon, so he relaxed in a chair as he waited. Kaji would have to leave that bandage on for a while though.

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