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Kankaru's water techniques n/f (But would like these to be approved =P)

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Kankaru's water techniques n/f (But would like these to be approved =P) Empty Kankaru's water techniques n/f (But would like these to be approved =P)

Post by Shini Sat Dec 06, 2008 6:34 am

Name of jutsu: Mizu Bunshin no Jutsu: Water Clone Technique
Rank: C
Range: Close, mid, far
Type of jutsu: Ninjutsu
Clan: /
Elemental affinity: Suiton

Description: The Water Clone Technique is similar to the Shadow Clone Technique except it creates clones out of water. Like the other solid clone techniques, the clones can be used to preform tasks the user is unable or unwilling to do for themselves. The range of the clone is limited however, it can not travel very far from the original body. Like other clone techniques, if the water clones are injured enough they will revert back to normal water.

Weakness: The clones can be killed rather easy like any other type of clone.

Name of jutsu: Suiton: Bakusui Shōha: Exploding Water Shockwave
Rank: S
Range: Close, mid, far
Type of jutsu: Ninjutsu
Clan: /
Elemental affinity: Suiton

Description: Taking in a deep breathe, kankaru compacts a large about of the moistness in the air around him into his mouth. He then shoots an entire lake's worth of water out of his mouth which he can use to give him the complete advantage on the battlefield. This technique is works very well with taking out a large number of people out at once. Using decent chakra control, kankaru can sustain the water and keep it for not expanding to far, literally creating the battlefield into a small ocean.

Weakness: Takes good chakra control to contain the water and use it effectively.

Name of jutsu: Godly water grip
Rank: S
Range: Close, mid, far
Type of jutsu: Ninjutsu
Clan: /
Elemental affinity: Suiton

Description: This jutsu requires a large body of water, and is mainly used after Suiton: Bakusui Shōha. Having two clones active, kankaru will place them across a separate area of the field as both preform the jutsu. Both clones with hold both palms on the surface of the water and channel chakra into it. The first clone will channel chakra into the surface of the water, distorting the opponents chakra and making it extremely difficult to stand on the water. The other clones will channel chakra threw out the rest of the water, this time with kankaru's chakra absorbing chakra. At the moment the opponent's foot falls under the surface of the water, if it does, Kankaru will make the water around the foot much more dense, making it almost impossible to pull it out. While the foot is under the water, the second clone's chakra will flow into it and start to slowly adsorb the opponents chakra, and also disturbing it. Having little control over their chakra, the opponent will find it difficult to preform jutsu, and also channel chakra into the other foot. By this time the person will be completely underwater and with no control over their chakra, which is slowly being drained. Being under water and completely vulnerable, Kankaru will have to perfect opening to deliver a devastating blow.

Weakness: If the opponent if skilled enough, they may not find it as difficult to loose their footing. Also, if the clones are found and destroyed, the jutsu ends.

Name of justu: Daibakufu no Jutsu: Grand Waterfall Technique.
Rank: A
Range: Mid, far
Type of jutsu: Ninjutsu
Clan: /
Elemental affinity: Suiton

Description: A technique that forms a strong column of water to attack the opponent. Due to the force of the water the target will be fully enveloped by the water and at its mercy as it pulls them away. The power of the water can break bones in certain cases. With kankaru's advanced water jutsu skills, he is able to us this technique is many useful ways. Such as Causing it to form right above your head, or behind you, just as you had been propeller.

Weakness: At times it can be easy to dodge.

Name of jutsu: Suiton: Suiryūdan no Jutsu: Water Dragon Technique
Rank: B
Range: Mid, far
Type of jutsu: Ninjutsu
Clan: /
Elemental affinity: Suiton

Description: Suiton: Suiryūdan no Jutsu is a technique which manifest a large dragon made of water. The force the dragon causes with impact is devastating, and could easily rip threw a mountain.

Weakness: This jutsu requires more hand signs then any other jutsu in the world.

Name of jutsu: Suiton extract
Rank: S
Range: Close, mid
Type of jutsu: Taijutsu/ ninjutsu
Clan: /
Elemental affinity: Suiton

Description: Suiton extract is an advanced taijutsu based ninjutsu technique. This justu must be executed with perfect accuracy and timing to work. Using some form of close range attack which is capable of draining chakra, most commonly using Samahda, Kankaru quickly preforms a snake hand sign with his other unoccupied hand. At the exact moment the chakra begins to move, kankaru with concentrate on the unprotected body water. With only less then a second to gain full concentration onto it, Kankaru will make the body water instantly leave the body. The effects of this could range from Immense head pain and dizziness, to fatality.

Weakness: This just must be accomplished perfectly, which is extremely hard to do so.

Name of jutsu: Suiton lung burst technique
Rank: S
Range: Close, mid, far
Type of jutsu: Ninjutsu
Clan: /
Elemental affinity: Suiton

Description: Kankaru will pick a selected area and condense the water in the air in that pacific area. This will make it much harder for the opponent to breathe and may cause large, more drown out breathes. When the opponent Breathes in the area, a curtain about of invisible mist will also enter their body along with the air. The amount of mist is depended on the size of breathe. Once the mist reaches the longs, Kankaru will expand the mist slightly and cause it do burst in a very compact explosion. This explosion is not strong enough to burst the lungs them self in most causes, but instead caused immense chest pain. This continues to happened with every breathe the opponent takes in the selected area. The area can also be changed relativity easy, making this one of kankaru's most potent ticktocks.

Weakness: A decant amount of chakra control most be onto the air at all times.

Name of jutsu: Mizu Kawarimi - Water Replacement
Rank: S
Range: Self
Type of jutsu: Ninjutsu
Clan: /
Elemental affinity: Suiton

Description: By using this technique, kankaru can turn himself into water at anytime he wished for a long period of time. This allows him to avoid taking direct damage from many physical attacks. It also allows him to be quite stealth, evaporate himself into mist to spy, or execute a hidden attack. It also allows him to move relatively fast threw the air or ground.

Weakness: Constant chakra control is needed.

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Kankaru's water techniques n/f (But would like these to be approved =P) Empty Re: Kankaru's water techniques n/f (But would like these to be approved =P)

Post by Kaji-Kanto Sat Dec 06, 2008 11:35 am


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