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Dragon's Eye View

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Dragon's Eye View Empty Dragon's Eye View

Post by Darkjagwar Sun Jun 28, 2009 2:34 am

It had been only a day since Ryuuza had regained his ability to use Magic. He had spent three years in the Wave Country learning about the time period in which he would remain. Not knowing how much time he had until The Order attacked, he spent the first day testing his powers and then strolling briskly towards Konoha, a stop he thought he must go through in order to return to his original village; now Kusagakure. He had reached a point atop a mountain when he could see all of Konoha, but something was wrong, suddenly buildings spontaneously burst into flames. It's already begun... he thought to himself viewing the destruction that was taking place.

"Ryuugan; Kanjiru!"

Ryuuza closed his eyes and reopened them. His iris was now a deep crimson and his pupils became slits. He had activated his gift doujutsu from the Elder Dragon, The Ryuugan. With the ability Kanjiru, he was able to detect anyone's presence. "Hmm...I sense one intruder of the village at the moment," he said quietly. But there are four, no five shinobi awaiting to counter his attack. I would try to stop the man myself, as my affinity is for water, which has a natural advantage over his apparent fire skill, but I wonder if these shinobi stand a chance." An ominous wind had rolled in and made Ryuuza shiver. "I'll barge right in if anything goes wrong, but if these ninja are strong enough...we just might be able to put an end to Father once and for all."

Just then Ryuuza sensed another presence coming for him, but did not put his guard up as he could tell this was one of the good shinobi from Konoha. "I presume you're here to attack me?" he asked calmly.

Out of thin air appeared Kazuki, Level One Thunderbolt Seal active with Twin Thunderbolts in hand. "As a matter of fact, yes," he growled in a serious tone. "I sensed your presence along with the other man that attacked. Seeing as how no one else sensed you, I decided to take care of you on my own, even if I have to give my own life. Now tell me! What is The Order planning? Where is your headquarters? What is the extent of your leader's power? If you don't tell me now, I'll have to beat the answers out of you!"

Ryuuza sighed. "Don't waste your time. I have no information to offer nor am I part of The Order." He held up a hand to Kazuki and whispered, "Soyokaze." A breeze blew past Kazuki and dissipated his Twin Thunderbolts and his aura of chakra due to the Seal. "Well, not anymore. You see, I am a Magic user, from a different time. I was sent forward from the distant past to this time period in order to help the shinobi stop Father's uprising. As far as I know, The Order is planning a full scale war and might be trying to recruit more followers as that was his plan's fatal flaw last time.."

"Last time?" asked Kazuki while reverting back to his normal state.

"Why, when The Sage of Six Paths founded the Shinobi World as we know it, of course. The Order was severely outnumbered which was essential to their defeat. Father, the leader of The Order, is not one to make the same mistake twice."

"I see."

"And as for a headquarters, I have no idea. The extent of Father's power? Well, I'm not sure. I did not know the extent hundreds of years ago, and I sure as hell do not know it now. All I know is that he can only have become stronger and that we must defeat him once and for all now or else he'll just come back in a decade or two and try the same trick again. My name is Ryuuza Mitsukai, by the way."

"Kazuki Yajin."

"I suggest we both stay up here and watch the battle from afar."

"Why do you say that?"

"We will have a more objective opinion of the situation if we stay up here and will also be safe because we are hidden. Also, we will be able to arrive when needed."

"Easy for you to say. Up here is out of range for me. I can only sense a relatively short distance away with my jutsu; it seems like you can cover more than double my range. I'd rather go down there to see how everyone is doing; my son is down there and he's all I have left...and I haven't been paying too much attention to him lately..."

"Do not fret, new friend. I have an idea. I can use my astral projection to view the battle down in the village. All you have to do is watch over my body as it is completely vulnerable when my spirit is gone. If you need to see what's happening, you can see what I see by placing your hand on my body's shoulder and closing your eyes. If anything happens, you will see it and be able to leave immediately. I will then return to my body and join you shortly."

"A fine idea, Ryuuza. Go for it."


Ryuuza's body went limp and Kazuki caught it and layed it on the ground. He then placed his hand on the body's shoulder and waited to share sight with Ryuuza. Meanwhile, Ryuuza's projection darted towards the battle scene to see how the event would unfold.

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Join date : 2008-11-22
Age : 33

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