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Osamu Rimakan

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Osamu Rimakan Empty Osamu Rimakan

Post by Osamu_Rimakan Fri Jun 26, 2009 11:17 am

Name: Osamu Rimakan (Osamu means Ruler)

Age: 1022

Bloodline: Rimakan

Rank: S-Rank Missing Nin


Village: Hidden Rain Village

Alignment: Neutral (Does whatever benefits’ him for now and in the long run)

Appearance: See Sig

Personality: Arrogant, Smart, Sadistic, Helpful, Open mined, Leader, Elegant (ASSHOLE!)

History: 1000 years ago there was a country separated by war. Deep, deep within the Marsh Country lies an unknown cave where a warrior has lost his memory. On the brink of destruction, there was a war about to begin. In the middle was a young warrior by the name of Osamu. He was being restrained. By whom and for what reason remained a mystery to him. He looked up; his sight a little blurred from being in the dark for so long and heard two guards talking. One said “I can’t believe that this kid is the one we been looking for.” The other said “well this is the one that he said he wanted something about an experiment.” Then there was a loud noise. The guards quickly ran to see what is was.
Osamu tried to escape in the guards absents but could not. He felt weak every time he tried to escape. Just then a bird flew in and started to pull and tug at the chains and broke its beak once the chains broke. Osamu felt bad for the little bird and took it with him as he escaped. Once outside he saw bodies everywhere and there wasn’t anyone around for miles. He looked around and saw a figure standing in the distance. All Osamu could make out was the figure dark red eyes. His eyes looked as if they were staring right through him. Osamu felt as if he couldn’t even move. He was stuck in a Trans. He managed to grab a knife and stab himself in the leg and broke free. Osamu saw a sword jammed in the spinal cord of one of the dead warriors. Osamu managed to pull it out of the warrior’s spinal cord. He thought to himself and suddenly, in an instant flash of his past appeared in front of him. All Osamu could make out from his vision was dark red eyes similar to the unknown killer. Osamu pointed at the dark figure and said with confidence “I don’t know you but you will die by me. Your reason for being here is irrelevant. Tell me your name. I wish to know the name of the people I kill.”
The figure laughed and said with a cocky attitude “I go by many names but you may call me Akihiro.” As he spoke his name he stepped out of the darkness and reveled himself. He was a tall dark skinned male about 6 feet even. Osamu charged and attempted an attack. Akihiro easily avoided the attacks. “What have I done to you? Why fight me I didn’t bring you here. All I’m doing is following orders.” “Orders?” Osamu asked with a confused look on his face. Akihiro managed to catch Osamu off guard. He knocked him down and punched him in the stomach. Osamu fell down to the ground in pain. He dropped his sword and turned on his side. “You really think you could defeat me? I am what you can only hope to be boy!” Just then Osamu eyes began to change into a sort of Yin Yang. Time froze at that moment. Osamu got up and looked around and saw that he had stopped time. He wasted no time as he grabbed his sword and stabbed Akihiro in the stomach and watched as he fell to his knees. “Yes talk now Akihiro. I can’t hear you!” Osamu said as he again stabbed him this time in his legs. Akihiro coughed up some blood and looked at Osamu and laughed. “You think this is over? My daughter will avenge me and she will kill you.” Akihiro laughed louder almost as if he was mocking Osamu.
A furious Osamu stabbed Akihiro repeatedly in his heart, lung, and chest area. Then Osamu decapitated him. Once finished Osamu looked at what he had done. He put his sword away and walked away slowly. Off in the distance there was girl standing at the entrance of the village. “Nice work. I am Iku.” The girl said. “I was wondering if you would be interested in joining our little organization you would be a valuable asset to us.” Osamu contemplated on it for a while and came to a conclusion. “I will but I need to finish something first. I’ll be in touch with you.” Osamu said as he walked away. “Your eyes are a lot like his. He will see you soon and you will understand it all.” Aimi thought to herself as she vanished. Osamu picked up a map designating the next step in their plan was to head for the Hidden Rain Village.

Osamu wondered what happened. He knew that Akihiro should’ve killed him. He also thought about to himself “who was that Iku girl and is she going to be a threat? No I sensed how strong she was. I need her as an ally, But at the same time work alone. I know what I’ll do.” Osamu pack some things and left for the Rain Village. Osamu came across a merchant. The merchant tried to convince him to buy something. Osamu looked on and saw nothing of interest. That is until he saw the most beautiful sword. It had an amazing chrome finish with the finest steel anyone could find. Osamu reached for it but the merchant quickly covered it up. “No, my good friend that is not for sale. This is a legendary weapon.”
Osamu pulled out his sword and threatened the merchant. “I want that sword and I will have it. Now either you hand it over or I take it from your heart once I stab it through your chest.” The merchant laughed for a minute, “Foolish ignorant boy! Let’s make a deal. If you can wield it. You can have it. There is also a little myth behind it to that I will reveal.” Osamu tried to lift it and could not. He thought back to when he fought Akihiro and how he froze time. He tried his best to get that power again. He put so much power into it that his eyes began to bleed. The merchant was silent and watched in awe. Osamu had frozen time again and this time he could move things around no matter the weight, size or volume. He was shocked that he could do that. He went straight for the sword and lifted it high above his head.
Just then time unfroze and the merchant saw Osamu wielding the sword. “I believe you owe me a story merchant.” Osamu said with a bit of cockiness. “Alright, that sword is known as the Heavens Disrupter. Reason why is because it was used to end several wars. The sword itself can disrupt the heavens themselves and bring down powerful blades of wind that can cut through anything. It has also been known to cause damage to the sky.” Osamu looked at the weapon and put it on his back. He then waved to the merchant and wished him well. Osamu headed back on the road to The Hidden Rain Village.
On his way to there Osamu was stopped by a huge man. He was standing 6ft 8in and was dumb as a bag of bricks. Now with a victory over Akihiro and wielding the Heaven’s Disrupter Osamu has a high level of confidence. “Ok so who are you suppose to be?” Osamu asked while laughing. Just as he was laughing, the large man grabbed Osamu by the throat and began to squeeze. “My name is Kevin. I am the mightiest warrior ever to live. No one has defeated me yet and never will. ” Osamu reached for the first sword he had and stabbed Kevin with it. Osamu took a moment to breathe and said “Kevin? That’s your name? Out of all the names in the world you pick Kevin. Not Chain, Not Dice, Not even a simple X. Well Kevin here’s what going to happen, first I’m going to stab you, then I’m going to slice off your arm with this awesome blade I just got, and lastly I’m going to slice your fucking throat off and see if that can shut you up.” Kevin put his hands on the ground and lifted a large portion of it and threw it at Osamu. Osamu dodged it but was knocked down by Kevin.
Osamu stood up slowly and shook his head. “Ok that was unexpected.” Osamu ran and charged Kevin. Osamu and Kevin engaged in close range combat. Osamu managed to dodge Kevin punches and sliced his knee caps. “Ha! Now what are you going to do big man?” Osamu continued to mock him. Kevin quickly rushed Osamu and punched him in his stomach. Kevin then grabbed Osamu by his throat and held him in the air while repeatedly punched Osamu in the stomach. At that moment Kevin pulled his fist back far as he could and punched Osamu one last time sending Osamu flying high into the air. “What the hell?” Osamu said as he went higher into the air. “Ok….this dude is clearly going to be a problem.” Osamu released the Heavens Disrupter and swung it at the sky. The force from it catapulted Osamu back to the ground at dangerously high speeds. Osamu put the sword in his hands and gripped it tightly and began to spin around and then Osamu threw the sword at Kevin. Heavens Disrupter caused a brief separation of the earth and the sky. The sword had created a huge crater in the ground. It was about 6 miles in diameter and about 4 miles deep. Once Osamu fell back to the ground he could barely move. He crawled over to see what had become of Kevin. All that was left were brain fragments, a shredded kidney, a broken skull, and a couple of body parts. “Aww.........I....didn’t get to slice his throat.” Osamu turned over and looked up at the sky and smiled as he slowly closed his eyes.

Osamu slowly opened his eyes and saw he was in a strange place. He looked over to his left and saw someone looking directly in his eyes. “Uh, hi?” Osamu said with a bit confuse look on his face. “Oh sorry, you just look so handsome. My name is Blue Beauty but you can call me Blue, or Beauty.” Osamu gazed upon her beauty in awe. “Whoa! My name is Osamu. I’m trying to get to the Rain Village.” Osamu stood up and looked around. “Well lucky for you you’re here. Hey what clan are you from?” Beauty asked as she continues to look at Osamu. He had a confused look on his face as he said “I don't know." Beauty smiled and jumped around. “Wow you don’t know? Ok it goes like this. Everyone is either part of a clan or is decedents of a clan. Although there are many clans out there, alot of them are unknown.”
Beauty handed Osamu some tea and insisted that he drink it. As Osamu sip the tea he asked Beauty “So what clan do you belong to?” Beauty smiled and a little. “I thought you’d never ask. My clan is deceased and there are three of us left. My clan was the Mizuki. We can control gravity.” Osamu dropped his cup. “No f-ing way! Ok. So you want to come with me? I’m looking for a girl named Iku.” Beauty smile changed into a frown. “She belongs to a group named Akatsuki. They are well known and dangerous. If you’re looking for her she’s on a date with Ryu.” Osamu grabbed Beauty by her arm and went to find Iku. “Why do you care about her?” Beauty asked with a hint of jealously. “Because she asked me to join her group after she saw me kill Akihiro, which means she knows more then she says she does.” Osamu and Beauty arrived at the park and saw Iku and Ryu about to kiss. “Ugh. Oh God. Now you’re kissing whatever that is? Oh wait it's a person?! Awe man that’s low.” Ryu stood up and growled at Osamu. “Look I don’t know who you are but I suggest you leave.” Ryu eyes started to glow a golden color. “Wow eye tricks. I’m really scared now.” Osamu released the Heaven’s Disrupter. Iku recognized the weapon and quickly appeared in front of Osamu. “Do you realize what that is?” Osamu looked at Iku. “Uh yeah.” Iku smiled. “Ok smart ass do you know what it does every time you use it?” Osamu was stuck and couldn’t speak. “It destroys the skies and disrupts time and space.” Osamu looked sad for a moment. “So I knew that.”
Ryu being angry that Iku knew Osamu attacked Osamu. He managed to scratch Osamu on his arm. “O because you look like a mutt you have to fight like one too? How clichéd is that.” Osamu used some of chakra and created two shards of glass on each of his wrist. He then charged Ryu and began to swing at him. Osamu movements were too fast for Ryu to track. Because of that Ryu was cut badly. There were gashes, and deep cuts all over Ryu. Osamu walked over to Ryu as he fell to the ground. “Time for you to get put down mutt.” Osamu pulled his arm back and with all his might pushed forward. Ryu used his hand to block it. The blade went through his hand and Ryu used his other hand to try and claw Osamu’s face off. Osamu blocked it and began to push harder making his blade go further and further through Ryu's hand. Iku stepped in and stopped Osamu. “What will killing Ryu do?” Osamu looked at Iku and smiled. “You’re confused aren’t you? You want to be a ruthless killer like your father but you don’t have the heart.” “How do you know my father?” Osamu smiled again as he held Beauty close to him. “That’s a story for another day. All I need you to do is tell me how to get to the leader of Akatsuki. I know he sent you to get me and I want to know why. So please lead the way.

Continued in next post

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Osamu Rimakan Empty Re: Osamu Rimakan

Post by Osamu_Rimakan Fri Jun 26, 2009 11:18 am


Osamu, Iku, Beauty and Ryu headed for the Akatsuki base. Once there they wondered how they were going to get in. Iku hit Osamu and Beauty in their neck. “What was that for?” Ryu asked out of curiosity. “Prisoners.” Iku replied. “Well what about me?” Iku kissed Ryu and pushed him down the mountain side. Iku then took Osamu and Beauty into the base. She threw them down on the floor in front of someone. “I have caught these peons sneaking around our base. What should we do with them?” Iku asked as she took a knee. Just then Osamu stood up and held grabbed Iku and put his glass blade to her throat. “Alright whose in charge?!” Osamu yelled as he looked around and saw several other warriors. At that moment the ground began to shake and a hand made of rock grabbed Osamu and threw him into the wall. Then he was repeatedly slammed Osamu. He was lifted into the air by tree branches. While being held high above the ground two more people climbed the tree branches and started to kick and punch Osamu repeatedly in his face and stomach. Just then the two people were violently pulled down by the sudden gravity increase and broke their necks as their heads hit the ground. Osamu said “Nice timing Beauty.” Osamu cut the tree branches down and landed on the ground. He looked at Iku then charged the man Iku was talking to, but before he could get to him two people grabbed his arms. Iku then grabbed Beauty. “Stupid. Are you trying to bring down the Akatsuki? Alone? With just a gravity binder?” Everyone started laughing. “Ha-ha fricking ha ok so who are you?” Osamu asked with a bit of anger. The man smiled and began to speak but before he could get a word out Osamu interrupted him.
“I know all about you Joe Rimaka. Last of the legendary Rimakan clan. You started the Akatsuki group. You are despicable.” Osamu started to laugh. “I know all about you. I know more about you than everybody in the Akatsuki.” Osamu smiled “king to rook. Your move.” Joe pulled out his sword and pointed it at Osamu. “I see you got the sword I left for you.” Osamu was shocked and in that moment Joe rushed Osamu and in an instant he had his sword pointed at Osamu’s sternum. Osamu stopped time but soon as time froze, Joe was behind him and said “Do you even know what a Rimakan is?”
Osamu smirked. “Yea I know what a Rimakan is. A Rimakan is what I AM!!” Osamu turned to face Joe but he was gone. He looked around and took a few steps back and Joe put his sword to Osamu’s throat. “So you got everything figured out? You know it all don’t you?” Joe swung his sword full force to cut Osamu’s head off. When the blade touched his skin it scraped and sparks flew. “It’s called a metal decoy” Osamu said. “I don’t have everything figured out I just have you figured out.” Osamu lunged himself at Joe wielding the Heaven’s Disrupter. Joe blocked the Heaven's Disrupter with his sword. Osamu pulled out another sword and swung it at Joe. “You knew who I was and you led me here! You planned all of this JOE!!! Why? WHY?!!” Osamu yelled in anger.” You weren’t ready for the truth. You still aren’t I’m surprise you figured this much out.” Joe inserted some chakra into Osamu’s sword. Osamu let his sword go and kept the Heaven's Disrupter in his hand. His other sword changed into a black chain and grabbed Osamu. With a smile on his face, Osamu grabbed the chain and threw it back at Joe. At that moment Joe dispersed into small shadow parts that combined with the darkness around him and Osamu. The darkness surrounded Osamu and began to get larger and larger. Then a dark sphere appeared around Osamu’s head sucking the air away. Osamu could feel the air leaving his body getting weaker and weaker. Osamu eyes began to close as he fell to the ground. Osamu punched the sphere repeatedly and opened his eyes to see he was standing in front of Joe and that everything that happened was an illusion. “You…..Joe you are strong. I see where I get it from father.” Joe looked at Osamu and smiled. ”You are just as I imagined. I am not your father, this is not a fantasy world where I’m your father and that make since, no no no I am your creator. You are a human with Rimakan powers. I created you Osamu Rimakan!”

Osamu was at a lost for words. For the first time since he could remember he couldn’t say a word. He dropped his sword and looked at Joe. “So………am I human or a Rimakan?” Osamu asked out of confusion. “Neither and both. You have our blood in you but you’re not a full blooded Rimakan. Although you do share our immortality, you do have human side effects. For instance: Although you have control over time and a thirst for knowledge, you will always want more and more. I can train you but it will take some years. It will also become very rigorous. Are you up for it?” Osamu thought to his self and then he looked at Beauty and asked Joe “Can she come she’s all I have?” Joe looked at her and then at Osamu. “But she’s not immortal; she’ll die before you finish your training. You see we’re going to a place where time progress faster than it does here. So let’s say your training takes 1010 years that means a mere 10 years has passed here.” Osamu had a sad look on his face as he looked at Beauty frozen on time. “Wait I have an idea!” Joe said. He made a seal and put it on Beauty’s upper shoulder blade. “This is a Time Seal. It has a plus side and a down side. The plus side is that with this seal she will forever remain the same age, but upon removing it she will revert to what ever her right age is. Example, if you keep this seal on her for let’s say 84 years and it’s removed she will be 84 plus her current age and it will show.” Osamu knew the risk but he agreed. Time unfroze and Osamu, Beauty, and Joe were gone. Osamu and joe spent the next 1000 years training and Osamu learned how gain control over his Rimakan abilities. Upon his return Joe would die from mysterious causes and Osamu went into a depressed state where he left his village and vowed to one day start his own.

Speciality: Mental Intuned, Ninjutsu, Genjutsu, Chakra intuned

Learned jutsus: Coldest Winter, Night Rain, Zeus (Summoning)

Elements: Water/Earth

Weapons/items: Heaven's Disrupter

Goals: To gain extensive knowledge of why humans fight and become a legend

Last edited by Osamu_Rimakan on Mon Jun 29, 2009 11:51 am; edited 2 times in total

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Osamu Rimakan Empty Re: Osamu Rimakan

Post by Osamu_Rimakan Mon Jun 29, 2009 8:22 am


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Osamu Rimakan Empty Re: Osamu Rimakan

Post by Kyouken Uchiha Mon Jun 29, 2009 3:42 pm

Approved unless said otherwise
Kyouken Uchiha
Kyouken Uchiha
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S-Ranked Missing-Nin

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Osamu Rimakan Empty Re: Osamu Rimakan

Post by Kaji-Kanto Wed Jul 01, 2009 3:45 pm

*claps* Oh so reminds me of kaji with the personnallity...

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Osamu Rimakan Empty Re: Osamu Rimakan

Post by Osamu_Rimakan Thu Jul 02, 2009 11:04 am

I do try Kanji. Well guess that means Osamu and Kanji will get along just fine.

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