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The Order.....meeting in pure daylight?

Kyouken Uchiha
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The Order.....meeting in pure daylight? Empty The Order.....meeting in pure daylight?

Post by Kyouken Uchiha Tue Jun 23, 2009 2:57 pm

"Teleportum Leloch Maxi"

A white portal formed, shaping almost simular to a door but in a oval like shape. Walking out was the renowned and god-like figure, The Leader, The Father himself. His white robes somewhat dragged on the green grass in the forest area. He looks up seeing that he was surrounded by trees that seemed endless, it would be a good hiding spot for him and his group to meet however if anyone were to find them and watch them, they would have the advantage of stealth but not surprise. As he walked out, more people began to come out of the portal, all of them were hooded at the time simular to the leader but the more known people were there. The two twins, the red haired man and the blue-haired girl were present but the other ten at this moment were not going to be revealed, they would stay silent unless they were told to do so and Father did not want them to say anything, not yet that is...

He was waiting for the other members to show, this was a cruical point into this war. It was first a silent war and now this was there time to act, whether its action or through silent talk, there was some type of war to be fought and Father knew that this was the perfect time. Because the affect the Akatsuki has brought some things into the open and because The Order has been revealed to some of the villages, the time to act....was now and it would probably work. Father walks over to the middle of the area. It was like a small training site, it had a few trees where they were marks. Probably made from shinobi who were training with either kunai, shuriken or chakra mastery. Father looks at the area, seeing there were few rocks or anything to sit on, he had to make on his own. He smiles as he lowers his hand to the ground and the ground itself rose up. Rising up from the ground was a chair, sizeable enough to sit him down comfortablely. He lowers himself on the chair and sits waiting for his other members and agents to arrive.
Kyouken Uchiha
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The Order.....meeting in pure daylight? Empty Re: The Order.....meeting in pure daylight?

Post by Kyo Tue Jun 23, 2009 3:12 pm

With his arms hanging behind him, Animae pressed his foot off of a solid tree and sprang himself further into the woods. He traveled swiftly and silently until he reached his destination. As he landed, his arms hung downwards towards the ground. he rose slowly and kept his eyes fixated on The Father at all times.

When Animae had first heard of The Order, his initial calculations only showed them to be a major piece in the destruction of humanity. But after learning of their true purpose and plans, Animae could see that they were the answer to the human race.

His gears moved silently within his own body as his brain processed all that he could see. Though The Father was great man, Animae could not help but feel that humans were a primitive race and showed by never bowing to any man. While he had bowed to get people to think that he was something that he was not, The Father knew exactly what Animae really was and would spend no time in human formalities. Animae stood motionless, only starring at the white hood that hid the mans face.

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The Order.....meeting in pure daylight? Empty Re: The Order.....meeting in pure daylight?

Post by Mirage Tue Jun 23, 2009 3:25 pm

Rain ran her small fragile fingers over the leaves as she walked through the dense forest. The soft ground was cold against her bare feet as she quickly made her way to the meeting. Much had transpired since she last met with The Order and there were sure to be new orders for her to carry out.

A black cloaked figured emerged from the depths of the trees, revealing Rain in her long dark Kimono. It seemed that they had not been waiting long, for they seemed to be just settling in. Rain was sure that they would be pleased with her recent work of killing the Mizukage and then attacking The Council of Oz. She was able to learn much of their abilities and had even convinced many people that The Council was evil. Their attack on the civilians of Kiri had reached many ears all over the world and would prove useful some time in the near future.

"Is this everyone...?"

(OOC: I will try to post more next time and as much as I can but I am really swamped with stuff and may have Kyo do some posts for me. like I will tell him what i basically want to say and he can just add the detail and all that.)

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The Order.....meeting in pure daylight? Empty Re: The Order.....meeting in pure daylight?

Post by Kyouken Uchiha Tue Jun 23, 2009 6:07 pm

The leader crossed his legs in his chair and smiled, leaning his head on his hand as his elbow on the armrail of the chair "Well this isnt all of the playing role members at the moment but this should be good enough, I do fear we are on a time schedule and regardless I did give other members the time to meet up, if they wish to be late that is there problem, wouldnt you agree?"

"Hai" All of the 12 disciples replied simaltaneously. The Leader smiled underneath his hood. His true appearance was hard to tell as one could only see the chin, lips and parts of his cheek. His eyes was the one thing that he never revealed, not to anybody in The Order. Those in the past have seen his true appearance and those who've seen it were either killed or the person defeated him. This time he has no intentions of being defeated. He claps his hands "Lets get this meeting you already know, we have established a few things. 1. Attack the villages on pending matters. The strongest at the moment are Kumogakure, Konohagakure, Sunagakure and Kirigakure. Iwagakure was destroyed by there own shinobi. So for those who have the ability to manipulate the minds of others, use that for your cause....."

He stands up and walks around his chair "As you see there are three places that will be attacked, at the moment Sunagakure is being attacked by my three elite magicans, whether they survive or not, it will determine what kills Sunagakure has to offer. The next two will be Konohagakure and Kumogakure. I'll be sending the disciples and one other person to Konoha, the others will go to Kumogakure. Six disciples to each village. Remember, show them what you have to offer, dont hold back for this war my comrades"

"For those who have an elite ability, I'll be sending you to one of the smaller villages but not to, the smaller villages are the ones to be truly worried about. Right now Kirigakure, Amegakure, Takigakure, Kusagakure and the smaller countries are on the fritz. Kirigakure has no kage, and at this point they are searching for another. In terms, there guard is at the highest and I fear they will be one of the more dangerous countries. Takigakure has there shinobi as well so I wont be sending magicans to fight but to rather preach, preach using the psionic magic and you'll be sucessful I gurantee that..."
Kyouken Uchiha
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The Order.....meeting in pure daylight? Empty Re: The Order.....meeting in pure daylight?

Post by Zen Tue Jun 23, 2009 6:49 pm

Somewhere in the distance an ANBU was listening in,well hidden from the eyes of the meeting holders and the ones there his chakra signature also well covered. He had a katana strapped onto his back and a bear mask on,the ANBU black op listened closely as he furiously wrote on a small parchment. Getting there late he missed a few details which he knew but at least he had something to report to ANBU headquators.

The ANBU black op then swift and silent like the night disappeared heading back to the village to tell Zen. Once arriving at headquaters he went into the wolf ninja's office seeing him do some paperwork. "Sir I got information you need to look at"the ANBU said giving him what he wrote down.

Zen got up he was dressed in his ANBU uniform grabbing the file he scanned it and then re-scanned it before closing it and setting it on the desk. "I want patrols around the village 24/7 no breaks im going to go alert the Hokage now"Zen said as he then grabbed the file and ran out the door heading to the hokage tower. The ANBU black off left aswell to inform the captians about the situation and get ready for it.
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The Order.....meeting in pure daylight? Empty Re: The Order.....meeting in pure daylight?

Post by Kyo Wed Jun 24, 2009 1:17 am

The sound of paper being written on could be heard as if inches away within Animae's ears. As the Anbu agent swiftly left, Animae could hear the dirt rubbing together beneath his feet untill he was far out of reach from his enhanced hearing.

"It would seem that we had a visitor..."
While speaking, his eyes continued to stay locked on the man in white. "Based on his direction, the probability of heading towards Konoha is most likely."

Even though it seemed that they had been spied on, Animae saw no use in going after the sneak. Their plans would become realized either way... nothing would stop them.

"So where will I be going?"

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The Order.....meeting in pure daylight? Empty Re: The Order.....meeting in pure daylight?

Post by Nasamea Fri Jun 26, 2009 6:42 pm

Genesis, one of the 12 disciples, loyally stayed close to his leader, otherwise known as Father. This was actually one of the first times he had ever seen the rest of the 12 disciples considering he was relatively new and always kept to himself.

"Teleportum Leloch Maxi," he heard Father say; a white portal appearing before them. Genesis’s eyes remained on his leader; his white robes seemed to cause him to glow as the light from the sun shown down upon him. To anyone who first saw him; he would appear to look like that of a god giving off a radiant light that only seemed pure and innocent. Genesis had stepped through the portal before them as it closed behind. Now his surroundings were of that of a forest, a very familiar forest with familiar trees that only brought pain to Genesis's heart. He blocked out the memories as he looked to the radiant figure once more and waited.

Time ticked by and finally two other members arrived. Genesis remained his usual silence, keeping his mental guard up as he sensed his surroundings. He was waiting; waiting for a foolish ninja or person to pass by. The moment they had, Genesis, due to intense training in his past, knew he would be able to sense him and warn Father immediately. What was being said was not meant for any ears besides those in the Order. Genesis would make sure that that fact would remain.

Finally, the meeting began, as the members talked amongst themselves. Genesis continued to listen in, waiting for when it was the disciples turn to speak and keeping his spiritual awareness up. As Father talked, Genesis said "Hai!" when necessary and remained looking forward. The instant he sensed a presence trying to hide his chakra, he sighed and stepped forward, facing Father. Just as he was about to speak he was interrupted by the visitor, Animae. Genesis let out a sigh and nodded before returning to his spot, acknowledging that Animae was telling the truth.

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The Order.....meeting in pure daylight? Empty Re: The Order.....meeting in pure daylight?

Post by Kyouken Uchiha Fri Jun 26, 2009 7:14 pm

The Father smiles profusely showing all of his teeth, this was an astounding moment for him. He knew that saying his plans in the open would attract out a few people from Konoha to spy on him, which is the exact reason why he chose to do it in the afternoon and in daylight rather than a location where nobody could find them.

"In a game of shogi" he said a darker voice "You must give your opponent a few pieces in order to continue the game, otherwise, we would be in a standstill and I do hate being in a standstill in shogi. I did however lied about a few things, but in essence we are going to attack Konoha.....and i have a a few people who are gonna do it...."

He looks at Genesis and his arrive, one of the few leaders that he has bestowed upon him as The Order's weapon of choice. He was a fierce fighter both knowing knowledge about the shinobi more than anyone in the elite disciple group. He looks at him, one of his eyes reveals to Genesis and what a sight that was. His eyes were not the regular white or beautiful eyes, they were fiery red almost as though someone was looking at hellfire itself. He looks upon Genesis and Animae. "I shall be sending you Genesis and also Animae to attack Konoha....there thinking is that Im sending the disciples to go there but in essence Im only sending two people. The disciples will be heading towards Taikgakure while you Rain...." he smiled somewhat diminshed but didnt fade away "You shall be going to Kumogakure with a few other disciples. I'll alter you later on"
Kyouken Uchiha
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The Order.....meeting in pure daylight? Empty Re: The Order.....meeting in pure daylight?

Post by Nasamea Fri Jun 26, 2009 8:22 pm

Genesis continued to sense the presence of the mysterious visitor as he continued to listen in on the meeting. For a moment, Genesis's head lowered; the hood of his black cloak hiding his bluish green eyes. The wings on his back twitched ever so slightly as he waited for his first order. It wasn't long till their leader finally spoke, talking in a darker voice of the game Shogi. Genesis, from studying so much in his past, soon remembered Shogi and thought it over in his hand.
'The game Shogi, otherwise known as chess; a two player game where two forces control pawns in order to defeat one another. Just like fitting.'

Genesis looked back up at Father once more; his eyes seemed to be glowing like the ocean in the bright sunlight. He could sense Father was about to bestow upon him an order, an order that would cause this war to take a step further in annihilating the other opponent in this game of Shogi, the shinobi. Soon, Father revealed some of his face for the first time as his white hood lifted to reveal a smoldering red eye. The blazing eye that seemed to resemble a blazing fire; something that made the right tip of Genesis’s lip uncontrollably curve up slightly. Genesis’s outer self was unaffected; his own eyes stared right into Father’s with a waiting look. However, inside, Genesis could just feel what Father was. He could feel it from the start but it was becoming more transparent by the day on just who this man was.

"I shall be sending you Genesis and also Animae to attack Konoha....there thinking is that I’m sending the disciples to go there but in essence I’m only sending two people. The disciples will be heading towards Takigakure while you Rain...." he smiled somewhat diminished but didn’t fade away "You shall be going to Kumogakure with a few other disciples. I'll alter you later on"

Genesis stood tall and nodded, it was the first order he had been given since joining the Order and he was going to prove what he was made of. He took a step forward and burst from his position, a cloud of dust forming behind him from running. It had been many years since he had been to Konoha. The last time he was here he was visiting his loved one grave. It had been Konoha ninja who originally set them up and ambushed them, resulting in her death. Genesis hoped they would remember him; remember his face as he burned them alive. A smile crossed Genesis’s face as he remembered a quote from one of the ancient books he had read. He spoke in a low and eerie calm tone although loud enough for anyone close enough to hear,

“My soul, corrupted by vengeance
Hath endured torment, to find the end of the journey
In my own salvation
And your eternal slumber”

Konoha wasn’t very far away so Genesis arrived there in no time; his spiritual attuned ability on high. He waited for any sort of ambush, his fingers giving off a slight burn sensation; he was ready to see the village burst into a burning mess. However, his second goal was to also avoid destroying his loved one’s grave and to let her rest under the cherry blossom trees as she has for years.

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The Order.....meeting in pure daylight? Empty Re: The Order.....meeting in pure daylight?

Post by Kyo Sat Jun 27, 2009 3:04 am

Following closely behind Genesis, Animae made it to Konoha just as fast as he did. His white cloak made him seem like a white dove among a flock of crows within the shadows of the woods. As he peered down at the village, locking onto every heat signature, his eyes began to glow a clear blue.

Allowing his mind to reach out to all the signals around him, Animae locked on the one he wanted. As he continued to walk along side of Genesis, his mind was connecting with all the technology around him. As they neared the village, all the T.V.'s began to show and give off the sound of static. Even the radio transmitters that the genin in training were using blared the loud noise as Animae approached.

"It is logical that precautions have already been made in the little amount of time that they have had. Where shall we begin first....?"

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The Order.....meeting in pure daylight? Empty Re: The Order.....meeting in pure daylight?

Post by Munashii Hissori Sat Jun 27, 2009 5:02 am

Beady eyes watched the masked man go. Turning back to the clearing where the other humans were, the birds' head cocked to the side in a semblance of understanding. It heard another of it's kind (yet not, at the same time) give a rasping caw. The call was taken up with more in the area as the murder prepared to move onto a different hunting ground.

In a blur of sound and movement, the murder took flight, passing over the clearing and over the crows' head. Inhuman intelligence glittered breifly in its black eyes before it too took flight, staying within the black cloud of it's cousins. The second it merged with them, it became indistinguisable from any of the others. Making good time towards Kumogakure, the crow flew high and waited until it was far away from the clearing before breaking away from the group, heading towards the mountains with a speed no normal crow could achieve.

It had a truely interesting tale to tell it's master.
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The Order.....meeting in pure daylight? Empty Re: The Order.....meeting in pure daylight?

Post by Nasamea Sat Jun 27, 2009 1:51 pm

(OOC: Topic was moved to Here. Sorry for any confusion.)

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The Order.....meeting in pure daylight? Empty Re: The Order.....meeting in pure daylight?

Post by Nasamea Wed Jul 01, 2009 1:53 pm

Upon returning from Konoha, Genesis flew through the trees at a high speed. Dodging them was easy due to his training. Genesis let out a sigh; he had set Konoha on fire and caused much chaos amongst the village however he felt he could have done a lot more. The fact he hadn’t killed anyone and Konoha itself still stood greatly bugged Genesis. For now, setting Konoha on fire meant that they would be in chaos and on alert from here on out, ready for anything. This would possibly call for more people from the Order to go in to take Konoha out; however it also meant all their forces would be out. Due to this, the Order could take out all their forces all out once and destroy the village in the process. No matter, Genesis felt that it wouldn’t be long till Konoha itself would burn to ashes, along with many other villages. Genesis continued to run through different strategies until he thought of his love’s grave. If Konoha did burn to the ground, Genesis was going to make sure he would re-plant at least one cherry blossom for his love if they were burned. Genesis peered up for a moment at the little sky he could see, it was now growing more and more dark besides the attack Shin Uchiha had used earlier. This only meant a rain and storm was coming and although Genesis actually loved the rain, it would make fighting hard for him and he would have to use more energy. Genesis sighed at this weakness, even his wings would become drenched and it would make flying difficult. He knew he must teach himself some sort of technique to rid this weakness and soon began thinking it over.

It wasn’t long till Genesis returned to the meeting, soaring in from the right of Father and landing gracefully. His wings and red cloak flicked to the left from a burst of wing, causing Genesis to draw in his wings more tightly before they disappear from sight once more. He had retrieved his black cloak from earlier, gripping it in his hand as he walked over to Father. He got down on one knee and bowed his head slightly before him, “my lord, I have set at least more then a hundred buildings on fire in Konoha and although the fires I had started were put out, they did quite a lot of damage. This should defiantly put Konoha in chaos for now for they should most likely begin to rebuild as soon as possible or strengthen their military and focus less on building. Either way, they will most likely be on high alert and in a state of chaos which will be in our favor.” Genesis had though up many strategies about how to proceed if Father were to ask, but for now he figured he should keep them to himself since Father would most likely figure out a strategy he see fit for the issue. Genesis had already spoken more then what he was usually known for, but he continued on with the next thing at hand. “My lord, Animae is currently still fighting yet from what I sensed I have a high belief he will easily defeat his opponents and if necessary I will go in and be on standby….. I will do as you wish.” He was still bowed, his bluish green eyes peering down at the dirt below Father’s feet as he sat. He was never a true fan of bowing before anyone or submitting to anyone, however this was his leader and since this is a way to show respect, then Genesis would do so anyway.

Another burst of cold wind burst by and gave Genesis a bit of a chill; the storm was approaching rather fast as his red hair danced like a flame being tamed by the wind itself. He felt maybe he should tell Father about his plans; if Father hadn’t already thought of such plans it wouldn’t hurt to give a few more ideas. Genesis cleared his throat, showing that he was ready to speak some more as he still stared. “My lord, about Konoha….. I also had a few ideas, if you haven’t already though of such plans anyway,” he felt silence for a moment before pushing his hesitation away. “Due to being in high alert, if their military force were to increase then the rebuilding process would slow. If this is the case, we could always move in and not only take out their forces but burn the city itself to ashes,” realizing he made a fire term he stopped for a moment, “or well, destroy Konoha. If the focus to must on rebuilding then their military force would be weak; this would also leave room for us to proceed and destroy Konoha. Either way, due to the state it’s in, Konoha will shortly be no more and we can take it for ourselves and begin this new world we seek.” This was the first time Genesis peered up at Father as he sat before him, he was rather curious of what Father had to say about all that Genesis had told him. Genesis tried looking into the red eyes he had saw earlier, his own eyes the same shields he always wore from the time he left Takigakure many years ago.

This itself brought back the memories of the lab, when he followed the orders of the Black Ops, tracking and killing like a predator after it’s prey. Was this all Genesis’s life would come to? Following the order of others and killing. His best friend and teacher’s death was enough of a burden for the fact Genesis had to take his life with his own hands. Genesis then looked back down for a moment, re gathering his thoughts for he had let the past break his mind barriers he had set up and seep back into his conscious once more. As he reestablished some barriers to block out the past he returned his gaze to Father, allowing his weakness to subside. His eyes had showed a bit of emotion, causing him to look away, but now his shields were back once more. ‘How dare I allow my mind to be weak,’ he thought, ‘I shall not allow this to happen again.’

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The Order.....meeting in pure daylight? Empty Re: The Order.....meeting in pure daylight?

Post by Kyouken Uchiha Fri Jul 03, 2009 3:39 am

Father looks at Genesis with his bloody cold eyes, seeing him land with the one wing behind his deltoid muscle and then the wing retracted inward into his body as Genesis land in front of him was a feat alone that was impressive and downright commendable by anyone of his peers. Father stands up and looks down at Genesis as though he was the knight and he was the king. Genesis....a proud being to be recongize for his powers that are so mysterious that even I can sometimes wonder what it would be like to be in his boys shoes. He has such a grip on his powers that I would wish for him to become much more if he didnt have such betrayal in his heart. You my boy are one hell of a magican he thought this while Genesis was talking to him about Konoha. He knew that Konoha was well fortified and seeing that he just told Genesis to attack know would probably make this a very difficult attempt for any magican, regardless of power and skills had to offer, to perform on such a high ranking village. He heard from Genesis that he burn down much of the village, some of the shinobi were able to put it out but was futile against Genesis fire magic. Fire magic in itself was destructive, just like Katon ninjutusu it had a power that consumes everything and leaves nothing behind but ashes. Fire magic is also the most destructive but also the most hardest to master because of its destructive capabilities, it could easily consume the user in such a flame that would be considered unbearable to the magican's soul. But Genesis had such a great handle on it that he deserved the title of "Disciple of fire" but now was not the time.

What made Genesis such a powerful player in this game The Father called "shogi" was that not only was he a powerhouse character, he was also a good strategic man. After hearing Genesis replied back out after a simple anaylsis “My lord, about Konoha….. I also had a few ideas, if you haven’t already though of such plans anyway....Due to being in high alert, if their military force were to increase then the rebuilding process would slow. If this is the case, we could always move in and not only take out their forces but burn the city itself to ashes......or well, destroy Konoha. If the focus to must on rebuilding then their military force would be weak; this would also leave room for us to proceed and destroy Konoha. Either way, due to the state it’s in, Konoha will shortly be no more and we can take it for ourselves and begin this new world we seek. ” . Indeed, Genesis had a point, he knew that Konoha itself was a powerhouse of a village and seeing how they only breed out powerful shinobi like all of the hokages, Naruto Uzumaki, Itachi Uchiha, Kakashi Hatake, Kyouken and Kudara Uchiha, Minato Namikaze, Madara Uchiha all of them were considered the strongest in there categories but they were all powerful shinobi and would probably be the strongest in history. Nevertheless, he need to have Konoha as a place to start at, or at least have something to have another base. He placed his hand on Genesis shoulder and smile

"My boy, you are one of my personal favorites, seeing you join The Order was a good thing for you and I have to say you are one helluva person that I can depend upon" he said with much convince in his voice that not even the best magican or shinobi could tell that he was actually lying to Genesis "You have a point and I wish for you and all of the disciples to go and destroy Konoha, destroy its people and destroy its shinobi. You are a valuable piece to this game my boy and to make it closer and closer to our goal, we have to make this work. We are 1-1 in this matter. We taken down Sunagakure but lost to Kirigakure. When the time is right, we will go and destroy Konoha" He sits down again with a few other disciples left behind him. They were all just standing there, watching and looking at Genesis with great intent. It was a mystery for there hoods cover there idenity so well that it was unknown what they were looking at but nonetheless one person could see that they were looking directly at Genesis. The Father sat down and placed and hand on his chin "You must be tired my boy, please go back to our base and retire for the time being, you've done a marvelous job at this point. As for the rest of you, we will go to back to base. For those who are assign to a job, I do not wish to see failure. Failure in my book is two steps behind our plan.....alright now....dimiss". The Father instantly disappeared and the other remaining disciples went to there designated spots.
Kyouken Uchiha
Kyouken Uchiha
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The Order.....meeting in pure daylight? Empty Re: The Order.....meeting in pure daylight?

Post by Nasamea Fri Jul 03, 2009 6:52 pm

Genesis glanced up as Father finally stood up and looked down at him with his bloody red eyes. They appeared almost like the eyes of a mad man, yet Genesis knew that father was rather intelligent anyhow. He finally spoke and Genesis’s gaze remained upon him as his convincing words seeped into Genesis. "My boy, you are one of my personal favorites, seeing you join The Order was a good thing for you and I have to say you are one helluva person that I can depend upon. You have a point and I wish for you and all of the disciples to go and destroy Konoha, destroy its people and destroy its shinobi. You are a valuable piece to this game my boy and to make it closer and closer to our goal, we have to make this work. We are 1-1 in this matter. We taken down Sunagakure but lost to Kirigakure. When the time is right, we will go and destroy Konoha.”

As Father sat down, a few of the other disciples behind him; it appeared they were now looking at Genesis. This made Genesis a bit more on edge, yet his eyes remained on Father’s as he stood from his spot. From what Father had told him, Genesis’s upper right lip curved up slightly as his eyes lit up a bit. Father a hand under his chin as if thinking and looked at Genesis once more, "You must be tired my boy, please go back to our base and retire for the time being, you've done a marvelous job at this point. As for the rest of you, we will go to back to base. For those who are assigned to a job, I do not wish to see failure. Failure in my book is two steps behind our plan.....alright now....dismiss". As Father disappeared, Genesis looked at the other disciples that had stared at him earlier. Genesis’s eyes continued to hold their shields as he nodded to them all with a smile before beginning to walk off. He let out a sigh as he remembered a verse from his favorite book, “Even if the morrow is barren of promises….Nothing shall forestall my return….”

With that he looked to the sky, a rain drop falling on his face and running down his check. He wiped it away and sighed, “Simple rain won’t stop me.” He snapped out his black wings and stretched them before they pushed down with a force, casting him instantly through the trees of the surrounding forest. His guard remained up and his senses on high alert, making any sort of ambush fail. He was now heading back to the base as told, his thoughts running as he remembered Father’s words. ‘Everything you said sounded purely convincing, your tone and all was perfect and I actually felt pretty good. However, the one thing you forgot was your eyes….the eyes, a gateway to one’s soul….and you forgot my ability to sense emotions. I’ve trained with them so long that it’s easy now, even though your words sounded so convincing…. It was all but a lie.' Genesis’s hand moved over his heart for a moment before moving it away and continuing through the trees. As the rain slowly turned from a little sprinkle, to more of a down pour, Genesis quickly landed beneath the canopy created by the trees and tucked in his wings. They disappeared once more and Genesis let out a sigh as he through his black cloak back on, putting the hood on, and began walking. The forest itself protected him from the rain as it had in the past; Genesis smiled slightly. He truly loved the rain despite it drenching his flames.

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Join date : 2008-11-23
Age : 31
Location : Notyad, Ohio

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