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Keen Empty Keen

Post by Kyo Thu Mar 19, 2009 8:39 pm

Name: Keen

Age: Unknown

Bloodline: Genkakuzai and Kakuzu

Rank: A
Classification: A
Village: Used to be from Waterfall Village
Alignment: bad

Keen 1-1-2-1-1

Personality: Keen loves to kill and play games with his victims. He is always looking for something fun and enjoys experimenting on thing as well.


Keen is a demon that enjoys playing with his victims and expirementing on them. He is viewed as a small boy of only eight years old. He had heard of two men named Kakuzu and Sasori and soon wanted to some day be just like them. He already could use the puppet technique and was able to use the black tentacles within his body. His intelligence is always increasing, but his maturity level has stayed the same.

One day, he decided to try to make his own human puppet and take the heart of the other kid as well. However, he was unsuccessful in doing both. On his second try, he did accomplish obtaining a heart. Knowing that the village black-ops were onto him, he decided to leave the village in search of some fun.

Keen walked away from his home village and made his way towards the edge of the country. As he walked along the beaten path, he came across a small house that had four children playing outside. They were kicking a ball back and forth between themselves. Keen was around their age and decided that this was the prefect place and people to have his fun with.

As he approached them, he waved his hand and smiled viciously. "Hello, my name is Keen. Want to play a game....?" The children smiled widely at him and nodded in agreement.

"What game do you have in mind?" one of the younger ones asked.

"How about tag..." Keen got into his ready stance and waited for the children to scatter. As they started to run, Keen focused his eyes on a particular boy. He then pointed to the boy and called out to him. "You are first..." The boy looked back and stuck his tongue out at Keen. As he turned back around, he saw Keen standing several feet in front of himself along with two identical copies. The young boy came to a sliding stop and was puzzled. As he starred at the three Keens, a kunai shot into his back. "Your it..."

Keen has used his bloodline and made the boy have a visual hallucination, viewing the multiple Keens standing in front of him. One of the other children was looking over at this and screamed as his brother was stabbed. Keen quickly looked at one of the girls and caused her mind to create an auditory hallucination, blocking out the sound. The screaming boy and the other girl ran into the house crying and screaming while he older of the two girls continued to run playfully, not knowing what was happening. As he starred at her, he made her brain create a tactile hallucination, making her feel someone tap her on her right shoulder. As she turned around, she saw nothing. But as she turned back, keen stood in front of her holding a kunai in her chest which she did not feel, due to the tactile hallucination of not feeling anything. She feel to the ground as her heart stopped.

Keen turned around just in time to see several kunai thrown his way. A man was standing in the doorway of the house where the children had entered. He wore the uniform of a jounin from his own village and peered at Keen with eyes of hate. Keen smiled as he looked hard at the angered man. Keen made his mind create an auditory hallucination of a child scream from behind him which caused him to look. When he saw nothing, he wuickly turned back around to see several Keens throw several kunai.

In a quick instant, all of the kunai gained immense speed and shot towards him as he tried to block them. What had occurred was that Keen had created a visual hallucination which made the man see the kunai gaining great speed. In effect, the man had tried to block to early, resulting in every kunai striking him in the chest. As he fell to the ground, Keen ended the hallucination, which revealed him standing right next to the man, who died shortly after.

Once inside the house, he smiled brightly and called out to the remaining two children. "Ready or not, here I come..." As he entered the house, he was met with only silence. He took one step into the house and was met with a katana that stabbed into his heart. Because he had two hearts, she ended up stabbing the extra which was now useless. He quickly looked at the teary eyed woman and caused both an auditory and visual hallucination where she saw herself killing her own children. When he ended the hallucination, the woman slumped to the floor. What had seemed like a matter of hours was actually only seconds. To have complete control of the hallucination, it required the hallucination of all five senses at once, allowing him to change her vision of time itself. Another kunai met with her face, spilling red blood along the floor.

Keen then made his way to the first bedroom and searched under the bed and in the closet. As he was about to leave, he heard a small whimper from the cabinet under the bathroom sink. He slowly walked over to it and opened the doors to reveal the youngest girl with watery eyes. As she looked at him, she began to softly weep. Keen had been wanting to try a new hallucination that he had only used twice before. Using a hallucination on the brain, he made the brain think that the lunges were not working.

Keen could have simple made it think that the heart had stopped and caused her to instantly die, but it was more fun to see her suffocate. She gasped for air as her lungs stopped working. The brain was no longer sending the command for the lungs to continue to function because of the hallucination and was resulting in the lungs no longer working. This is known as a Proprioception hallucination.

As her face turned blue and her last heartbeat ended, Keen saw the last boy run past the bedroom door and outside. Keen left the now dead girl where she was and raced for the escaping boy. Using a tactile hallucination, he mad the boy feel as if his legs were on fire, which caused him to fall and scream in pain. Unfortunately, Keen had been trailed by the black-ops and now realized the many shinobi that stood around him.

Once captured, he was admitted to the psych-ward deep below the waterfall Village. He ended up staying their for one year before he managed to escape as the village was destroyed. He had not been harmed by the blast and was now one of the few survivors of the destruction of the village. He was now stronger and had had time to work on his abilities. gathering what he could, Keen began to travel, looking for the Akatsuki.

Speciality: Doujutsu and Puppets
Learned jutsus: Earth Grudge Fear and Puppet technique
Elements: Earth and Water
Weapons/items: Puppets
Goals: Join Akatsuki

Last edited by Kyo on Mon Mar 23, 2009 8:26 pm; edited 4 times in total

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Keen Empty Re: Keen

Post by Kenshi Thu Mar 19, 2009 8:43 pm

Earth Grudge Fear and Puppet technique

That seems a bit much....

And dont make him Akatsuki just yet, remember I said I dont really know.


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Keen Empty Re: Keen

Post by Kyo Thu Mar 19, 2009 8:50 pm

I was told that anyone can do puppet technique. And not to worry, in his history, i have it syaing that he is in search of the akatsuki to join.

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Keen Empty Re: Keen

Post by Kenshi Thu Mar 19, 2009 8:55 pm

That is still alot for one character.


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Keen Empty Re: Keen

Post by Uchiha Kumori Thu Mar 19, 2009 9:14 pm

No offense, but...8 YEARS OLD?

Itachi was 8 when he graduated the academy. This kid is just...crazy...

It seems near impossible to impossible for somebody to be strong enough for the Akatsuki at his age.
Uchiha Kumori
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Keen Empty Re: Keen

Post by Zen Thu Mar 19, 2009 9:16 pm

Ya....was about to say something about that lol.
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Keen Empty Re: Keen

Post by Kyo Thu Mar 19, 2009 9:23 pm

Age has nothing to do with it. It is a make believe world. I mean if they ended up putting an 8 year old with A-Rank abilities on naruto, everyone would except it. But like i said in his history, his intelligence is far beyond his age. I mean they just showed a filler where a young boy was able to control a bijuu for a short period of time. That right there is a young person with strong abilities. Even if he did end up loosing contrl in afew minutes and it was causing harm to his body, the fact was that he still had enough to power to control a bijuu for a short amount of time.

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Keen Empty Re: Keen

Post by Uchiha Kumori Thu Mar 19, 2009 9:26 pm

This isn't the canon, where anything goes. There are rules in a RPing community, and here, logics do not rule, the rules and the moderators rule, and their word becomes law. And that was a filler. We can argue about fillers forever, but skipping to the point.

8 Years old is simply too much. At his age, some people have entered the academy :/ There's no way you're that young and have these skills.
Uchiha Kumori
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Keen Empty Re: Keen

Post by Kyo Thu Mar 19, 2009 9:30 pm

Why not? I have had an A rank at age 9. Also, since i have to rp to obtain hearts, i cannot even use that right now.

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Keen Empty Re: Keen

Post by Uchiha Kumori Thu Mar 19, 2009 9:33 pm

That's not my problem right now. This is now. 8 years is crazy.

And both abilities, puppeting and Jiongu is simply too much for one Ninja, and 8 YEARS OLD.

Even Itachi wasn't this pwnsome. Nowhere near this pwnsome at this age.
Uchiha Kumori
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Keen Empty Re: Keen

Post by Kyo Thu Mar 19, 2009 9:35 pm

Fine i will change the age but i am keeping his personality the same and have found a way to keep him looking young.

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Keen Empty Re: Keen

Post by Uchiha Kumori Thu Mar 19, 2009 9:37 pm

Are we going to play Sasori, Kyo-kun?

You really shouldn't/can't have ALL FIVE ELEMENTS and puppets. I know you said you'd "earn" them, but what happens when you do? You'll be brimming with power.
Uchiha Kumori
Uchiha Kumori

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Keen Empty Re: Keen

Post by Kyo Thu Mar 19, 2009 9:41 pm

Well i actually only plan on having two other elements which is perfectly fine considering that is the limit for any normal Jounin or S-rank.


I edited the beggining of the history and age.

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Keen Empty Re: Keen

Post by Koga Thu Mar 19, 2009 10:06 pm

Just as a technicality, wouldnt he have to be from Hidden Sand to know the puppetry technique? I mean, the only three puppeteers we see are from the Sand Village. Not to say theyre the only ones who can use it, it just kind of seems like its a bit unique to their country. Not really major, just throwing that out there.

What Im more concerned about is the whole Kakuzu bloodline thing. Shocker. What I feel the need to point out is that Kakuzu, at the time we saw him, he was over 90 years old from what I remember. That means, it took nearly 100 years for him to get to where he was with the technique at that time. And that was his *ONLY* technique, as it branched off and allowed him access to others. If your character is only going to be 30, that means he'd probably be a third as skilled as Kakuzu was with it, and then if you take into account the fact that your character also apparently uses the puppetry technique, which was Sasori's *ONLY* technique, and he revolved his entire 35 year life to mastering that, along with the puppet body thing giving him a rediculous advantage. However, much of his skill was derived from the Human Puppets, and the fact that he made himself into a Human Puppet, so that means Chiyo is a better target for discussion, as she also only uses puppetry. She was 73 and was entirely unable to keep up with Sasori, so you'd be less than half as good as her if you solely focused on the puppet technique. That means, you'd be less than half as good as Chiyo in puppetry, and less than a third as good as Kakuzu with his Earth Grudge technique. I could also go ahead and say that its much less than either of those due to the difficulty and skill required to use either one of them by itself, let alone at the mastery level that Kakuzu and Chiyo had, let alone together.

Just wanted to put a bit of that into perspective. Both abilities require heavy duty training and skill in those fields, having two incredibly difficult areas to study in not only cuts down the time you have in either, but makes it harder for you to remember the training you do in either, meaning everything in those is basically thirded compared to someone who is solely into puppetry or solely using Earth Grudge.

All Im saying is, if you plan on having both in one character, be prepared to sacrifice a considerable amount of skill in both.

EDIT: Sorry, had to do a little recalculating.

Chiyo: 100% Puppetry Level - 75 Years Old
Kakuzu: 100% Earth Grudge Level - 90 Years Old

Keen (30 Years Old): 100% Divided by two halves of your time to train equals:
50% Puppetry Level
50% Earth Grudge Level

30/75 = Less than 50% of Chiyo's Age
30/90 = Less than 33% of Kakuzu's Age

50%/2 = 25% Puppetry Skill
50%/3 = 16.6% Earth Grudge Skill

Then, maybe you deduct a 5-10% for the fact that its difficult to train in both of these amazingly difficult techniques at the same time.

25% - 10 = 15% Puppetry Skill
16.6% - 10 = 6.6% Earth Grudge Skill

Those are the percentages of how skilled you would be in comparrison to Kakuzu and Chiyo in Earth Grudge and Puppetry. Kind of not worth it, at least from where Im sitting.

Last edited by Koga on Thu Mar 19, 2009 10:16 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Keen Empty Re: Keen

Post by Kyo Thu Mar 19, 2009 10:13 pm

Yes i understand that. But also look at some other people such as naruto. Focused on Resengan, and shadow clone and he is only 15, yet look where he is with that. Even without the sage chakra he was able to defeat Kakuzu with one attack.

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Keen Empty Re: Keen

Post by Koga Thu Mar 19, 2009 10:19 pm

Thats considering it took two Lightning Blades, Hidan's ritual and Shikamaru's tactics before he was finally killed by the Rasengan, which was a Shuriken Rasengan, an extremely powerful wind-imbued one. It took all of Team 10, Kakashi and Naruto to bring down Kakuzu.

By the way, I added some helpful calculations to my previous post. I really think theyd set this whole thing into perspective.

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Keen Empty Re: Keen

Post by Kyo Thu Mar 19, 2009 10:30 pm

First of all, age does not always have something to do with it. You also have to add talent into the mix along with the fact that it might come naturally to so people. There is also the fact that I cannot even use the Kakuzu abilities to the fullest even at 100%. I can only use two other elements at once. The numbers don't really have a meaning here because we have people on here who are in their 20's but have mastered more than one elements to 100%. Not only that, but i never said that I could control 100 puppets at once. All i said was i have the puppet technique.

So as you can see, I am already substantually not as skilled in each section as Kakuzu and Sasori. And like i said before, the level on each jutsu does not go by those numbers. Otherwise we would have to go through every person on here and apply them to those.

So, age has nothing to do with it, as Naruto and Shikamaru have shown us. I would like him young. there is nothing wrong with that. I have Kazu who is 9 years old and is as strong as a Jounin. I am replacing Kazu for Keen.

Here... I will say just about everything about him.


Kakuzu Abilities: Can only have up to two other elements at once. Does not have any other hearts right now and have to RP obtaining hearts.
Sasori Abilities: Can only control up to two puppets at once.

So as of right now, I can only make the tenticle come out and control two puppets.

Last edited by Kyo on Thu Mar 19, 2009 10:56 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Keen Empty Re: Keen

Post by Koga Thu Mar 19, 2009 10:51 pm

Did you read the calculations? I was using Chiyo, not Sasori. If you read over my post again, youll see I decided to switch out Sasori for a better example because of his puppet body and eternal youth aspect which kind of give him an automatic 200% in puppetry, so to speak.

Technically, it could be that way. Where everyones characters are broken down from 100% and into categories of skill. It would probably make for incredible balance of power. It wouldnt necessarily reflect the usefulness of the skills you have or the skill of the person, but just the power and experience and level of the skills you have. Like in your case, I was merely trying to show you the considerable difference you would have between yourself and Chiyo and Kakuzu. People see both puppetry and Earth Grudge in one character, honestly, theyll automatically think god mod unless you put it into perspective of how much weaker your versions of the skills are compared to the best of the canon, which was what I was doing.

And I accept that you can just say "Oh, my character has natural talent", but thats kind of a cheap way of getting around something one could put into common sense, especially when comparing it to the case of Naruto, someone with the most powerful tailed demon inside him. Thats something this character sadly lacks. And I wasnt really talking about age. I was talking about the number of years it took them to FULLY master their abilities. I didnt mean age, I meant time. You could be three years old and spend all three years learning something, every waking moment. However, if there is seventy years of learning to do before you master whatever youre learning, you would never be able to master it in those three years just through "natural talent". Thats just impossible.

You would have 50% of YOUR skill split between the two abilties, but that doesnt necessarily mean youre half as good as them, it just means half of your skill is in puppetry and half is in Earth Grudge. The final percent compares you to them, not the amount of your own skill in each category, which was where the rest of the deductions came from. 6.6% + 15% doesnt add up to 100%. The 6.6% was how much of Kakuzu's skill in Earth Grudge you would literally have, and the 15% was the amount of skill you would have in puppetry compared to Chiyo. But yes, your character would be 50% Puppetry and 50% Earth Grudge. Theyre completely different percentages.

Though I will grant your point of natural aptitude could have something to do with it, but that might as well be the 5-10% I subtracted for the difficulty of learning the two skills at the same time, just in reverse. So you would be 16.6% as good as Kakuzu in Earth Grudge and 25% as good as Chiyo in puppetry. Thats really not much of a difference regardless.

Also.. Uh, how does Shikamaru help your point? Do you mean his intelligence? Thats not really saying much considering he bases all his strategies around the same basic techniques. Shadow Sewing.

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Keen Empty Re: Keen

Post by Kyo Thu Mar 19, 2009 11:02 pm

I added something to the post before yours is red but you posted before i got to do so.

Also, the percent stuff has nothing to do with this. No one else has had to go through that. I never said how good he was and no one ever has. You cannot base someone's character off of someone else's.

If mine is going to be put through all of your measurements by sating that i am only 6.6% as good in something, then EVERY CHARACTER has to go through that including yours.

I actualy have to go, parents say i have spent to much time on today. Also, i think it is a good idea, that way i can cool down abit. I always seem to get a bit worked up like it is a debate at school. Not anger but the part where you are trying to win the argument. So i will try to be on tommorow.

See you then

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Keen Empty Re: Keen

Post by Koga Thu Mar 19, 2009 11:26 pm

No no no. Dont get me wrong, Im not saying that the percentages are definite or anything. Its rough examples of, if we did it under extremely literal conditions, how you would compare to them. Its just a way of relating your characters skills to the best of the skills you plan on giving to this character. The best being shown in Chiyo and Kakuzu.

I wouldnt mind getting the percent thing done to myself, it would just be a tad difficult. The only reason I got so literal with yours was because the specific information I needed as available. I needed age, percent of time spent training in the skill, and the fact that they were the best in that skill. For me, Id need the First's age before he died (which I assume is available), the Wooden Men user.. guy's age (which might not be available), as well as the whole list of other conventional abilities the First had and the amount of his time that he focused into those abilities, so Id be able to split mine up based on the percent of time he spent in Mokuton. If he didnt have ANY other abilities, then itd be much easier, but we dont know that. Same with the Wooden Men character. On top of that, we cant even assume the Wooden Men character was the best at the skill, since it was never stated. I could still attempt it, itd just be a lot less neat than how yours came out. Same thing with everyone else's characters. They dont necessarily all have combinations of skills that are used solely by themselves in the canon, like Puppetry and Earth Grudge. They were abilities that people used alone, they only used that one skill and no others. People who make, say, Fire-Earth style characters really dont have anyone to compare to, y'know? Like I said before though, it was just an example. The most extremely literal example available.

Really, we're both kind of supporting each others side of the arguement. You say your character is able to use both effectively, but he isnt as strong as Kakuzu or Sasori/Chiyo. I was saying the same thing with my percentages and explanations. So really, we're kind of just talking about nothing at this point. >.>

The only thing I have left to question about is with, of course, Earth Grudge. What happens if you get three hearts, and they all have different elements? How would you still only have two elements? Would one of those hearts have its elemental abilities "deleted" forever or something and just function as an extra life? Also, how many hearts can you have at one time? Kakuzu could only have four. Do you mean that you can only have two extra hearts when you say you can only have two elements? If so, then I dont see much problem left in the character. Ultimately, it is still up to Yoshimo and the others.

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Keen Empty Re: Keen

Post by Guest Fri Mar 20, 2009 9:39 am

Koga I would just liike to say that I am very much liking your arguments, and the percentages theory. Due to the time skip adn people having to rework their characters there may be some way we can implement this. Trust me, if i find it with in my power to do so, your ideas shall be come law. Ill do my best, but no guarantees.


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Keen Empty Re: Keen

Post by Kenshi Fri Mar 20, 2009 11:29 am

Well after seeing that, Koga now has to ability to say whether he approves it or not.


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Keen Empty Re: Keen

Post by L Fri Mar 20, 2009 6:13 pm

Also, you need two more pharagraphs,just thought that I should let you know.

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Keen Empty Re: Keen

Post by Kyo Fri Mar 20, 2009 6:45 pm

I decided to make him just A rank since he does not have as much skill in his abilities at the moment. And yes Koga you are right we are kinda saying the same thing but for some reason when i am talking to people, i get into things like it's a debate which I love. And i believe that the max amount of hearts anyone can have is four total so yes he can have a total of four hearts. And i was saying that he can have two extra elements like most Jounin and S rank ninja. The rules say the max amount of elements for people is 3 elements. So he will have earth, and then two other elements that he will get from other hearts. So he has his earth element, then suppose he gets a fire and water heart. If he then tries to take a lightning heart, he then has to choose either fire, water or lightning which will loose it's element and then just be an extra heart forever. So once he negates an element of a heart, that heart is normal from then on.

However, is he already has HIS earth heart, a water and a fire and then gets another fire, then he would be able to use that for it's element also. So then he has two fire, a water and his earth.

So yes he can only have a total of three elements at once, and can only hold four other hearts at once. I have made some edits to his info. Like I have decided that he will be a demon. Demons come in all forms and sizes lol. But he is my character so i think i leave him in character creation.

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Keen Empty Re: Keen

Post by Koga Fri Mar 20, 2009 9:51 pm

So for you to get the third element, in your example, fire, you would need two hearts that were elemented? What happens if you have four hearts, all different elements? Say, earth, water, fire and lightning. What happens then? Do you have to erase any elements, or do they stay innate and you can only actually use the two elements that you choose? If you do have to erase their elements, how do you get the two hearts of the same element if you have to erase the ones you dont use automatically?

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Keen Empty Re: Keen

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