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Hizoku Tenshi Vs Osaku the Giant of Hope

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Hizoku Tenshi Vs Osaku the Giant of Hope Empty Hizoku Tenshi Vs Osaku the Giant of Hope

Post by Ookami Tenma Mon Jun 22, 2009 6:11 pm

Hizoku was training he had still to prefect many of the techniques in his arsenal. He stopped for a moment and looked up at the sky and sighed. The life of a shinobi was never an easy one he had known this when he started walking this path as a Genin. his master had made him repeat that every morning had come into training, since then he had learned it first hand. The scar on his forehead reminded him of that among other things constantly.

He lit a cigarette and lay down on his back, five minutes past and he had finshed his smoke he now headed home playing with his lighter. as he lit it for the third time a quick blast of wind blew flame out before he extingushed it. That never happed the lighter as always filled with gas he never let it run out. Just incase he needed a smoke at any time.

He looked in the direction where the random wind had blown from, it was the directions of the main gate and the was an ominus trail of smoke coming from it. An attack? By who? Hizoku quickly jumped up the nearest building to gain a better vantage point. It was an attack alright the sentries at the gate would never light a fire. He quickly moved in to asses the threat.

As he jumped from building to building he checked the streets to see if the attackers had penatrated the city walls. Mid jump he saw something that made him stop when he landed. A man about seven foot tall practicly a giant. Hizkou had never seen him in the village before, he had a meanacing arua about him. No matter how powerful an oppnent if they're in this village and want trouble they got it Hizoku thought to himself.

He jumped down infornt of the figure for enough away to avoid any close combat attacks. I am Hizkou Tenshi a Jounin of this village and unless you want to fight i would advise you leave now before you get hurt! Hizoku shouted at the giant man. He powered up his lighting palm technique and await the giants reply.

Ookami Tenma

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Hizoku Tenshi Vs Osaku the Giant of Hope Empty Re: Hizoku Tenshi Vs Osaku the Giant of Hope

Post by Kyouken Uchiha Mon Jun 22, 2009 6:49 pm

As the giant appears out of nowhere, he stares at the villagers bellow him. He turns his head at the known villagers who stare up at him with awe and horror. The giant could see into there eyes, he could see fear, a type of fear that people get when they lose hope out of something These people he thought to themselves They have no hope for anything, its like they have lost all type of redemption and all type of someone saving them. He kneels down to there height, but regardless of his height, he still towered over them. He grabs one of the villages shoulders and picks him up. The man could not move, nor did he want to move for when he look into the giant eyes, he saw a sense of hope, a hope this man has not seen for many years. Ever since this man was a boy, he has seen so much death, such much pain and suffering that he wish he could end it all and this giant of a man had that hope inside of his eye, or what he thought was hope. The giant blinks

"Do you fear death now? You had so much hopelessness inside of your soul that you've been to the point of death and back and now you look upon me and see that hope. Do you fear death?"

The villages shakes his head, he could not say anything as joy has engulfedh his body. He began to tear up and the tears fall down upon his face and down his cheek. He was, truly, happy looking at this giant. The giant nods his head and then rips his part, literally tearing him in the middle and his organs busting out of him exploding onto the giant and onto the people. The people began to run away not knowing what to do. The giant gets up off his one knee and looks straight forward. He does not turn to the shinobi that on top of the building, not yet that is. He only looked forward, waiting and contemplating over the issue "Do you see shinobi, you only bring out people's hopelessness and you bring out people's depression and despair. If only you were a magican, you could fully understand the powers of what hope truly can give.....I pity you shinobi as you can only aspire death and war....."

He finally turns to the shinobi and what a site this man brought. He was almost as tall as a few of the buildings without even trying, his eyes looked as though they were kind and almost gentle but his body looked like a war machine as though he was built strictly to destroy anyone who got in his way, which exactly what he was made for. He was extremely large in muscle, so muscular that the assumption was that he was extremely slow for his size, but that would soon be disproven. He bows in front of the shinobi "My name is Osaku the Giant of Hope, as you can tell I am a very large man to my size. However do not assume much about this for I am not any ordinary giant, pretell you....I am quite...different" he disappeared, his movements made a sound that was simular to sound moving over the area and he appeared in front of the shinobi. He did not attack, although he did have the right reactions to do so. He was only twenty meters away from him and he towered over him with great ease

Osaku looks down at the man's hand, seeing that he had lightning discharging out of his hand. He knew immediately that he was a shinobi and by the meer fact that he was this, there was no doubt that he was going to attack him. Osaku had a smirk on his face "I see that lightning is one of your elements shinobi, which indeed might help you fight me.....however" he claps his hands together making a giant slamming noise "As a magican, we have to adapt to those whose elements are of nature......Nashum Lelocke Diamolilum..." instantly his body began to shine very metallic and very dense. He had a very dark appearance, so dark that it almost made him look like a shadow. He stares at him "I wish for you to attack first, I do not wish to start this battle off with me attacking you.....since you are the weakest here, I shall let you go first......." his words were heavy, deep and almost sincere with his words. He stood there, raising himself up waiting for him to attack. Was this man this strong or was this man a fool? Only this shinobi could tell whether or not he was strong or not.
Kyouken Uchiha
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Hizoku Tenshi Vs Osaku the Giant of Hope Empty Re: Hizoku Tenshi Vs Osaku the Giant of Hope

Post by Ookami Tenma Mon Jun 22, 2009 7:31 pm

The giant moved as if he weighed the same as a feather. Hizoku had face deceptive oppenets before but this was new. He smiled out the corner of his mouth If you insist he said. Then he lit a cigarette with the lighting in his palm and focused more chakra into it. He then apdoted his fighting stance. in his head he tried to form a stratergy if he attacked head on he would die and he had no intention of do that.

In his head he played out the combat to come. Thinking trough each stratergy in his head, if he failed here more innocents would die he could not allow such a thing to happen. Finaly he'd done it fight deception with deception, He suddenly moved to the left of the giant in a quarter circle movement stopped then shot forward as fast as he could. He did have to win he just had to hold out untill backup arrived.

As he got within five feet of the giant he jumped. focusing the chakra in his feet helped him jump higher, his hands full chagred with lighting chakra prepere to hit the giant where ever he could. With the amout of power this fighting style granted he might not kill his oppnent but it would hurt him, even if he blocked his attack the lightning would still hit his arm and cause some damage.

Ookami Tenma

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Hizoku Tenshi Vs Osaku the Giant of Hope Empty Re: Hizoku Tenshi Vs Osaku the Giant of Hope

Post by Kyouken Uchiha Mon Jun 22, 2009 8:35 pm

Osaku watches as the Hizoku makes his move, Osaku was somewhat impressed but he was still had a bored look on his face as he had already made his move. He knew what he was planning on doing with his already densed and harden body, although it did somewhat slowed him down it was not enough to make him just pure strength and power. He had to use a strategy that would be useful for both the magic that he placed on himself, the terrain, the current situation and the target. Seeing Hizoku come straight down with lightning ready to pierce through his body. Osaku thought to himself Because of my dense body, he probably will think that im using solely earth magic or in his term 'doton' ninjutsu. If im correct, doton ninjutsu's weakness is raiton ninjutsu. Shall I just block it and use that to my, I must not use my ace card so soon into battle, I've only begun to fight. I'll continue to see what other abilities this shinobi has to offer. He brings his hands and using his massive slams them together, making contact causing a large shockwave that was sent towards Hizoku. Because Hizoku was in mid-air and because the shockwave was a type of attack that affects the air or ground by a large diameter across, the mere thought of dodging it was extremely difficult and would send Hizoku flying backwards.

Ozaku steps backwards and then jumps in mid-air. He claps his hands together and then says says out "Resho Midilium Doshou Melusch". Spouting out of his mouth was spikes of the material that surrounded Ozaku and it was launching out towards Hizoku. Its large projectiles would be strong enough to pierce through the most dense of materials as it was close to carbons density. It was heading towards Hizoku wherever he landed, he'll probably have a chance to dodge but it would depend on whether knows what kind of material it was. If he decides to dodge then Ozaku would have a surprise fror him. Indeed this type of magic is use for explosive, I made this attack specifically for shinobi who use raiton....he'll be indeed in for a surprise..... The missles then split into not only four projectiles but to sixteen smaller projectiles, these were going forward towards Hizoku.
Kyouken Uchiha
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Hizoku Tenshi Vs Osaku the Giant of Hope Empty Re: Hizoku Tenshi Vs Osaku the Giant of Hope

Post by Ookami Tenma Mon Jun 22, 2009 9:38 pm

When the shock wave hit Hizoku he was sent flying backwards. Landing on his feet only to see spikes flying towards him Damn he said loudly. He then jumped straight up in the air. He landed on top of the building the spikes hit. He felt a burning sensetion in his left leg as he had jumped one of the spikes had caught his leg. Well thats gonna hurt tommrow Hizoku said aloud.

Hizoku then prefomed hthe handseals for his great fireball jutsu. handseals finshed he shot a ball of fire out of his mouth at Osaku. Hizoku then quickly moved to a diffrent rooftop. This oppnent isn't like any he had fought before, he isn't a shinobi thats for sure Hizoku thought to himself. Whatever he is i've got to find a way to get past his guard.

Concealing himself behind a chimney stack he awaited his oppnents next move.

Ookami Tenma

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Hizoku Tenshi Vs Osaku the Giant of Hope Empty Re: Hizoku Tenshi Vs Osaku the Giant of Hope

Post by Kyouken Uchiha Mon Jun 22, 2009 10:07 pm

Ozaku lands on another building but he then scans the area to see a fireball coming towards him. This was not a factor for him for it was not the heat nor the burning sensation that would stop him. He raises his arms and forms an "X", letting the fireball run through him like a wall, literally like a wall. As the fire runs through his body, he unsheathes his arms and they scratch together like metal. This was the side factor that this person, this giant was some type of metal, or rock or some sort of earthy like material. Ozaku jumps over to the building where Hizoku was hiding. The building shook as he lands and his heavy mass shook it. His body returns back to normal for he needed to take a small break with that type of magic, no use of wasting that type of power for the first past of the fight. Indeed, he has not shown me anything that I wish to comment on, I shall end this and maybe I'll play with him a little bit. He kneels down onto ground, as he placed his hand on ceiling floor he began to estimate what type of earth this was. He knew some of these buildings were old and some of them were made from the same type of material that the sand came from, this would be definitely be an advantage

"Hehehehehe..." he echoed outward into the area as his body then transformed into the type of material the housing was made of and begins to mold into the building itself. He sinks downward into the ceiling, fusing his whole entire being into the building. This was one of his most definite attacks he uses when his element comes around and this was one of the most interesting attacks he has. It was completely silent, there was no sound to be made where Hizoku was at. The only thing that he could probably hear was the other battles going on at the moment. To the east was the battle between the Kazekage and the teleport magician and the other one was the fight between the blood shinobi and the flight magician. Indeed the battles were intense. Silently and almost swiftly, four arms come out of the ceiling and entangle the unsuspecting Hizoku. The hands grab onto each other so it would be physically difficult to use brute strength to release out of the grip. They began to slowly tighten its grip, the bear hug was ready to crush the living breath out of Hizoku and possibly end his life. Coming up from the ceiling itself, a few meters in front of him, was Ozaku. He had his arms folded but his lower half of his body was gone, still fused with the ceiling. He looks at Hizoku as the arms were trying to crush Hizoku

"You see Shinobi, because you believe in this relgion known as "Ninjutsu", it has twisted your ways and given you uninspiring hope for yourself and others. If such, if you were a magican you would know that the powers of magic gives you more to offer rather than this ninjutsu you speak of. Indeed this will be your end, let deaths grip consume you" He stares into Hizoku's eyes and begins to give him the glimpse of a hopeful death, would Hizoku take the hand that was given in front him, only he could decide upon that.
Kyouken Uchiha
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Hizoku Tenshi Vs Osaku the Giant of Hope Empty Re: Hizoku Tenshi Vs Osaku the Giant of Hope

Post by Tarak Tue Jun 23, 2009 3:16 am

(((OOC: I have a feeling I'm gonna regret this until my jutsu are approved, but oh well.)))

Taichi had just arrived in Suna this morning, he was returning from a ten year self-exile. He hadn't eaten real food, talked to real shinobi, or made love to a real girl in 10 years... well he had never made love to a girl... even had his first kiss come to think of it. Also with his face he may never get a first kiss, his mother probably would have gagged at the sight of his face now, this actually made him chuckle a bit. He was happy to have returned, even though the waterfall was rebuilt he couldn't bear go there, and the stone was supposedly gone, so he figured the closest hidden village was as good a place as any to stop. Only, he didn't know that he would so soon be given mission to prove himself, and he was kinda shocked to see Suna under attack. It seemed wherever he went there was destruction, misfortune followed him all his life it seemed, but it only strengthened his will, and gave him hope of a brighter tomorrow.

He headed out to join the fight, but was surprised to only see two others...

Suddenly a blade would be felt on the neck of the giant as Taichi finally arrived. he was late and he knew it, but at this point it was good he even showed up. He had just entered the Village and already he was fighting to protect it. "Release him please," was all Taichi said. He wasn't ready to have someone die after just coming back to the ninja world. He saw him change states before fusing with the building and figured that he would have to change to literally being whatever it was he wanted to fuse with.

"Look, can't we work this out peacefully? I mean really, come on, let's just talk." He hoped the giants attention would turn fully to him and this other nin could escape, if not it seemed the arms were still the building material, so one possibility is he breaks it up to free him. At that his attention returned to the giant and he sighed, looking upon the physically 20 year old boy would have been a sight, his hooded trench coat covering his entire body, hands included, and hiding his face in shadow, though that was probably for the best.

He returned to talking, hoping that it could get somewhere. "I mean lets be practical here, you speak of ninjutsu as a religion, it's not a religion, it's a way of life perhaps, but not a religion. And you, you call yourself a 'magician', but you seem to be very similar to a nin, well minus the hand seals and add spoken words, but in general we seem to follow the same rules." In his head he wasn't sure what to think, this beast spoke of hope, but the only hope he saw in the power this being had was a hope of destruction. To him Ninjutsu was a teaching and a way of life that brought true hope to those who follow it and to those they serve and protect, but in retrospect this thing might see the same from his own point of view, and not seeing all points of view is really what begets destruction.

At that he realized he almost got lost in thought and realized he had to focus more, this was an actual enemy, and a powerful one at that. He needed to find a weakness, he was tempted to use his bloodline to see what it might show him, but he restrained himself. he had noticed before that this being might be using earth techniques, but he wasn't sure, so he decided not to test it and maybe have it backfire on him. He would watch this things motion and speech carefully, as this was to put him in great danger, he could feel it in the near future.


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Hizoku Tenshi Vs Osaku the Giant of Hope Empty Re: Hizoku Tenshi Vs Osaku the Giant of Hope

Post by Ookami Tenma Tue Jun 23, 2009 11:53 am

I dont think hes willing to listen to reason you know Hizoku said to the newcomer. His arms were pressed together but he could just move his hands. He quickly prefromed a string of handsigns and put his hand over one of the lower arms Chidori Hizoku shouted.

The technique cut through the arm giving him more room to move. He turned the chidori around and snapped the other arms holding his body. Finaly free from the magic as Ozaku called it, he shot forward towards Ozaku, chodri still in his palm. Screaming he ran forward this was a big push to keep the technique going but he would use every ounce of strengh in his body if he had to, to protect the village.

This was the ultimate assasination tool, the chdori there wasnt a material that it wouldn't cut through to Hizokus knolage. When this hit it would have to do some form of damage. As far as Hizoku knew Ozaku didn't expect him to break loose he just expected Hizoku to die and that wasn't going to happen.

Ookami Tenma

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Hizoku Tenshi Vs Osaku the Giant of Hope Empty Re: Hizoku Tenshi Vs Osaku the Giant of Hope

Post by Kyouken Uchiha Tue Jun 23, 2009 2:41 pm

Ozaku smiled listening to the newcomers way of life, he was interested to see if this shinobi could actually tell him that his believes were the same as his, minus the handseals and adding on the chanting. Ozaku looks down apparently off guard after listening to the newcomers story. But that was just a rouse into letting Hizoku have a chance into attacking, he was a manipulator of the sorts, using his size and height to give them the decietfulness of him being slow and only uses power and his strength, next was his type of thinking. Because of that same factor of him being a giant, he would lack the mind of a normal human being. But that, again, was the the factor. In fact, he had the same type of intelligence simular to his eldest brother Masoku, maybe indeed smarter. Only thing that made him different from Masoku was the same factor repeated, his size and his type of power.

Hizoku escaped the grasp of his earth arm crush by using the lightning to cut through the weaker type of earth. Ozaku wasnt that surprise, he knew that would probably not stop him but the only factor that made it different was because he thought he had damaged him a little farther than he expected. Hizoku was now charging at him but the only thing that was different was that his adamantum spike had injured his leg and would somewhat distort his running ability towards him, even if he was ignoring the pain through pure adrenline and will power, Ozaku would still have enough time to do something that would probably surprise even his shinobi counterparts. The chidori was surging through Hizoku's hand and he was ready to pounce upon Ozaku weaker earth body. Ozaku looked finish but that was surely not the case for the moment the Chidori was about to pierce through his body, Ozaku upper body then made a extremely wide hole for Hizoku hand to get through. The chidori attack did not even make contact with his body, nor did his body take any damage from the attack. Because of the tunnel vision type of attack and because Hizoku used his momentum to push himself forward, the time it took to recover would have slowed down so this gave Ozaku enough time to close the gap. The gap closed and began to use his crushing force to hold onto Hizoku's arm, hopefully breaking it. He would be unable to pierce through at the moment with that hand but he knew the other hand would be a factor. His face smiled but his eyes became hollow and it indicated that his body....or soul, whatever it was not present in that body.

A few moments later, he was on top of another rooftop, this time he was in his orginal form of a human giant. The Ozaku earth body still had a grasp on Hizoku but he knew that wouldnt last long. Ozaku folded his arms. He stared at Hizoku and now the newcomer, it would be somewhat of an even fight however the only difference was that Ozaku still had a few tricks up his sleeve and Hizoku had an probable injured arm and an injured leg. "I have to say, I enjoy your indomiable spirit and your will to attack me. Im impressed at the superhuman feat you perform to get off of my grasp, but I KNOW earth's weakness is lightning......I knew that from the beginning when you were going to strike me with that same arm so I had immobilize it somehow, that was the probable way. I cant manipulate my body when I was in that adamantum form, the amount of spirtual power to use to manipulate the carbon surrounding me is the hardest form out there and even a master like myself cannot do such.......however, the ability to manipulate the type of elements that the hut uses was far mor simpler, but indeed im have a good time. I've rarely fought shinobi of your sort and I am indeed honored...."

He then looks at the newcomer, he looked as though he just got into the village. He was probably close by and could have the advantage cause he was fresh but that would not stop Ozaku, not yet that is. He stared at him "You said that you and I are the same, that is not the case my shinobi comrade. What makes us different are a few things. One is the fact that the power source we use is different. You, shinobi, use chakra, an internal source of power that allows you to manipulate the things around you or your body or whatever your ability has. Magicans uses the spirtual energy around us by exerting our soul's energy out onto the world so that we can manipulate the things around us. Second, you say your shinobi way is not a religon........" a small smile came upon him ".....that is surely not the could probably understand if I told you, but alas, I do not have time to tell you, I have very limited time to offer...."

His body began to glow a type of brownish red color. He raises his hands up into the sky and the earth materials surrounding him began to glow the same aura as his own. The earth that was surrounded the village began to fade away like dust carried off into the wind and into a central part of the area in where Hizoku, the newcomer and Ozaku was at. Indeed something was being created, something of the sort that was very large and very indeed powerful. The earth materials began to form a large earth type creature, it almost look simular to samurai armor. It was about 45 feet tall in size and it was large enough to crush a building with the greatest of ease. As Ozaku jumps up and on the shoulder of the samurai earth armor, he stares down "Lets get started eh?". The samurai armor seemed to pull out a large earthly sword and moves it upward and then swings down to crush both Hizoku and the newcomver
Kyouken Uchiha
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Hizoku Tenshi Vs Osaku the Giant of Hope Empty Re: Hizoku Tenshi Vs Osaku the Giant of Hope

Post by Tarak Tue Jun 23, 2009 3:44 pm

Taichi watched as the Shinobi broke free and struck with astonishing speed at the giant, it was beautiful, he had made it seem so easy with that lightning attack, he'd have to see if he could learn it at some point, but now he had to focus on the fight, and suddenly his attack was void, and the giant stopped him only to come up somewhere else. Also, the form that was here was gripping the nin's arm, and Taichi pulled back his leg and merely kicked, the weight of the boots he wore easily cracked the building material that made up the arm, and his own strength added in to crumble it. This was an interesting person, and way he avoided talking made it apparent that one of two things was true, either he truly didn't have the time to explain it, or he didn't truly have a comeback. It didn't really matter at the time, Taichi wanted to hear the explanation, but it seemed this thing wasn't going to chat.

"Well, I'm Taichi Draq, newly accepted as a Chunin of this village. I am heir to the Tarakast clan throne, and son of Tarak Draq, the only man to fully master my clan's bloodline." He wanted to properly introduce himself before the real fighting started, and needed to buy as much time as he could get between attacks. After introducing himself he pulled off his hood, revealing the face with a bone mask grafted onto his skin, and his right eye and a headband that covered his left. At that moment his eye was hazel brown, but suddenly it started to change, and the white of the eye turned a deep and abysmal black while the brown turned a bright and vibrant gold. After this change he removed his special headband revealing his primary release of his bloodline. His left eye had a golden X on it that replaced the Iris, and had small glowing blue areas between the prongs of the golden X. "You may be dense, but everything, and I mean EVERYthing has faults, little places that can fall apart if even flicked. I can see your faults..." At that Taichi launched himself up as the blade swung down, he had already found a critical fault and punched the side of the blade breaking it in half. the disconnected part fell to the side of the building and Taichi dropped back down to the ground before resealing his bloodline. He would only use it only if necessary, and the fault he had found was really a shot of luck, there were normally no breaking points that easy to strike, and doubted that he'd find another like it.

He turned to the other nin, now ignoring the giant and held out his hand saying, "Hi, I'm glad to meet another Raiton user, and such an extraordinary one at that." He tried to as friendly ar possible, even though his mask practically ruined any chance of him being looked at as friendly. He then said, "Eh, sorry about the look, I wish I could remove it sometimes but I can't," obviously referring to the mask he continued, "Actually this could help in a bit."


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Hizoku Tenshi Vs Osaku the Giant of Hope Empty Re: Hizoku Tenshi Vs Osaku the Giant of Hope

Post by Ookami Tenma Thu Jun 25, 2009 2:01 pm

Hioku realized to late that Ozaku had trapped his arm. And he had silently watched as the other shinobi had broke him free. Ok you wanna help? hit him again! he said. He then powered up his lightning palm again, he now had just enough chakra to continue the battle and also use Chidori one more time. After that he could only pray, he jumped toward the earth samurai and landed on its left arm.

He ran up the gaint earth samurai's arm. He he atoped at the elbow focused his chakra into his hands, maximizing the damage and struck down. This monstrousity was only made of the earth from nearby the techique would cut the arm off from the elbow. If i have to i'll take you bit by bit! I will not let you hurt this village anymore, even if it does mean i have to destroy you! Hizoku with a feirce look about him.

Ookami Tenma

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Hizoku Tenshi Vs Osaku the Giant of Hope Empty Re: Hizoku Tenshi Vs Osaku the Giant of Hope

Post by Kyouken Uchiha Thu Jun 25, 2009 5:48 pm

Ozaku sighed again, he had a depressed look on his face looking down at Hizoku and now another newcomer. He said to himself Both of them are raiton users....havent I just explain regardless they will have no chance in defeating sad and persistent these shinobi are....I guess they'll never learn... He look down at the giant earth samurai's arm and notices how he struck it, causing the earth arm to break and fall to the earth. He looks down to see it had shattered but yet he was not surprise. He looks over at Hizoku and places his hands together. He closes his eyes and sighes

"Do you shinobi ever learn, I told you before I know that lightning is the weakness of earth, which is why I have somethings in store for you raiton users......" His body began to glow and so did the giants body. The earth that was surrounding them, the ground, some of the buildings that were made out of earth, much of the materials that were laying elsewhere all began to fade away into an earth-like dust that began to glow the same purple aura that Ozaku the giant of hope was. The materials of earth began to reform the arm that was once destroyed and the sword that Taichi destroyed with his lightning element. This time, the elements that was composed with most of the sand began to make his samurai alot more flexible to attacks as it could now shape and reshape with the sand. Ozaku's element was earth and because any type of earth is useable to his magic, he was an unstoppable force in the sand village. He opens his eyes and stares down at them both

"Foolish little shinobi, be crushed by the hope you could never obtain...."\

The body of the giant turned into sand and Ozaku jumped off. The samurai then rushes forward at them with his sandy body, trying to consume both Taichi and Hizoku all at once. Because it was about a 65 foot wave of sand, it would be quite difficult to manuever against. Ozaku did not want to end it now for he was now having too much fun.
Kyouken Uchiha
Kyouken Uchiha
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Hizoku Tenshi Vs Osaku the Giant of Hope Empty Re: Hizoku Tenshi Vs Osaku the Giant of Hope

Post by Tarak Fri Jun 26, 2009 5:35 am

(((OOC: I didn't use a lightning element attack. O.o My bloodline allows me to see the density and tiny faults in objects, allowing me to break the blade with just strength. Though now I can't hope to manage anything like that.)))

Taichi sighed and turned back to face the giant samurai, seeing it had become sand didn't help him. he then began to think, if he could override the giant's control of the beast through energy it would fall to harmless sand, but he didn't think he could find a way to do that given the circumstances. Instead he decided on an easier route, he decided to use his lightning blades technique to make an opening, he did a few handseals and crossed his arms. A moment later he threw himself forward and swiped his arms out, sending tow blades of lightning out directly in front of him. That destabilized the sand for a moment, just long enough to bust through.

As he landed on the other side, he went out in a direction directly behind the giant samurai to focus his chakra and attempt to think of something he could do. As he thought a couple things crossed his mind: regardless of the form it takes his power is still weak to lightning chakra, and thus, they had the advantage. Also, this thing was an easy target, he just had to think of a way to spread lightning chakra through it to overrule the earth chakra and render the giant harmless. This sounded easy enough, but he knew that it wouldn't be.

Taichi flicked down the lens over the left eye socket into position, allowing him to see the general spread of chakra, or whatever this person called it, over the giant samurai. This would give him somewhere to start, but it might take time to think up a sound plan not involving his or the other shinobi's death. Unfortunately time was one luxury they didn't have.

(((OOC: Sorry 'bout the short post, I'm at a friends and I'm being told to go to bed. <.< I figured it best I post regardless than to wait till tomorrow night.)))


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Hizoku Tenshi Vs Osaku the Giant of Hope Empty Re: Hizoku Tenshi Vs Osaku the Giant of Hope

Post by Ookami Tenma Fri Jun 26, 2009 8:33 am

Hizoku used the oppertunity that Tarak had provided and went through the gap he had made. So you know some stuff you got any more ideas? . Hizoku looked up at Ozaku then looked down at the spikes that he had been hit with. I've got an idea he preformed a quick string of handseals for dragon flame projectile., the fire shot forward covering all of Hizoku's movements.

Using the technique as a cover he started to collect as many of these spikes as he could. After he had grabbed as many as he could (about ten) he returned to the point where he had previously stood, next to Tarak. I need you to distract him for me after his next attack i have a plan that could stop this invader Hizoku whispered.

Hizoku had to put his trust in the newcomer, he would have probably been dead already if it weren't for him. This would have to work he had put the spikes in the pouch on his belt. If this didn't kill the giant it would hurt him, so far he hadn't put a scratch on him but this time he woulden't use Raiton.

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Hizoku Tenshi Vs Osaku the Giant of Hope Empty Re: Hizoku Tenshi Vs Osaku the Giant of Hope

Post by Kyouken Uchiha Sat Jun 27, 2009 2:53 am

Ozaku lands back over on a building watching as his giant now turned into sand began to wreck havoc amongst the village. He see's the fire projectiles come his way This is getting pathetic he thought to himself. He smashed his hands together creating a shockwave which in essence was like another version of using a vacuum to cease the movements of the projectiles coming any further to harm him. He ungrasp his hands and smiles. His objective was becoming a great sucess seeing that the village was now being eaten away by the giant's power. Although the two shinobi were planning on something, he did not care for them any longer. His giant was going a good job as of right now and as long as he is stable for a few more movements, his mission would be accomplished and with that in mind he could leave with his brother and the leader and possibly make it back to report with the Father. Ozaku folded his arms as he watches and glancs over at the village. He was quite astounded at what three guys was able to do due in such a short period of time. It was bad enough that they came in all unexpected on a already damaged village from the Akatsuki, they made it seem like a war zone. He saw explosions from all over and seeing the explosion lead to other explosions was graphic enough to be painted as a nice picture, from Ozaku's position it was like seeing a bloody artist using his paintbrush to draw more and more carnage all around. Seeing the people run around and scatter trying to escape the bloodshed, the chaos and the death. Seeing people run past love one's, friends, neighbors and common folks bodies trying to reach to safety. He looks down and see's a child about a 100 meters away holding on to his mother's hand and he looks around seeing all of this. Indeed this would change someone's aspect of life, seeing all of this death.

He turns his head " need to continue on watching....". Coming out from the ceilings floor was his brother Masoku the flight, the average appearing man who was the strongest in the group of three. He walks up to Ozaku and stands on the edge of the building standing beside his giant of a brother. He folds his arms.

"Madoken is dead....he was defeated by the Kazekage..."

Ozaku snickered "Should I be surprised? He was the weakest however he was able to lead a group of magicans into battle with such precision....I would've thought he would've defeated the Kazekage"

"Well the Kazekage is defeated, but not by was by Sanmaru Gokage, the shinobi who came to The Order side only a few days ago. He came to the fight pretending to aid the Kazekage but in essence he was using Madoken as a puppet, luring him away from him so that he could finish in for the kill"

Ozaku was silent, listening to both the screaming and to Masoku at the same time. He was also concentrating as his sand giant was trying to crush both Hizoku and Taichi with his sand although the giants objective to actually cause more destructive harm to every AROUND them rather than harm them. Masoku looks at Ozaku "We're going to retreat, its already unstable as it is.....because the Kazekage was killed by a shinobi who was IN The Order, that alone will cause some type of panic. We're heading back...."

"Hmmm, I wanted to finish off these shinobi....they are such a pest with there ninjutsu, I do not like them one bit as they are like annoying little pest ready to nip at my face"

"Another time, little brother. For now, we are going to retreat"

Ozaku sighed off discontent, he wanted to truly finish off these guys but apparently that wasnt going to happen as his brother was now in charge since the leader was dead now. He snapped his fingers. As the fingers snapped the giant of sand ceased to harm anything else, it literally went back to normal sand, not harming anything nor the shinobi. Ozaku sighes "Well, I hope you are happy...I wanted to end this..."

"We'll talk more when we leave this village, as of now, you are to escape" Masoku's body began to fade away like the wind, clothes in all. It was as though he was turning into dust, this was a special technique that was simular to the shinobi's molding with the elements around them to escape. Ozaku smiled as he began to turn his body into stone. As his body turned into stone, it crumbled into little bitty pieces and fell apart. This gave a hint that he was dead but this was only a excuse to escape the little mission they perform. The mission.....a success.....
Kyouken Uchiha
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Hizoku Tenshi Vs Osaku the Giant of Hope Empty Re: Hizoku Tenshi Vs Osaku the Giant of Hope

Post by Tarak Sat Jun 27, 2009 3:29 am

Taichi noticed a second one appear, him talking to the first. Taichi cursed under his breath as he thought to himself, 'There's TWO of them now!?' He had just gotten an idea, and now he didn't think it would work. though as he watched for a second they seemed to be talking, and then the second disappeared. This confused Taichi, until he realized they were leaving, this hit Taichi as the giant sand samurai fell back to dust. Taichi immediatly rushed forward, his plan might still work if he could get there before the man managed to escape.

As he reached him he drew his blade, and the man's body crumbled just as he swung his blade. The blade struch nothing but air, and the crumbled stones on the ground somehow said 'this isn't over' in his mind. "Damnit! He got away!" Taichi was furious, he could've ended it, and instead he was left with rubble.

Taichi turned back to Hizoku, saying, "Well I guess it's over... look what they did... this place is nearly wiped out..." A moment later a nin came up, saying, "Are you Taichi Draq?" "Yes," he responded, wondering why. "Great, you're needed. The Kazekage has fallen, and it seems he left his position to you." Taichi's mouth dropped open, he couldn't believe it. hey had met and become friends during Taichi's self-exile, and just recently had visited him when getting appointed to this village, but that he left him the position of Kage was astonishing. Then it hit him, He was dead... his friend and the Kage of this village was dead. He dropped down and a tear welled up in his eye, but he quickly wiped it away and forced himself up, he had to be strong, he was left with a position where no one knew him yet and the village was in disarray. He had pull everyone together, prove to them he could do this, and attempt to figure out what was going on, and he hoped he could do some of it before having to meet with the other Kages. He turned to Hizoku and said "Sorry, gotta go." At that he was gone.


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Hizoku Tenshi Vs Osaku the Giant of Hope Empty Re: Hizoku Tenshi Vs Osaku the Giant of Hope

Post by Ookami Tenma Sat Jun 27, 2009 8:21 am

Hizoku watched the village burn. After all that fighting there was nothing he could do except get civilians to saftey. He walked amongst the desturction not quite sure hat he was doing, he stopped and looked at somthing on the floor. It was a teddy bear Hizoku picked it up walked over to the side of the street and leant it against a wall of a building.

After the civilians had been made safe Hizoku was walking to the nearest bar. When he arrived the place was a mess but the owner was still there. Sake please barkeep as he reached into his pocket to retrive the money for a drink he felt one of the spikes that he had retrived earlier. Hmmmm i wonder he retrived the money for his drink as well as a large tip.

Hizoku then headed toward the Kazekage's mansion if Tarak was the new Kazaekage he might want one of these to study. Only one though he wanted the rest for his own pruposes.

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