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Hizoku Tenshi (Done)

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Hizoku Tenshi (Done) Empty Hizoku Tenshi (Done)

Post by Ookami Tenma Fri May 29, 2009 8:32 am

Hizoku Tenshi





Sunakagure (Village hidden in the sand)


Hizoku Tenshi (Done) Photobucket

Hizoku is quite relaxed and easy going cares little for what goes on around him.

Origanaly from a small village on the the borders of wind country. Hizoku was six yers old when a unknown force of shinobi attacked his village, Hizoku was out playing with his freinds at the time. When he and his freinds came back from playing in the dunes he found his home a smoking ruin. He ran to what was left of his house to try and find his parents, but he found his home empty no bodies no living pepole nothing. Unknown to him his parents had been taken and made slaves by a rouge band of shinobi. (He had always assumed that they had been killed and there bodies taken away for some reason or another.)

It wasn't untill the year after his parents had disappered that Hizoku began training as a shinobi. Alone and clinging to all he knew, he remained in his burned husk of a villlage he created a safe haven for all the children that had lost there parents in the raid. One day A sand shinobi was passing through the area and saw the small reminans of what was once a village, upon closer investegation he found Hizoku and the other children half straved to death. The shinobi took pity on the skinny little wretches and returned with food and water, when the chilren where strong enough he took them to Sunakagure and enroled them in the ninja training program.
Within the first year of being in the program. Hizoku had studied hard and found his specailty in Taijutsu.

With the help of the the shinobi that found him Hizoku also found a talent for Ninjutsu. By the time he was a Gennin he had mastered most of the fighting stlyes utilized by the Shinobi of Sunakagure, and began studying the stlye's utilized by other countries and how to counter them. Due to this fact he became the brightest young mind in Suna at the time. He then enroled for the Chunin exams and passed with flying coulors. As a Chunin he when on missions the more suited his expertice raids in neigbouring nations and the like.

It was on a mission to Kirikagure that he recived the scar on his forhead. A young shinobi named Yami no kira ambushed and killed Hizoku's squad. He then tured on Hizoku himself. As the fight continued both shinobi realized that there could be no victory for either Ninja. It was at this point when Hizoku dived at yami recklesly and atmepted to stab him in the chest. Yami realized this was a move of desperation and knocked him down with an elbow shot to the temple.

When Hizoku awoke Yami was standing over him. Hizoku was startled at first knowing he had not the strengh or the chakra to defend himself. Then Yami did the oddest thing he took a kunai and dragged it across Hizoku's forhead. All Hizoku could say was "why?" Yami continued to explain that the mark on his forhead was would serve as a reminder to him that even the best and brightest could die in battle. After he explianed this he disappered. Hizoku has always rembered what Yami told him that day.

Despite the wound on his forhead Hizoku returned home and began honing the one other thing he was good at Ninjutsu. He trained day in day out for two years, and slowly mastered every jutsu he knew. For his actions during missions he was gifted books containing all of the lighting and fire jutsu the village had come across over its history.
It is from these books he learned the Chidori (One thousand birds), witch then he modified into his own fighting stlye the Lighting palm. It took two years to perfect but eventuly he had prefected it to a level that he was happy to utilize it during missions. By this time of course he was a jounin.

After becoming a Jounin he took part in missions that where more dangerous. It was possibly that he didn't expect that extra danger or the constant fighting got to him, but Hizoku changed. He was still bright but he started to became more reserved, and more quiet he started taking long walks alone, he claimed he "Needed to think". In truth he was thinking about what Yami no kira had said to him the same day. He had given him the scar on his forehead. He had taken it to heart and now kept his abilities quiet with both Taijutsu and Ninjutsu. He now practiced alone for weeks at a time.

Prefecting his skills during this preiod of time his speed,strengh and Ninjutsu increased tenfold. For speed he rivaled anyone with the first gate open. His strengh he now rivaled most shinobi in his village. And he learned many Ninjutsu from the books he was gifted when he became a Jounin. For a while everyone thought he was going insane but after a while the all the training and walks stoped. Hizoku was still quiet but he now became a active member of socity again.

The next mission he went on was to prove more difficult that any Hizoku had ever been on. It was a simple mission go to the broder and elimnate any rouge ninja they encoutered there. They at first encoutered well armed well rested shinobi. Later they encoutered shinobi that seemed tired or unwilling to fight, they were easily cut down. When the dead were being idenified Hizoku came arcoss two bodies that where familiar to him. Three seconds after he walked away from the corpeses that he realized he had just aided in the slaughter of both his parents and the pepole of his old village. At this point he burst into tears and sunk to his knee's.

After the burrial of his parents and the two months the Kazekage demanded that he take of. Hizoku began doing his missions again and all went well. But Hizoku always felt like he was being treat with kid gloves. So he started taking unessacery risks to prove his worth to his teamates and village. After a while the Kazekage confronted him about this. Hizoku gave his opinion to the Kazekage, who simply scracthed his chin laughed and said that he had not been handling Hizoku with kid gloves, he then simply walked away. It took Hizoku a while to figure out what the Kazekage meant but eventuly it clicked that the time he spent training he hadn't realized how strong he had actuly become.

He then started to spending his time training the Gennin of Sunakagure. He first taught Taijutsu and Ninjutsu at the academy up untill he was eighteen. After a year of this he became tired of filing papers and began training and doing missions, when the job at the academy allowed. Hizoku now became more mature and let his past remain in his past so as not to affect any of his teamates whilst on a mission. He now he adopted a lazy attitude towards life but this was just a front to fool young students into thinking they had easy ride when first entering his classes. And he would keep this up untill he caught a student slacking of or cheating.

Hizoku is now waiting to be given a team of Gennin to train. And is currently deviseing newer and more deviuos ways of finding capable candits for training and continuing up the shinobi ranks. Given his past meantal state and the events in his life so far, some pepole belive that if pushed to hard Hizoku could snap. But all this is pure speculation and idol gossip.

(for jounin 12-13 paragraphs.)

Ninjutsu, Taijutsu

Learned jutsus:
Name of technique:
Lighting palm



Taijutsu and Ninjutsu mix

Element Affinity:

The user of this fighting style uses lighting element chakra in all of the users chakra points in the user's hands to cause an electrical discrarge within the oppnents body. The user can change the amount of damage done by the strike, depending on the amout of lightning chakra used by the shinobi the results can vary betwen a mild shock for training to death if there are direct hits to the heart or brain.

Tthe oppenent knows the iron skin technique.

dominate: Lighting
recessive: Fire

Gaint shuriken

To teach the bright young minds of Suna

Last edited by Ookami Tenma on Sun May 31, 2009 7:21 am; edited 2 times in total

Ookami Tenma

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Join date : 2009-02-04
Age : 36
Location : city hidden in the smoke

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Hizoku Tenshi (Done) Empty Re: Hizoku Tenshi (Done)

Post by Dean Fri May 29, 2009 10:36 pm

Iron skin is an earth ninjutsu... Lightening> Earth. So obviously it cant be the jutsus weakness. Though it maybe strong against the taijutsu the lightening could easily break through the skin and damage the person. Also you spelt opponents wrong. Use spell check before you post something even if you copy and paste..... Something I do need to work on.

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Hizoku Tenshi (Done) Empty Re: Hizoku Tenshi (Done)

Post by Ookami Tenma Sat May 30, 2009 8:53 am

Ok I corrected my spelling mistake. I apologize to everyone this mistake may have upset. Oh and by the way there is no E in lightning.

P.S. Next time you spot a mistake on a thread like this, PM the person. Don't post in their thread. It makes it look untidy. Thanks.

Ookami Tenma

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Hizoku Tenshi (Done) Empty Re: Hizoku Tenshi (Done)

Post by Ookami Tenma Mon Jun 01, 2009 5:33 pm


Ookami Tenma

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Hizoku Tenshi (Done) Empty Re: Hizoku Tenshi (Done)

Post by Kyouken Uchiha Mon Jun 01, 2009 5:35 pm

approved unless said otherwise?
Kyouken Uchiha
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Hizoku Tenshi (Done) Empty Re: Hizoku Tenshi (Done)

Post by Ookami Tenma Mon Jun 01, 2009 8:15 pm

Thank you kyouken.

Ookami Tenma

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